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Emily's Protectors

Page 5

by K. L. Donn

  “What’s wrong?” He replied in way of greeting, probably more forceful than necessary.

  “Hello to you too, Dane. Girls’ night is great, how is yours?” she asked sarcastically.

  “Keeley.” He growled, gritting his teeth together so he didn’t yell at her.

  “Ok, ok, sheesh. Look, Rowdy was barking and scratching at the door and when I let him out he took off for the woods and he’s not coming when I call him. It’s too dark for me to go in there. Will you come see if you can find him, please?” she asked, and he could hear the worry in her voice.

  “We’re on our way” was all he said, ending the conversation as abruptly as it started. Looking at Coop he told him, “Something’s up at the girls’ place.” Tossing some bills on the table, they took off for Coop’s truck.

  Sitting in the living room with Keels and Kenny waiting for the guys was killing Emily’s nerves. At every noise she would jump, and it felt like she could literally feel each nerve exploding. Her pulse was so fast it felt like her veins were ready to burst. The stress of the hang-up phone calls the last couple days was getting to her, and so was the constant fear. She couldn’t live like this anymore.

  When they heard a vehicle pull up, they jumped from the couch and ran for the door. Seeing Dane and Coop climb out of a truck, she felt marginally better knowing they would find Rowdy and hopefully whoever or whatever had been outside getting him all excited.

  “Could you have taken any longer?” Kennedy asked with a heavily sarcastic voice, earning a growl from Coop.

  “Watch it little girl, or I’ll put you over my knee.” He threatened, making her stick her tongue out at him. Chuckling, he called her a brat before they went around back to check things out and see if they could find Rowdy.

  “You girls get back inside and lock the doors until we get back,” Dane shouted as he followed Coop.

  Going inside, they resumed their position of sitting on the couch. “Do you think it was him?” Emily voiced the question to her biggest fear. “Am I putting you guys in danger by being here?” she asked, worried.

  Turning towards her, Keeley grabbed both her hands in her own saying, “Emily, this is not on you. It was probably some stupid animal coming too close. But even if it wasn’t, this stupid psycho stalker is not your fault, ok.” Looking up she saw how serious Keeley was and looking to Kenny she saw the same determination on her face. Nodding her agreement, Emily let it go. For now.

  It wasn’t long before they heard Rowdy come running up the steps and Keeley flinging the door open to hug him and let everyone inside.

  “Well?” Keeley asked them sounding impatient, but Emily could hear the slight tremor in the other woman’s voice.

  “I think it was a deer or coyote, but we’re staying the night, and we’ll take a closer look in the morning,” Coop said, but the look they shared before answering didn’t have Emily convinced.

  “Well, there goes girls’ night!” Kennedy said being overly dramatic. Probably trying to sooth everyone’s anxiety over the tense last hour.

  “You’re pushing it, Ken!” Coop said teasing her, knowing she hated that name. Kicking his shin, she stomped back into the house. “Shit!” He exclaimed while Dane just laughed at him saying, “You know better, dude.”

  When they caught sight of her standing slightly behind the door, they smiled at her, softening their expressions. “How you doing, Em?” Dane asked quietly like he knew she would spook at the slightest sound.

  Looking between them, they gazed at her so intently she was at a loss for words. She was so attracted to them but knew they wouldn’t want some messed up woman like her. She was too fragile and damaged. Her stalker had messed with everything she used to be. She’d always been shy, but she knew who she was and what she wanted from life, but now she had no idea. Her confidence was at an all-time low and most days, she fought just to get out of bed. She’d sunk into a deep depression that she didn’t know how to get out of. Realizing she hadn’t answered Dane yet she mumbled out “fine” before turning and walking back inside.

  Seeing that Keeley was cleaning up, she helped bring things into her gorgeous white and chrome kitchen. It was almost like her own dream house, only she wanted everything in a burnished steel. Going to the guest room she was shown earlier, Emily stripped down and grabbed her old, baggy t-shirt she’d slept in since she was fourteen and slipped it on.

