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Grif (Tales of the Were - Redstone Clan)

Page 13

by Bianca D'Arc

  “Cats too,” Grif added with a grim nod.

  “So this is normal?” Lindsey’s inner cat wanted to yowl in relief. Finally, the human part of her was coming to understand what the feline already, instinctively knew.

  Grif cringed. “Not exactly.”

  “Everything about your new shifter nature has been accelerated, Lindsey,” Logan spoke in a quiet, almost somber voice. “Grif asked me here to help explain this and to see for myself if what he suspected was true. I can tell you right now, I can smell your arousal from over here and it’s way more potent than it should be. You’re mated to Grif. You shouldn’t be having a reaction to me. What’s worse—I shouldn’t be having a reaction to you. For one thing, you’re a cat. For another, you’re mated. That usually means your pheromones are only attractive to your mate, not to others, though we can still scent them.”

  “So you think I’m in this…frenzy. And that it’s stronger than it should be because I compressed a whole lifetime of learning to be a cougar into a couple of days?” Her mind was trying to focus—really it was—but the two, handsome males sitting near her were very distracting.

  “That about sums it up.” Grif blew out a breath, seeming resigned to the situation. “Which is why we’re going to do our best to help you overcome this accelerated frenzy.”

  His phrasing made her jump.

  “We?” She looked from one to the other and found both sets of male eyes smoldering back at her. They were both excited by her scent. Both eager to fuck her.

  And she wanted them both.

  Wait. What?

  Chapter Ten

  Lindsey’s rational, human mind balked. She was mated to Grif. She shouldn’t want Logan too. But the cat screeched inside her brain. The she devil wanted them both. She wanted every male in the vicinity to come at her beck and call—and vie for the opportunity to satisfy her sexually.

  Where the heck was that kinky thought coming from? Certainly not the Lindsey Tate who had been so circumspect with her past lovers that she could count them on one hand. No, this was the cat talking. And she wanted to claw and bite. To mark her lovers and make every male want her.

  Damn. Lindsey hugged herself, not really understanding how she could feel these things. The cat shouldn’t have so much control over her human mind and body, should it?

  “Me first,” Grif explained. “I’m your mate and you will not forget it.” His serious expression brooked no argument. “I’ll do my best, but we’re probably going to need some help to satisfy the frenzy. With any luck, it’ll all be over soon. Everything else about your development was rushed beyond all recognition. This should be too—if we can satisfy the cat. Otherwise, I hate to think what could happen.” Grif reached out and stroked her hair. She could feel his hand tremble and read the love in his eyes. He was truly worried for her.

  The cat within her responded to his gentle touch, moving into his hand and sliding closer. She wanted him. Again. She would never be satisfied.

  And then she realized, in one still-sane corner of her mind, that Grif wasn’t kidding around. This sexual frenzy, as he called it, was real. She’d never felt such strong impulses in her life—not even with Grif.

  She’d been attracted to him from the get go, but it was a mature, loving desire complimented by real, deep and true feelings. What she was experiencing now was blind hunger for any man with a cock. Correction—any man with a hard cock, ready to fuck her brains out.

  This wasn’t good, but there was no way around it. That little corner of her mind that wasn’t consumed by the incredible hunger was being crowded out by the feline want that would have its way.

  Grif pulled her into his arms and she went willingly, the last little bit of her sanity winking out like a light. She was aware of each touch, each caress—of the mountain breeze wafting across her skin as Grif pulled her T-shirt off and draped it across the low slab of the altar. She felt his hands cupping her breasts, pushing the fire within her blood stream to ever higher temperatures.

  She went willingly when he bent her over the stone slab and entered her from behind. She ground her pussy against him as he began and slow, deliberate rhythm that sent sparks along each and every nerve ending she possessed.

  A sound to her right made her turn her head. And there was the werewolf Alpha, rubbing the long rod of his cock through his sweatpants. Watching her get fucked by her lover. His gaze glued to her body and then meeting hers when he noticed her watching.

