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Kristar (Bookstrand Publishing Romance)

Page 19

by D Renee Bagby

  The growth of his flesh within Kitty worried Chigaru, but he couldn’t deny his increased desire for her now that he knew he wouldn’t accidently hurt her with his passion. He assumed Melchior suffered the same worry for Serenity. Chigaru hoped Serenity knew this as well and tempered her anger with the knowledge that Melchior had acted out of worry for her.

  Chigaru’s hope for renewed peace rested with Alexa and Theyn.

  Chapter Ten

  Bad changed to worse and Chigaru didn’t see a solution anywhere on the horizon. He scanned the crowd of shocked onlookers privy to the royal couple’s latest argument. Chigaru guessed Melchior meant to have this discussion in private, but Serenity had refused to wait until they were alone.

  Melchior said in a measured tone, “This is not the place, Serenity.”

  “Why not?” Serenity said in a voice as loud as Melchior’s was quiet. “They will find out eventually. The whole of the kingdom knows when we are arguing. It’s better we do this here so they have the facts. Now tell me why you refuse to take a second bride.”

  “I do not want a second bride.”

  “Your advisors have been after you to take a second bride since before we reconciled.”

  “Ten years from the date of our marriage has not passed.”

  Serenity waved away his comment. “I give leave for you to ignore tradition.”

  A few in the crowd murmured amongst themselves. To Chigaru’s ears, it sounded like approval of Serenity’s words. There were still those who didn’t like having Serenity as queen. They liked it even less her being Melchior’s true mate and thus the true bhresya queen, which meant she knew all the bhresya secrets.

  Melchior said, “I do not need your permission nor will I heed it.”

  “Why? What possible reason could you have to deny me? To deny what everyone has asked of you since you brought me here?”

  “Enough!” Melchior surged off his throne and towered over Serenity. “I will not take a second wife. I am done discussing the matter.” When Serenity would have argued with him, he added with an edge of warning, “As are you, Serenity.”

  Serenity rose from her throne and then curtsied to Melchior. “As you wish, my king.”

  Melchior’s expression turned grim and he softened his tone when he said, “I love only you, Serenity. Taking another wife to my bed would dishonor that love. You have to know I would not do that to you.”

  One of Melchior’s advisors said, “A second bhresya wife would strengthen the people’s belief of the security of the throne, my king.”

  Serenity said, “King Melchior has already said this discussion is at an end.”

  The man’s eyes widened with his surprise. “Of course, your majesty. I meant no disrespect.”

  Melchior put his hand on her shoulder. “Serenity—”

  She pulled away from him and descended the throne dais.

  “We are not done with matters of the court, my wife.”

  Serenity didn’t answer Melchior or acknowledge he had spoken. She brushed her hand over Chigaru’s side as she passed him. “Walk with me.”

  Chigaru didn’t argue. While he happily relinquished the job of watching Nilam to Erezion and resumed his normal place at Serenity’s side, he knew what came next. Chigaru bowed to Melchior before he escorted Serenity from the throne room. Once the doors closed, he asked, “Will you now drop the idea of a second bhresya wife, Serenity?”

  She laughed. It was a mirthless sound. “You know me better, my confidant. If Melchior refuses to discuss the matter, then we shall not. As the issue of a second wife is all I wish to talk with him about, I will not speak to my husband until he decides to discuss the topic further.”

  A chill slid down Chigaru’s spine. He wanted to argue with her but knew better. Once she set her mind on a plan of action, very little could sway her. The past had proven many of Serenity’s plans hadn’t worked out the way she’d wanted. He hoped this one fared better, for all their sakes.

  He asked, “What will you do? You cannot escape conversation with Melchior forever. The days when he avoided you have past.”

  “Then it’s time I avoid him.” She stopped walking and faced Chigaru. “To that end, I wish to spend this night with you.”

  Chigaru stared at her and knew his shock was plain to see. “What?”

  She stepped closer to him and laid her hand on his chest. “As we did in the days before coming to Nexeu. I miss our closeness. I feel it slipping away.” She shook her head with a small sigh before leaning forward so her head rested against him. “I know we both have bonded mates and that is part of it, but I always thought we would remain unchanged.”

