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ZetaTalk: Worlds

Page 7

by Nancy Lieder

  lairs, and what was mostly at hand were wooden sticks. Farmers staking fence posts would use the pointed ends to

  fend off attacks from wild animals, and in most cases this was the only weapon available when fending off an attack

  from Vampires.

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  ZetaTalk: Mothman

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  ZetaTalk: Mothman

  Note: recorded during the Jun 29, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session

  This true story has fascinated those who have learned of it, and thus it has made its way to Hollywood. What was this large bird-man, seen swooping over the mountain country, and what its purpose? We have stated that Vampires,

  Dragons, and the recent Chupas are not intelligent aliens, but more akin to dog packs controlled by Service-to-Self aliens. They are brought to Earth to terrify humans, as fear pushes those inclined toward the Service-to-Self orientation more in that direction. Fearful humans tend to think more for themselves, ignoring empathy for others, and thus are pushed into training for entry into the Service-to-Self ranks, or so these Service-to-Self aliens hope! As dog packs, they are allowed to encounter, terrify, and even kill humans should the humans basically give up and submit. Thus,

  there are stories of dragons consuming virgins, and vampires biting to death victims virtually drained of blood.

  So, were the Mothmen not men at all, but bird creatures? Indeed they were, and short lived, as they did not acclimate well to the Appalachian mountains where they were installed. Dead, they were retrieved by their masters, as leaving

  bones about would lessen their impact when the brain cavity was discovered to be infinitesimal. And why the sense of doom, of a warning given, by those who sighted these large bird creatures floating overhead? This was the general

  vibes in the area, a sense that something unexplained was upon them, something even the church had no explanation

  for, and this in the Bible Belt. Thus, this true story has many interpretations, and more yet to come, as the movie is about to emerge in the theaters!

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  ZetaTalk: Subterranean Life

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  ZetaTalk: Subterranean Life

  Note: written Aug 15, 1995.

  Humans are not alone on Earth as intelligent species. Where only one intelligent species is developed, per planet, for 3rd Density existence, the Earth has some transplants. You are familiar with Bigfoot, who lives on the surface, and the Men in Black, transplants who live underground, who are hominoid groups and are in 3rd Density as are humans.

  Little known is that a 3rd Density reptilian race also lives underground, in the caverns and waterways that occur

  naturally. This reptilian race, if seen by humans, would not be recognized as an intelligent species, as they carry none of the trappings of civilization. Do they have technology, structures, computers? Yes and no. Where their IQ is less than humans and they are not as dexterous nor upright, they nonetheless can maneuver their surroundings. Socially,

  their 3rd Density existence is not that much different from humans. They both care for and murder each other. We will not mention their form, nor the locations of their homes, as they would be vulnerable should humans go hunting for

  them, for sport, as those inclined toward the Service-to-Self orientation surely would.

  These transplants to the Earth came from worlds that could no longer support them in their 3rd Density existence.

  There, they lived a surface existence. Both subterranean transplants arrived after man had undergone considerable

  genetic engineering, but before he became what you would term civilized. They understood the situation, that they

  would have considerable time to acclimate themselves before mankind, with its violent nature, might discover them.

  The Men in Black were a secondary intelligent species on their planet of origin, the primary race having undergone a Harvest or Transformation into 4th Density. As with most Transformations, the intelligent species transforming is

  evolved to support 4th Density existence and is no longer available for 3rd Density existence. After the

  Transformation, enough fauna and flora remained in 3rd Density on this planet to support the development of yet

  another intelligent species. As the mass of the sun in this solar system was partially migrated to 4th Density, it was much dimmer for this second development cycle. This is why the Men in Black cannot tolerate life on the surface.

  They were used to dim light. The Men in Black and humans are not connected in any way except that they both are

  hominoid. The Men in Black in fact are not even biologically compatible with humans to the degree that offspring

  might be possible, a situation that occurred with the hominoid visitors from the 12th Planet. The reptilian race

  developed on a water planet. They also suffered from a dying sun, and were used to cold, dark conditions before they were transplanted.

  Each intelligent species is on its own time cycle, during 3rd Density, the Harvest occurring periodically at regular intervals. Were your Earth not scheduled to become a home for 4th Density existence, with a Transformation that will leave the Earth essentially a dead planet in 3rd Density, continued human existence in 3rd Density would be possible, for instance. In the case of the two subterranean transplants, the timing of their cycles does not coincide with Homo Sapiens' cycle. Close, but lagging somewhat behind. Both transplant species have had several Harvests, as have Homo

  Sapiens, and as with Homo Sapiens this Harvest is to be the last. Those incarnating entities who have not completed

  their 3rd Density spiritual lesson - determining their spiritual orientation - will all be incarnated elsewhere into yet another physical form. Transplanting will not occur.

