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Page 28

by Alene Adele Roy

  Enthused at nearing his house, she opened her mouth to speak. But he asked her to ‘please wait a minute.’ “We also were surprised by our kisses, weren’t we?” He stopped speaking and waited for her reply. As the team came to a halt in his driveway, John Davis III made no effort to disembark from the carriage. Instead, he explained, “We’re in love, Rachael? I need your answer, the right answer, please, soon. But, if not, I will wait.”

  “I won’t discuss this right now.” She glanced toward his well-manicured lawn, entry gardens, and the front door, for signs of what his life was like, and there was her answer ~ well organized.

  Suddenly, the door opened. A rush of delighted friends now darted toward them, happily.

  In handing the reins to Monty with his left hand, he also leaned right, toward her face, his lips close to hers in that last chance moment they had together before everyone came close. He studied them and whispered. “We shall continue this discussion later tonight, my darling.” He was very matter-of-fact.

  “We will?” she blurted. “O dare say, all that I wish to do is change into something dry.”

  “You shall, but please, allow me to say it in private, to call you that. It’s what’s in my heart, Rachael.” As if that didn’t convince her to meet him later, he did more than suggest a later encounter, he nearly demanded it by his actions. Carefully, calculatingly, he removed his right arm from her shoulders, trailed his hand in a path down her back, and kissed her hand, while holding the dress box in front of them, so no one saw this. He was that clever. So, he did not embarrass her in any way. Monty was turning the reins over to a waiting Crane so he could help Rachael disembark. Her sister had slipped on wet ground, and was being helped by Emma and Miss Mariah. Miss Callie, Charles Earl, and Pastor Albert were at the door, absorbed with keeping the children from dashing toward and scaring the horses. Therefore, absolutely no one knew that John was whispering an intriguing evening invitation to Miss Rachael Hathaway, except for the two of them.

  “Hurry, you two; get dry. Then, we’ll have supper and pie,” Emma called, on her way back to the threshold, so she could help tend the children, allowing Miss Callie to return to the dining room.

  A jolt coursed through Rachael’s veins at his tender touch upon her back and hand. It was as if she was struck by a sweet lightning. It made her catch her breath, just before she lifted her skirt to exit. Changing the subject, at least in her mind, she remarked, “Emma’s a poet, too.”

  “Did I shock you?” he asked in a whisper of concern, which also was reflected on his face. Thinking that they were now out of private time together, she turned away from him to allow Monty to help her down to solid ground. Yet, he and John Davis clearly heard her answer loudly, “Yes!”

  John quickly moved around the front of the team and came to take her arm. “Was that ‘yes’ to the invitation, or was it ‘yes’ to being shocked, Miss Hathaway?” He whispered, nodding and mouthing a thank you to Monty. Instead of Monty backing away, though, he placed Rachael’s other hand upon his arm to also help escort her, causing her to wonder why, until his past confession of affection came to mind.

  “Once again I am surrounded by knights,” she announced with delight. Instantly, she had an answer for John. “Both.” She surprised herself and him, plus Monty, who shot a puzzled glance at John.

  As always, John took the pressure off of Rachael, at hearing her answer, saving her from any embarrassment. “It’s about our holiday plans, Monty,” he suggested. Yet, the three of them knew good and well that he was stretching the truth on her behalf. Well, perhaps it was on his behalf, too.

  At any rate, Rachael was as thrilled by his comment, as he was with hers. She beamed a happy smile toward him and nodded at his suggestion of them making holiday plans together. “Would you be so kind as to bring my dress, John?”

  “Absolutely, darling.” Silently, he nodded a gentlemanly nod to her and went to fetch the parcel. He could barely contain his joy, for they would be making holiday plans, and she also had accepted his wedding gown gift and called him by his first name. So, they would also be making wedding plans.

  Hugs were exchanged in the hall, with Rachael immediately excusing herself to change her clothes. John was discreet. He waited for a few moments so that they would not be ascending the stairs together. Miss Mariah asked if Rachael needed any help. But John’s nanny politely declined with a “No, thank you.”