  He cupped her head. “You remain in my heart, Serenity.”

  “But I’m not there alone. Not any longer.”

  “Neither am I in your heart alone.”

  “I’m being selfish. I see the way you look at Kitty and feel as though I’ve lost you to her.”

  “Then you begin to understand how I felt the day you and Melchior met.”

  “Forgive me, Chigaru. I never meant to hurt you like this. I didn’t know.”

  “You cannot change fate or the workings of your heart. I tried both and nearly lost Kitty because of it. She is in my life and I now understand what is between you and Melchior.” He urged her head back so she met his gaze. “I wish you would seek reason rather than ruse, Serenity.”

  She pushed away from him and turned away. “He refuses to hear reason. This is the only option left to me and he’s driven me to it. He’ll see and give in.”

  “What did Alexa and Theyn tell you? Why are you insisting on a second bride when you abhorred the idea until now? What are you hiding?”

  “I’m not hiding anything that is my place to tell. Alexa shared with me in confidence. I cannot break that, not even for you.” She faced him with a pleading expression. “I cannot mimic them. A second bride is the only option left to me. Melchior has no more concubines and I’m glad. I hate the idea of him marrying another, but it’s necessary if I’m to have another child. I want another child. I want several children. But before all that, I want Melchior to have the release he cannot achieve with me.”

  Serenity’s voice quivered as she said the last. The way she clenched her fists, digging her nails into her palms, and ground her teeth revealed her true feelings on the matter of Melchior’s reserved attitude toward their lovemaking. Chigaru sympathized though he appreciated not having firsthand knowledge of the situation.

  Chigaru had ripped the bedding to shreds to avoid hurting Kitty. Melchior hadn’t done the same. He’d held back. The price of which was the child Serenity wanted. Chigaru didn’t know Melchior’s reasoning and couldn’t guess. Since the two weren’t close enough to speak about such matters, Chigaru couldn’t ask.

  He nodded as he came to a decision. “The days when I could bring you to my bed on a whim have come to an end, Serenity. You know that. I have to put your request to Kitty.”


  He searched her gaze. “Or do you make it a command? Neither of us could refuse if you do so.”

  “Do you want me to make it a command? To take away Kitty’s right to refuse?”

  “I want you happy, Serenity. I also want Kitty’s happiness. If the two can be accomplished without being at odds with one another, I would be content.”

  Serenity nodded. “Ask her then. You are right. It’s unfair of me to make such a demand without considering Kitty’s feelings.”

  Chigaru could tell Serenity wanted to make it a command. She’d had Chigaru all to herself for the majority of her life. He was alive today because she had claimed him for her own rather than having him sentenced to death for his attempt on her life. From that day forward, his world had revolved around Serenity. But now she had to share his attention and devotion with another. He knew her inability to monopolize him caused Serenity pain, but Chigaru wouldn’t regret his decision to seek out Kitty.

  Chigaru escorted Serenity to the royal wing a
nd the Hell Hounds’ rooms. She paused to the side of the doorway and waved him forward. Chigaru nodded at her decision to stay out of sight while he asked. It would go badly if Kitty assumed she had no choice.


  She stood staring in the mirror when he entered. She didn’t react so he called to her again. The second time, she startled and whirled to face him. “Chi?”

  “Yes. Why do you appear spooked? Has the flesh made more changes?” His duty of guarding Nilam had taken him from Kitty’s side once the child had left to have her lunch and then play with Alexa’s children. Chigaru hadn’t seen Kitty in the throne room when Serenity and Melchior had their argument either. Had she been in the room this entire time?

  She shook her head and covered his hand with hers when he cupped her cheek. “More of the same. The color has spread but not far.”

  He looked down at her. She’d opened her top, revealing the orange skin had spread over her left breast and down her stomach. It almost covered her left arm, but her fingers remained brown. “You’re not in pain?”

