Too Much Drama
Page 5
We ate the delicious dinner Dad made: grilled lamb chops, twice-baked potatoes, asparagus, and homemade strawberry cheesecake. Then we opened presents. When we were done, Mom told June she should sleep in May’s room so Sam and Uncle Marty could have her room.
“Do you have one bed or two?” Sam asked June.
“One,” said June.
Sam shook his little head from side to side. Blond bangs flopped into his eyes. “I’m not sleeping with Daddy,” he said. “He farts in his sleep.”
“Sam! I don’t like that word,” sad Uncle Marty.
“Daddy poots in his sleep,” Sam corrected. “And it stinks.” He held his nose and made a retching sound. May, June, and I cracked up.
“Girls, that’s enough,” said Mom. I knew she didn’t want us to egg Sam on, but I guess June couldn’t help herself. “What does it smell like?” she asked Sam.
“June!” said Mom.
“Dog poo,” said Sam. He collapsed into a heap of laughter.
“Sam! That’s enough,” said Uncle Marty. His tone was sharper than before. Everyone but Sam got that it was time for him to stop.
But Sam was just getting warmed up. “If he farts when Santa comes, Santa will be grossed out by the smell and won’t leave any presents.”
“Santa won’t leave presents for little boys who say fart,” said Uncle Marty.
I knew he was teasing, but apparently Sam didn’t. He started crying. He was wailing that he was sorry and wanted his presents. He was actually apologizing to the air, like he wanted Santa to hear his words even though he wasn’t there. It was the saddest thing I’ve ever seen.
Even Uncle Marty felt bad. He told Sam he was kidding and let him have a second piece of cheesecake. Sam sniffled while he ate it. When he finished, Uncle Marty said it was his bedtime, but Sam said he was still upset and scared too. So we all stayed up watching the Santa report on TV until Sam fell asleep in Uncle Marty’s lap.
For some reason, watching Uncle Marty carry Sam to bed later made me emotional. Maybe it was that Sam looked so small and sweet. Or maybe it was just the contrast of how bad I felt this morning when I tried to give Brynn the gift I’d gotten her versus how good I felt tonight celebrating with my family. It was a surprisingly fun night all being together. It made me wish I could take the holiday spirit I’m feeling and sprinkle it all over Brynn.
Sadly, I don’t think it would make a difference.
Christmas, 10:17 p.m.
We spent Christmas at Aunt Lilly and Uncle Dusty’s house. I thought it would be weird not having it at Gaga’s and even weirder that she wasn’t there to celebrate with us. Even though I missed Gaga, Christmas was very merry!
May was the first one to wake up (she always is), and she got everyone else up. All our stockings, and one for Sam, were laid out in the den in front of the fireplace. They’re always filled with pretty much the same thing—candy, socks, and little things from the drug store, but I still love opening mine and seeing what’s inside. Sam liked his too. He stuffed his candy and socks in his underwear, then put his stocking on his head and wore it around like a hat. We all ate homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and then everyone got dressed and we went to Aunt Lilly’s house.
My whole extended family was there. Aunt Lilly, Uncle Dusty, Harry, and Amanda. Aunt Lila, Uncle Drew, and Charlotte and Izzy. Uncle Marty and Sam. There was a huge tree, and every room was decorated for Christmas. Mom, Aunt Lilly, and Aunt Lila all had on the matching Christmas sweaters Gaga had made for them.
Sophie was there too, with both of her parents. I know she’d been worried that it would be uncomfortable. It was the first time they’d all been together since Sophie and her mom moved to Faraway. But as soon as we all showed up, Aunt Lilly made everyone put on the Christmas hats she’d ordered and sing carols while she played the piano. I guess singing in funny hats loosens people up, because everyone seemed relaxed after that. Then we ate the huge lunch Aunt Lilly had made and opened presents. It was a really fun day.
