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The Bhagavata Purana 3

Page 26

by Bibek Debroy

  ‘After the sage had been honoured in the proper way and had taken a seat, he satisfied him by addressing him in these well-articulated and reverent words. “Are the three worlds now free from fear from all the directions? O illustrious one! We know that you possess the quality of roaming around the worlds. Among everything that the lord has created in the worlds, there is nothing that is unknown to you. Hence, we are asking you. What do the Pandavas wish to do?” Narada replied, “O lord! On many occasions, I have witnessed your maya, which is impossible to transgress. It confounds even the creator of the world. 652 Despite your own powers, you roam around among creatures on earth, like the flames of a concealed fire. 653 Therefore, this is not extraordinary. Who can completely comprehend what you do? Using your maya, you create and you destroy. Everything that exists is because of your atman, though your own atman cannot be detected. I bow down to you. The living being is caught in the midst of undesirable things in samsara and does not know how to free himself. In your pastimes, you assume avataras and use your own fame as a lamp that blazes. Therefore, I surrender myself to you. O brahman! However, you are imitating the world of men. Hence, I will tell you. I will tell you what the king, 654 your father’s sister’s son who is devoted to you, wishes to do. The Pandava will worship you by performing rajasuya, foremost among sacrifices. The king wishes for complete sovereignty. You should approve of the idea. O god! Wishing to see you, all the gods, others and the famous kings will assemble at that excellent sacrifice. Even those who live at the periphery 655 are purified by hearing about you, chanting about you and meditating on you. You are the lord who is full of the brahman. What needs to be said about those who see you and touch you? Your unblemished fame has spread like a canopy through heaven, the earth, rasatala and the directions. It brings all that is auspicious to the world. The waters, Mandakini in heaven, Bhogavati in the nether regions and Ganga in this world, 656 wash your feet and purify the universe.” Those on his side did not agree to this, because they wanted to be victorious. 657 Keshava smiled at his servant, Uddhava, and spoke these gentle words. The illustrious one said, “You are our supreme eye and well-wisher. You know about counselling and accomplishing the objective. Therefore, tell us what should be done now. We will trust you and act accordingly.” Thus instructed by his master, though he knew everything, Uddhava seemed to be confused. With his head bowed down, he accepted the command and replied.’

  Chapter 10(71)

  Shri-Shuka said, ‘Having heard what the devarshi had said and having ascertained the views of the assembly and Krishna, the immensely intelligent Uddhava spoke. Uddhava said, “O god! As stated by the rishi, you must assist the sacrifice of your father’s sister’s son, but you must also protect those who have sought refuge. O lord! The rajasuya sacrifice can only be performed after a person’s wheel has conquered all the directions. Therefore, Jara’s son must be defeated. In my view, both tasks can be accomplished. Through this, a great objective will be accomplished by us. O Govinda! The kings will be freed from their bondage. Thereby, your fame will increase. That king possesses the strength of ten thousand elephants and is impossible to withstand. He is strong. Other than Bhima, there is no one who is his equal in strength. He can be defeated in a duel, not when he is with one hundred akshouhinis. He is so devoted to brahmanas that he never refuses a request made by a brahmana. Vrikodara 658 should go to him in the garb of a brahmana and request him. In your presence, there is no doubt that he will kill him in a duel. You are the supreme lord. You are time. Hiranyagarbha and Sharva, 659 responsible for the creation and destruction of the universe, are but your forms. In their homes, the queens will sing about your extensive deed of killing the common enemy of the kings and about freeing them, just as the gopis did. 660 Sages who seek refuge with you will sing about setting free of the king of elephants, Janaka’s daughter and your parents. 661 O Krishna! The slaying of Jarasandha will accomplish several objectives. It will cook what has not been cooked. 662 Hence, you should approve of the sacrifice.” O king! These words were welcome and infallible in every possible way. The devarshi, the aged among the Yadus and Krishna applauded them. Devaki’s illustrious son instructed the servants, Daruka, Jaitra and the others, to make preparations for the journey. The lord took the permission of the seniors.’

