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You & Me (You & Me Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Lisa Shelby

  “I’ve always known what was best for you, it’s true,” she says sticking her tongue out at me. “Now, let’s get back to the suite so we can go beautify ourselves and blow all those boys away tonight!”

  The butterflies doing flips in my stomach multiply every time the door to Ole’s opens. I have never been so excited to see somebody in my life and I’m buzzing with nervous energy. We have our table up front in the window claimed, but I couldn’t just sit there and wait. So we decided to shoot some pool to pass the time.

  It’s my turn and when I lean over to take my shot I have a sudden feeling of calm overtake me and I actually sink the striped thirteen ball in the left corner pocket. As I stand back up I shout, “YES!” and my left fist comes down, my right knee comes up, and I bite my lip in my best dude just sinking their ball impression.

  Spinning around to get the high fives I have more than just earned, I land in the arms of the warmest, strongest, safest arms I have ever been in. Those arms are instantly picking me up so my legs go around his waist and then they set me on the nearest stool.

  “Nice shot, Gracie,” he whispers in my ear and then gives me the best hello kiss in the history of hello kisses. Way too soon he pulls back and lifts his right hand and says, “I know what you were really looking for when you turned around, so here you go, little lady.”

  When I just sit there looking at him in shock over the fact that he knows me so well already, he insists. “Don’t leave me hangin’, baby.”

  All that is going through my head as my right hand connects with his left is that he just called me, baby. I feel like the smile taking over my face right now will never leave me as long as I’m in his presence.

  “That’s my girl, now go take your next shot. I know you aren’t used to making your shot, but when you do, you get to go again,” he says like the smart-ass he is.

  “Very funny,” I say jumping off the stool to head back to the table and am surprised by the slap on the ass he gives me on my way by him.

  “Watch it, mister! You better be able to take what you can give.”

  “Oh, I can take it, baby,” he says with one eyebrow lifted in that cocky way he does.

  On my way back to the table and out of my Jonathan bubble, I notice Cami, Steph, Sam, Devon and Matt are all there watching us like we’re complete strangers. Normally, this non-PDA girl would be mortified that they just witnessed all of that, but I am so freaking happy right now that I don’t give two-shits who sees us.

  “What are you guys staring at? It’s not that shocking that I actually sank one. Watch out, I’m about to do it again.”

  Just to add to the entertainment we were already providing, I decide to draw the moment out. With all the sass I can muster, I stick my hip out, chalk up my pool cue and look right at Cami as I blow off the extra blue chalk.

  Cami lets out a whistle and yells, “Get it, girl!”

  I lean over the table to line up my shot and I take a peek across the table at the phenomenal looking man sitting on my recently vacated stool. I give him my own cocky raised eyebrow and focus back on my shot.

  I make one short push of the stick and the ball soars across the table.

  The girls all scream as the striped nine ball drops into the side pocket.

  “What the . . .” I say on a shocked breath.

  When I finally lift my eyes from the mystery of what just happened I see all six of them lined up with their hands in the air.

  “Come get it, girl!” Jonathan says at the back of the line.

  Devon is first and says, “Nicely done, PDX!”

  I make my way past each of them, smacking hands with all my friends, old and new.

  When I finally reach Jonathan, I gently slap his hand. He takes my cue and continues to hold my hand and I am gifted a kiss on the forehead and a smart assed, “Don’t forget, you get to go again when the ball goes in the pocket,” punctuated with another slap to the ass.

  Feeling as though I am pushing my pool playing luck, I approach the table without the same level of cockiness I had on my last turn. It turns out this was the right approach as I scratch when the cue ball follows the solid I hit by mistake into the far corner pocket.

  I make my way around the table walking straight to Jonathan and wrap my arms around him, taking in that amazing Jonathan scent that is all his.

