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Living a Lion: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Sleeping Lions - Shifters Prime Book 1)

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by Harmony Raines

  “Don’t worry, road gets easier up ahead. We like to keep this looking bad, means none of those pure-breds think it’ll be a fun place to vacation, but we still get some trying to come through. It’s why I wanted to check your DNA.”

  “People think Shifters Prime is a vacation destination?” Amara asked. “I live out on the plains. This is the nearest I’ve ever got to the frontier, except when my contract was sold.”

  “You want to take that damn collar off now?” Frasier asked, eyeing her up and down in a flattering kind of way.

  “Not yet,” she said.

  “Up to you, but I would have thought the sooner you’re rid of it, the better,” Frasier said, steering the truck along the quiet road.

  “She gave you her answer,” Kane butted in.

  Frasier looked at Kane, and she felt him bristle, he heard the claim in Kane’s voice. “She your mate?” Frasier asked.

  Amara placed her hand on Frasier’s arm. “This is all new to Kane, that’s why you are being paid to take us somewhere quiet.”

  “What do you mean all new?” Frasier’s eyes examined Kane in minute detail. “You’ve never experienced the change, is that what she means?”

  “No. I haven’t,” Kane admitted.

  “Oh boy, this I want to see. A grown lion, never had the chance to run free. Or to scent his mate.” Frasier indicated Amara’s collar. “That thing mute all your senses?”

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Then why not take yours off? We’re far enough away from the border.” Frasier said.

  Amara touched the collar that still hung around her neck. “I’ll wait.”

  “For what?” Frasier asked.

  “I just want to take it off in private.” In truth, she was scared. Like Frasier said, she had no idea how she was going to feel once all those senses and emotions that it had shut off came flooding back to her. She didn’t want to make a fool of herself, not in front of strangers, and both Frasier and Kane were strangers to her.

  “Suit yourself,” Frasier said, but she could tell he was trying to work out what this strange couple were really up to.

  They drove in silence; Kane was transfixed by the view outside the truck window. They had driven past a couple of people walking along the road, they had been talking to each other, just like everyday people, and then suddenly they changed, their bodies shifting in one fluid movement into a couple of dogs, like the domestic kind that he had probably seen every day of his life and taken no notice of.

  He hadn't said a word, just stared at them as they ran. Then his fingers had gone to the bracelet on his wrist and he had begun to nervously twist it round and round. Amara had wanted to comfort him, but she didn’t know what to say and couldn’t bring herself to touch him in case the shock of skin against skin proved too much for her lioness, who was now so close in her mind, she could feel her pacing up and down waiting to be freed.

  “Much further?” she asked after they had been driving for an hour or more.

  “Another ten minutes, maybe. We turn off here and head for the foothills of the mountain; it’s a good place for you guys to get some privacy,” Frasier said and then winked. “My guess that once you too strip that damn metal off, you might want a whole heap of privacy.”

  Amara blushed, and Kane just looked from Frasier to Amara, knowing there was an inside shifter joke there somewhere, but not wanting to ask.

  She slumped down in her seat. This was going to be harder than she imagined. Once his bracelet was off, anything could happen. She couldn’t tell what was going to be the strongest pull on him, or her for that matter: the need to become a lion, or the need to mate.

  His hand on hers made her nearly jump through the roof. “Are you OK?” he asked. “You look pale.”

  “I was just thinking how hard this might be. We need to go over a few things before we take the bracelet off,” she said.

  “Damn right,” Frasier said. “Listen, I know I've been teasing you, but just remember, I am here to help. If things go wrong, come find me. I’m used to clearing up the mess us shifters leave behind.”

  “There won’t be any mess,” Amara said confidently. “Kane will be just fine.”

  The truck came to a stop outside a small group of cabins. “Just make sure he knows how to change back.”

  “Is it hard?” Kane asked.

  “Not when you are taught it from when you are a kid. But for a grown man? Well, we’re all about to find out, because you will be the first. That I know of, anyways.”

  “Great. I’m glad I’ll be providing the entertainment,” Kane said sarcastically.

  “No, you won’t. We’re going to do this together, alone. You trust me, don’t you, Kane?” Amara asked.

  “More than anyone in my whole life. Which, seems as how we’ve only just met, seems strange,” Kane said.

  Frasier laughed. “Come on, let’s go get you two settled. My guess is you won't be getting much sleep tonight. The lion in him isn’t the only thing that is about to be uncaged.”

  “What the hell does he mean by that?” Kane asked.

  Amara hid her face again; her cheeks were flaming red at the thought of their first mating being here in the middle of this small settlement.

  Maybe they should find a nice dry cave instead.

  “Amara, why won’t you just tell me what’s bothering you? Is it because you think I might lose control when I change?” Kane asked.

  “A little,” she said. “But maybe not in the way you think.”

  “Then in what way?” Kane asked, they were alone, Frasier had gone to fetch the key to their cabin, and they were waiting by the truck with their luggage.

  “OK. Part of being a shifter is this thing where we know who our mate is.”

  “Your mate. You mean like a husband or a wife?” he asked.