When we got home from Aunt Lilly’s, Uncle Marty and Sam left to go back to Mobile, and it was just Mom, Dad, May, June, and me. I think we were all exhausted from last night’s and today’s festivities. We all went into the den, and Mom and May and I curled up on the couch, and June sat with Dad in his oversized armchair. We watched some cheesy, made-for-TV Christmas movie, but it was nice just being with my family.
When the movie was over, Mom made us all get up and get ready for bed.
I showered and had just gotten into bed when Mom came into my room. She walked over and sat down on the edge of my bed. She looked at me like maybe there was something on her mind she wanted to talk to me about. But all she said was, “I love you.”
“Love you too,” I said to Mom and gave her a big, goofy smile. Mom laughed, kissed me on the forehead, and left. As I watched her go, I realized I wouldn’t have changed one thing about the day.
Some days, every once in a while, are perfect.
Only do what your heart tells you.
—Princess Diana
Friday, December 26, 8:45 a.m.
Post-Christmas blues
The day after Christmas is always a let-down, but I’m feeling it more than usual this year. Sophie is leaving for New Orleans with her dad, Billy is in Mexico with his family, Leo is getting ready to leave for college, and I’m not friends with Brynn anymore, which leaves me with a question.
What am I going to do for the rest of the break?
10:45 a.m.
Text from Sophie
Sophie: At the airport.
Sophie. Leaving for NOLA!
Me: Have fun!!!
Sophie: What are you doing this week?
Me: Nothing much.
Me: Hurry home!
Sophie: Miss you already!
1:32 p.m.
Text from Billy
Billy: Merry Christmas! How was it?
Me: Fun. How’s Mexico?
Billy: Nice! Bobby and I are going skiing this afternoon.
Me: Water or snow?
Billy: Did you really just ask that?!?
Me: Just kidding. Is it hot there?
Billy: Very!
Me: Have fun!
Billy: Thanks.
4:42 p.m.
Text to Sophie
Me: Did you get Kaitlin Reed’s invite?
Sophie: Let me check.
Sophie: OMG!
Me: I can’t wait.
Sophie: Me too!
Me: When are you home?
Sophie: 12/31!
Me: You better get back in time!
Sophie: Flight lands at 2.
Me: What if it’s late?
Sophie: I’ll take a bus.
Sophie: Or walk.
Me: That’s a long walk.
Sophie: I’ll hitchhike.
Me: Bad idea.
Sophie: I’ll be back in time.
Sophie: I promise!
Sophie: I’m not missing that party.
Saturday, December 27, 10:59 p.m.
Fun night
Leo called this afternoon and invited me to go to a movie with him tonight! He picked me up, and this time Mom and Dad let me ride with him there. But we didn’t go to the big theater behind the mall. We went to an old theater in downtown Faraway that was restored a few years ago. I’d never been in it, but Leo said he loves it. It shows art films.
The lobby of the theatre was really pretty. Everything was dark purple and gold, and there were fancy antique mirrors on the walls. The concession stand looked old fashioned, but fortunately it had normal snacks.
Leo and I agreed we’d each pick one thing and choose one together. I picked popcorn, Leo got Milk Duds, and we agreed on a Diet Coke.
Once we had our snacks, we found seats for the movie, which was an Italian film called Cinema Paradiso that I LOVED! Leo had seen it before—it’s actually one of his favorites. It was about this gu
y who is a filmmaker. It’s told in flashbacks, so you get to see the story of what happens to him while he was growing up. He goes through a lot, but at the end, he makes peace with his past, which a) gave me tremendous hope for the future, and b) made me cry like a baby because it was so sweet and sad.
Leo had brought tissues—he said it’s common to get a little misty-eyed at that movie. Part of me thought it was a little weird, because the only other person I know who goes to movies with tissues is Gaga.
But as we drove home and talked about the movie, I realized I’d had such a good time tonight that I really didn’t care that the boy I like has something in common with my eighty-year-old grandmother.
Did I just admit I like him?
I think I did!
Sunday, December 28, 7:15 p.m.
