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ZetaTalk: Worlds

Page 11

by Nancy Lieder

  trace of this is in the artifacts left behind.

  Pyramids, as we have stated, were astronomical devices, allowing the giant hominoids to determine when their planet, the 12th Planet, was approaching, and to angle and point their shuttles. Since the 12th Planet visits your Solar System only once every 3,600 years, on average, those who built the pyramids were doing so for their offspring, as we have

  mentioned, and wanted them to be durable, a written record that could not be lost. The pyramid shape survives

  earthquakes and windstorms, and thus was the shape of choice. After the passage, when pole shifts rearranged the

  landscape, the pyramids would lose their worth as astronomical devices, but their durability kept them from

  disappearing from the landscape. Thus, they are on occasion discovered, and become yet another piece of the puzzle

  that mankind is grappling to solve.

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  ZetaTalk: Australian Artifacts

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  ZetaTalk: Australian Artifacts

  Note: written Oct 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  Australia has had many histories that are recorded on her face and waiting to be discovered. As an isolated continent, much of her history has frequently been lost to human record - verbal or written. And when newcomers arrive due to a land bridge being established, they are none the wiser. Australia was one of the continents the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet mined, and wandering parties from as far away as Africa arrived on her shores. Not infrequently, being situated on a land mass that had temporary bridges to the orient, there have been humans from the orient who settled but could not return. When these small groups did not survive, they left no written or oral history, but on occasion their handiwork or traces of their existence turn up. Little of Australia's history has been discovered, and there are many more secrets awaiting those who would explore her past.

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  ZetaTalk: Went Native

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  ZetaTalk: Went Native

  Note: written Mar 15, 1997. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  Much of the confusion in separating the history of man from the history of the visiting hominoids from the 12th Planet lies in cross-culture adoption. The garb of Roman soldiers, with strips of leather forming a short skirt, fluid during activity yet modest in repose, did not evolve from human cultures but was adopted by humans in ancient times from the garb of 12th Planet soldiers sent to guard human slaves. Likewise, the giant hominoids visiting from the 12th

  Planet learned to adopt human practices where this proved most effective. While coming from a world that had

  mastered space shuttles and technologies such as nuclear bombs and lasers, they were nonetheless at an outpost for an extended period of time, thousands of years, and did not have unlimited stores. They used these sparingly, hoarding resources that they required for liftoff and directing their shuttles or to win desperate battles.

  Like a geology team sent into the wild, they were without the capacity to manufacture replacements for what they

  consumed. This technology breach widened as the years between the 12th Planet’s return passed, as one generation

  would die without passing all they had learned on their home planet along to the next generation. Thus the normal day-to-day operation of the mines, which involved skewering and slashing rebellious slaves and repelling large carnivores, were conducted with primitive weapons such as swords and spears. Likewise, when tired of amusing themselves with

  female slaves or athletic prowess, the soldiers among them went hunting with the same tools their human slaves might use - a javelin or bow and arrow.

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  ZetaTalk: Mayan and Incan

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  ZetaTalk: Mayan and Incan

  Note: written Aug 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  High in the mountains of South America stand traces of ancient civilizations with similarities to the ancient Egyptian civilization. Structures built with large blocks of stone closely trimmed and fitted in much the same manner as the

  Great Pyramids. Space ports on high mountain plateaus, which can be seen clearly from space but scarcely discerned

  while on the ground. In the steamy jungles further north lie the outlines of cities, abandoned for no known reason. The land is fertile, the water supply ample, yet they lie unattended and uninhabited. Legend has it that human sacrifices were performed atop pyramid like platforms, hearts ripped from the chests of the living, yet no trace of these practices exist among the local peoples. Who built these, and where did they go?

  All these traces of an ancient civilization are just more remnants left by the 3rd Density hominoid visitors from the 12th Planet, who left the Earth because they were put into quarantine by the Council of Worlds due to the havoc they were causing on Earth. Human sacrifices, never an indigenous practice, were also abandoned, as this grim method of

  punishment was only used by the dominant visitors to keep their restive human slaves in line. After their exit the

  startled humans left behind wandered off or toyed with playing politics by becoming, for a day, the new rulers. Where one does not have the technology to make a city function, the paved streets and stone structures become a burden. So much farther to walk to the fields to be tilled or the game to be killed. Why walk all those weary steps? Soon the cities were deserted by all but monkeys, lizards, and the vines that creep over everything in the jungles.

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  ZetaTalk: Dogon Tribe

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  ZetaTalk: Dogon Tribe

  Note: written Aug 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  Much has been written about the Dogon tribe and their knowledge of the stars. Such a simple people, kept out of the

  industrial age even today. How did they come by this information? It has been surmised that they were visited by

  aliens from Sirius, from the constellation of the Dog, due to their descriptions of their visitors, but this is fancy. Their visitors hailed not from Sirius, but from the 12th Planet, who even then had advanced knowledge of the stars as they plotted their travels by them so as to know their place out in space just as ancient mariners held to the stars to know what place they occupied on the vast oceans. The dog heads worn as masks by these visitors were a common ploy,

  occasionally switched for the heads of birds or snakes. While under the influence of those in the Service-to-Self

  orientation, they found these masks aided them in terrifying the diminutive humans they encountered, as their

  expressions could not be read.