  “Yes, but it’s maybe a little stronger than just fancying someone. It’s more like you are connected on some deeper level.”

  “Like love at first sight. I think I understand, because when I saw you under the moonlight, I had this feeling. I can’t explain it, but I felt a connection between us.”

  “Right, but however you felt then, once your bracelet is off, once my collar is removed, well—it will be ten thousand times stronger.”

  “Love at first sight, times a thousand. Wow, humans don’t know what they are missing.”

  “What I’m not sure of, is how much control we are going to have.”

  “You mean over our feelings?”

  “I mean over our bodies.” She looked at him nervously. “Your body in particular.”

  “You mean you're scared I’m going to force you … into sex.”

  That word, on his lips, was like an aphrodisiac. Her body awoke, tendrils of desire threading through her veins.

  “No, she means she’s not sure if you're going to throw her to the floor and fuck her in front of everyone here,” Frasier said coming back with the key. “Sorry, my bear can hear very well.”

  “Is that it?” Kane asked. “That is what you are frightened of?”


  “I won’t lose control,” Kane said confidently.

  “Kane, you have worn that bracelet all of your life, you have no idea just how strong the urge will be,” Amara said.

  “Whatever happens, I won’t hurt you, Amara.” He touched her cheek, stroking it lightly, this time the electric current passing between them ignited a flame of desire deep inside her, that kindled and then flared into life.

  “I know,” she said, her body reacting to his words in a very sensual way.

  “This has got to be the weirdest, messed-up world ever,” Kane said.

  Frasier slapped him on the back with his huge hand, spoiling the moment. “Yeah, but it’s also the only place in the world you’ll ever feel at home in once you change. Isn’t that right Amara?”

  Amara lifted her head and took a breath of air, wanting to be free to run as her lion. “Yes, it is. Shall we get started?”

  Chapter Thirteen – Kane

  “Do you think this is far enough?” he asked.

  After dumping their bags in the small cabin, Amara had been eager to get out into the foothills and help him release his lion. Kane wasn’t quite so eager. The thought of getting stuck as a lion and never being able to turn back into his human form was scary.

  “Yes. I think so,” Amara said. They stood together, looking out over the valley below. The small group of cabins were hidden from view along the lower slopes, and in front of them all they could see was a vast plain, with animals dotted here and there. Some were lying in the sun, some running; they couldn’t make out what species they were, but by their movements he could tell they weren’t your usual cattle or sheep.

  “They just go where they want?” Kane asked.

  “Within reason. There are territories, pride lands, my pride has its own valley and plain, and if any other herd tried to take it, then our leader would fight for it. But mostly those things are in the past. Most people have settled down and are simply trying to make a new life for themselves and their families.

  “So much to learn,” he said, feeling tired. “How am I supposed to go and take back my father’s pride lands if I don’t even know how everything works?”

  “Your uncle gave you the basic knowledge, the life lessons you need. You will rule in the same way you run a company,” she said, reassuring him.

  “Only I have to defeat a big old lion first,” he said. A thrill of excitement was beginning to grow inside him, at the thought that he was about to experience his own lion for the very first time.

  “Yes, there is that. But first we need to find your lion,” she said, taking his hand and lifting it so they both looked at his bracelet.

  “Do you think we should climb higher?” he asked. “Before we remove it.” He was still afraid he would hurt someone. Perhaps he would run back down to the cabins and kill everyone there. What if he was a man eating lion?

  “No, Kane, this is high enough. We can climb higher when you change.” She stood on tiptoes and kissed him, her lips warm, giving him strength and courage. He didn’t care about this mate bond; he could easily just take her back to the cabin and make love to her now. But that was just him trying to avoid what had to be done. What was the point in giving up his old life if he wasn’t intending to embrace this new one?

  “So what do I have to do?” he asked, resigned to his fate, even if that meant living with four paws and a tail for the rest of his life. And a mane. Would he have one of those bushy manes?

  “Concentrate,” she said, her voice calm but firm. “Look inside yourself, feel what you are, who you are. This is you, Kane Reinier. When your lion comes out, he will feel like the true you, but you have to remember this person.”

  She placed her hand on his heart as if anchoring a part of herself there. A shock of electricity made his heart jolt, and he felt the beat of it thrumming through his veins, pounding in his ears. Kane looked into her eyes, saw the fear there, and wanted to get this right for her so that they could be together. The look in her eyes and the touch of her hand promised so much.

  “Are you going to take this off?” he asked, his fingers running around the cold metal of her collar.

  “Once I know you are safe. I want you to change first, so I’ll stay like this until I know what’s happening,” she said, her lips pursed and a small sigh escaping as his fingers left the cool metal to run along the warm skin of her throat. He touched the place where her pulse crossed her collarbone, feeling it quicken.

  “You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen,” he said his voice thick with emotion. “Even without this bond between us, I would take you to my bed.”

  “That’s because you are a playboy,” she teased. “Misty told me all the stories about the women you sleep with.”

  “A man has his needs,” Kane said, and knew that fell too short of what he needed to say. “But I always moved on, because I knew there was one need they could never fulfil. I never loved one of them. Not one single woman in my past. Is this why?”