  Looking up at those hazel eyes, that blow me away every time I look into them, I say, “Hi. I’m glad you’re here.” Leaning into him I kiss his chest through his t-shirt and say into his heart beat, “I missed you”

  His reply is a growl as he says, “I missed you too. More than you know.”

  When I look back up at him we both just smile at each other for a few seconds before he lifts my chin with his forefinger and gives me a sweet peck on the lips and asks, “So, you hungry or thirsty? Can I get you something?”

  Turning to the group I say, “Hey guys, were gonna head back to the table. Somebody can take my turns if they want.” But it seems as though everybody is done with pool. We all head back to our window seat, where it all began, to order appetizers and drinks.

  An hour or so later two cousins and one step-brother arrive. They’re cute but a little too frat boy for me. I’m glad I get to meet them. I hate not having faces to go with names when the girls tell me about their escapades. I’m also glad that Devon, Matt and Jonathan are here too to flex some muscle. I don’t think Matt is too happy about the situation, but I think Sam may have made sure that Matt saw her with the cousins on purpose. There is certainly more to this Matt and Sam story that I will have to get later.

  Thirty minutes later an attractive middle-aged man walks through the door, and in an instant it’s clear this is Matt’s dad.

  As he walks up behind Matt and Devon he puts a hand on each of their shoulders and says, “What do ya know, boys?”

  “Mr. Shellenberg, it’s so good to see you!” Jonathan says as he leaves my side to go give him a big hug.

  “Jonathan, it’s good to see you too.” He releases Jonathan and then looks to Devon and says, “Get in here, son,” and gives out another big hug. It’s clear this isn’t the first visit that Matt’s parents have made to California to visit their son.

  “Well, I hate to break up the party but Matt’s mom and little brother are waiting for us. You’ll get him back for the weekend.”

  Jonathan motions for me to join him and as I do he says, “Wait, before you go there’s somebody I want to introduce you to. Emily, this is Shell’s dad, Eric. Eric, this is Emily.”

  “Hi, it’s really nice to meet you Mr. Shellenberg,” I say shaking his hand.

  “Nice to meet you too, Emily. Matt said that Jonathan had met a girl. It’s nice to meet the girl whose caught this one’s attention! Be sure to keep him in line, he can be pretty stubborn when he wants to be.”

  “I’ve noticed and I’ll do my best, sir.” I say.

  “Have a great night, everybody. Sorry to steal my boy, but you all be good.”

  “Have a great week you guys,” Jonathan waves to Matt and his dad.

  “Have a great week Irish, and take good care of Scarlett! See ya later Emily,” Matt says as he heads to the door.

  These guys and naming their cars, they are so strange but I kinda love that about them.

  Devon pushes his stool in and says, “Hey, Mr. Shellenberg, can I get a ride with you guys?”

  “Of course, there’s always room for you, Devon.”

  Devon gives me a hug and quietly says, “Don’t break his heart, PDX. He’s got it bad,” he says with a quick kiss to my cheek. “See you later. Have fun!”

  “Bye . . .” I say like a deer caught in the headlights.

  He’s got it bad? No. This is not the way it was supposed to go. I don’t want to hurt him. I already feel horrible that I’m not telling him everything but I just can’t. I don’t even know what’s going on. There are so many questions to ask myself, decisions to make and lives to think about. I can’t even imagine adding break
ing Jonathan’s heart to the pile of shit that is my life. He deserves so much better than me.

  “Em, what’s wrong?” Jonathan says as he bends his knees so he’s in my line of sight.

  With a shake of my head I manage to say, “Nothing, everything’s good.”

  “Good, but I’m gonna kiss you right now just to be sure.”

  As his lips meet mine one of the cousins or is it the step-brother yells, “Get some!”

  Pulling his lips from mine, he turns his head and gives the cousin or was it the step-brother a look that shuts him up pretty fast. With that Cami says, “Hey guys why don’t we leave these lovebirds alone and head on out.”

  Cami to the rescue—as always!