  Pondering his attitude as she shut her bedroom door, she quickly set about changing clothes. This time, she chose a red dress to replace her wet one. To her, it felt like a celebration, much like a holiday. She had worn this last Christmas, and she planned to do the same this year. But tonight, she would wear it to celebrate today’s surprises ~ Lily’s approval, Phoebe’s arrival, and John’s gift, if not his intriguing, evening invitation, or the label he had given to her this afternoon ~ ‘Darling.’

  He seemed quite sure of himself and what he wanted, yet, she thought him to be quite sincere. He had even purchased for her a beautiful wedding gown. Mother would be amazed. At once, she heard footsteps in the hallway, which stopped her train of thought. They were his. Would he stop? Would she answer the door if he knocked? Should she speak to him while the others waited? Was it proper?

  The decisions would ultimately not be hers to make, though, for he walked right past her door. To her surprise, she was actually disappointed. That should have told her something, that she greatly anticipated meeting him tonight. At this point, however, she wondered if she would see him only to discuss further whatever he thought needed discussed, such as holiday plans, or something else, maybe Lily. Her thoughts now turned to his words and actions in saving them from the floodwaters, plus, when the horses were suddenly startled by the elk call from the woods.

  For some reason, Monty’s words of advice rushed back to her now, or at least the meaning of them did. He had said that a person could tell much by another person’s speech, actions, and mannerisms. Thinking back on Dr. John Davis’ speech, actions, and mannerisms, she had learned that he was gentle, kind, loving, giving, protective, and full of surprises, which kept their time spent together interesting, at least to Rachael. He said things which surprised her. He did things which amazed her ~ his humorous gift, the pickle, the wishing rock at Blue Slough Bridge, the beautiful wedding gown, his protection in the storm and flood. She came through everything, uninjured, thanks to his quick actions.

  He also indicated that he had future plans for them, which intrigued her. Tonight, she might find out what those plans were. Just then, she remembered her handbag and handkerchief. She had used the handkerchief to try to dry the box. So, it was somewhere in the carriage. But how could she have forgotten to remove her prized pocketbook, a tapestry masterpiece, handcrafted by her devoted Grandmother Rachael, with her special lavender and lace hanky inside? She was distressed about leaving those items in the carriage, since they might get drenched by this spring rainstorm, unless they were under the blanket.

  Quickly, she opened the door to go join the others downstairs. First, however, she’d dash to the carriage to retrieve her belongings. “Then, I’ll be ready for this evening and all it promises,” she happily said aloud. Furthermore, tomorrow, I’ll show Phoebe the lovely gardens, kitchen, and pond, she thought to herself. We can take Lily for a short walk, or shop in the village. I’ll introduce my sister to just everyone, she was thinking, as she closed the door behind her. Heading toward the stairway, she realized that she should have known he’d be there, waiting. Still, she hadn’t seen him, because she had not looked toward the opposite end of the hallway. Instead, she was smoothing her dress as she walked.

  “Rachael, come here, if you wish,” John whispered.

  It took her breath away. She stopped. Turning, she noticed him leaning against a small, round, skirted table near a large, arched window. He looked dashing. She could not hide her smile. It radiated across her face and echoed his. Of cour
se, she would go to him. She was powerless to do anything else, because he had said that things would be her way from now on, according to her wishes and words.

  “We’re expected downstairs,” was her whispered reply, while she wondered if it would change his mind. It didn’t. He held his place. She walked toward him, slowly, well aware that she was in awe of this man. He seemed so strong, so in control that it surprised her, sending a ripple of faith and encouragement throughout her entire being. Halfway down the hall she stopped, though, realizing how tired she really was. Motioning for him to come with her toward the stairwell, Rachael tried to convince him. Still, he didn’t budge. Instead, he lifted his right hand to blow her a kiss.

