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Page 10

by Alene Adele Roy

  “Really, you really believe that I comforted you, and you will send for my mother in time for Christmas?” she asked in amazement, as a tear rolled from the corner of each eye.

  “Yes, you’ve definitely brought comfort and calm to me, and no, darling, I’ll send for her by Thanksgiving, not Christmas. I know you may get lonely by then. I’m sure you and your family have certain holiday traditions which you might miss. We must enjoy those with your family and mine, plus Miss Callie, Crane, and Miss Mariah. They are essentially a part of my family and you have well accepted that fact. I’ve seen that in you. To be truthful, you probably miss your family right now, don’t you?”

  “I do miss my sisters, well, everyone, especially since Viola recently broke her engagement.”

  “We must immediately send for her, if you like, upon my return.”

  Then, out of the clear blue, came an admission from Rachael. “I was lonely last night,” she admitted. “I did find myself angry that Mrs. Worthington was taking up all of your time on your last night home for awhile. I had important questions to ask of you about my service, of course, and what was expected of me during your absence,” she surprisingly confessed. Waiting for his reaction, she wondered what it would be.

  “Thank you.” He was delighted to hear her sweet confession. Slowly wiping tears from her cheeks with his handkerchief, he asked, “Rachael, may I kiss you?”

  She hesitated, while wondering what a kiss from him would be like. “Why, that shall not take my loneliness away,” she whispered.

  “Let me try.”

  For only a moment she hesitated, fearful, surprised by his statement, but only for a moment. She did wish to learn if his kiss might make a difference to her, and was glad that he offered that option. So, she silently nodded her approval, since she could find no reason to deny him.

  “I never want you to be lonely, Rachael. I want you to trust me, for I will change that loneliness to joy and acceptance.” His heart raced at her approval, and when their lips met, he kissed her tenderly, knowing she was the one for him now, and forevermore. “This is our proof, darling, and beyond my fondest hope, for you have allowed my kiss, even before my departure, hugged me, and whispered that you missed me. I shall carry those words with me, Rachael, in my heart. ‘You missed me.’”

  “I did not exactly say that, sir. Did I?”

  “You must call me John from this moment forward, for you did say you were lonely last night and concerned about Amber Worthington being here.”

  “I liked your kiss and the way it made me feel bliss. I felt wanted and accepted. Your ways are so gentle, so surprisingly unexpected, that I am dizzy from the pleasure of your hugs, kiss, and words.

  “Wonderful. That’s more than I expected you to say. You asked me about my mission, Rachael. I am a doctor, a healer, hopefully. One of my missions has been healing others, and I hope to be at a hospital or care center here in my own community. It will be for helping friends and neighbors.”

  She listened intently to his plans and mission statement. “Will you be helping strangers?”

  He gently placed both hands on her shoulders. “Yes, I absolutely will. I plan to do just that, Rachael. Does that meet with your approval?” His answer and question were immediate, certain.

  This made her smile. “I admire you for that. I’m proud of you,” she whispered. “I wish you success. Yes, it meets with my approval.” This time she kissed him.

  “What more could a man ask for? See, you do understand me. I wish for you success, also, Rachael. So, here’s the deal: you help me with my mission, and I’ll certainly help you with yours, anything you wish to do. I promise.” He was the one thrilled now. She had kissed him. With excitement and a happy sigh, he hugged again the woman he intended to love.

  “Are you serious? Anything?” was her reaction. She marveled at the prospect that they might be able to do so much ~ together. “I want wells,” she announced, startling him. He seemed puzzled, and she was glad, for he was interested.

  “Wells, darling?” he questioned, laughing. A puzzled look permeated his handsome face. “Do you wish for oil or water wells?”

  “I want wells where there are none. I want wells for people and areas that need some. My wish is for wells of water ~ everywhere!” She gladly told him of her fondest wish, which had only been a distant dream until now, a secret, until this very moment. “That is my secret mission. It has been in the foggy future for some time, because I could never, ever see a way to make it happen. Thus, I have never discussed it with anyone, for fear they would laugh at me. But, with you, I mean, perhaps together, it may be possible for us to help strangers get water.”

  “It is!” He was joyous. “In fact, I may be able to speak to someone about this on my journey, at a meeting. I am so glad you shared your secret wish with me today, instead of waiting until I returned. I am overjoyed.”

  Rachael was joyous, too, glad she had shared her dream with him. Finally, she’d spoken of her longtime secret wish with someone who seemed to understand. He hadn’t laughed at her idea, except with joy at its revealing. “To share this with you is really quite brave of me, wouldn’t you say, since I couldn’t be sure of your reaction?”

  “Oh, absolutely. It is, indeed, brave and right for you to do so, my dear Rachael, for, I am the very one that you should share it with. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for revealing it to me. Upon my return, we can discuss this even further, for I may find ways for it to happen even sooner than you think. Prepare by getting well.”

  They both laughed at his use of the word ‘well.’

  “Well, I will,” she declared, setting her mind and resolve on it.

  “Remember, ‘well’ will always be our secret word. It shall mean we need to speak with one another. We can repeat it in private or in public. No one will ever know of it, except for us.” He beamed at the very thought of it. “We have our own secret now.”

