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Page 43

by Alene Adele Roy

  “That’s a great idea, John. But I don’t have the mill up and running yet,” Emery stressed, sitting back in his chair, running hands through his hair, pondering. “I need some time and manpower for that.”

  “Some of the men in my family can help you with that,” Amber Worthington happily volunteered.

  “I’ll help, too,” John offered. “We’ll get a wagon done quickly and maybe you’ll share it with us.”

  “I can help with that sawmill, too, Emery,” Antonio offered. “I’ll provide labor and a strong team of horses to drag those logs to your place in a hurry.”

  “I’d surely appreciate it, Mr. Bradshaw,” Emery cheerfully accepted. “Thank you, everyone for the offers of help. I didn’t expect it, and we will certainly share the wagon.”

  “That way, a group can transport logs, while another is helping to construct your mill,” Antonio explained.

  “A progressive picture is forming in my mind. Your mill could easily help the entire Twelve Ponds Territory with building and restoration, and bring a reformation, Emery, businesses and settlers,” John explained. Many agreed.

  “What a wonderful plan!” Rachael announced. “Such progress is being made here tonight!”

  Monty, who had remained silent most of the evening, now gave a new revelation. “That progress might bring the railroad, too, when they see our community commitment growing and the teamwork here.”

  This surprised them all. “The railroad seems like an excellent way to move produce and goods effectively,” Phoebe remarked, quite obviously delighting Lieutenant Monty Graham and her siblings.

  “It could do that and more, for we might travel by train, especially if it comes to Velvet Villa Village.” Rachael’s remark added new excitement to the planning session.

  “In that case, it might bring patients from other areas for medical treatment, too, someday,” John suggested.

  “It could also transport your lumber, Emery,” Amber offered.

  “Being a farm girl, I have another idea.” Viola offered. “The railroad could transport cattle, as well, for my needed beef for sandwiches at my luncheonette and market.”

  “Oh, I like that idea, since I was thinking of grazing cattle on my land, Miss Hathaway,” a smiling Antonio Bradshaw informed her.

  “Hay!” Robin then declared. “It could also bring hay to feed those cattle in winter, if grazing areas are depleted.” The group chuckled at her sudden, yet interesting, declaration and agreed with her.

  “Yes,” Viola responded, adding, “and we could also transport cookies that way!” Laughter ensued at her suggestion, but the men especially liked her idea.

  “Yes, and we could feed the railroad workers meals, too,” Robin responded, moving closer to where the other women were seated, in a gesture of solidarity. “It would give more people jobs.” Phoebe moved on the sofa to make room for Robin to join her and her mother, while the others were still laughing at Viola’s enthusiastic suggestion to ‘transport cookies.’

  “All of your ideas have merit. Miss Hathaway, what is your favorite kind of cookie to bake?” Mr. Bradshaw suddenly wanted to know. He seemed serious about her ideas of transporting cattle and goods.

  Instantly, she revealed, “Sugar, Gingerbread, and Thumbprints rolled in nuts, filled with jams.”

  “Thumbprints are my favorite, too.” Crystal Moore, Amber’s mother, nearly swooned in delight at the very mention of them.

  “Those are my favorite, too, and Gingerbread and Sugar Cookies,” added Emery Davis Senior.

  “I see,” was Mr. Bradshaw’s reply to Viola. “I’d like to discuss this with you further, at a later time, Miss Hathaway, since I may know of a place in the village for rent where you could sell those dessert delights and lunches in your luncheonette.”

  “I would be happy to discuss that with you, Mr. Bradshaw, but I won’t be staying for long. I shall be returning home soon with my parents.”

  Out of the blue, Rachael suggested, “We could send pumps!” Her comment absolutely astounded and puzzled everyone, except for John, who knew of her wish. Unfortunately, most of the others laughed at her idea.

  “Pumps, Miss Hathaway?” Mr. Bradshaw now questioned. “Could you further explain your plan?”

  “Well, I would send pumps by rail when I am able financially to drill wells.”