  “No. I feel fine.” She chuckled. “If fine means turning orange.” With a tired sigh she stepped back and then frowned at him. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be guarding Serenity? Your shift isn’t over yet, right?”

  “It is not. I have come with a request from Serenity.”

  “What’s that?”

  “The situation between Serenity and Melchior continues. She wishes to avoid him and sleep here tonight.”

  “And you said what?”

  “I said I would ask you.” Before she could respond he said, “Serenity turns to me for comfort. It has been thus for the majority of her life. We shared a bed before she and Melchior became bonded mates.”

  “Shared a bed? Is that an innuendo for sex?”

  “No. Sleeping only.”


  “Her mother wouldn’t allow us to sleep naked together when we resided in the Cheslav palace, and we couldn’t after she married because it would have been treason to Melchior’s crown.”

  “Her mother was a smart woman and so am I. What made you think I would say yes?”

  “Serenity made the request and I brought it to you to decide.”

  “Oh that’s right. Make me out to be the bad guy because I’m not willing to scoot over and let another woman into my bed.”

  “That isn’t my intention.”

  “Then what is? Why the hell did you even ask me? Your immediate answer should have been no. I can’t believe you—” Kitty gritted her teeth and clutched her head. She made a pained noise as she dug her fingers into her scalp.

  “Kitty?” Chigaru cupped her elbow and brought her close.

  She shoved him away. Her glare of pure loathing kept him from pursuing her. She snapped, “How dare you? This problem was solved and yet you reopen the wound with this frivolous request. Or perhaps you are happy to have her in your bed again?”

  “This is not about intimacy but comfort.”

  “There are others who could provide the same. Let her seek comfort with them.”

  “She requested it of me.”

  “And isn’t that selfish of her? And you as well that you entertained the idea. How can you hurt Kitty like this?”

  Chigaru frowned. He’d thought Kitty’s speech sounded strange but to suddenly refer to herself in the third person made no sense. He asked in a hesitant voice, “Kristar, do you know what you’re saying?”

  “I’m perfectly cognizant of my words, and you know Kitty abhors that name as well as why. Yet you persist in using it as a way to torment her.”

  He stepped back, on guard and wary. “Who are you? Why are you inhabiting Kitty?”

  “Chigaru?” Serenity peeked around the corner.

  He held his hand out and backed up to keep her out of the room and away from the presence inside Kitty. “Stay back. Something is wrong with Kitty.”

  Kitty yelled, “You brought her here. So you did intend for Kitty to say yes. I see the bhresya queen is not the only selfish one present.”

  “Leave Kitty’s body, whoever you are,” Chigaru said, adding a growl of warning to his words. He couldn’t do anything. Any action he took would hurt Kitty.

  “Who I am is Kitty’s protector, which is more than I can say for you.” She glared at Serenity. “Go ahead and have your tryst then. Kitty will not be here to witness it.” She held her hand out to side.

  Chigaru didn’t know her intention until one of the dresser drawers fell out and the orb it held flew to Kitty’s hand. Magic? Kitty didn’t have enough control of her powers to use magic. And this was more than a simple inhabitation spell if the person could use Kitty this way. Such a feat required a deep connection between the user and the host—a connection Kitty couldn’t have formed since she hadn’t spent time with any mages except Silny.

  The presence didn’t sound or feel like Silny, and Chigaru didn’t believe it to be her. He waited for what would come next.

  Kitty whispered a few words and then vanished.

  “No!” Chigaru lurched forward too late. Casting out his magic to feel a trace of Kitty turned up nothing.

  Serenity rushed to his side and touched his arm. “Chigaru? What is this? What has happened to Kitty?”

  He shook his head. “I do not know. Someone has taken her, using Kitty to work the magic that transported her.” For the second time that day Kitty had disappeared. Unlike the first time, Chigaru had no clue where Kitty had gone. The orb had vanished with her.

  “Will you be able to find her?”

  “I don’t know. I do know who I can ask.” He ushered her out of the room. “I will take you to Nym and then search for her.”

  “I’m sorry. I caused this. Whoever that person was, they were right to be angry. I shouldn’t have asked this of you.”