  ‘O destroyer of enemies! He arranged for the departure of his wives, his sons and their attendants. He took the permission of Samkarshana and the king of the Yadus. 663 He then mounted his own chariot, brought there by the charioteer, with Garuda on the standard. He was surrounded by a fearful army of chariots, elephants, soldiers, horse riders and their leaders. Drums, larger drums, kettledrums, conch shells and trumpets were sounded, resounding in the directions. He emerged. Excellent in their vows, along with their sons, Achuyta’s wives followed their husband, astride golden palanquins borne by men. They were adorned with the best of garments, ornaments, pastes and garlands. On all sides, they were surrounded by men with swords and shields in their hands. The ornamented attendants 664 and courtesans were borne by men, 665 camels, buffaloes, donkeys, mules, carts and female elephants. Everything required, huts made of grass, blankets, clothing and other equipment, was loaded. It resembled an ocean agitated by timinigilas and waves. There was the large army, with its standards, banners, umbrellas, whisks and the best of weapons, ornaments, diadems 666 and armour. There was a tumultuous sound and it was brilliant, as the sun’s rays reflected off it. Honoured by the lord of the Yadus, the sage 667 bowed down. Placing him in his heart, he left through the sky. He had been honoured and had heard the decision. Having met Mukunda, all his senses had been gratified. The illustrious one addressed the messenger of the kings in pleasant words. “O messenger! O fortunate one! Do not be scared. I will arrange for Magadha to be slain.” Thus addressed, the messenger left and reported it accurately to the kings. Desiring to be freed, the kings waited to meet Shouri. Hari passed through Anarta, Souvira, Maru, Vinashana, mountains, rivers, cities, villages, settlements of cowherds and mines. Mukunda crossed Drishadvati and Sarasvati. Having crossed Panchala and Matsya, he arrived at Shakraprastha. 668

  ‘Men find it extremely difficult to see him. Hearing that he had arrived, Ajatashatru 669 was delighted. He emerged with his priests and well-wishers. There was the sound of singing and the playing of musical instruments. Sounds of the brahman were chanted. He approached Hrishikesha, just as the senses welcome the breath of life. Seeing Krishna, Pandava’s heart melted with affection. He had seen his loved one after a long time and he repeatedly embraced him. With his arms, he embraced Rama’s unblemished abode. From the touch of Mukunda’s body, everything inauspicious was removed from the king. There were tears in his eyes and he obtained supreme satisfaction. His body was exhilarated and he forgot the delusion of this world. Bhima smiled and embraced his maternal uncle’s son. He was satisfied. His eyes filled with tear and his senses were overwhelmed with affection. The twins and Kiriti 670 were delighted. Shedding profuse tears, they embraced Achyuta, the most loved among their well-wishers. Arjuna embraced him and the twins worshipped him. As was befitting, he worshipped the brahmanas and the aged. He was honoured by the Kurus, Srinjayas and Kekayas and honoured them back. Sutas, magadhas, gandharvas, bandis, jesters and brahmanas praised the lotus-eyed one. There was singing and dancing. Drums, conch shells, tabors, veenas, kettledrums and trumpets were sounded. Thus surrounded by his well-wishers, the illustrious Uttamashloka, 671 the crest among jewels, was praised and entered the ornamented city. The roads were sprinkled with water mixed with the scent from the musth of elephants. It was decorated with colourful flags, golden arches and pots filled with water. Men and young women were resplendent, decorating themselves with excellent garments, ornaments, garlands and fragrances. He saw the ornamented residences in the abode of the king of the Kurus. Arrays of lamps were lit. There were offerings. The fragrant smell of incense emerged through the apertures in the lattice work. Banners fluttered. The tops of the houses had golden pots, with bases made out of silver.
He was like a vessel from which the eyes of men drank. Hearing that he had arrived, the young women were eager to see him and emerged on the royal road. In their haste, their hair was dishevelled and the knots of their garments were loosened. They immediately left their household tasks and the beds of their husbands. But the roads were crowded with elephants, horses, chariots and bipeds. To see Krishna and his wives, the women climbed on the tops of their houses. Embracing him in their minds, they showered down flowers. They welcomed him with their smiling glances. Along the road, the women saw Mukunda’s wives, like the stars with the lord of the stars. They exclaimed, “What deeds have they performed? Their eyes can see this jewel among men, with his generous smiles and playful glances. Even a bit of that is like a festivity.” Here and there, the citizens approached with auspicious objects in their hands. They worshipped Krishna. So did the leaders of the shrenis and their sins were cleansed.