  “You’re going to drill wells, Rachael?” Robert was skeptical and responded, in wide-eyed puzzlement at his sister’s idea.

  “I’ll not mystify you any longer, brother dear, only enlighten you,” she replied. “I wish to drill wells.”

  “Is there even a well driller in Twelve Ponds Territory?” Cousin Emery then questioned.

  “I don’t believe there are even very many wells in Twelve Ponds Territory,” Robin informed them.

  “There are not,” Antonio confirmed. “So, there is a definite need for them, Miss Hathaway.”

  “I’d expand beyond the village, of course, for I’m thinking of bringing water as needed, anywhere.”

  “What a kind gesture, but what type of hardware would that take, John?” asked Buddy Callahan.

  “A drill,” John replied, with a laugh, and others joined him, since by now they were all getting tired and silly. Still, interest was growing for Rachael’s new surprise announcement of wishing to drill wells.

  “One would need pumps, that’s for certain, just as Rachael has suggested,” Monty Graham added, giving her moral support.

  “We’d have to study the prospect some, I would imagine,” Robert suggested. “We’ll need help.”

  “You need willow to witch for water,” Antonio Bradshaw remarked. “I have some at my place.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Bradshaw,” John replied, then added, “By the way, where do you live?”

  “Call me Antonio, please. I’m down the road some,” was his vague reply, while Robert and Robin, sitting next to one another by now, exchanged knowing glances, which Rachael noticed immediately.

  “You would need a good well driller or crew, too. I imagine that would be expensive,” Cousin Emery added.

  “You’ll need Viola’s cookies for keeping everyone’s spirits and morale high!” Phoebe interjected, with a wry smile. The group laughed again heartily.

  “We will need meals,” Rachael said with a smile, adding, “or perhaps that is included in the drilling fee.”

  “You’ll need water!” added Viola. “Rachael is right, you know. We all need water, and to know of its location, of course.”

  Robin Bradshaw agreed. “You’ll also need a way to learn who really needs a well, Rachael.”

  Antonio gazed at the Hathaway sisters and his own sister in wonder and awe. John, too, was intrigued by Rachael’s announcement, proud of her, yet bewildered at the thought of how to make her wish come true.

  “It sounds like a major undertaking,” Cousin Emery conjectured, shaking his head. “It could be done, though,” he told her, encouragement in his voice. “We’ll have to think about this in upcoming days.”

  “It could be done,” Rachael sighed. “Yet, it is a daunting task. Nevertheless, it is my someday mission.”

  “It is a wonderful idea, Rachael, just as Viola’s Cookie Palace, Phoebe’s flower seed sales, and Robert’s fish supply are,” their proud father asserted and announced. “Therefore, your mother and I will help you all with your new enterprises and endeavors, for they are progress.”

  “Good for you!” Robin cheered. “We all need our own mission, giving us and others hope, and we need help with it.”

  Now it was Robert Hathaway who glowed with admiration for Robin and his sisters. “I’m proud of you all.”

  “I’m proud of you, Rachael,” whispered John.

  Antonio spoke next. “I, for one, fully understand your mission, Miss Hathaway. It is a fine one.”

  “Thank you, Antonio. It wa
s a wonderful evening, everyone.” She kissed her family goodnight as the group stood to disperse.

  To encourage Rachael in her planning stage for well drilling, Antonio Bradshaw now stood and began to sing:


  Water is a necessity,

  Each day and eve, for you and me.

  Let’s dig some wells for water clear.

  Happy people will shout and cheer.

  Water’s a very healthy need.

  It grows the vine, plant, tree, and seed.

  It quenches thirst and makes things thrive,

  Sustaining life for all alive.

  Its rain clouds nourish all below.

  It raises rivers from melting snow.

  Rainfall becomes groundwater flow,

  Fulfilling needs ~ it shall bestow.

  Let’s witch for water and make plans,

  To drill some wells for needy clans.

  Then one day soon we’ll quell dry spells ~

  And grant wishes for water wells.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Applause resounded. Antonio bowed politely. Guests departed for their rooms or homes. A few joined host and hostess, John and Rachael, to study the treasures presented on this special evening.

