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Kristar (Bookstrand Publishing Romance)

Page 15

by D Renee Bagby

  Melchior said, “You seem better, Kitty.”

  “I am, King Melchior. Thank you.” She straightened. “I would like to perform for you now.”

  Serenity said, “And we would like to see it. Chigaru says you are a beautiful dancer.”

  “With respect to him, he’s never seen me dance.”

  Chigaru said, “I watched you in the club, Kitty.”

  “That wasn’t dancing. That was gyrating and taking my clothes off in time to the music. I plan to do neither now.”

  Melchior said, “When you are ready.”

  Kitty curtsied again and walked to the middle of the room. The crowd quieted and all attention turned to her. She was used to an audience and performing, so their scrutiny didn’t bother her. She nodded to the musicians, who returned the gesture and then started the song.

  Putting everything out of her mind, Kitty focused on her movements. Though she hadn’t done any real dancing in years, her body hadn’t forgotten anything. She’d been dancing all her life. It was as natural to her as breathing.

  After hearing the song once, she knew exactly how her body should flow. First a fan kick into a pirouette. Sway to compliment the fluttering of the flute and then three front walkovers as the music built. Kitty ignored the clapping though she enjoyed the admiration.

  She had missed performing for those who appreciated her talent rather than her unclothed body. At home, before she discovered the truth, her routines had always received many compliments and applause. Much later she’d discovered her admirers and patrons were future clients assessing her ability. She’d lost some of her enthusiasm after that.

  Not so now. Those who watched wanted nothing more than to be entertained. Every front aerial, every leg extension, every float spin received oohs and aahs from several around the room. She became so engrossed in the dance that she almost forgot to stay with the music.

  The sharp rap of the drum brought her back and she ended the song on one knee with her head bowed and her arms extended to the sides.

  The clapping started low, hesitant. Soon the whole room thundered with it. Kitty rose and curtsied to the thrones before she bowed to the musicians. Melchior beckoned to her between claps. She jogged forward and curtsied once more.

  Serenity said in a breathy voice, “You are amazing, Kitty. Truly more beautiful than words. I have never seen such dancing.”

  “Thank you, Queen Serenity.”

  Melchior said, “You have more than proven you are capable. I am happy to have you as court entertainer, Kitty. Welcome.”

  Kitty bowed her head. “Thank you, King Melchior. I appreciate this chance.”

  “Since you have joined their ranks, you should meet the others.” Melchior beckoned in the direction of the musicians.

  Three men and one woman rushed toward the throne and bowed. The woman asked, “You called for us, your majesty? Do you wish us to perform next?”

  “Thank you, Hestra, no. I wish to introduce you to Kitty. Her dance impressed us. She will be joining you.”

  “Her dance impressed us as well, your majesty.” Hestra faced Kitty. “I am Hestra.” She gestured to the three men behind her. “This is Jalel, Majuke, and Ceimed.”

  Kitty said, “Nice to meet you all. I’m Kitty.” Since none of them offered their hands, Kitty didn’t put hers out. She guessed they didn’t shake hands here. “I hope we can work well together.”

  Jalel said, “Our dancing is not like yours. I didn’t know a human could move in such a way. You are very graceful.”

  “Most humans can’t move like me. I’ve had years of training in different styles of dance since I learned to walk.”

  “I would be interested to learn some of those styles, if you care to teach us.”

  “I’ve never taught before, but I’ll try.” Good they were getting along. At least she knew how her days would pass now. Dancing day in and day out wasn’t a bad way to pass the time and she did enjoy it.

  Melchior said, “You are excused. I look forward to seeing your future performances together.”

  They bowed before the group ushered Kitty to the musicians’ corner. The musicians all congratulated and complimented her. She was happy the people here were nice.

  Majuke asked, “Have you recently come to the palace, Kitty? I have not seen you before. Nor have I heard of a human who can dance like you.”