  Her mouth dropped open, eyes wide. She giggled. “This is a standoff, it would seem.” He was certainly stubborn. But so am I. “John, I’m tired. I want to go downstairs.” Instantly, she turned and began to walk toward the stairwell again, planning to go down to join the group of waiting guests and staff after retrieving her things. Then she remembered John had said, ‘if you wish.’

  “Rachael, wait!”

  It was a polite command, so she hesitated, although she wanted to visit Phoebe. Drawing a deep breath and pondering this situation, she silently turned and obeyed. She did wish to spend time with John, also. However, halfway to him she halted, with cold feet. “Why?” she whispered, holding up her palms, puzzled.

  He didn’t waste any time. Within seconds he sprinted to her, gently taking Rachael into his arms. “As I was saying,” he began, “your emotions came from many happenings today. Some I’ve mentioned, others, I have not. You also had to face the fear of the flood and being cold, wet, and tired. I’m very sorry for all of that and that you had to face me and my untimely gift of the wedding gown. I imagine I was premature in giving it.”

  “It wasn’t your fault that I cried, John. It was the storm, only. May we go downstairs now?”

  “What else, Rachael? What else made you cry? I need to know. Was it me? Was I so terrible?”

  “It was not you. I marveled at your expertise with the horses today. Let’s talk later,” she whispered, shaking her head. “Truly, I haven’t thought about this subject you’re presenting, or a discussion of it.”

  “If it was me, I want to change. Would you prefer to talk about it after everyone has gone home?”

  “Well, I don’t know.” She pondered his question. “Everything happened so quickly today, it seems. I was surprised by many things. In fact, to be truthful, I continue to be surprised by you.”

  “It was a grand day, though, wasn’t it?” he asked, smiling, seeming not so intense now.

  “Yes, it was,” she agreed. “I’m so pleased we’ll have a newspaper, too. I can’t wait to work on it, John.”

  “Yes. But, Rachael, my darling, is it acceptable for me to call you that in private?” he asked again. “I must.”

  “Surprisingly, you make me think about things, my feelings and yours, and a lot of other things which I don’t generally ponder,” she admitted, wondering why she would divulge this kind of information.

  “Isn’t that grand in itself? Perhaps, it is time for you to think about those things, your feelings and mine.”

  She had not expected him to ask any of this. So, she continued to explain her thoughts. “No one else has ever done that with me, asked the things that you ask. Of course, I’ve only ever had one close male friend and that was Harry, my neighbor. Will you also work on the newspaper with me, John?”

  “Lucky man,” he was trying to conceal just a hint of jealousy. “Of course, I will, if you wish.”

  “I do, but are you jealous?” She was perplexed and possibly delighted at the very thought of it. “May we sit?”

  “Yes, let’s do. No, I’m not jealous.” He drew close. Then, he changed his mind about his answer. “Yes, I am jealous. Perhaps I should write you a love letter in the paper to prove my devotion.”

  “No! You’ll do no such thing! He was only a friend and neighbor. I don’t believe he understood me, anyway.”

  “How nice that is for me.” He kissed her on the cheek. “Do you wish for me to use our given names?”

  “No. You are ignoring my explanations. We were neighbors,” she quickly imparted.

  He moved to kneel and kiss her on the other cheek. “It doesn’t matter, but I could place my proposal in the newspaper.”

  “John, stop! You’re ignoring my words and making me dizzy at the same time.” She took a deep breath. “Put nothing in the newspaper, please.”

  “Do you write to him? I could write him a letter in his newspaper to stay away, or ask him for your hand. I do believe that is a good idea and it might be effective.” His impatience and her nearness got the better of him. He was not able to give her time to answer. He could not resist kissing her tenderly, on the lips this time, and experiencing pure pleasure.

  “That’s absurd, John. We have no paper in Bower, anyway. We might send copies of ours there, though. Thank you for that suggestion.”

  He laughed. “It was your suggestion.