  “I’m perplexed,” John admitted, smiling sheepishly, not comprehending this honor. “I don’t deserve it or know how it could be possible, Antonio. I’m not royalty. There must be some mistake.” He was trying to find the words to express his feelings. Glancing at Rachael, he noticed that she also seemed to be in a state of wonder and awe. However, her warm and radiant smile gave him such confidence and reassurance that he continued to explain his feelings. “I hardly know what to say or how to thank you. I wonder if I should even accept this honor so generously bestowed upon me. Yet, the most intriguing part for us may be traveling and meeting with others. That, I would welcome.”

  Antonio had an answer. “Accept it in the manner in which it is given, in a spirit of joy, hope, friendship, and courage, for past and future ventures. Perhaps, I may even be allowed to travel with you, someday.”

  “Well, I am flabbergasted. Words fail me,” John stammered. Then, as always, Monty came to his rescue.

  “Congratulations, John, my friend! You are deserving of it. Ask your father. He may be a king.”

  Several in the group laughed, including the three generations of Johns and Mr. Bradshaw.

  “Who would do this and where did the gifts originate?” John asked. “I cannot even imagine.”

  “I am afraid at this time I am unable to answer those questions, John. When I do have more information, I shall contact you immediately. There is also a stipend, a money gift, which I shall give to you in private when your gathering has ended this evening. You may, at any time, sell or give the gifts away, if you so desire.”

  “I can’t believe it! What am I to do with the money, sir?” the astonished host asked his uninvited, yet mannerly guest, as John’s staff set to work collecting plates and glasses to tidy the room.

  “It is a gift. So, you may use it as you wish,” was the astounding answer Antonio Bradshaw gave.

  “Thank you,” John whispered, shaking his head, smiling, wondering who could have possibly given such honors and gifts to him. “Maybe someday I can make it up to the generous benefactor.”

  Mr. Bradshaw smiled, knowing full well that deed had already been accomplished. Remaining family members and Rachael gave their congratulations and hugs, then said goodnight, leaving John and Antonio alone for the final presentation. The stipend was wrapped in brown paper, tied with twine. John was unaware of the amount at first glance, nor did he untie it to reveal the amount of funds, even later. Instead, he shook hands with Mr. Bradshaw, and again offered him a room for the night, either at Black Woods Castle or Magnolia Gardens.

  “I thank you, Sir John. Yet, I must see my sister home, and I have promised to attend to your future brother-in-law, Robert, as well. He will be staying with me for the night, or longer. I shall return as we planned, in the middle of the week.”

  “Oh, that will be fine. I’ll show you out.” So, the mystery, with its secrets, continued, as the mystery guest departed and the captain pondered.

  “Adieu.” With that, Francisco Antonio Bradshaw left by way of the terrace, joining Robin and Robert, to traverse Indigo Gardens Path to his carriage. They waved at John, then Rachael, who was in an upstairs window, watching, waving, and waiting. She saw Robert holding hands with Robin by the time they reached the carriage. Yet, she saw no more, because her sisters pulled her into the bedroom in order to view her ring.

  Rachael had insisted that Amber join them in their room tonight. Accommodations had been made for the four, and Amber was delighted to be invited to join them. She explained this to her escort and lifelong friend, Emery Davis, who was happy for her. He explained that he was staying, as well, but would still escort her mother home tonight, as planned, then would take Amber home in the morning. But, his father quietly changed those plans. “I wish to escort Crystal home tonight myself,” Emery Senior whispered. Happily, his son agreed with the plan.

  “Wasn’t it a wonderful evening?” Viola asked, relaxing on one bed with a colorful patchwork quilt.

  Kicking off her shoes, Rachael replied, “Yes, and you, Viola, met the charming and handsome Mr. Francisco Antonio Bradshaw, our most mysterious guest of all. How do you like him?”

  “Yes, I met him, and yes, I like him. I find him fascinating and informative. We danced. Do you know him, Rachael?”

