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The Bhagavata Purana 3

Page 28

by Bibek Debroy

  ‘King Yudhishthira was afflicted at the prospect of being separated from his well-wishers, matrimonial allies, relatives and Krishna. Out of his love, he restrained them. O dear one! To do what would bring him pleasure, the illustrious one resided there for some time. However, he sent the Yadu heroes, Samba and the others, to Kushasthali. 717 In this way, the king who was Dharma’s son accomplished his desires through Krishna’s help. He lost all his anxiety. It was as if he had crossed a great ocean that was extremely difficult to cross.

  ‘On one occasion, Duryodhana witnessed the prosperity of the inner quarters. He was tormented by this and by the greatness of the rajasuya performed by the one who had Achyuta in his soul. There, 718 the creator of the universe 719 had fashioned all the many kinds of resplendent prosperity of Indras among men, Indras among daityas and Indras among the gods. The daughter of King Drupada served her husbands. The king of the Kurus 720 was attracted to her and his heart was tormented. At that time, the thousands of wives of the lord of Madhu 721 also resided there. Because of their heavy hips, they walked slowly. Charming anklets tinkled on their legs. They possessed beautiful waists. Their necklaces were red because of the kunkuma from their breasts. Their earrings moved and their thick locks of hair enhanced the beauty of their faces. On one occasion, the emperor who was Dharma’s son was seated in the assembly hall constructed by Maya. He was surrounded by his followers and relatives and by Krishna, who was like his own eye. With Parameshthi’s 722 prosperity, he was praised by the bandis. O king! Surrounded by his brothers, the proud Duryodhana would not be restrained. With a diadem on his head and a sword in his hand, he angrily abused them 723 and entered. He was confounded by Maya’s maya. Taking the floor to be water, he gathered up the ends of his garments. In another place, taking the water to be the floor, he was bewildered and fell into the water. Seeing this, Bhima, the women and other kings laughed at him. O dear one! This was despite the king 724 trying to restrain them. However, it was sanctioned by Krishna. He was ashamed and his face blazed with rage. Though he was silent, he exited and left for Gajasahvya. The virtuous ones raised great lamentations of “Alas!” Ajatashatru’s mind was dejected. Since the illustrious one wished to remove the earth’s burden, he was silent. It was his glance that had led to the delusion. 725 O king! I have thus described to you what you had asked me about, about how Suyodhana’s evil intentions increased in the course of the great rajasuya sacrifice.’

  Chapter 10(76)

  Shri-Shuka said, ‘O king! Now hear about another one of Krishna’s extraordinary deeds. In his pastimes, he assumed a human form and killed the lord of Soubha. Shalva was Shishupala’s friend. When he came for Rukmini’s marriage, he, Jarasandha and the others were defeated by the Yadus in the encounter. In the hearing of all the kings, Shalva took a pledge. “Behold my manliness. I will make the earth empty of Yadavas.” Having taken this pledge, the foolish one worshipped the lord and god, Pashupati. 726 Every day, the king only subsisted on a fistful of dust. 727 Uma’s illustrious consort is easily pleased. 728 Shalva had sought refuge with him and at the end of a year, he asked him to choose a boon. He asked for a vehicle that would be able to go anywhere at will and would be impenetrable by gods, asuras, humans, gandharvas and rakshasas. The Vrishnis would find it terrifying. Girisha agreed and instructed Maya, the conqueror of enemy cities. He 729 constructed such a city, made out of iron, and gave it to Shalva. He obtained that vehicle, which was enveloped in darkness. It could travel anywhere at will and was impossible to assail. Remembering the enmity that the Vrishnis had engendered, Shalva used it to go to Dvaravati.