  Kitty nodded. “I just got here today, a few hours ago. It’s been a hectic first few hours.” What with being shot at and then transported to an alternate dimension and all. She didn’t mention any of that since Chigaru had warned her to keep her origins to herself. Many humans came to Nexeu and were unfamiliar with the way of life, so her lack of knowledge wouldn’t be seen as suspicious.

  She looked around at the multitude of bhresyas roaming the throne room. This world might be similar to hers but that made it more fun. After running away from home, Kitty had gotten over her fear of the unknown quickly to embrace the wonder of discovering a new locale she’d never seen before. This was no different, except she didn’t have to ever worry about her mother finding her.

  That simple fact allowed her to relax for the first time in years. She faced her new coworkers. “So do we loiter here until the royals want us to dance?”

  Hestra said, “Yes. We have prepared and practiced several routines that can fill three hours, though we have never been called on to dance for such a length of time.”

  “When do you…we practice?”

  “When court is not in session. The king and queen spend a few hours each day here. The rest of the time, they are about the palace.”

  “Ah.” Kitty nodded. “I guess I’ll observe for today.”

  “I doubt they will call us. With the return of the queen’s favored Hell Hound, she is too distracted to watch us.”

  Kitty’s focus returned to the throne where Chigaru knelt at Serenity’s side and nodded as she spoke to him. Nilam had moved to her father’s lap and was talking animatedly to him, but his attention seemed split between his daughter and his wife. Kitty could feel his annoyance because she shared it.

  She turned away from the sight. “Since they won’t be calling us, I was wondering if I could try something.” She directed her attention to Jalel and his back-curving horns. “Feel free to say no if I’m out of line, but I was wondering if I could do a handstand on your head.”

  Jalel startled. “I think I misunderstood your words.”

  “A handstand. You know, standing on my hands with my feet in the air.”

  “I know what a handstand is. You want to do that on my head. Why?”

  “Your horns. I’ve never been around someone with horns before. And they are perfectly spaced and curved for handholds.”

  Ceimed and Majuke laughed while Jalel blushed, turning his gray skin an ash rose color.

  Kitty looked between them. “What? Did I say something funny?”

  Hestra said, “Touching a bhresya’s horns is seen as an act of intimacy shared only with loved ones and close friends. What you have suggested is something reserved for couples in the bedroom.”

  Kitty covered her mouth in surprise and then giggled. “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry.”

  Jalel shook his head. “I understand you didn’t know.”

  “I’m not trying to sleep with you or anything. As a dancer I’m used to being touched on intimate areas as part of the performance. It means nothing. Thanks to all my years of training and performing, my modesty has gone out the window.”

  “That is true. Court entertainers do incorporate motions of intimacy in their routines to invoke emotions of sensuality.” Jalel nodded as though coming to a decision. “Let’s try it.”

  “Thank you.”

  “What do I do?”

  “Down on one knee with your back straight and put your hands like this in front of you.” Kitty threaded her fingers together with her palms up.

  Jalel followed her instructions while Hestra backed up a few paces. Ceimed and Majuk
e flanked them.

  Kitty said, “I’m going to put my foot on your hands and my hands on your horns, okay?”

  “I’m ready.”

  She placed one foot on his hands and felt him steady his grip and lock his arms to support her weight. Next she grasped his horns. They were rough though they looked smooth. Good. She could get a better grip and not have to worry about slipping.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  “Good. Continue.”

  “Here goes.” Kitty launched her legs into the air. She’d done hundreds, if not thousands, of handstands in her life, but never on a moving object.

  Jalel’s head wobbled as he adjusted to her weight. Kitty tried to keep straight and maintain her balance.

  Hestra said, “Amazing.”

  Ceimed and Majuke added sounds of agreement.

  Kitty would have to take their word for it since she couldn’t see what they saw. “Jalel, stand up. Try to keep your back straight and don’t move too fast.”

  “Moving,” Jalel said before he pushed up in a slow rise and then brought his feet together. All the while, Ceimed and Majuke had their hands out, ready to catch Kitty if she toppled. She retained her balance.