  Is there any truth to the stories of fabulous cities underground, and miles of tunnels bridging the continents? Very little. The stories of fabulous tunnel systems are a fraud, designed to blunt curiosity about the underground bunkers and tunneling that some governments, the United States included, have indulged in. Underground structures? Well, it might be this alien group, or that, but certainly not your government. If these fabulous tunnel systems are so real, why hasn't the media, or the public for that matter, been invited for a tour?

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  ZetaTalk: ZetaTypes

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  ZetaTalk: ZetaTypes

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  Our emissary, Nancy, will describe the Zeta types she has met. She has met but few, as the Zetas are numerous in

  form. The forms result from the various planets we have spread to during the life of our form. Each planet plays upon the genetic structure, encouraging certain genetics to emerge and demonstrate their superiority in survival and

  longevity. Thus, the life form gradually adapts to the environment it finds itself in. Counts would differ, but for the sake of this discourse, we will say that the number of variations that would be visibly noticeable to humans is 127.

  Start Nancy's Recall

  Short Skinny Zeta

  These Zetas have Whitley Strieber's Communion face with attendant thin body and limbs. They're 4 foot tall or so, with a body no thicker than a post and arms no thicker than a broom stick. The body and arms are straight,

  showing no muscle bulges, and the trunk does not move in and out during breathing. They wear a beige colored

  skin-tight outfit that also covers the head. They emit a tittering sound when excited, speech to one another,

  which sounds like a flock of small birds. They seem like go-fers to the larger Zetas, doing detail tasks and

  errands. However, they do communicate telepathically and are loving and kind. They appear most often in

  groups of 3 or multiples thereof.

  Tall Skinny Zeta

  These Zetas are similar to the Short Skinny Zeta but they are 6 foot tall or so. They wear a gray skin-tight outfit.

  They don't emit sounds. They're planners and conferees rather than go-fers, appear businesslike, and can be

  stern. They address problems with great concern. They want to discuss solutions rather than just offer sympathy.

  I've seen the face without the skin-tights and it is beautiful. They have a small nose the size of my little finger, straight up and down, and high cheekbones with hollowed cheeks. The frontal lobes protrude out slightly over

  the face. The skull is lighter than the face, almost white, where the face and trunk and limbs are the same gray

  color as the skin-tights they wear.

  I saw the hand and arm once without the skin-tights. The fingers rapidly taper from the index to the side, with

  the little finger less than 1/2 the size of the index finger. The thumb appears to come from the center of the palm, rather than the side, and was felt by me rather than seen. Their fingers have some webbing between them. The[2/5/2012 11:34:47 AM]

  ZetaTalk: ZetaTypes

  fingers are long, so that shaking hands lands the ends of the fingers up along the forearm. They have thick, long

  fingernails. Their skin has wrinkles as does ours. The arm I saw up close had pea green freckles along the

  outside, as our arms freckle when exposed to the sun.

  Pumpkin Head Zeta

  These Zetas are similar to the Short and Tall Zetas in body and limbs, but the head is round like a pumpkin and

  the eyes are smaller, the size of ours, and round though black like the other Zetas. They are tall enough to have

  to stoop going through the doorway when entering a room but can stand straight up in the room. They are related

  to other Zetas, in their words "We are like them." They seem to handle heavy planning and conferee issues

  where the other Zetas carried out existing policy, such as the Hybrid program. They can think abstractly and

  creatively more so than the other Zetas. I was told their brain halves communicate, as do ours, where the other

  Zetas have less of this.

  I met the pumpkin heads only recently, since 1993. I was allowed to ask questions about the Zeta physiology.

  They breathe but their lungs work like bellows, one exhaling while the other inhales, therefore there is no sign of

  breathing. Their digestive system is minimal. They absorb through their skin. They generate the enzymes they

  need, a standard travel pack, I was told. They do have sex organs, but I don't know if they use them. The

  pumpkin head showed me his, as I asked. His penis curled between his legs, did not dangle, and came rapidly to

  a point. The telepathic explanation of female sex organs showed a wide vagina. The Zetas do not sleep.

  Water Zeta

  These Zetas are similar to the other Zetas in body and limb size, but they have many other differences. They can

  live in or out of water but the only sign of this are soft fins along the sides of the hips and thighs. Their toes and fingers appear stubbier than the other Zetas. The head is aqua-dynamic, not round. Their eyes are at the end of

  short protuberances, and are not black. There are large indentations for water to flow across the brow and past

  the cheeks. The head is basically lumpy looking. The Water Zeta I met had one of the warmest Zeta

  personalities, a very nice soul. They apparently eat, mentioning shrimp as not unlike their normal diet. They

  apparently can't handle all the tasks assigned to other Zetas, think single thread or some such, and are sensitive to sunlight.