  Climbing into the beautiful dark brown sleigh bed, Emily tried to get her mind to stop or at least slow down, but it was in overdrive from the last few nights of hang-up calls and tonight’s scare. She had been terrified it was her stalker finally coming for her. She had been more afraid for her friends than herself. Having Coop and Dane show up had thrown her already tumultuous emotions up another notch.

  She was living on a tightrope, going nowhere fast. Her body finally succumbed to exhaustion and she fell into a deep restless sleep.

  Sitting in the living room after all three girls had gone to bed, Coop felt restless. Like his skin was crawling. It hadn’t looked like anyone was outside; there were no deep footprints and nothing to indicate it was an actual person. It could have been anything at all, but he felt someone or something watching them as they looked for Keeley’s new dog. Something was off here and he couldn’t figure out what.

  “What are you thinking, Coop?” Dane broke into his thoughts.

  “Something’s off, man. We’re missing an essential piece of the puzzle with Emily’s stalker. This Henry character just doesn’t feel right,” he said, finally, looking Dane in the eye to gauge his reaction.

  Nodding his head, Dane agreed. “I thought so, too. He’s too easy. He didn’t try to hide anything. No doubt he’s infatuated with her, maybe more than what’s normal, but I don’t think he’s our guy either.”

  Feeling slightly relieved that he wasn’t the only one feeling like things weren’t as they seemed got him thinking that they should retrace her steps further back than what they already had. As he was about to suggest that to Dane, they heard painful moaning coming from the hallway behind them.

  Getting up slowly and quietly, they made their way down the hall until they came to one of the rooms on the right. Looking at Dane and nodding his head, Coop carefully opened the door a small fraction and peered in. Seeing nothing amiss, his eyes shot to the bed just as Emily started thrashing around. “Shit.” He grunted as they both rushed over to the bed.

  “Emily, baby, wake up.” Dane tried soothing her with his hand; caressing her cheek. She seemed to quiet down for a second until he removed it, then she started again and the whimpering began. Swearing, Coop crawled in beside her, pulling her back to his front. Wrapping one hand in her hair and the other around her waist, he started murmuring softly to her. “You’re alright, baby girl, we got you. You’re safe, Emily, I swear.”

  Climbing in on the other side, Dane slid his front to hers and tangled their legs together. He put one hand under her hip and the other he ran his knuckles up and down her cheek softly saying, “We got you, doll.” Kissing her cheek, they watched her until they succumbed to sleep as well.

  Waking up early the next morning, Emily was shocked at the position she was in. In front of her was Dane’s handsome face. He looked so relaxed in sleep; so peaceful. He was even bigger up close. She knew he was huge before, but now? Having his body pressed up against hers, her head just under his chin and her legs only going as far as his shins she thought, Christ, he’s enormous. He had one hand cupping her ass cheek from underneath her and one under her shirt laying in the dip of her waist. It was… different. Nice but definitely different. She hadn’t had many men touch her before, but the way he held her felt good.

  Turning her head, she looked up to see Coop behind her with his front plastered to her back; they were practically one unit lying there. He was so close she could feel his erection nestled in between her ass cheeks. Blushing at the thought, she wiggled a little. Hearing a loud groan behind her and feeling a hand flex in her hair tightly, she s
topped moving around.

  A whisper in her ear had her halting altogether. “Baby girl.” Coop breathed out, snaking his other hand around her middle and placing it just below her breasts, pulling her closer to him. “Fuck.” He hissed out when she went to turn over and brushed his erection with her hip.

  “Wh—” clearing her throat she tried again. “What are you guys doing in here?” she whispered not wanting to wake Dane.

  “You’re beautiful in the mornings.” He smiled at her, running one hand down her cheek. “We heard you moaning last night and came in to see if you were ok. You were having a nightmare so we climbed in trying to wake you, but as soon as we touched you, you calmed down and we stayed,” he said logically.

  I was having a nightmare? And they stayed? Why would they stay? She questioned herself over and over again.