  Hestra clapped softly. “Very good. Kitty, your legs are leaning to the right.”

  Kitty corrected her stance. “How’s that?”

  “Good. Beautiful.”

  To Jalel, Kitty asked, “You still okay down there? I’m not too heavy?”

  Jalel said, “You truly know nothing of bhresyas to ask such a question. You would have to gain twice, possibly three times, your current weight before you present me with something coming close to my definition of heavy.”

  “Oh, you are good for my self-esteem. Most of the men where I’m from are all shorter than me and think I’m heavy.”

  “That proves humans are weak. I feel the pressure of you but it isn’t a burden.”

  “Oh? So I can move then?”

  “If you like.”

  Kitty spread her legs to the sides until they were parallel with the floor. She held that pose for about a minute and then brought her legs together before doing splits. From there she curved her back leg to the front so formed a right angle. “Hands.”

  “Here.” Jalel threaded his fingers and held his hands high so she could see them.

  Kitty bent her forward and let her legs drop until her feet touched Jalel’s hands. “Steady. I’m going to jump.”

  “Is that wise?”

  “No, which is exactly why I’m going to do it.”

  Ceimed moved to Jalel’s front. “I’m ready.”

  Kitty loved how the men already knew how to spot. The future was looking better and better. She put her full weight on Jalel’s hands and released his horns as she crouched and launched herself into a tucked back flip. Ceimed touched her waist and guided her down. She ended with her arms extended above her head in a typical gymnast finish.

  Clapping started. Kitty startled and looked around. Her little performance had had everyone’s attention. She hadn’t meant for that to happen, but should have expected it. Oh well. Hopefully she hadn’t disrupted anything.

  She said, “That was fun. I’ve seen competitions where a pair do balancing tricks with the man supporting the woman’s weight and always wanted to try it.”

  “We should create a routine around this,” Hestra said. “The crowd enjoyed it. Look. Queen Serenity is coming over with Hell Hound Chigaru.”

  While Kitty wanted to be as happy about the visit as Hestra, Chigaru’s stern expression put her on guard.

  Serenity said as soon as she reached them, “You continue to amaze me, Kitty. That was beautifully done.”

  Kitty said with a bow, “Thank you, your majesty. We were fooling around…uh…playing. I didn’t mean to distract everyone.”

  “A welcome distraction. Chigaru couldn’t take his eyes off you. Indeed no one could.”

  Chigaru said, “King Melchior is about to adjourn court for the afternoon meal. Perhaps you should go rest, Kitty. It has been a long day.”

  Kitty said, “For both of us, but I’m not tired. I’m more hungry than anything else. Plus I’m eager to plot out future routines. I’ve only been here a few hours and I’m already enjoying myself. Imagine that.”

  She dared him with her eyes to say something. Chigaru’s lips thinned to a hard line as he clenched his jaw.

  Three sharp claps brought their attention to Melchior. He stood and announced, “Court is adjourned.” He descended the throne dais with Nilam’s hand held in his and walked toward the entrance.

  Serenity said, “I look forward to what you show us next, Kitty.”

  “Thank you, your majesty.” Kitty and the others bowed.

  Serenity walked away with Chigaru following after her. Kitty looked up in time to catch him glance back at her. She couldn’t read his expression. Whatever he had to say to her would have to wait until he was off duty. She faced her fellow dancers. “I take it we don’t eat with the others?”

  Ceimed said, “As with all the servants, we eat in the kitchens.”

  “Lead the way. I’m ready to eat.” Kitty followed them out a side door of the throne room with the musicians trailing behind.

  Jalel asked, “It appeared you and Hell Hound Chigaru know one another. Am I wrong?”

  “Nope, you’re not.” Kitty knew she wouldn’t be able to avoid this conversation. Everyone would need to know her relationship to Chigaru eventually. She didn’t like having to say it aloud when she hadn’t come to terms with it yet. “He’s my true mate, as you all call it.”

  The whole group halted and stared at her.

  She looked at them all. “What?”