  ‘O bull among the Bharata lineage! With an extremely large army, Shalva laid siege. He destroyed all the groves and gardens in the city. He showered down weapons from that supreme vimana on the turrets, gates, palaces, mansions, terraces and pleasure gardens. Rocks, trees, bolts of thunder, snakes and hailstones rained down. There were fierce whirlwinds and the directions were enveloped in dust. O king! Krishna’s city was thus severely afflicted by Soubha. There was no peace. It was as if the earth had been attacked by Tripura. 730 The illustrious Pradyumna saw how his own subjects were suffering and told them, “Do not be scared.” The brave and immensely illustrious one mounted a chariot. Satyaki, Charudeshna, Samba, Akrura and his younger brothers, Hardikya, Bhanuvinda, Gada, Shuka, Sarana and other great archers, leaders of arrays of charioteers, emerged. They were armoured and protected by chariots, elephants, horses and infantry. A battle ensued between Shalva’s forces and the Yadus. It was tumultuous, like that between the asuras and the gods, and it made the body hair stand up. With his divine weapons, Rukmini’s son 731 destroyed the maya of the lord of Soubha, just as the hot rays of the sun destroy the darkness of the night in an instant. He used twenty-five gold-tufted, iron-tipped and well-jointed arrows to pierce the one who was protecting Shalva’s standard. He struck Shalva with one hundred arrows and pierced each of his soldiers with one each. He pierced each leader with ten arrows and the mounts with three arrows each. Witnessing the great-souled Pradyumna’s great and wonderful deed, all the soldiers, on one’s own side and on the adversary’s side, applauded. However, it 732 had been fashioned by Maya and was full of maya. It would appear as one and as many. It would be visible and would not be visible. The enemy found it impossible to determine where it was. It was sometimes on the ground and sometimes, it was in the sky. Sometimes it was on the summit of a mountain and sometimes it floated on water. Soubha whirled around like a circle of fire and was never in a single spot. Wherever, Soubha, Shalva and his soldiers appeared, the leaders of the Satvatas directed their arrows at those spots. Shalva, his city and his soldiers were thus confounded by the enemy and suffered. The arrows were like the fire or the sun to the touch. They were as invincible as virulent serpents. The valiant ones among the Vrishnis were also severely afflicted by the floods of weapons released by Shalva’s army. However, desiring to conquer both the worlds, 733 they did not abandon the field of battle and remained in their respective positions. Shalva’s adviser, named Dyuman, had earlier suffered at Pradyumna’s hands. The powerful one struck him with a heavy iron club and roared loudly. Pradyumna was a scorcher of enemies, but his chest was shattered by the club. His charioteer, Daruka’s son, 734 knew about dharma and took him away from the field of battle. Krishna’s son recovered his senses in an instant and told the charioteer, “Alas! O charioteer! Taking me away from the field of battle is a contemptible act. With my exception, it has never been heard that a person born in the lineage of the Yadus has withdrawn from the field of battle. I have now been tainted by a charioteer whose intelligence is like that of a eunuch. When I meet my fathers, Rama and Keshava, what will I tell them? When they ask me about myself, will I ask them to pardon me because I withdrew from the field of battle? It is evident that my sisters-in-law will laugh at me and say, ‘O brave one! Tell us. Tell us about how the enemy turned you into a eunuch in the battle. Please tell us how this happened.’” The charioteer replied, “O lord! O one with a long life! I did this because I knew about dharma. In times of difficulty, the charioteer must protect the warrior and the warrior must protect the charioteer. Knowing about this, I took you away from the field of battle. You were struck by the enemy’s club. You were hurt and lost your consciousness.”’

  Chapter 10(77)

  Shri-Shuka said, ‘He 735 touched water, armoured himself and picked up his bow. He told the charioteer, “Please take me to the brave Dyuman’s side.” Dyuman was slaughtering his soldiers. However, Rukmini’s son smiled and repulsed him, piercing him back with eight iron arrows. He struck the four horses with four arrows and his charioteer with one. With two arrows, he severed his bow and standard. With one more arrow, he severed his head. Gada, Satyaki, Samba and the others killed the soldiers of the lord of Soubha. With their heads severed, the torsos of all those in Soubha fell down into the ocean. Thus, the Yadus and those on Shalva’s side slew each other. The tumultuous and fierce battle continued for twenty-seven nights. 736