  “Yes.” She laughed and hugged him, amazing her wonderful employer, and that’s exactly how she thought of him at this moment, wonderful. She was grateful he had taken the time to have this conversation with her, to reveal his feelings, plans, and missions, and to ask questions about her dreams. It was right. She declared this in her heart and mind.

  “I must go now. Remember everything that we have discussed, please. I shall return very soon, Rachael. But first, may I kiss you goodbye again?”

  Surprisingly, she smiled and nodded agreement. “Yes.” A kiss so precious, so revealing, took place at that time, for there was friendship. It meant a great deal to both of them. They stepped apart, yet still gazed at each other, smiling. This was a day they would always remember, full of promise, and a special time when both of them had revealed much about their secret mission plans for helping others, each in their own special way. Until now, those missions had been unrevealed to anyone else. Plus, a bond of friendship was formed. This was a good beginning for any relationship, she thought. Yet, she wondered where this could possibly lead, especially since she would return home in a year or so.

  Reluctantly, he turned to go, but not before promising, “I’ll return to take good care of you and little Lily.”

  Thrilled to hear him say those words, she waved and blew him a kiss.

  He grabbed his bags, and from his desk he scooped a tintype of his daughter. He gave Rachael one last glance and blew her a kiss, too, before hurrying from the library to his waiting friends.

  Her heart sank as she heard the front door click shut behind him. Surprisingly, though, within just a few moments, while she was beginning to feel downhearted, he hurried back through the library door to her, with a kitten in his arms. “Please take good care of this little one while I am away, Rachael. A family at the door was searching for a proper home for it. They said they could not possibly feed the whole litter for long.” He kissed her again, as he handed her the kitten, and then he was gone, a
gain. This time, though, as a furry little feline curled into her lap, purring happily, Rachael heard Dr. John Davis happily singing.


  Missions, even a secret one,

  A very special, serving plan,

  Could help others when they are done,

  Changing lives for a woman or man.

  Missions give purpose to our life,

  Taking us on a grand journey,

  Affecting us, erasing strife.

  For happiness, they are one key.

  Missions could help our fellow man,

  If Heaven’s willing for them to,

  By aiding others if we can,

  With missions if we follow through.

  Missions are actions, after all,

  Which hopefully help change a day,

  If we’re obedient to our call,

  And heed the signs along the way.

  Missions may be, it’s very clear,

  Ways to bring help to needy ones,

  And do our part with hope and cheer,

  Bringing more love to our missions.

  Chapter Five

  The physician hurried out the door, with Miss Mariah quietly closing it behind him. He raced to the buckboard where his comrades were waiting, along with Crane, who would drive them to the coach. John Davis was grinning and remembering Miss Rachael Hathaway, with a new hope in his heart.

  In the meantime, she received a letter. It read:

  ‘Dear Rachael,

  I miss you. May you be doing well at your new residence and obligation. I am counting the days until your return. Keeping busy with chores and my painting and drawings gives me hope and generally sends my spirits soaring. Until we meet again, I am enjoying doing a piece of artwork for you.

  Love Always, Your sister, Viola.

  P.S. Robert wrote that he has a friend for me to meet. Who cares?

  “Are you engaged yet?” Dr. Buddy Callahan wanted to know of John.

  “Not yet,” was the reply, quick as a wink.

  “Did you kiss her?” Monty Graham quietly asked, because he thought he could.

  “You’re getting personal now, aren’t you, boys? If you two ever want to visit Magnolia Gardens again, you’ll have to behave,” he told the pair, laughing, for he was certainly going to keep his new relationship with Rachael quite private. That was his promise to her.

  Crane just grinned. Monty smiled. Buddy whistled. Off they went in relative silence, John savoring the time spent with Rachael, and the very pleasant thought of new tomorrows with her upon his return. She missed him. She had said so. He believed that, and he also knew that his new passion for her was sincere and completely unexpected. It gave him hope. He would definitely keep in touch with her in his absence.

  He purposely changed the subject. “The railroad is coming into its own. Tracks are soon going to be laid down across the nation, opening up the west to settlers, and other points unknown to travelers, for a better life for all of us. After all, in 1862, on July 1, land grant acts gave grants to the Union Pacific Railway Company, Central Pacific Railroad Company, and others,” John happily told his friends. “I imagine that is part of the reason that we have been called to this meeting.”

  “Yes, a transcontinental railway will traverse this nation, transporting goods and people. It will also bring jobs, food, clothing, payroll pouches, medicine, transportation to even small communities, and help the nation’s economy. Cattle herds could even be transported, saving lives by the beef it will bring to market,” Lieutenant Monty Graham added.

  “Stockyards will open then, which will also offer new jobs, further helping the nation to grow and rebuild,” Dr. Callahan continued.

  “Cattle need feed. We and others can grow the hay for them,” John added.

  During this trip, the trio of young surgeons would be doing scrutiny and security on buckboards, coaches, and on the trains they rode, if not in the streets. “When we arrive in Washington, we will then become volunteers assigned to a field hospital, helping the wounded, temporarily,” Dr. Monty Graham informed John and Buddy. “The first international Red Cross Conference was called in 1863 to help wounded and ill soldiers. It asked people all over the world to form units to help others. Many responded, selflessly. We’ll be meeting, greeting, and working with some of those volunteers, gentlemen.”