  End Nancy's Recall

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  ZetaTalk: Zeta Knowledge

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  ZetaTalk: Zeta Knowledge

  Note: written Dec 15, 2000. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  We, the Service-to-Other Zetas, have been looked upon with skepticism for presenting information from the past

  which undocumented or otherwise unable to be explored by humans. Do we make this information up? How can we

  speak to the issue of mankind’s genetic engineering, in the past, when we were still babes in the crib during that time ourselves, and did not have a hand in this engineering. How can we explain the motives in human dramas that

  occurred far in the past so that all the characters are now dead? How can we predict the arrival of the 12th Planet, when it is out in space beyond where man can peek clearly, and has a trajectory and path that is outside of the path that human math would compute? In this reaction, the skeptics are placing our ability to retrieve knowledge or arrive at conclusions on a par with their ability. Beyond the fact that we have more sources, and more knowledge, and a

  higher IQ, is our tendency, as a Service-to-Other group, to deal with the facts in a straightforward manner. We don’t throw out what makes us uncomfortable, or insert lies to make ourselves feel more powerful or special, or distort the facts as a manipulation. So where do we get our information?

  Being telepathic, we can tune into any and every human mind on Earth, should we wish, to read their thoughts. This

  ability exposes not only plans, but past actions. In that reincarnation exists, and the soul does not forget, we can locate and interrogate the soul of those humans who lived in the past. Is this in a computer? Indeed it is, if the mind is a organic computer, as the birthing guides are aware of past lives when counseling an entity between lifetimes and when planning their next incarnation. This is a simple inquiry to the birthing guides, who know the entities they are guiding as a mother knows her children, and can locate the soul to be contacted. Likewise the genetic engineering done in the past on mankind is not a secret, and as engineers charged with the current leap for mankind, we have been privy to all the information we desire in this area. And where man has become comfortable with predicting the morning sunrise,

  based on his knowledge of the rotation of the Earth and it’s motion of the Earth around the Sun. we likewise are

  comfortable with our predictions on the arrival of the 12th Planet in 2003, as this is simply a factor of observation and computations, as well as past history.

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  ZetaTalk: Power Source

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  ZetaTalk: Power Source

  written Sep 2, 2003, during Lou Gentile live radio

  Our power is nothing that mankind is familiar with. Obviously, if we are aware of some 387 electron particles, besides the one that you are aware of, we are aware of many more subatomic particles than you are, chemical reactions, and

  what you would call nuclear reactions. We are able to secure the material we need wherever we go. The power that we

  use is under your feet, but you do not know how to utilize this. Therefore it is a type of nuclear reaction, not one that causes destruction or that escapes from us, and we can renew our power source as we go puttering about in the

  Universe.[2/5/2012 11:34:48 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Early Zeta

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  ZetaTalk: Early Zeta

  Note: written Dec 15, 1995.

  Where Early Man was a hybrid of various ape or monkey forms and existing hominoid forms, Early Zeta was not a

  hybrid at all, but a transplant. The worlds we were placed upon had not sustained a life form complex enough to be

dered a base for intelligence. The gap was too great. Early Zeta therefore was placed, full grown and conscious, on Zeta worlds. As this was to be our 3rd Density existence, Early Zeta was incarnated with forming entities prior to this transplantation, in fact at birth. Like the transplants who are coexisting with humans now on Earth, Early Zeta was aware of the purpose of the transfer. Thus transplanted, Early Zeta multiplied to the extent our worlds could support a population, much as humans have upon the Earth.

  Primitive cultures among hominoids all bear some similarities, due to similarities of the body types. Nude and with

  little hair, the hominoid seeks protection from the elements. Weapons and tools fit the hand and arm, so are not that dissimilar among hominoid groups. Social structure, as anyone watching a group of monkeys can see, comes with the

  animal form. The dominant male, the polygamous male, the hunting bands, adoption of orphaned young - Early Zeta

  cultures developed along predictable lines, as do all early hominoid cultures.

  Early Zeta differed from our present form primarily in brain size and mental capacities. Early Zeta was also stockier, shorter, had large flat feet and in appearance was something of a low brow, with the head jutting out the back rather than rounding. Our large eyes were an adaptation to our worlds, dim by your standards, so Early Zeta was a bit blind on his new home, not a problem as the only danger Early Zeta faced was from others of his kind. Our worlds do not

  contain carnivorous, nor even herbivorous animals - just plants and bugs.

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  ZetaTalk: Zeta Meals

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  ZetaTalk: Zeta Meals

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  Regarding whether we eat, and what it is that we eat. We no longer eat, having genetically engineered ourselves in

  such a way that the digestive tract went out with the bath water. We regret this, as we regret other things thrown out with the bath water. We nourish ourselves through our skin, through a chemical bath we prepare in the laboratory and completely emerge ourselves in. Our emissary, Nancy, can describe this to you, as she visited one of our homes in the Gobi Desert, within a series of caverns in a mountain range there.


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