  ‘Invited by Dharma’s son, Krishna had gone to Indraprastha. The rajasuya had been concluded and Shishupala had been killed. He took his leave from the aged ones in the Kuru lineage, the sages and Pritha and her sons. As he left for Dvaravati, he witnessed terrible portents.“I have come here with my noble elder brother. The kings who are on Chedi’s side must certainly have attacked my city.” He arrived and saw the carnage caused among those on his own side. He arranged for the protection of the city and saw Soubha and King Shalva. Keshava told Daruka, “O charioteer! Quickly take my chariot to Shalva’s presence. The king of Soubha resorts to maya, but you need not be scared on that account.” Thus addressed and urged, Daruka drove the chariot and entered. Everyone, on one’s own side and on the adversary’s side, saw the standard with Aruna’s younger brother. 737 With his forces almost exhausted, the lord Shalva noticed Krishna. In the encounter, he hurled a javelin towards Krishna’s charioteer and it emitted a terrible roar. It swiftly descended from the sky, like a giant meteor blazing the directions. With his arrows, Shouri shattered it into one hundred fragments. He pierced him with sixteen arrows. As Soubha roamed around in the sky, he struck it with torrents of arrows, like the rays of the sun filling up the sky. Shalva struck Shouri, the wielder of the Sharnga bow, on his left arm, holding the Sharnga bow. Thus pierced, the Sharnga bow fell down from his hand and this was extraordinary. Seeing this, great sounds of lamentation arose from the beings who were there. The lord of Soubha roared and spoke to Janardana. “O foolish one! While we looked on, you abducted the wife of a friend who was like a brother. 738 While he was distracted in the middle of the assembly, you killed my friend. You pride yourself on being invincible. If you remain in front of me today, with my sharp arrows, I will convey you to the region from where there is no return.” The illustrious one replied, “O wicked one! Why are you boasting in vain? You do not see Death, standing near you. Brave ones exhibit their manliness. They do not speak a lot.” Saying this, the illustrious one struck Shalva on the collarbone with a club that was terrible in its force. He wavered and started to vomit blood. As soon as the club was withdrawn, Shalva instantly vanished from the spot. At that instant, a man arrived and bowed his head down before Achyuta. Bowing down and weeping, he spoke these words. “I have been sent by Devaki. O Krishna! O mighty-armed one! You are devoted to your parents. O Krishna! Like an animal bound by a butcher, your father has been bound and has been taken away by Shalva.” Krishna heard this unpleasant news. Since he was following the conduct of a human, his mind was filled with distress and compassion. Because of his love, he spoke like an ordinary person. “The fearless Rama is invincible and cannot be defeated by the gods or the asuras. How could the insignificant Shalva have defeated him and taken my father away? Destiny is powerful.” When Govinda said this, the king of Soubha presented himself again. Apparently leading Vasudeva, he addressed Krishna in these words. “This is your father, who gave birth to you. It is because of him that you are alive. While you look on, I will kill him. O foolish one! Save him if you can.” Full of maya, he abused him in this way and used his sword to sever Anakadundubhi’s head. Taking it, he entered Soubha, which was stationed in the sky.

  ‘He 739 is full of knowledge. However, because of affection towards his own relative, for an instant, he was overwhelmed by ordinary feelings. But the great one comprehended that this was the maya of asuras. Developed by Maya, Shalva was merely using it. Now alert, Achyuta did not see the messenger, or his father’s body, on the field of battle, as if he had woken up from a dream. He saw his enemy roaming around in the sky and got ready to destroy Soubha. O royal sage! There are some rishis who are inconsistent in their reasoning. Indeed, they do not remember what they themselves have said and are contradictory in their statements. Sorrow, delusion, affection and fear are created by ignorance. How can these exist in him? His jnana and vijnana are infinite. His powers are infinite. By serving at his feet, people earn for themselves knowledge about the atman. They thereby destroy the mistaken identification of the atman, 740 which has existed right from the beginning. They obtain union with the infinite lord. He is the supreme destination of the virtuous. How can he suffer from delusion? 741 Shalva energetically struck him with torrents of weapons. However, invincible in his valour, Shouri struck him back with arrows. He pierced and shattered his armour, his bow and the jewel on his head. Using a club, he shattered the enemy’s Soubha. The club wielded by Krishna’s hand shattered it into one thousand fragments and it fell down. Abandoning it, Shalva descended on the ground. Raising a club, he quickly rushed towards Achyuta. As he rushed forward, he 742 used a broad-headed arrow to sever his arm, along with the club. To slay Shalva, he then raised his wonderful chakra, which resembled the sun at the time of universal destruction. He was resplendent and dazzled like the sun atop Mount Udaya. 743 He was full of maya, but Hari severed his head with that, along with the earrings and the diadem, exactly as Purandara had done to Vritra with the vajra. Great sounds of lamentation arose from amidst the men. 744 The wicked one fell down and the club destroyed Soubha. O king! Large numbers of gods sounded their drums in the firmament. Desiring to avenge the deaths of his friends, Dantavakra angrily attacked.’