A day with Mom
I spent the day with Mom at her store doing inventory. I learned a lot about clothes and costs, but I think Mom learned more about me.
“How about some lunch?” she asked after we’d spent the morning counting and folding. “You could pick up sandwiches from the deli next door.” She winked when she said it.
I pretended not to notice the wink, but I took her up on her suggestion. I knew Leo was working, and I was happy to have a reason to go.
“April!” said Leo as soon as I walked in. “I’m thrilled you stopped by.”
“You’re that excited to make me a ham sandwich and a turkey sandwich?” I asked teasingly.
Leo laughed. “I’m always happy to make you a sandwich. I was going to call you later. Tomorrow is my last day working at the deli, and I was wondering if you could spare some time on Tuesday to go shopping with me. I need some new clothes for college, and since you’re the daughter of a fashion designer, I’m hopeful you’re genetically predisposed to having good taste.”
“I’m not bad,” I said. I’d give both Brynn and Sophie higher marks than me in the fashion department.
Leo laughed. “Well whatever you pick will be better than what I’d get myself.”
I smiled at him. “I’d love to go,” I told him.
“Great!” said Leo. When he finished making the sandwiches, I paid and took them back to Mom’s store.
“Someone looks happy,” said Mom when she saw me.
I tried not to grin, but I couldn’t help it. “I like hanging out with Leo,” I told Mom. Then, I don’t know why, but I confided in her that I’m a little anxious about what’s going to happen when he leaves for college.
Mom unwrapped her sandwich. “You’ll figure things out. Just enjoy spending time with him while he’s still here,” said Mom.
I unwrapped my sandwich and took a big bite. I’m not so sure how I’m going to “figure things out.” But like it or not, in less than a week, that’s exactly what I’m going to have to start doing.
Tuesday, December 30, 8:15 p.m.
Today Leo and I went shopping, and then I went back to his house with him to help him pack. It was the first time I’d been to his house. The entry hall, living room, and dining room were filled with artwork and antiques, which was why I was surprised when I went to Leo’s room. It was so plain. White walls. Blue bed. A little shelf with a few knowledge bowl trophies on it.
“I know you’re wondering why there’s nothing on the walls,” said Leo.
I tried to read his expression. I couldn’t tell if he was embarrassed or acknowledging the obvious. I didn’t want to lie. But I didn’t want to tell the truth either, which was that I was wondering why his room was so bare. I remained motionless.
Leo explained, “I like it like this. It gives me space to think.”
I thought for a minute before I responded. “There’s always so much going on in your head. It makes sense that you don’t need much on your walls,” I said to Leo.
Leo seemed relieved. He put down the shopping bags he was holding and walked over to where I was standing. Then he bent down and kissed me. It wasn’t a long kiss. Just a sweet, small one. It was nice, but it was followed by a long, awkward silence.
“I like you, April,” said Leo.
“I like you too,” I said.
I waited to see if Leo was going to elaborate on what liking me meant, but he didn’t. I don’t know what he was thinking, but what I was thinking is that he’s leaving for college in less than a week. “I don’t want to sound like the voice of practicality here . . . but how’s that going to work with you gone and me here?” I asked.
“I’m not sure,” said Leo. “But there’s always a solution—it’s just a matter of finding it.”
“This isn’t a chemistry experiment,” I said.
Leo smiled. “It kind of is.” He had a point, but it wasn’t an answer to my question. Maybe Mom was right when she said we’ll figure things out.
But how?
10:15 p.m.
Phone call from Leo
Leo called tonight to ask if I wanted to do something on New Year’s Eve.
I told him about the invite I got from Kaitlin Reed. “It’s going to be a really fun party. All my friends will be there, and I’d love for you to hang out with them. Why don’t you come?” I was sure Leo would say no.
But he surprised me. “I guess I’d better go to my first high school party before I go to my first college party.”
“This isn’t really your first high school party, is it?” I asked.
