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Bred for Riches: Billionaire's Breeding Dungeon

Page 2

by Arthur Mitchell

  He knew exactly how to stoke a woman's fires. Her nerves resisted the gentle strumming at first, but couldn't as it picked up speed, slapping her most pleasurable button rhythmically, in time to his thrusts rattling her womb.

  “Ohhh! Master. That's what I've been waiting for.” Embarrassing need spilled from her mouth as he plucked her fleshy strings harder, faster, twirling her toward the white hot nirvana she craved.

  A pleasure that was brighter and more intense than any she had known enveloped her, starting from the tips of her hair and working their way down. It stopped near her lower abdomen and exploded. Rebecca squealed and fell against his powerful chest, lost in his jackhammer hips and maestro hands.

  “You're so beautiful when you let go, Rebecca, but now you need to finish the job. Let your light grow outward, into my hands, outside your body.” He pushed the hot words through his teeth, his tight jaw as stony as a demanding god's. “Come for me. That's an order.”

  She was never one to do anything on command. But the tone, the pleasure, the promise of a sunrise that would blind her with its warmth – it all came together in a tide she couldn't resist.

  Rebecca's knees completely collapsed and she sank down on his gyrating shaft. Hard.

  Her muscles turned to rocky bundles that he crashed against like an all powerful icebreaker. She tried to scream as her orgasmic pleasure tore down her back, but the vocals stuck in her throat. All sound dissolved into the bloody roar in her ears, her heartbeat like an enormous clock clanging against her ribs, caught in the timeless spasms seizing her.

  Aaron held her contorted body like a stage prop as he drove into her, his pleasure building in hers. The prickling delight tearing across her reddened flesh entered his body, stirring a mighty itch in his heavy balls.

  “No...not yet,” he muttered, just as his shaft started to swell with burning seed he couldn't stop.

  Rebecca was still completely lost in ecstasy, groaning lightly as he held her, furiously driving laps around her clit with his fingers. He could have flooded her fertile valley and she wouldn't have noticed until it was too late.

  Instead, the billionaire jerked back. He grabbed his burning scepter as it shuddered in his hands, just in time to spray its first hot jet directly onto the small pocket of soft skin above her ass.

  In the heat continuing to pour through her, Rebecca was a little disappointed. Her body craved the molten eruption inside her pocket, but he had done her a favor. Now, she groaned, completely obsessed with the torrential rain of his seed upon her back.

  Electricity shot through her as it connected with her outside flesh, turning the last slow spasms of her climax into great waves. Her vision shook and she nearly blacked out as his hooked arm tightened over her stomach.

  Ultimately, the tied of pleasure turned, as it always must. Aaron's mighty jets drew down to a trickle, and he jerked his spasming flesh less vigorously, his grunts collapsing into saner sounds.

  “Why did you...?” Rebecca turned around and faced him, awed by the feral chaos on his face.

  “It wasn't the right time, so I pulled out. There's a time and a place for everything, Rebecca, but those are mine to choose. Be patient. I want to make sure that you're completely dedicated.” The words sounded strange on his hot lips, two boiling furrows pressed together, opening for his dictates.

  “You, my slave, still have a lot to learn. Over time, you'll get to know me, and you'll find that I never make great moves prematurely.”

  He smiled and straightened his pants, putting away the wonderful tool that had brought her such conflicting wishes. A loud whirr came from his trouser's right pocket once it was situated back on his lean waist.

  Rebecca felt oddly bashful since their embrace ended, and she covered her breasts by folding her arms.

  There was nothing she could do about her lower parts, slick and uneven from the wild heat he had brought.

  She watched him pull a glowing smart phone out and flip it to his ear. A garbled voice spoke, loud enough in the quiet room to make an impression, but without letting her hear what it was saying.

  Aaron's face wrinkled in disgust.

  “That son of a bitch. If he thinks he can head us off in the Caribbean, he's got another thing coming.

  Those contracts were hard fought, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let Lex Hamilton walk in and snatch them out of my hands. I'll be up in a minute...”