  Lindsey licked her lips, the feline within her feeling like a sex goddess, satisfied with every male present wanting her. And she would let him have her. She wanted it all. Every male worshiping at her core.

  The alien thoughts made that little, horrified corner of Lindsey’s human mind gasp. Had she become a nympho? Why had becoming a shifter done this to her and would the shifter’s deity really want such a thing to happen? Was this the real punishment then? This driving need to have every male pay homage between her thighs?

  To fuck herself to death?

  Was their Lady really so cruel?

  Lindsey hadn’t thought so, but she didn’t understand any of this. She knew the guys had tried to explain, but it had been hard to concentrate with the building need distracting her. Thank goodness Grif had stopped talking and started fucking. If he hadn’t, she’d have had to jump his bones. The need had become almost that desperate while he’d been speaking to her.

  And now she had him just where she needed him. Between her thighs, pumping her to glory. Oh, yeah. It was coming. She needed it so bad.

  Lindsey wasn’t sure, but she thought maybe she’d spoken those last thoughts aloud. Grif answered with a growl, bending low over her back to get a better grip on her hips as his sharp teeth sought the tender skin of her neck.

  Yes! She wanted his teeth there. His love bite. His mating mark. The cat within yowled as his teeth sank into her skin almost delicately. It didn’t hurt. Her body craved it so.

  She came hard and so did he, spurting within her tight core, claiming her with cock and teeth. Marking her with scent and blood. Just the way she wanted it.

  Grif pressed her into the stone for long moments, holding her still while they both came down from the high he’d just pushed them to. When he withdrew, though, the fever hadn’t left her. She turned to him, desperate, clinging to his strong arms, needing more.

  What was this? What was wrong with her? She’d just come. How could she need so desperately again, so soon?

  “Grif?” Her voice sounded lost and uncertain, even to her own ears.

  “Ssh, kitten. This is what I was afraid of.” He held her, stroking her back as he rocked her against his strong, naked body.

  He was such a good man. He was going to be a great mate for the rest of her life…if she lived that long. The way she was feeling now, if she didn’t get more cock in the next few minutes, she was going to die. Either that, or go completely insane.

  As they had warned her. Damn. They’d been right. The little corner of Lindsey’s mind accepted her fate. She finally understood Grif’s fear for her and his willingness to do anything to help her be well.

  She couldn’t love him anymore than she already did, but her heart swelled with love. She reached up to kiss him, trying to communicate her love for him in her touch.

  When he broke the kiss, she looked up into his lovely, golden eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice breaking with need.

  He held her gaze for a long, desperate moment while the fire inside her began to burn bright once more, demanding satisfaction.

  “I’m here for you, my love. No matter what happens, remember that. I’m here.” He stroked her for a moment more before looking away, over her shoulder. He nodded once and then she felt the touch of the werewolf Alpha on her hip and shoulder as he moved close.

  Her inner cat purred, surrounded by two amazingly handsome males, blanketed in their warmth.

  And then Grif stepped away. Her heart fluttered. Where was he going? She c
ouldn’t do this without him. She couldn’t live—couldn’t breathe—without him.

  Logan turned her in his arms and she didn’t have time to think about where Grif had gone anymore. The werewolf was rougher and a little lankier than Grif, though his body was hard-muscled and sleek. Strong too. He lifted her up and placed her on the low altar, her butt protected from the rock by the soft layer of her discarded T-shirt.

  “Turn her,” Grif ordered. There he was. Standing behind the werewolf. He was watching. Directing.

  Logan turned her so that she was sitting lengthwise on the stone slab. The T-shirt was under her back as he pushed her downward into a reclining position. Grif moved into her line of sight, off to her left while Logan was on her right side, stroking his hands down her body.

  He paused at her nipples, bending over her to lap at them, then take them into his mouth one at a time. His tongue swirled and teased, making her squirm.