  “Oh.” His kiss was an unexpected delight. “I don’t write to him. I think you and I should go greet the others now. Besides, I’m getting very thirsty. Before we go, though, I want you to know that Harry is a fine man and I won’t have you embarrassing him in any way, for if you do, I shall leave at once.”

  “I promise I won’t embarrass him, Rachael.” He noticed her dry lips. “Come here, darling.” Taking her hand, he led her to his bedroom door.

  She resisted by shaking her head. “I am not about to enter your room, Dr. Davis. It wouldn’t be proper. Let’s go downstairs. I need to get my handkerchief and handbag from the carriage before they’re soaked.”

  “It will be proper, because it is you and I, Rachael. I’ll be a perfect gentleman. Besides, your wedding dress is inside, waiting, and I’ll go get your other things.”

  After his words of explanation, she entered, reluctantly.

  “My room is next to Lily’s, as yours is.” He went to his closet and removed the dress box.

  She took it from him, but he reached for the box and carefully laid it upon a chair. “Come here.”

  “What is it?”

  “I want to show you our secret, a door to Lily’s room within my closet. You have one, too.”

  “What? I didn’t know that. No one has ever told me about it,” she responded, while the thought of entering his private paradise somehow thrilled her.

  “It wasn’t the proper time. Now it is, since Lily and I love you, and you are staying.”

  “No one even spoke of it, though.” Rachael was still amazed at the very idea of secret doors in their closets, as she watched him part his hanging clothes. “Now I’ll have an opportunity to learn if you have any tintypes of other women on your bureau.”

  “No one knows of these doors, Rachael, except for my father, grandfathers, and I. We installed them as a safety feature, in case you or I have to get to Lily in a hurry, and I don’t have tintypes here, sweetheart,” he responded, trying to reassure her. “I only have my Lily on my desk downstairs. Watch. When we remove our closet shelves, the door is there. See? But, it’s not apparent with clothes in front of it. I leave it open at night so I can hear her. Since it’s in her closet, no one knows. Your secret door is in a closet, too, on the other side. You can also open it a crack, if you like, especially at night.”

  “What craftsmanship you four have accomplished. It’s just amazing,” she complimented.

  “With the shelf removed and the door open, we can hear if Lily awakens or needs help,” he explained.

  “What a wonderful idea. I’m going to open mine when I go to my room.”

  “Would you rest here first? You’ve had very little rest today, and several scares. I’ll get you water and chocolate for energy.” Then, he thought better of it. “No. I believe I’ll get y
ou a plate from the kitchen. Please, Rachael, rest here. I’m a doctor. I can help you become stronger. You need to eat, drink, and rest. Stay here with me for awhile.”

  She smiled at his suggestion. “That won’t be necessary, sir,” she informed her employer, trying to dissuade him. “I’m fine, just thirsty.” However, when she glanced at his inviting divan, she did decide to sit. It was then she realized just how tired she really was, because a dizzy spell touched her brow. Her hand did, too.

  He noticed. “Yes, so I’ll bring water to quench your thirst, and it is also necessary for you to eat soon. Stay here, please. I don’t want you weak and falling down the stairs while I’m gone. I shall return in two minutes with nourishment. I need some, too, you know.”

  “Yes, of course, you do. I shall stay here, that is, with your blessing,” she assured him, thinking it was a good idea, after all, since exhaustion now consumed her entire body, and he was a doctor. She closed her tired eyes, put one hand to her head, and settled back against his sofa to rest. It felt right and good.

  The look on his face was pure joy at her decision to stay. He turned toward the door and took two steps.

  “John,” she called softly to the man for whom she was so grateful, and the one who offered to wed.

  “Yes.” He didn’t move toward her. Instead, he removed his jacket and hung it, while waiting for her to speak.

  “Hurry, please. I feel very strange here in your room without you. Oh, and I need my handbag.”

  His smile said it all for her. “I’ll hurry, darling, and you look lovely in red, or any color. I’ll bring your handbag and handkerchief from the carriage. We’ll also check to see if your dress got damp and if so we’ll hang it up to dry.”


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