  “You mean the bond?” She nodded. “Yes, like it or not, you are mine and I am yours.”

  “I think I am going to like it a lot,” he said, pulling her close and letting her feel the length of his arousal. “Can’t we opt for sex first?”

  “No,” she laughed, pushing him away. “I can see you are going to be a handful.”

  “Want to see how much of a handful?” he teased, watching her cheeks flush a beautiful shade of pink.

  “No. Now, concentrate.” Her smile slipped from her face. “It’s time.”

  He held out his hand to her, and her fingers moved to the clasp of the bracelet that had kept his lion chained for so long. “Oh, wait. You should strip.”

  He threw his head back and roared with laughter. “So you do want to see me naked? But I think we should go somewhere a bit more private. Or do you like sex in the open air?”

  “Is that all you think about?” she asked, then jabbed him playfully with her finger. “Listen, buddy, unless you want to live the rest of your life butt-naked, you need to learn to shift with your clothes on. It’s easy enough once you have control. But today, you won’t have that control. Your clothes will tear and you will be walking back to the cabin au naturel.”

  “Damn it. Is there anything else?” he asked, beginning to undo his shirt.

  “No. I don’t think so,” she said, watching him remove his shirt and casting an appraising look over his toned chest and washboard stomach. At least he had kept in shape; his uncle had always encouraged him to swim and work out to keep his body fit. Now he knew why.

  His hands went to his belt and she turned around to give him privacy. “What’s mine is yours,” he joked. “I like sex with the lights on, so you are going to see me sooner or later. Sooner, I hope.”

  “Yeah, it just feels weird out here in the open,” she said, her foot jiggling nervously, her head tilted up to look at the sky.

  Kane let his pants drop to the floor and then bent to pick up his clothes, then he approached her. “What do you want me to do with these?”

  She turned her head, and looked down at his clothes. “I’ll look after them. When you learn to do this fully controlled you can shift with clothes. Or a backpack, as long as it’s not too big. It’s all about control.”

  “I’m not sure I have much of that left,” he said as she took his clothes from him and placed them on the floor.

  “I feel kind of inadequate next to you,” she said, trying to keep her voice light.

  He put his arm around her waist and pulled her back towards him, her soft curves nestling against his hard muscles. His right hand ran up her body, cupping her right breast and squeezing it. She gasped, pressing back harder against him. “There is nothing inadequate about you, Amara.”

  His mouth kissed her neck and he felt her tremble, her desire overcoming her. It would be so easy to tell her to forget this lion business and skip to the mating. “We should do this now.”

  She pulled away, turning to face him, her eyes dilated with desire. “You’re right. Are you ready?”

  “No.” He offered his wrist to her. “But I want to skip to the next part, so let’s do it.”

  “Take a moment. Remember who you are.”

  He closed his eyes, breathing in the scent of her, the clear mountain air waking his senses, and then he looked inside himself, trying to find the real him, the essence of him, and for once in his life he prayed, asking that he would find himself again.

  “Do it.”

  Her fingers were shaking as she released the clasp on the bracelet. It was stiff, and it took her a moment or two before she made the clasp move, and then it was gone. The thing he had worn all of his life in memory of his father was no longer holding him in. And the lion was unleashed.

  Chapter Fourteen – Amara

  It started as a ripple along his skin. Amara had seen it before so many times, but never the look of shoc
k and terror that spread across Kane’s face.

  “What’s happening?” he asked, sounding scared. “Is it going to just burst through my skin?”

  “Something like that,” she said. “Try to stay calm.”

  “Calm? I’m being torn apart at the seams,” Kane cried, falling to his knees while claws erupted from the ends of his fingers to replace his nails. Then things happened so fast, it was a blur of fur and claws and a deathly scream filled the air. Then he was there, a massive lion, shaking his head, his long mane shimmering in the air, before it settled around his large magnificent head.

  She walked towards him, half afraid, would he have control, or would he eat her up for his first lion dinner? He lifted his nose and sniffed the air, his tongue coming out, as he licked his lips, showing her his long, deadly-sharp teeth.

  “Good kitty,” she said quietly, as if singing him a lullaby.

  The lion Kane stood still, his large amber eyes watching her intently. Feeling braver, sure he would have pounced by now if he planned to attack, she took another step forward. Her fingers inches away, she could feel the undercurrent of electricity coming from him. Then she made contact with that invisible force and the shock of electricity made her fall backwards.

  She landed on her bottom, the big lion towering above her, reeling back from the shock. And then they encountered their first problem, as he tried to steady himself, he fell sideways, only just managing to steady himself before he joined her on the ground.

  “I guess this is easier to control when you learn as a child,” she said. “OK. I’m going to change and then I’ll try to teach you what I know.” She stood up, her hands going to the collar around her neck, and with a tug she opened it, and cast it aside.

  So many sensations flooded her brain. Only with the collar gone could she understand how much it had taken away, how much she had become accustomed to her dulled senses. First was the air: she could smell the sage bush that grew by a big boulder about twenty feet away. She could hear the buzzard high in the sky as it patrolled the ridge about a mile away, and she could sense Kane on a level she had never experienced.


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