  ‘Their eyes full of delight, those in the inner quarters hurried and approached Mukunda, as he entered the king’s residence. Pritha saw Krishna, her brother’s son, the lord of the three worlds. Along with her daughter-in-law, 672 she happily arose from her couch and embraced him. The king welcomed Govinda, the lord of the gods, to his house and welcomed him. He was so overwhelmed with joy that he did not know how to worship him. O king! Krishna bowed down before his father’s sister and the wives of the elders. Krishnaa and his own sister bowed down to him. 673 Urged by her mother-in-law, Krishnaa worshipped all of Krishna’s wives—Rukmini, Satya, Bhadra, Jambavati, Kalindi, Mitravinda, Shaibya and the virtuous Nagnajiti, as well as the others who had arrived, with garments, garlands and ornaments. Dharmaraja made comfortable arrangements for Janardana to reside in. Every day, he made new arrangements for him, his soldiers, his followers and his wives. Along with Phalguna, he satisfied the fire god with Khandava. When Maya was freed, he constructed a divine assembly hall for the king. 674 So as to bring pleasure to the king, he 675 resided there for a few months. Surrounded by soldiers and with Phalguna on a chariot, he would amuse himself.’

  Chapter 10(72)

  Shri-Shuka said, ‘Once, Yudhishthira was seated in his assembly hall, surrounded by sages, brahmanas, kshatriyas, vaishyas, his brothers, preceptors, elders of the lineage, relatives, matrimonial allies and kin. While all of them heard, he spoke the following words. Yudhishthira said, “O Govinda! O lord! I wish to perform the purifying rajasuya sacrifice, the king of sacrifices, and worship your potencies. Please help us to accomplish it. O lord! Those who constantly serve your footwear, meditate on them and sing about them are purified and everything that is inauspicious is destroyed for them. O one with the lotus in your navel! They obtain emancipation from samsara. If they have wishes, those are satisfied. But this is not true of others. 676 O god of the gods! Let the worlds witness the power that comes from serving your lotus feet, the difference in status between those who worship you and those who do not worship you. O lord! Display this to the Kurus and the Srinjayas. You are the brahman and your mind does not distinguish between those who are your own and those who are not your own. You are in all atmans. You are impartial in your outlook. You experience bliss within your own self. You are like the tree of the gods. 677 Those who serve you obtain favours that are proportionate to the service they render. There is no violation of this.” The illustrious one replied, “O king! O afflicter of enemies! This decision of yours is appropriate. Through this, the worlds will witness your auspicious fame. O lord! This king of sacrifices is not only desired by us, your well-wishers, but also by the rishis, the gods and all creatures. Defeat all the kings and bring the entire earth under your subjugation. Collect all the necessary objects and perform this great sacrifice. O king! These brothers of yours have been born as portions of the guardians of the worlds. Those who have not cleansed their atmans find it impossible to conquer me. But I have been conquered by you. If a person is devoted to me, no one in the worlds is capable of overcoming him in energy, fame, prosperity and powers, not even a god. What need one say about a king?” Hearing what the illustrious one had said, his 678 face was delighted and resembled a blooming lotus.