  “The Committee membership is limited to Swiss nationals, since they hold a long era of fair neutrality. A board of directors carefully decides about the needs in hospitals and clinics, and also finds where there are food and nutritional needs throughout various communities,” John explained. So, like many other fine men and women, Doctors John Davis, Buddy Callahan, and Monty Graham continued as Red Cross volunteers, serving to meet the medical needs of patients after the Civil War.

  “It will be good for you to be in the hospital, John,” Buddy teased. “That way we can check your leg often. There will be medicine available and supplies and bandages right there,” he reassured his long-time friend. “We’ll have you healed in no time, for Miss Rachael Hathaway.”

  “Thanks, always a friend, aren’t you, Buddy?” John replied, laughing.

  “I try.” His friend laughed a hearty laugh and gently patted John on the back

  “Hey, don’t forget about me, just because I joined this group late in life,” Monty admonished, and they dissolved into laughter over their tea, sandwiches, vegetables, and cookies. This time together was indeed special for these close friends, adding to their friendship experiences.

  “Then there’s your new friend, Miss Hathaway,” Buddy continued. “Please tell us about her.”

  John simply pointed a forefinger at him, and he quieted, though chuckled. “She’s Lily’s nanny, Buddy. There’s nothing else to tell,” he replied, becoming serious. Then he added a compliment. “She’s a fine young woman.”

  Both Buddy and Monty quietly replied, “Yes,” out of respect for her. Still, John had a particular gleam in his eye, as the three exchanged glances, plus a pleasant smile upon his face. His friends were pleased, too, knowing that she might become something more special to their friend. All of them liked the idea.

  During his absence, Rachael was getting to know John’s help. She appeared in the kitchen quite often, and usually asked to assist. Most times, she was allowed to do so, except when her ankle seemed to be paining her. Preparing and cooking foods came naturally to her, as well as kitchen maintenance. They noticed that for some reason she especially enjoyed baking tea cakes. Miss Callie let her do so whenever she desired. After all, they all enjoyed eating them and her meat muffins. Therefore, Rachael felt welcome there, and came to know and appreciate the staff, and learned that the cook did a great deal more work than most would ever imagine, beyond cooking. When Miss Callie wasn’t cooking or doing kitchen clean up, with Miss Mariah and Rachael’s help, she would sometimes teach the young maid about laundry, cleaning, sewing, and the care of the Kitchen Garden, just outside the back door. It held garlic, herbs, lavender, borage, onions, and chives, with their pretty pink blooms in the springtime and summer. Chipmunks, squirrels, and birds lingered there, waiting for handouts, which the cook gave readily. Sometimes, Rachael took her kitten there to enjoy fresh air in that garden.

  One afternoon, after she had just lined up the spices in alphabetical order, delighting Miss Callie, the nanny was seated on a bench outside. She was tossing birds and squirrels some leftover sourdough bread, with her kitten in her lap. Weather was mild, so the kitchen door was open. Yet, it wasn’t time to begin supper preparations, and she was relaxing. It was then that she heard a commotion in the kitchen. It sounded to her like excited voices. Silently, Rachael wondered and waited.

  “I will,” she heard Miss Mariah half whisper to the others.

  “No, let me,” Crane replied, laughing. “After all, I did receive it when I answered the door.”
r />   “I’m senior help here, though. I’ll take it to her,” was the final word from Miss Callie, and Miss Callie always ruled the kitchen, as everyone knew. “That way, it will be opened properly and promptly.”

  So, as Rachael propelled the final bread crumbs onto the pathway, she looked up to see the cook in a calico skirt hurrying toward her. A huge smile graced her lovely face, as she stopped before Rachael and produced a note, previously hidden behind her. “It’s a telegram for you, dear.”

  “Is it from my mother?”

  Miss Callie shrugged her shoulders.

  “Is it from Viola, my sister?” the excited young nanny then wanted to know, hoping her sister was well, ashamed that she hadn’t answered her letter. “I’ve never before received a telegram,” Rachael explained, excitedly.

  Miss Mariah came to take the kitten so Rachael could better read her message. “I’ll hold her.”

  “Who is it from? Oh, Dr. Davis. Isn’t the telegraph a wonderful thing?” Rachael avowed.

  “Yes, it certainly is,” Miss Callie agreed, smiling at her helpers, for the envelope was clearly marked from John Davis III.

  Rachael’s heart pounded faster, for she never dreamed that the doctor would actually send her a telegram, when he promised that he’d keep in touch. Surprised by the joy that this piece of paper was bringing her, she smiled warmly, secretly hoping she was not wrong about its sender.

  “It states that he is well.” She smiled at his use of their word ‘well,’ their secret word, yet unknown to any of his help, family, or friends. “He is working in a hospital and will be home soon, and he signed it, well, it doesn’t matter.” The others turned to go back into the kitchen, leaving Rachael to her own thoughts and telegram. “He kept his word,” she whispered to herself.


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