  Logan’s hands and mouth worshiped at her breasts while Grif moved closer. When Grif’s hands parted her legs, she eagerly complied, spreading wide for him. She looked over Logan’s head to meet Grif’s golden gaze as he slid his fingers into her, pushing deep, using his thumb to circle her clit.

  She moaned and Grif smiled. The smile set her off in a small explosion of pleasure. Just his smile could make her come, it seemed. As if his approval gave her permission to let the riot happening in her body carry her inhibitions away.

  Grif’s fingers withdrew and he stepped back. She wanted to go after him, but Logan’s big body kept her exactly where she was.

  “Face to face this time, Logan,” Grif coached from the sidelines. “I want her to see and understand. Next time, you can do it your way.”

  The words didn’t make a lot of sense, but the cat inside picked up on the idea that there would be a next time. More sex. More pleasure. More satisfaction for the burning need that fired her blood to almost unbearable levels.

  Her legs were spread wide so there was no problem when the Alpha wolf pounced. He leapt in one smooth move to crouch, naked, between her legs. She had no idea when or where his pants had gone, but she was grateful they weren’t in her way. Her body was demanding satisfaction. Again. Continuously.

  She was beyond caring who fucked her, she just needed relief. But the tiny part of her mind that was still her own noticed how gentle the big Alpha werewolf was with her. He could have just taken what she was so freely offering without a second thought for her comfort, but that wasn’t his way.

  No, Logan touched her almost reverently. With respect. A tiny part of her heart went out to him, never to return. He was really a sweet man when push came to shove.

  He joined with her slowly, drawing out the moment, holding her gaze as he made them one. It felt so good. And she needed it so bad.

  She wrapped her legs around him and dug her heels in to urge him on, but he stayed her motions. He was in control. And beyond him—over his shoulder—she saw Grif, watching over everything, his jaw clenched and worry in his eyes.

  The little aware part that was Lindsey wanted to tell him he had nothing to worry about. She was now and always would be his, but the irrational thing that had taken over most of her mind wouldn’t allow speech. The cat yowled and Lindsey’s hands raked down Logan’s back as he finally started moving more resolutely within her.

  Damn. He knew how to use those slim hips of his to full advantage. He stroked her just right, sending her into an orgasm that kept going and going… It was remarkable. Truly astounding.

  And then he finished and her body still rang with climax, demanding more. How could this be? Was this the frenzy they tried to warn her about?

  All she knew was that she needed more. More, her cat cried out within her soul. Ever more.

  Grif came to her rescue, claiming his spot between her thighs, joining them with little fanfare and a bit more force than she’d expected. It was just the right touch, taking away the pain of need and bringing her immediately back to the peak that beckoned.

  He rode her hard, stoking the fire that threatened to consume her sanity, making her come over and over until it all blended into one massively long orgasm that made her scream into the darkness. She keened her pleasure into the night sky, shouting to the stars, howling at the moon.

  Well, not really howling. She was a cougar after all. Not a wolf. Still, her spirit called to the stars, dancing among them for short periods of utter bliss punctuated by moments of stark need.

  Grif was always there. Stroking her. Pleasuring her. Caring for her.

  Throughout the tumult, she knew his love.

  In the end, it was the only thing that saved her.

  The fire abated when he finally came, allowing her a brief moment of respite. Grif kissed her tenderly, whispering her name until she opened her eyes, responding to the command in his hushed tone.

  “Are you okay?”

  She blinked up at him. His warm body still blanketed her. His softening cock was still within. One hand cradled her cheek with tender concern and the look in his eyes… Well, it blew her away.

  “I’m fine now.” She wanted to reassure him but she wasn’t really certain of anything at the moment. The hunger had receded, but she felt it there, waiting in the back of her mind, anticipating it’s next time to strike. “Was that the frenzy?”

  Grif nodded once. “Your eyes changed, sweetheart. They blazed gold with need while you were caught in the throes of the frenzy.”

  She tried to raise her hand to touch her eye, but she didn’t have the energy just then. She would take his word for it. He seemed worried, but she couldn’t do anything about that. Not yet.