  As the group gets up to go and goodbyes are handed out, Cami pulls me to the bar and looks me right in the eye and says, “Say it with me . . . no regrets, live today like it’s your last and along the way kick some ass!” I knew the moment she said ‘say it with me’ what she meant but I have no idea why all of the sudden we’re chanting our little mantra. I am so confused.

  “Em, all I am going to say is listen to what he has to say, and if you want to, say yes! That’s all I’ll say but know that I love you and I am just a phone call away.” She kisses my cheek and bounds off.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I yell at her retreating back but all I get is a look over her shoulder and a ‘I know something you don’t’ wave. I wonder if somebody spiked my drink because she’s just not making any sense to me at all.

  When I return to the table, it’s just Jonathan there waiting for me in the window seat and he looks nervous. He’s wiping his hands on his shorts like they’re sweaty and he looks like he’s about to ask his parents to borrow the car or God forbid, propose marriage.

  “Hey, everything okay with you?” I ask standing in front of him and taking his hands in mine.

  “Yeah. Well, I hope it will be.”

  “What are all of you guys acting so strange about?”

  As if to get it over with, he blurts out in a rush. “Em, if I was able to get us a place, on the beach, for just the two of us would you stay with me for the rest of the week? My First Sergeant had it rented for the week but just had to take off for a family emergency. It’s just over in San Onofre on base. It’s not fancy, it’s just right down the road from here and Cami has all of my info and the resort, I use the term “resort” loosely, info . . .”

  “You talked to Cami about this already?”

  “I did, I know that you’re here with the girls and I knew that you wouldn’t even consider it if Cami wasn’t on board. I also wanted to be sure she felt comfortable and that I was up front with her.”

  “When did you and Cami talk?”

  “That night we went for ice cream we exchanged numbers, remember? So we’ve been texting. Please don’t be mad, I know you might not think it’s cool that I talked to her first but I wanted to do it right. It was almost like asking for your parent’s permission to take you to prom or something.”

  The Emily I have created, the one with the walls around my heart, should be angry that other people are planning my life without my involvement. But there is something so sweet and endearing about him going to Cami for permission first.

  I cannot believe that I am about to say this, I mean I just freaking met him but, “Jonathan, I would love to spend the rest of my week with just you. I really cannot believe you and Cami have planned everything out and I should be mad. But the thought of time alone with you . . . well sign me up, Georgia!”

  “Really?” he asks with a look of shock on his face.

  “Really,” I confirm for him.

  “Oh, thank God!” The rigid posture he’s been holding collapses and he lets out a huge sigh of relief. He brings me in for a hug that turns into him standing up and lifting me off of my feet and spinning me around. Once he puts me back on my feet he lets out a little whoop of excitement.

  “Did you really think I was going to say no?” I question him.

  “I was hoping you wouldn’t, but I know how serious you are about not dating or doing relationships and I was afraid this would be pushing you too far. I wasn’t kidding when I said I want every moment that I can get with you and I am so fucking amped that you said yes! Now let’s get the hell out of here!”

  Bottle It Up


  “So, I just need to go back to my room and get my stuff,” Emily says as she gets into Scarlett’s passenger seat.

  “Nope, Cami just dropped it off while you and I were talking,” I say as I point to her suitcase and backpack in the back seat.

  “What the?” she says as she turns back to me leaning on the passenger door.

  “You sure you’re okay with all this? Now that it’s all happening I’m starting to think I shouldn’t have planned so much without talking to you first.”

  “Yeah, I think so. I mean . . . I don’t know what I mean, but yeah, it’s okay. I just can’t believe you and Cami have been in contact and that she didn’t say anything to me. She knows that I hate surprises.”

  Quietly I lean in with a soft kiss and say, “Sorry, Em. I didn’t know that you hated surprises. I hope it’s a good surprise though? I’ve been working on it all day.”

  “You have?” she says sounding surprised and scrunching that cute little nose of hers up.