  Chigaru shook his head. “You did nothing wrong, Serenity. I am the one who should have denied your request rather than involving Kitty. I cannot have both. Neither of us can. Until we both come to terms with that, we will continue to hurt our bonded mates.”

  She nodded.

  He banged on Nym’s door. The female yanked it open and glared at him before catching sight of Serenity. He didn’t give her time to ask. “Kitty is abducted. I leave Serenity to you.”

  Nym asked, “Do you have a lead?”

  “No. I plan to contact Silny.”

  “There’s no need for that. I can use my ability—”

  “No you will not. I have never asked you to use your skills, Nym. I never will. That is the promise I made when I followed you. Silny can help me. Your duty is to Serenity.” He bowed and then ran to his room.

  While Nym’s ability to gather and focus power into any mage would boost Chigaru’s own powers and allow him to track Kitty without help, he refused to ask it of her. Not yet. Not until he was desperate enough to break a promise he made to her long ago. Like Kitty, Nym had run from an overbearing mother bent on using her gift for monetary gain. Nym dodged her power as much as Kitty dodged hers. He wouldn’t be the one to force Nym now.

  After closing the door to his bedroom, Chigaru tried to think of a way to contact Silny that didn’t involve going to Night Creature Forest. Chigaru didn’t doubt Trent’s threat. They would attack Chigaru if he went there without an invitation. But that might have to be a chance he took. He needed to know Kitty was safe.

  * * * *

  Silny gave a bored sigh when Kitty appeared. “Back again, Kristar?” The girl met Silny’s gaze and Silny almost dropped the jar she held. “You!”

  “You look well since resigning me to this hell.” Kitty, or rather the one inhabiting Kitty, walked around the room and touched things at random. “From the feel of it, your magic has grown as well.”

  “Why are you here? I banished you.”

  “You put me to sleep, but aggravation from an old wound roused me. I cannot return to what I was. You have your spell to thank for that.”

  “Get out!”

  Kitty smirked, not showing the least bit of fear at Silny’s anger. “This is the safest place for Kitty, thus I brought her here. She has an open invitation. You cannot think I wouldn’t use it.” Kitty walked over to Silny. “Take care of her for me. You owe me that.”

  “I owe you nothing. You are the one who took from me.”

  “That might be so, but you are alive to grieve that loss whereas I am not. You brought me here to suffer the same torment and anguish over again. You’ve had your revenge of me twice now. You owe me this. Watch over her. Try to send her away and I will simply return her but the next time I will aim for Trent.”

  Silny growled. “I hate you.”

  “The feeling is mutual. Now do as you’re told, demon.” Kitty’s eyes faded from dark brown to light brown. She clutched her head and stumbled to her knees before looking around in confusion. “Where… What… Silny?”

  “Yes,” Silny said in a hard voice. Though angry, she couldn’t direct the emotion at Kitty, an innocent.

  “Why am I here? I was just talking to Chigaru. Where is he?”

  “I don’t—” Silny stopped her explanation when Kitty fainted. The temptation to leave her on the ground came over Silny before she pushed it aside. She bent and gathered Kitty in her arms.

  Trent entered the room. “I thought I smelled Kitty. What’s all this then?”

  “An old problem has surfaced.”

  “And put you in the middle, I see.” He held out his arms. “Give her to me. I don’t want to test your self-control.”

  “Am I so untrustworthy?” Though she asked the question, she still relinquished Kitty to him.

  He smiled down at the girl and placed a kiss on her forehead. At Silny’s growl of warning, he said, “Look to your past and answer that question. And while you’re at it, contact her mate. I’m sure he’s frantic by now.”

  Trent carried Kitty away, leaving Silny gnashing her teeth. If only she had left the amnesia spell in place. She’d made it too well when she first cast it. Instead of erasing her pain, it had taken everything including the memory of her casting it. Silny wouldn’t have sought a way to break the spell, thus bringing Kitty to Gezane, if she had remembered casting it in the first place. Trent hadn’t educated her.


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