  Chapter 10(78)

  Shri-Shuka said, ‘Shishupala, Shalva and the evil-minded Poundraka had left for the world hereafter. He 745 wished to display his affection towards those who had died. O great king! He advanced angrily on foot, with a club in his hand. He was alone and the earth trembled from his strides. The great being showed himself. On seeing him advance, Krishna quickly got down from his chariot and seized a club. He countered him, just as the shoreline holds the ocean back. The indomitable Karusha 746 raised his club and spoke to Mukunda. “This is good fortune. It is fortunate that you have come within the range of my vision today. O Krishna! You are the son of my maternal uncle. 747 But you have injured my friends and wish to kill me too. O foolish one! Therefore, I will slay you with this club, which is like the vajra. O ignorant one! I am devoted to my friends. In this way, I will repay my debt towards my friends. I will kill you, because you are like an enemy in the form a relative. You are like a disease that is roaming around in the body.” He afflicted Krishna with these harsh words. Then, like an elephant that has been urged with a goad, he struck him on the head with the club and roared loudly, like a lion. Though he was struck in the field of battle with the club, the extender of the Yadu lineage did not waver. With his large and heavy Koumadaki 748 club, he struck him between the breasts. His heart was shattered from the blow of the club and he began to vomit blood from his mouth. His hair was dishevelled. With his arms and legs stretched out, he fell down on the ground, having lost his life. O king! While all the creatures looked on, an extraordinary and subtle light arose and entered Krishna, just as it had done at the time of Chedi’s death. Viduratha was his brother and he was overwhelmed with grief on account of his brother. Sighing heavily, he advanced to kill him, holding a sword and a shield. O Indra among kings! As he descended, Krishna used his chakra, sharp at the edges, to sever his head, along with his diadem and his earrings. Thus, he destroyed Soubha, Shalva, Dantavakra and his younger brother, who were invincible to others, gods and humans alike. Sages, Siddhas, gandharvas, vidyadharas, giant serpents, apsaras, large numbers of ancestors, yakshas, kinnaras and charanas sang about his victory and showered down flowers. Surrounded by the brave ones among the Vrishnis, he entered the ornamented city. The illustrious Krishna, the lord of the universe and the lord of yoga, is victorious in this fashion. Only those with the vision of animals think that he has sometimes been defeated.

  ‘Rama heard that preparations were under way for a battle between the Kurus and the Pandavas. Since he was truly neutral, he left, intending to bathe at the tirthas. He bathed in Prabhasa 749 and satisfied gods, rishis and humans. Along with brahmanas, he followed the course of the Sarasvati from its mouth to its origin. O descendant of the Bharata lineage! He went to Prithudaka, 750 Bindusaras, 751 Tritakupa, 752 Sudarshana, 753 Vish
ala, 754 Brahmatirtha, 755 Chakratirtha, 756 and the place where the Sarasvati flows in an eastward direction. O descendant of the Bharata lineage! He travelled along the banks of the Yamuna and the Ganga. He then went to Naimisha, where the rishis were performing a sacrifice. The sages had been performing this sacrifice for a long time. On seeing him, as is proper, they honoured him. They stood up, bowed and worshipped him. Thus worshipped, along with his companions, he accepted a seat. However, he noticed that Romaharshana, the great rishi’s 757 disciple, remained seated. This son of a suta did not stand up. He did not bow down and join his hands in salutation. He remained seated on a seat that was higher than that of the brahmanas. On seeing this, Madhava was enraged.“He has been born from a pratiloma marriage. 758 However, this evil-minded person seats himself above brahmanas and above all of us who are protectors of dharma. Having been a disciple of the illustrious rishi, 759 he has studied a lot—Itihasa, the Puranas and all the texts of dharma. However, he is not self-controlled. Nor is he humble. He prides himself on being learned, but in vain. There are no qualities in him. He is like an actor who has been unable to control his mind. This is the reason why I have assumed an avatara in this world. I will kill the ones who bear aloft the banner of dharma, since they are greater sinners.” 760 Having said this, the illustrious one refrained from killing the wicked. 761 With a blade of kusha grass in his hand, the lord struck him. However, destiny took over and he was killed.


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