  “You are Hell Hound Chigaru’s true mate?” Jalel rasped.

  “Yes. Why?”


  “This morning. Why?”

  Jalel’s gray skin paled as fear entered his gaze. “You didn’t mention that when you asked to touch my horns.”

  “No, because I didn’t see the point. What’s wrong with you?” She reached for his arm but Jalel jumped back. “What now?”

  Hestra said, “Hell Hound Chigaru might have seen your actions as a betrayal of the bond.”

  “So I’m supposed to refrain from touching every man everywhere because he might get jealous? Nuts to that. He’ll get over it.”

  Jalel whispered, “I need to apologize.”

  “No, you don’t,” Kitty said in a firm voice. “If Chigaru has an issue with what I do, he can take it up with me, not you. I asked you, remember?” Jalel didn’t act convinced and Kitty didn’t know how to assure him. She waved it away instead. “Food. Let’s go eat. We’ll figure this out later. If I can’t touch you all without someone thinking there’s something going on then we can’t dance together. I’m not going to spend my life apologizing when I’ve done nothing wrong.”

  The others exchanged questioning looks but continued on to the kitchen. News of Kitty’s performance, both for her audition and her later handstand routine, had already gotten there. The kitchen staff surrounded her the second she entered. Most expressed disappointment at not having seen it while others complimented her on her grace.

  Kitty took it all in stride as she ate her meal. The food was delicious and not unlike something she would have found in an Indian cuisine restaurant with curries and roasted meats. Bhresyas liked spicy foods. She did as well. So far she hadn’t seen anything in this new world she found objectionable, besides Chigaru and Serenity’s relationship.

  Jealous? Because she touched some other guy’s horns? Really? If she had to apologize for that then Chigaru owed her and Melchior apologies as well. Chigaru had no right to find fault with anything she did. He hadn’t cared when she was taking off her clothes and dry humping men for money. He should have less to say about her using some man’s horns as a prop for her handstands.

  Rather than work herself into a bad mood, she decided not to think about it. She and Chigaru could hash out that
argument when he got off his guard duties and they were alone. Until then, she refused to let the topic ruin the rest of her day. If getting shot hadn’t done it, dwelling on her husband’s double standards wouldn’t do it either.

  Wait…husband? Was she allowed to call Chigaru her husband? They had performed the bonding but did that make them married? It hadn’t occurred to her to ask. Was a true mate the same as a spouse?

  She started to pose the question to the others but decided to keep it to herself. Better to save that question for Chigaru in private just in case. In case of what, she wasn’t sure, but she didn’t want to find out by accident and realize she had brought up something sensitive.

  Lunch ended and Hestra and the others guided Kitty to their practice spot in a shaded part of the vast palace garden. The musicians had followed them and set up their chairs so they could practice as well.

  It took a little more arguing before Jalel and the other men would let Kitty continue touching their horns. She had to promise she would explain everything to Chigaru properly so he didn’t seek them out for retribution. Her threat to kick him out of the bedroom if he dared made them all laugh. Kitty hadn’t been joking. Chigaru said he’d been sleeping in the woods prior to retrieving her. If he was going to be an ass about how she chose to dance, he could go back to it.

  The sun setting ended practice for the day. Jalel insisted on escorting Kitty to Chigaru’s room after dinner so he could speak to Chigaru despite Kitty telling him it was unnecessary. They met Chigaru half way.

  “Kitty, I was coming to retrieve you,” Chigaru said to her, though his gaze was on Jalel.

  She put herself in front of Jalel as a way of protecting the man, which she found amusing since he was much taller than her and way stronger. But the man seemed to wilt in Chigaru’s presence. She said, “We just finished dinner. Jalel was walking me back since I don’t know the way.”

  “Ah. I thought we could take our evening meal together.”

  “Sorry. You should have mentioned that earlier.”

  “You’re right. I should have.”

  Well this was all stiff and cordial. Kitty faced Jalel and said, “Thanks for the escort. I’ll see you tomorrow.”


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