  She felt the fire inside her gearing up for round two.

  “How long?” she gasped as the need started to creep in on her again.

  “As long as it takes,” he answered in a steady voice that was exactly what she needed to hear. He separated from her and helped her sit up as he stood before the low altar. “I brought you here because the stone circle offers some protection from magic. Performing this rite here beseeches the Lady to watch over you and gives Her the energy overflowing from our actions to be absorbed into this sacred place.”

  She thought she understood, though the shifter beliefs would take some getting used to. Her grandfather had practiced a mix of beliefs that worked for him and Lindsey had been raised in the modern world, with modern views on religion—until she’d finally spent time with her grandfather when she was a teenager.

  She had learned a great deal about spirituality from the old man. She would have to learn even more from Grif and his people—if she had the time to do so.

  Lindsey felt the fire approaching and knew she didn’t have much more coherent time. She reached out to Grif, grabbing his forearms.

  “No matter what,” she gasped. “You are everything to me, Grif. Everything.”

  She released him and clutched her midsection as roiling pain washed over her. She needed something…someone. Any male would do for the pain that was plaguing her.

  She saw Grif nod to the werewolf before he moved away. Large hands—not Grif’s—took her by the waist, urging her to turn and bend until she was leaning face down across the middle of the altar stone. Her butt stuck up in the air, her legs spread, waiting as the fire within her fanned to painful life.

  She didn’t have to wait long. Logan entered her from behind and she remembered what Grif had said to him. That he’d let him have her his way later. Doggie style.

  There were no preliminaries because none were needed. He slid into her—gentler than she’d expected—and began his motion immediately. Good. That’s exactly what she needed.

  Grif moved to stand on the other side of the stone, facing her. She was leaning forward, using her hands and elbows to balance her as she was pushed from behind by Logan’s deep strokes. Grif’s cock was getting hard again as he watched her get fucked by the werewolf Alpha. It was right in front of her.

  Too far away.

  But she needed it. She
needed him. Lindsey reached out with one hand, nearly losing her balance in her plea for Grif to move into range.

  He walked closer to steady her and then she had him. Her hand closed around his hard cock, stroking him and drawing him closer. She wanted to taste him. She needed to have him in her mouth while the werewolf filled her pussy. She needed it like her next breath.

  Grif made a token protest, but gave up without much effort when she took him deep into her mouth. Each stroke Logan made pushed her mouth onto Grif and she anticipated the rhythm, enjoying making both men as hot as she felt inside.

  It was like nothing she’d ever experienced. It was raw. Emotional. An inferno of lust and desire.

  Too much for the werewolf, apparently. He came with a howl. Too soon! Too damn soon.

  She thought she heard Logan apologize as he left her, empty, aching, wanting. She held tight to Grif’s cock with hands and mouth, needing the connection. Needing. So much need.

  She felt wetness on her face and knew she cried. She was going to die. She was going to go insane. She was going to lose herself in this endless need and never come out.

  “Hold on, kitten,” Grif whispered, bending low to stroke his hands over her shoulders and back. “Help is coming. I know what you need.”

  Oh, thank heaven! He knew. Somehow, Grif knew and she trusted he would help her. Somehow. Some way. He would help her. He would find a way.

  She heard a rustle of clothing behind her and then—shockingly—a new cock slid into her. Too tight. Too big. Wider than the werewolf. Thicker. Just bigger.

  Her addled mind couldn’t really process what was going on. All she knew was insatiable hunger. Desperate need.

  And then the new man began to move, thrusting deep, stretching her wide, hitting nerves she hadn’t really known about before. The slight pain of his entry was welcome in her frenzied state. It was nothing compared to the pain of being empty and unfulfilled.

  She started to come almost immediately and rode the wave higher than before, longer, deeper. Climax followed climax, becoming almost indistinguishable from each other, wrapping her in one long web of pleasure the likes of which she had never before known—and would probably never know again. People couldn’t feel this much and survive.


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