  ‘He engaged his brothers, who were imbued with Vishnu’s energy, in conquering the directions. Along with the Srinjayas, Sahadeva was sent to the south. Nakula was sent to the west and Savyasachi 679 to the north. Along with the Matsyas, Kekayas and Madras, Vrikodara 680 was sent to the east. O king! Those brave ones used their energy to defeat the kings. From the directions, they brought a lot of wealth for Ajatashatru to perform the sacrifice. However, on hearing that Jarasandha had not been defeated, the king thought about this. Hari told him about the means that Uddhava had earlier spoken about. Bhimasena, Arjuna and Krishna, assumed the disguise of three brahmanas. O son! They went to Girivraja, where Brihadratha’s son was. The king was devoted to brahmanas and observed the rites of a householder. They reached at the time meant for receiving guests. 681 Disguised as brahmanas, they begged him. “O king! Know us as atithis who have come from a long distance away for a specific purpose. O fortunate one! Therefore, grant us what we wish for. 682 For those who have fortitude, there is nothing that is intolerable. There is nothing that the wicked will not do. There is nothing that a generous person will not give. For those who are impartial in vision, there is no one who is a stranger. This body is impermanent. Despite being able to do so, if a person does not use it to acquire the eternal fame that is sung about by the virtuous, he is contemptible and one should grieve about him. Harishchandra, Rantideva, Unchhavritti, Shibi, Bali, the hunter, the pigeon—there are many who used the impermanent to obtain an eternal state.” 683 From their voices, their forms and the marks left on their forearms by bowstrings, he discerned that they were related to royal families. He thought about whether he had seen them earlier. “Though they are in the disguise of brahmanas, they are certainly related to royal families. However, I must give them what they beg for, even if it is my body, which is so very difficult to give up. Bali’s sparkling and pervasive fame is heard about in all the directions, despite his being dislodged from his prosperity by Vishnu in the form of a brahmana. The king of the daityas knew that in the form of a brahmana, for Indra’s sake, Vishnu wished to rob him of his prosperity. Despite being restrained, 684 he gave him the earth. Life is for the sake of brahmanas. For a kshatra-bandhu, it has no other purpose. Even if the body falls down, one must strive for eternal fame.” Generous in his intelligence, he spoke to Krishna, Arjuna and Vrikodara, “O brahmanas! I will give you what you ask for, even if it happens to be my own head.” The illustrious one replied, “O Indra among kings! Fight with us. If you find it proper, grant us a duel. We belong to royal lineages. We have come here for a fight and we desire nothing else. This is Vrikodara, Pritha’s son. This is his brother, Arjuna. Know me as Krishna, your enemy. They are the sons of my father’s sister.” Thus addressed, the king of Magadha laughed loudly. Full of intolerance, he said, “O foolish ones! In that case, I will grant you a fight. I will not fight with you. You are a coward and your energy deserted you in a battle. You abandoned Mathura, your own city, and sought shelter in the ocean. This Arjuna is not my equal in age. Nor is he my equal in strength. He is not a proper adversary. Bhima is my equal in strength.” Having said this, he gave Bhimasena a large club. Seizing a second one himself, he went outside the city.

  ‘On level ground, those two brave ones engaged with each other. Both of them were indomitable in the encounter and struck each other with clubs that were like the vajra. Following wonderful modes, they wheeled to the left and to the right. As they moved around in that encounter, they were as beautiful as actors on a stage. O king! As they hurled their clubs at each other, like two tusked elephants, there was a clapping sound, like that of thunder. Using the force of their arms, they brought the clubs down on each other, on shoulders, hips, feet, hands, thighs and collarbones. With their rage ignited, they fought against each other like two elephants and like branches of arka trees, 685 the weapons were fragmented. When the two club
s were fragmented, those two brave men angrily struck each other with their fists, which were like iron to the touch. As they struck each other like two elephants and slapped each other with their palms, the sound that arose was like the harsh clap of thunder. The two fighters were equal to each other in training, strength and energy. O king! Their energy was undiminished and the encounter did not come to any conclusions. O great king! In this way, the fight between them continued for twenty-seven days. They fought each other during the day, but were like friends at night. O king! Once, Vrikodara spoke to his maternal uncle’s son. “O Madhava! I am incapable of defeating Jarasandha in this encounter.” Hari knew about the adversary’s birth and death and about how he had been brought to life by Jara. He told Partha 686 about this and gave him his own energy. He thought about it. Having thought about it, infallible in his insight, he thought about a means of ensuring the death. He indicated this to Bhima by breaking the branch of a tree. 687 Bhima, supreme among strikers and great in his spirit, understood this. He seized the enemy by the feet and brought him down on the ground. He pressed down on one foot and seized the other one with his arms. Starting with the anus, he tore him apart into two parts, like a large elephant does to the branch of a tree. The subjects saw two parts, each with one foot, thigh, one testicle, one hip, one part of the back, one part of the chest, one collarbone, one arm, one eye, one eyebrow and one ear. When the lord of Magadha was killed, great sounds of lamentation arose. Jaya 688 and Achyuta embraced Bhima and honoured him. The illustrious lord, the creator of all creatures, is immeasurable in his atman. He instated his 689 son, Sahadeva, as the king of Magadha. He freed the kings who had been imprisoned by the king of Magadha.’


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