  “I may have seen him at the market, but he was not on our guest list. He surprised us all.”

  “Well, he should have been. I have to admit, I did catch a glimpse of him at Cinco de Mayo,” Amber told the others. “However, I had no idea who he was or that he was the organizer of that event.”

  “Best of all, Miss Rachael Hathaway, you are newly promised! You’re changing your name!” Phoebe announced with joy and another hug. “A wedding is imminent! I’ll be there!”

  Amber agreed. “Oh, Rachael, I’m so happy for you. We must begin planning for your wedding day.”

  “Well, didn’t you all receive a proposal tonight?” Rachael asked. “Men were on their knees.”

  “I certainly didn’t,” was Viola’s quiet reply, as she fluffed the pillow where she planned to lay her sleepy head. “That’s fine, though. I am going home soon. There may be a prince waiting for me there.”

  “Yes, Rachael, you have a prince now, Prince John!” Phoebe gushed, fluffing her pillow, too.

  “A prince, indeed, a mystery unsolved. I was baffled by that announcement,” Rachael admitted.

  “Yes. But, Viola, if Mr. Antonio Bradshaw, bearer of surprises, wants to speak to you about your baking, I would surely wish to do so before venturing home,” Amber advised, while unpacking her robe.

  “Yes, that was strange, don’t you think?” Viola asked, as she removed hair clips to let her hair fall.

  “No, Viola, our country is celebrating war’s end and new beginnings!” Rachael informed her, as she poured water for each of them from the carafe. “So, if a gentleman asks us to accompany him to see a possible baking setting for biscuits and breads, I would surely go,” she laughed. “Well, I would go with John, my intended.” They all laughed in agreement. “But, Viola, you must make time to accompany him. Visit with him, at the very least. He’s charming. Learn more about him. Afterward, tell us all of the details, of course. If you’re at all nervous, we can follow and just happen to be nearby shopping that day.”

  “Would you? In that case, perhaps I will consider going with him. Something in his smile does tempt me to join him in surveying the possible Cookie Palace of Velvet Villa Village,” Viola admitted. “Don’t tell Mother, though. He does seem sincere, but it was cookies, Rachael, not biscuits and breads.”

  “Oh, you can be sure that mother h
eard him invite you,” Phoebe told her. “Serving lunch was mentioned , also. Don’t forget that.”

  “Yes, that was part of my original plan. In fact, I’ve had several offer to help me with it,” she informed them.

  “The Cookie Palace is a perfect name, Viola! I’d say Mr. Bradshaw will ask you to go tomorrow,” Amber guessed.

  “Well, if he doesn’t do it soon, I shall be gone. I plan to return to Bower Farm by the full moon.”

  “Oh, are we doing things by the moon now? And just when is the full moon?” Phoebe asked with a laugh.

  “I don’t know. Let’s check the sky! Come and join me at the window seat,” Viola invited.

  The laughing ladies did just that. With two at each window seat, they discovered that the moon was already high and large, lighting the gardens below in a charming mix of moonlight and Monty’s loaned lanterns, which John, Monty, Buddy, and Cousin Emery were now happily snuffing out and collecting, unaware that they were being watched.

  “Look at those guys, will you? They’re having a fine time without us. But I don’t believe Francisco Antonio Bradshaw has even a slim chance of beating the full moon, Viola,” Phoebe reported. “The moon looks full now. He will have to hurry, or else you will have to change your mind or expectations.”

  “On the contrary, he does have time to escort you, Viola, for the moon stays full a few nights, doesn’t it? Just wait until the morrow,” Amber suggested, as if she secretly knew of his plan, which she did not, of course. “Perhaps I have women’s intuition about this. But, he’ll ask you to accompany him soon, I’m sure, judging by his attention, comments, and interest in you this evening.”

  “For everyone’s information, the mysterious Mr. Bradshaw is coming by on Wednesday to speak with John,” Rachael told the happy group. “I heard them set up a meeting. So, be ready, Viola.”


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