  Getting up, she decided to let it go. Well shit, getting out of bed with two huge-ass men wrapped around you is not easy. She sighed, struggling to get up because neither of them felt inclined to let go of her. After rustling around for a few minutes, she was finally free and went to jump off the bed only to get tangled in the sheet. She damn near did a face plant if it wasn’t for the hands that grabbed her so quickly, stopping her just millimeters from hitting the carpeted floor.

  Letting out a very un-ladylike squeak as she was flipped to her feet, she came face to chest with a sleepy looking Dane. Smiling sheepishly, she mumbled out a thanks, grabbed her bag, and ran for the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her and leaning against it.

  Hurrying through a shower and getting dressed, she put her hair in a side braid. Opening the door a crack, she peeked out to see the room empty and the smell of fresh coffee in the air. Walking out in a puff of steam, she started making her way to the kitchen but placed her bag by the front door first.

  Entering the kitchen, she stopped short when she saw that Keeley was the only one in there. “Morning,” she said happily. “Kenny went home, something about grumbling men having PMS, and Dane and Coop just went to have another look around the house and tree line to see if there was anything amiss. Would you like some coffee?” She babbled on without missing a beat.

  Coming to sit at the breakfast bar, Emily nodded her head. She was confused about how disappointed she was that the guys weren’t here waiting for her. Did you really want them to, Em? She thought long and hard. Realizing she, in fact, did want to see them had her baffled. She didn’t have much experience with men, but these two attracted her like no other. On the heel of that thought, though, was the way Coop and Kenny had flirted the night before.

  Clearing her throat, she decided to ask Keeley when she sat next to her with their coffees. “Can I ask you something, Keels?” Looking to her friend, she saw her nod yes. “Is there something going on with Kenny and Cooper?”

  Laughter was not what she expected.

  “Oh, gawd. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to laugh at you, but no, there’s nothing between them. They treat her like a little sister. I promise. They do everything they can to annoy her because she does it right back, but no there’s nothing. I asked her once and she was grossed out.”

  Letting out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, Emily was relieved.

  “Do you like them, Em?” Keeley surprised her by asking.

  Shrugging her shoulders, she really wasn’t sure. “I don’t know. I mean it wouldn’t matter anyway; they’re protecting me. Nothing more. I doubt they’d be interested,” she said into her coffee, taking a sip of the warm brew.

  “Emily,” Keeley said seriously, grabbing her hand. “It doesn’t matter that they’re protecting you. Well, I mean it does, obviously, but not for the reason you think. I know for a fact that it would not stop them from pursuing you. Don’t hide from your feelings because you think they won’t reciprocate, ‘cause I’ll tell ya, the way they look at you…” Fanning her face, she smiled. “If I didn’t have Nathaniel and Tyler looking at me like that then I’d be jealous.”

  Hearing the front door open they stopped talking, waiting for the guys to come in. “Alright girls, the coast is clear. I think it was just a deer or coyote. There’s nothing to indicate you had anyone here that shouldn’t be.” Coop told Keeley but had his eyes on Emily the entire time.

  Fuck, she’s gorgeous, glowing from her warm shower and still slightly sleep ruffled, Coop thought, staring at Emily without trying to freak her the fuck out. He was drawn to her like the setting of a tropical sun. If she was in the room, his eyes immediately sought her out. She had an innocence to her that he wanted to corrupt. “You ready to head home, baby girl?” he asked her.

  Nodding her head at him, she kissed Keeley on the cheek and thanked her for including her in their girls’ night before following Coop out of the house and into his waiting truck. Helping her up to the front bench seat, he pushed her to the middle and buckled her in. Seeing the almost sad look on her face, he cupped her cheek asking, “What are you thinking about, Em?”

  “Nothing, Cooper.”

  Searching her face for any clues as to where her thoughts had taken her, he slid in the driver’s seat, facing her. Wrapping his other hand around the back of her neck, he put his forehead against hers and watched her eyes. They were so expressive, he could practically make out her thoughts…

  Was it my stalker out there last night?

  How long before I’m safe again?

  Do they like me, too?