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  ZetaTalk: Roller Coaster Ride

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  ZetaTalk: Roller Coaster Ride

  Note: written Apr 15, 1997. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  Since the passage of the 12th Planet is so devastating to the Earth, what must the ride be like for the giant hominoids who live on the surface of the 12th Planet? Surprisingly gentle, for the following reasons:

  The 12th Planet is in the main a water planet, with the land masses that do exist sticking well out of the waters

  calm surface. The rifts or friction points between plates thus lie well below the surface of the water. Just as

  mankind is barely awa
re of earthquakes that happen deep under the sea, just so the hominoids on the 12th Planet

  do not experience earthquakes.

  In a magnetic clash, the lesser of the two bodies adjusts to the larger. All the adjustments of a pole shift occur,

  thus, on Earth. The 12th Planet experiences no pole shift whatsoever.

  The passage through the Solar System is quick, occurring in a few short months [Note: see 2003 date explanation], so the combined warming from the Sun as well as the interior of the 12th Planet scarcely has a chance to begin

  before it ends. What warming that does occur simply results in more active winds.

  Any tearing away of the atmosphere on the 12th Planet is no more severe during its passage than at other times.

  Where some loss is always occurring from a planet's surface, the rate of loss is dictated by the mass of the

  planet, not by motion through space. In empty space, there is nothing to tear at an atmosphere.

  During the passage, the hominoids are using history as a guide, as those who last experienced the passage are long

  dead. This history is recorded as astronomical terms, so sighting the Solar System and confirming the orbits of the

  planets is reassuring to those who might be nervous about the coming passage. In fact, the passage is viewed not unlike a holiday, where great dramas are played out before the eyes of the rapt audience. They pass by a Sun, as close as the planets bound to the Sun, a new and unique experience for those on a traveling world. When passing the Earth, they

  can visually see the pole shift as it occurs, a phenomena which draws rapt crowds just as an eclipse of the Sun by the Moon does on Earth. Lightning storms occur in their upper atmosphere during the passage, fireworks rarely seen on

  their calm world.

  Thus, the passage is more a holiday than a dreaded situation. However, those with empathy for the human population

  of Earth grieve, but there is scarcely anything they can do about what is occurring on Earth. They can no more steer their planet than mankind can.

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  Document Outline

  ZetaTalk: Worlds

  ZetaTalk: Many Greys

  ZetaTalk: Green Men

  ZetaTalk: Reptilians

  ZetaTalk: Orion

  ZetaTalk: Praying Mantis

  ZetaTalk: Cat People

  ZetaTalk: Nordics

  ZetaTalk: Pleiadeans

  ZetaTalk: Sirians

  ZetaTalk: Human Lookalikes

  Lou Gentile Show, 10/14/2003

  ZetaTalk: Variety of Life Forms

  ZetaTalk: Size and Shape

  ZetaTalk: The Vedas

  ZetaTalk: Skyfish and Rods

  ZetaTalk: Galactic Zoos

  ZetaTalk: Genetic Contributions

  ZetaTalk: Races of Man

  ZetaTalk: American Indian

  ZetaTalk: Australian Aboriginal

  ZetaTalk: Family of Man

  ZetaTalk: Moon Cities

  ZetaTalk: Ultimate Agenda

  ZetaTalk: Ancient Cultures

  ZetaTalk: Cultured Aliens

  ZetaTalk: Alien Interactions

  ZetaTalk: Social Structure

  ZetaTalk: Rituals

  ZetaTalk: Music

  ZetaTalk: Sexual Variations

  ZetaTalk: Triads

  Zetatalk: Sky Computer

  ZetaTalk: Alien Names

  ZetaTalk: Ancient Venus

  ZetaTalk: Star Language

  ZetaTalk: Men in Black

  ZetaTalk: Elves

  ZetaTalk: Bigfoot

  ZetaTalk: Dolphins

  ZetaTalk: Vampires

  ZetaTalk: Mothman

  ZetaTalk: Subterranean Life

  ZetaTalk: ZetaTypes

  ZetaTalk: Zeta Knowledge

  ZetaTalk: Power Source

  ZetaTalk: Early Zeta

  ZetaTalk: Zeta Meals

  ZetaTalk: Gobi Desert

  ZetaTalk: On Mars

  ZetaTalk: Zeta Reticuli

  ZetaTalk: Zeta Schools

  ZetaTalk: Entertainment

  ZetaTalk: Literature

  ZetaTalk: Got Religion

  ZetaTalk: Zeta Roles

  ZetaTalk: Zeta Marriage

  ZetaTalk: Reptilian Control

  ZetaTalk: Dictatorial

  ZetaTalk: Unemotional

  ZetaTalk: 12th Planet

  ZetaTalk: Long Life

  ZetaTalk: Birth of Man

  ZetaTalk: Ancient Gods

  ZetaTalk: Conquest

  ZetaTalk: Structures on Mars

  ZetaTalk: Tetrahedral Crystals

  ZetaTalk: Life on Mars

  ZetaTalk: Great Pyramids

  ZetaTalk: Secret Chamber

  ZetaTalk: Sphinx

  ZetaTalk: Chinese Pyramids

  ZetaTalk: Australian Artifacts

  ZetaTalk: Went Native

  ZetaTalk: Mayan and Incan

  ZetaTalk: Dogon Tribe

  ZetaTalk: Roller Coaster Ride

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  Document ID: 01ab4813-1672-4329-9877-7956e103e935

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  Document creation date: 30.8.2012

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