“Technically, it’s my second.” Leo laughed. “But it’s a date, and I can’t wait.”
That makes two of us.
If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they’re yours; if they don’t, they never were.
—Richard Bach
New Year’s Eve
I’ve spent a large part of today on the phone.
I talked to Dad twice. The first time he called from the diner (while I was sleeping) to remind me that I’m babysitting today and that Mom is closing the store early and will be home by four. I went back to sleep, but he called a few minutes later to tell me to make lunch for May and June. Since Mom won’t be home until closer to dinner time, I didn’t really think I needed that reminder, but in the holiday spirit of things, I said no problem.
I talked to Mom once. She called after lunch to tell me she’d be home at four and to make sure I’d made lunch.
I’ve talked to Sophie five times, which is how many times it took for us to decide what we’re each wearing to Kaitlin’s party tonight. In my case, it’s a minidress with wedges, and Sophie is wearing a miniskirt with a cropped sweater and boots.
And I talked to Leo once to give him the address of Kaitlin’s party so he can meet me there. I’m going to walk to Gaga’s to get Sophie, and then we’re walking together to Kaitlin’s house, which is just a few blocks from where Gaga lives.
Finally it’s party time, and I’m off! (As in, off to the party, versus off the phone. But I’m that too.)
Still Pre-Party
I’m not off just yet.
I was about to leave when Dad saw my outfit (which I’d spent the better part of my day planning) and stopped me.
“Not so fast!” he said. “You can’t go out in those shoes. You’ll freeze.”
“Dad, it’s 40 degrees, which makes it physically impossible to freeze, and I’ll be inside most of the night.” Dad wasn’t convinced, so now I’m wearing a minidress and boots. As I said before, I’m off! But this time I mean it.
A lot to write about
It’s New Year’s Day, so HAPPY NEW YEAR! Sophie slept over after the party and she just left, so I feel like I should write about last night and finish the year out before I start writing about the new one.
Kaitlin decorated her house with tons of black, gold, and sparkly New Year’s Eve stuff she bought. Her brother and dad hung twinkly lights in the trees in the backyard, and her mom made amazing food. Her brother’s best friend was the DJ and played great music. Everyone was dancing, and it was really fun.
I’d been a l
ittle worried all day about Leo, but he had a great time too. He’s not a great dancer—actually, he’s pretty bad—but he gets an A for effort, and he looked like he was having fun when we danced.
We spent a lot of time just hanging out with my friends, especially Billy and Sophie. They were asking Leo all about going to college. I could tell he felt good that they thought it was cool he’s smart enough to be going at sixteen.
As it got closer to midnight, Kaitlin was giving out hats and shakers and blowers and glow sticks. When the clock struck twelve, everyone was screaming and going crazy. I had a blower, which I blew into Leo’s face. “Happy New Year!” I said.
Leo laughed and took the blower out of my mouth. He had a New Years hat on that he put on my head and said, “Happy New Year, April!”
Then he leaned over and kissed me. I was surprised he’d kissed me at the party, and I looked at him to see if I could figure out what he was thinking. It was hard to read his expression, and it would have been weird to just stand there looking at him, so I looked around the room.
I guess part of me was looking to see if anyone had been watching us. The party was packed with people, and I don’t really think anyone cared what Leo and I were doing. But as I looked, I saw Sophie, who was standing next to Billy, turn and kiss him on the lips. It wasn’t a quick kiss like the one Leo gave me. And Billy kissed her back. And unfortunately, I wasn’t the only one who saw it.
I looked at Emily and Vanessa, who were standing nearby, and I saw that they were watching too. Vanessa saw me watching her, and made a face like what she’d just witnessed wasn’t something that should have happened. Then she leaned over and whispered something to Emily, who turned and looked at me.
I looked at Brynn, who was standing next to Vanessa and Emily. Her back was turned to Billy and Sophie, so I knew she hadn’t seen the kiss. But I also knew that she would definitely hear about it from Vanessa and Emily. The only question was when.