  “Do you think I would have been able to stay away from you all day long if there wasn’t a good reason?” I give her a wink and head around the jeep and jump in the driver’s side.

  My brain is reeling because I can’t believe she said yes. I mean it’s clear that she’s feeling the connection between the two of us just as much as I am, but I still thought that there was a good chance that she would say no. I have never been as nervous as I was moments ago when I invited her to stay with me the rest of the week. I don’t remember the last time I had sweaty palms. I think I was more stressed about my invitation to this sweet girl than I am to leave for Afghanistan next week.

  If I am honest with myself, Memorial Day scares me more than anything. I have no idea how I’m going to say goodbye to her and we haven’t even slept together yet. Shit, I hope she doesn’t think I’m just asking her to stay with me so I can sleep with her. I should have assured her of that before she agreed.

  Just as I am about to bring the topic up Emily asks, “So, what exactly have you been up to?”

  “Don’t get too excited,” I say. “We’ll be there in a few minutes and then you’ll see. Remember, it’s not fancy, just a little military base cottage.”

  “Oh, Georgia. I’m not high-maintenance if that’s what you’re worried about. I think the company in which I’ll be staying in this ‘not fancy’ cottage of yours will more than make up for whatever it is you’re thinking I won’t like.”

  As those words leave her mouth the last bit of anxiety I was holding in melts away and we pull into the parking lot. God, I love it when she calls me, Georgia.

  “Wait here,” I tell her.

  I jump out of the jeep and around the back where I grab her bags with my left hand and then open her door with my right.

  “So chivalrous of you, kind sir,” she giggles and reaches for her bags.

  “I don’t think so. You will not be carrying your own bags while you’re with me, young lady.”

  I shut the jeep door and take her hand as we walk over to the colorful row of beach cottages.

  “Ours is the white one,” I say veering us to the left.

  “Jonathan, it’s adorable and it’s right on the beach! This is so great! Thank you so much.”

  I feel her squeeze my hand in her excitement and it makes my own excitement soar. I have to let go of her hand to get the key out of my pocket and to open the door.

  “After you,” I say holding the door open for her.

  I watch her walk in to the small cottage and down the narrow hall that leads to the living room. She’s almost skipping as she hops down the hall and takes everything in.
/>   I could watch her walk around in those tight ass jeans that she has rolled at the bottom all night long. Watching her bend over that pool table earlier nearly killed me. The problem with placing her on that stool was that it gave me the perfect view down her shirt where I could see her red bra that was hidden under her black tank.

  “Jonathan, we have our own covered patio or deck or whatever you call it! I love it!” she squeals.

  “Go out and take a look,” I tell her.

  She slides open the door to the deck and I see her pick up the gift that I left for her. Her mouth drops open and she looks over her shoulder at me and shakes her head. Clutching the next book in the Outlander series to her chest she says, “How did you know?” I start to answer and then she remembers. “Wait, we saw this in the window of that little book store we passed the other night. I said I couldn’t wait to read it and you remembered,” she says putting the book on the little eating table next to her and walking over to me.

  I set her bags at my feet in time for her to slide her hands up my chest and behind my neck. The moment I feel her touch me my hands are on her hips and I lift her so that she has to put her legs around my waist and I get to grab that amazing ass of hers to keep her steady.

  “I remember everything about you, Gracie,” I say as I look into the crystal blue eyes that are now all I see when I go to sleep at night.

  “Thank you, Georgia, I love it. I appreciate the sticky note as well.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m glad you like the book, but I really need to kiss you now.”

  Before I get the chance she attacks me with those sweet, delicious lips of hers and within seconds her tongue is doing things that make my dick spring back to life, just like it did at the bar.

  God, she is amazing. I could kiss her forever.

  As badly as I want to take her straight to the bedroom and kiss more than her mouth I remember that I don’t want her to think this is all about getting her into bed, even though that’s all that I can think about at the moment.


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