  He planned on answering every single one of those questions just as soon as Dane was done talking to Keeley. They might not be the exact things she was wanting answers to, but he felt like they were close enough.

  The opening of the truck door had him pulling away slightly, but not before he kissed her lips gently, making her gasp in shock. Smirking at the astonished look on her face, he started up the truck and they made their way back to Emily’s house in silence. Everyone lost in their own thoughts.

  After spending the night sleeping next to Emily and holding her so close, Dane was ready to explode with arousal. He’d never wanted a woman so much in his life. Sitting next to her in an enclosed space was not helping his libido any either. His cock was so hard he could pound nails with it.

  Walking out of Keeley’s house after telling her to call them if she needed anything before Nate and Ty got home the next day, to see Coop and Em so close they were practically kissing; he was ready to explode by the smallest touch alone.

  When she shifted in her seat he got a whiff of her scent, it was fruity, almost like melons? With a hint of mint. It enticed the senses and had him almost drooling over her like a lovesick puppy.

  Resting his arm on the seat behind her, he started playing with the little hairs falling out of her braid. She stiffened, at first, but after a few minutes she relaxed and when he started trailing his fingers gently up the back of her neck and around to under her jaw he felt her shiver. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her biting her lip, too. Pretending not to notice her reaction, he continued gently touching her.

  Pulling up out front of her little house, he felt the shift in Coop’s mood and immediately began scanning the area for any threats. Not seeing anything surrounding the house, his gaze zeroed in on the broken front window and destroyed flowers strewn across her front walk. Looking to Coop, he nodded and followed him out of the truck telling Emily, “Stay here and don’t move.”

  Standing in her living room in shock at the destruction around her, Emily was overwhelmed, pissed off, and scared. With so many emotions fighting for dominance in her body, her tears started falling in a steady stream. Fisting her hands by her side, she walked around the room taking inventory of the destruction in her life. Her home wasn’t large, in fact, it was tiny. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, kitchen and living room is all it consisted of, but she’d loved it.

  Everything was decorated for comfort. Her now tattered, torn, and broken couch used to be an attractive light beige and the cushions were so deep they enveloped you when you sat down. It might have been used, but
she adored it. The dark mahogany trunk she had used for a coffee table with a dainty white lace cloth over the top was now in pieces, broken beyond repair, with the cloth ripped and tangled in the mess of wood. Garage sale pictures of nature that she’d found were shattered throughout the room. Candles lay broken on their sides on the floor.

  She was heartbroken.


  Hearing a crunch behind her, she whipped around, startled. Seeing Dane and Coop, had her relaxing slightly. When they started walking closer, she hadn’t realized she was sobbing so loud until Dane wrapped his arms around her shoulders and neck, pulling her closer to his chest. Feeling Coop’s heat at her back and his hands on her hips had her both relaxing and crying harder.

  “Stupid, fucking, douchebag asswipe!” She mumbled against Dane’s chest in between sobs.

  “Language, baby girl,” Dane said at the same time Coop swatted her ass making her yelp. He sounded so serious that if his chest hadn’t been shaking she’d have bitten his nipple.

  “Don’t laugh at me you big ape. I’m so sick of this crazy jerk-off. I just want this to be over.” She started to whisper closer to the end. Rubbing her face along Dane’s chest and feeling his hard muscles had her body coming alive. Shivering, she peeked up to see that his face was hard. She couldn’t tell if he was pissed off or turned on. Maybe both? She wondered.

  Taking a deep breath, she pulled away from them both, scared of the feelings they evoked in her. Scared that if she gives in then either her stalker would take them from her, or they would only want her temporarily. “The police will be here soon, so don’t touch anything yet,” Coop told her as she was about to go get the broom. Sighing in defeat, she went back outside to sit on the steps and wait for the police.

  Sitting there looking at all the houses on her quiet street, Emily couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to have the normalcy her neighbors seemed to have. She knew not every family was perfect; everyone had their flaws, but she wished that for once she could be the one with a loving husband, happy kids, and the cute little dog. She was jealous and enviousness, all at the same time, of the families around her.


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