  His phone clamped shut like an angry clam. The hatred in his eyes cooled her to the bone. Rebecca was certain she never wanted his enraged eyes brought against her, spewing invisible flames that would scorch her down to nothing.

  “I have to go. Business calls, you know. One of my maids will be down shortly to see to your comfort here. Make yourself at home with food and entertainment, but don't expect any contact with the outside world. We can't have just anyone texting from these dungeon walls, you know.” He aggressively straightened his tie, smoothing his suit until it looked spotless again.

  “I understand, Master. I'll be ready next time you come for me.”

  “You better be. I'm paying damned good money for your service.” He turned and began to walk away, before he paused near the door. “And don't expect the same sort of slack I gave you today to be the norm. I'm not sure what came over me...but it won't last. I just might breed you the next time we meet.”

  The thick metal door quickly opened and slammed behind her, leaving her naked and alone. Rebecca looked up at the faint white light above. It resembled a distant heaven through the spinning haze of heated thoughts.

  If that's the edge of heaven...then where am I?

  Quid Pro Quo

  Aaron Westfield took excellent care of his servants. That included Rebecca, even going so far to purchase a separate health insurance policy intended to last a full year. The maid who brought her food and books also brought her the paperwork one day.

  She settled into life in the billionaire's dungeon, knowing he might return at any second. For days, there was nothing.

  Despite the quiet transition, she didn't welcome the silence. Normally, men who had access to her body the way he had fell to their feet, burying her in calls and text messages the next day. Of course, those were twenty-something year old boys around her own age, inexperienced pups who considered

  themselves lucky to sample her flesh.

  You're his slave, not his girlfriend. Stop expecting so much. Half a million a month is a lot more than any of those little boys ever spent on you...a lot more than any of them will ever see in their lifetimes.

  She shook her head and placed a heavy book on her chest, split half way open. Everything about the dungeon exuded an icy glamor. They gave her only simple black pants and thick gray sweaters to wear

  – clothing that was comfortable, but colorless.

  The heat was sufficient, but never warm enough to go without being fully dressed or underneath a blanket for maximum ease. The food and wine the servants brought her was simple and delicately seasoned, mostly a mix of fruits, fowl, and cheeses intermingled with mid-tier liquor and mineral water for drinking.

  Even the reading material was cold, but she couldn't blame the billionaire's library for that. Rebecca had chosen Solzhenitsyn's Cancer Ward. She never got tired of reading about bleak, far off places – the human condition's outer edges – a habit she had picked up in college.

  It's never as bad as you think it is. You never suffered in a camp or starved in a third world alley. You're in the world's richest country, leveraging your beauty for a lifetime of riches, something the masses can only dream about.

  Her thoughts weren't as reassuring as they normally were. She tried to return to the pages, reclining on the bamboo futon that doubled as a bed, but the words were like sharp picks in her brain.

  Rebecca snarled and angrily tossed the thick book across the room. It hadn't always been like this – had it?

  At seventeen, she would have laughed until her sides ached if anyone had told her that within five years, she
would voluntarily become a billionaire's sex slave. In High School, she had the luxury of dreaming about a high powered career in forensics, in between arguing with her step-parents and sneaking out for sex and smokes.

  She sat on the futon's edge, slowly looking at the barren walls. They had blindfolded her on the way in, but she expected she was in a magnificent estate.

  Funny how the basement is as dreary as any other...or is this just one of his secondary properties?

  A loud pop near the door rattled her thoughts. Aaron strode through a minute later, his gaze immediately fixed on her position. His eyes sparkled with a nasty gleam.

  “Hello again. I regret that it's taken me a few days longer than I'd like to get back to you...but duty calls.” His confident stride slowed as he approached her, noticing the glum look on her face. “What is it?”

  “Nothing. Just a lot of time alone to think...that's all.” Rebecca clammed up and stared at the ground.

  She knew that her Master didn't want to hear any whining. It might even bring punishment she wasn't ready for.

  “It's good that you know your place. But now, I'm curious – why this mask of sadness?” He reached down and stroked her cheek. His eyes widened as he felt the faint trails where tears had passed just minutes before.

  “Nothing, nothing. Can't we just get on with it?”

  “I don't like this, Rebecca. Not at all. I'm not the kind of man who gets off on total degradation. Now, tell me: why were you crying?”

  She paused and drew a deep breath. “It wasn't supposed to be like this. Life, I mean. I'm happy to serve you and collect my payment, but I wish I had earned it a different way.”

  “There's no shame in what you're doing. Not by my standards, anyway.” His tone softened and he lightly petted her neck. The massage speckled her back with goosebumps.

  “You've got it easy, Rebecca. No matter how rough or demanding I get, you only have to do this for a year. Isn't that better than a lifetime of slaving away in some office?”

  Rebecca shook her head in agreement, flicking her hair back over her shoulders. She hung on his words as though they contained otherworldly wisdom – what else could she do? – but she wasn't certain she believed them.

  “If there's anything I've learned in all my business ventures, it's that time is king. I work hard for my money, but I play just as rough. You've got to seize life, slave, and shake every precious gemstone out of it.” Aaron's hand tightened along the back of her neck. He made a clawing motion with his other hand, his eyes staring off in the distance, as though he were remembering something traumatic.

  “I understand.” She smiled unevenly. “Thanks for the words of encouragement. I appreciate it...I really do.”

  Aaron looked at her for several more seconds and then sighed. His shoulders sank and a low breath hissed out his mouth.

  He couldn't ignore her sadness. This wasn't the domination he had in mind. He wanted to force himself in her and make her hurt, but only enough to bring the superb pleasure they both craved.

  “It's been about a week since you arrived. Some fresh air might be good for you...come on.”

  Before she could refuse, his hand clamped down around her wrist, pulling her up from the futon. She walked behind him as he unlocked the door.

  Soon, they were heading down a long hallway. A large glass door waited at the end, but he stopped before they reached it, undoing the dark black tie around his neck.

  “I can't let you see where we are or how to get here...securities and liabilities, you understand. I promise that I'll take it off as soon as we arrive where we're going.”

  Rebecca pressed her arms to her sides as he began tying the black strap around her forehead. His tie sufficed as a makeshift blindfold, turning her world to darkness.

  The billionaire gripped her more tightly when he was finished, leading her down to the waiting car.

  Plush seats comfortably pressed against her back. The leather's interior heat shifted through her sweater and pants, transmitting a warm, dull rumble as the car jerked to motion.

  “Cafe 452,” Aaron said through the little window to the driver.

  After about ten minutes, he reached across the aisle and undid the blindfold. The back of the limousine was dark and decorated as she imagined it: a lounge-like atmosphere of ivory cushions and gold trim.

  He pressed a sparkling beverage into her hands. The fruity concoction gave her tongue a pleasant burn as it passed her lips, like a grand orchard's essence condensed into a couple ounces.

  “Hard cider. My favorite. I hope you'll appreciate the crispness as I do.” Aaron clinked the rim of her glass and knocked back his own drink.

  The liquor exploded in her stomach, stripping the earlier coolness away. Her brain fogged with a pleasant heat – one part confusion, the rest comfort.

  What's going on here? He should be using me on the cold dungeon floor. Not taking me out on a date.

  They made their way to a table near the little cafe's rear shortly after the car halted. Inside, a crystal labyrinth awaited them. Rebecca wasn't sure where the fragmented torch light stopped and the glass began, making it one of the most unearthly places she had ever visited.

  “Dazzling, isn't it? I come here often when I need a quiet evening.” Aaron sat across the wooden table from her, discarding the menu. He pulled hers away from her hands, leaving a startled expression on her face.

  “Let me order for you. The truffle mousse is to die for. I'm not much for chocolate myself, but I thought you would enjoy it.”

  Can't say no to that, she thought. It's disconcerting how much he reads my thoughts, my tastes, everything about me. How can someone own my mind after barely knowing it?

  When a neat dressed waiter rounded their table, he echoed back an order for what he had told her, along with two more drinks for himself. The elegantly decorated dish of chocolate showed up in minutes, as did short glasses of scotch and more hard cider.

  “Mmmm.” The dessert swept across her taste buds like shades of sweet night, coming in layers.

  Rebecca's thoughts spun, lost in thick richness. She had only encountered one other pleasure as complex and tasteful as the soft sugars and cocoa rippling through her mouth.

  “This is amazing. Do you do this for all your slaves?” She asked, her thoughts drifting back to that other pleasure.

  Aaron raised his glass and took a long sip. It clinked against the table as he finished. He allowed the burn to burn evaporate off the sides of his cheeks before answering.

  “No. But I figured you could use it. The best way to gain loyalty isn't always with the stick,” he said, as though he were giving an apprentice sage advice.

  The decadent chocolate slid down her throat, releasing her pent up thoughts. In just a week, she had gone from a base middle class apartment, to a large dungeon room, to the most prized cafe for miles.

  Memories swirled, as rich and ghostly as the bitter sweet contrast flowing down her throat.

  “Master, may I ask you a question?” She waited for him to nod and swallow his scotch, watching closely as the alcohol distorted the stars in his eyes. “Who is Lex Hamilton?”

  She expected the question to bring distaste. The billionaire's face crinkled with disgust, his strong facial muscles twisted into an unpleasant grimace.

  “A real bastard who demands far too much of my attention. Hamilton was a protege of mine he's the greatest existential threat to all of Westfield holdings.” The rest of the scotch splashed down his throat, as if he hoped to drown the bitterness in the amber sunlight.

  “Sorry...I didn't mean to get into your business. It's not my place.”

  “No, no, it's natural to be curious about your environment. I don't normally take calls while I'm downstairs, but the situation with Hamilton is...urgent. You may be getting off easy for the next few months.” He grabbed her hand, admiring the way her skinny wrist flowed outward, accenting her hourglass curves when her arms were at her sides.

  “I'm n
ot sure how often I'll be able to make it downstairs. But when I come, I need your complete cooperation. Is that understood?” His eyes pierced through her.

  Christ. This is serious, serious stuff. I think I'm starting to see why everything has to be so secret with him, and so intense too.

  Rebecca nodded. She tried to plant herself squarely in his polished Italian shoes...and failed miserably.

  Her biggest concerns before signing onto the contract were paying the rent on time and having enough money left over for a shopping spree at her favorite boutique. She couldn't imagine the brutal arena that contained his worries. While she struggled to balance the few thousand dollars she had to her name, he was managing billions every day as the hereditary heir to a global empire.

  Aaron cracked his lips and pushed a warm, fragrant breath toward her. It reeked of sharp liquor.

  Whatever nerves he had wrestled with earlier, they were soothed now, bent to his will by the strong drink.

  “It's time to head back,” he said, pulling her up with him by the hand.

  Rebecca gratefully submitted to his tight fingers. Tonight, she knew, was a rare treat. She was sorry to feel it slowly slipping away, though she didn't know what to expect once they arrived back in his basement.

  The limo ride home was filled with tense silence. Aaron sat next to her, clutching her tightly to his broad shoulder with his arm. She slid in happily, comforted by his fine fabric and the strength beneath it.

  Halfway home, his hand slid down toward her elbow, and then rubbed her side. He pawed at her breast, her soft belly, and lower still.

  Aaron's handsome smile gradually changed into a wolf's predatory grin. Rebecca gasped as his hand pressed its way down her waistband. He found her wet and waiting, aroused by the taboo of being fondled in such public elegance.

  “I'm going to tear you apart when we get back,” he said, circling her clit with his fingers.

  She gripped the leather cushions around her for support, burying her face into his chest. Somehow, Aaron had managed to wipe away the sadness, giving her the finest outing with a man she ever had.


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