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Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate Book 1)

Page 10

by Mindy Carter

  He looks at me with visible pain on his face. “Listen to me, Aimee; you were always perfect and still are. You did nothing wrong.”

  He grabs my hand, kissing it softly. “This is on me. I never should have left you. We should’ve spent the last eight years happy and together.”

  “So, what, now you’re worthy?”

  He grabs my chin and wipes away the remaining tears. “No, not by a long shot. I may never be, but I’m going to try to prove to you that there’s hope for us, that we are better together than apart.”

  I grab the pendant hanging from my neck like a lifeline, anything to give me strength. He notices, and recognition flashes in his eyes. Taking my hand and opening my palm, he touches the star that he gave to me. He looks at it and smiles with happiness in his dark eyes.

  “You kept this in spite of everything I’ve done,” he says as an accusation.

  I nod because the words are buried deep within me.

  He grabs me and whispers, “I’m still working on being the man you deserve, but living without you is unbearable. I can’t do it anymore. It’s just not fair to the both of us.”

  He kisses me unexpectedly, hard, deep, and passionate, showing me he’s sorry through his desperation. I kiss him back with the same fervor, letting him know I need and forgive him. We are speaking without words through this passionate exchange, and I have no doubts about his true feelings.

  “I love you,” I tell him, looking into his eyes.

  He stares at me like he doesn’t believe me, or maybe he’s merely speechless. Moments pass that feel like an eternity.

  Finally, he takes a deep breath and says, “I love you to the stars.”

  A smile is instantly plastered across his face, and I begin to cry again because it’s everything I have ever wanted to hear from him. I have dreamed of those words, but the reality is much better. I love him, and he loves me. Everything we have been through to get to this point has been worth it.

  “I’ve loved you since the moment I looked into those beautiful, blue eyes. Each day since I was seven years old, it’s grown just that much more. I am going to love you more with every day, and that’s a promise. I’m still going to build you that castle, Aimee. You wait and see.”

  We sit there, simply holding on to one another, not wanting to let go. After a while, I doze off and am awakened when he picks me up off the couch and carries us inside his bedroom. When he lays me down with him under the covers, I place my head on his chest and listen to his beating heart, the strong and steady rhythm lulling me back to sleep.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I wake to darkness and am blanketed in warmth with Keegan’s strong hands lightly rubbing my arms.

  I remember falling asleep with him and being carried to bed. His confession earlier was eye opening as he shattered me, but it also put me back together again. Telling him I loved him felt right, and he said it back in a way that I will remember forever. This man completes me. He makes me happy, but I’m afraid of what could happen if we ever fall apart.

  “What time is it?” I ask.

  “It’s still the middle of the night, three a.m.,” he replies.

  The moonlight and lights reflecting off the buildings shine in as I move closer to him, lifting my head to look at him. I take my hand and run my fingertips across his cheeks down to his neck. His skin is soft to my touch, awakening my nerve endings.

  When he lets out a contented sigh, I suddenly remember what I brought with me, and I smile at him, knowing he’s going to love it. “I have something for you. Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

  I walk slowly out of his bedroom to his office, taking the item out of its bag then running back to the bedroom where Keegan is lying on his back, staring at the ceiling with his arms behind his head. I take him in as I jump onto his bed.

  “Hi,” he says with a seductive smile.

  “Hi, you.”

  I hold his surprise behind my back. “Close your eyes and count to three.”

  He does what I tell him without hesitation. After counting to three, he opens his eyes, and placed in front of him is the tiny, red telescope we had when we were kids, the one we shared for multiple summers.

  “I know it isn’t like your high-powered Celestron, but it still works all right.”

  He grabs the red telescope and looks at it. “This is better than the Celestron, so much better.”

  It’s in no way better, but it’s nice that he thinks this item from our past is special. The hours we spent looking into space were precious ones.

  He stands up with the telescope and walks to the window then holds it up to his eye and adjusts the focus. I doubt he can see much other than a few bright stars.

  “What are you looking at?”

  He continues looking through the telescope, answering, “Come here and I’ll show you.”

  He motions me in front of him, and I move to him then stand with my back to his front. Placing the telescope in my hands, he helps hold it up so I can look through the lens. All that is visible are dark smudges in the sky and a few twinkling stars.

  “I don’t see much.”

  “No?” he questions, resting his head on my shoulder, his breath warm on my neck, sending a quiver through my spine.

  “Tell me what you see,” I say in a whisper.

  He starts to speak and then pauses, taking a deep breath. “I see us. I finally see a future and so much more. I also see our past and everything I have missed.”

  How can someone’s words turn me to jelly? My knees are weak, and I’m sure I would fall if it wasn’t for him behind me.

  As he moves my hair to the side and begins placing soft kisses on my neck, I tilt my head to give him better access, wanting him to continue. A moan escapes me, and I can feel his smile along my neck. Then he stops suddenly, leaving one last kiss on my collarbone. I want to tell him to continue, but he speaks before I can.

  “I have one more confession.”

  My heart drops out of my chest. After the earlier night’s talk, I’m not sure I can take another heartbreak. I swallow and prepare myself for what comes next.

  “I was accepted to space camp, and my parents were going to let me go.”

  Space Camp?

  “Wait, what? When we were kids?”

  He nods, looking down at me.

  “I don’t understand. If you got in, why didn’t you ever tell me? Why didn’t you go?”

  “There was no way I was going to leave you for an entire summer. My dream was your dream, and if we couldn’t do it together, I wasn’t going at all, so I did the next best thing. I got us this telescope to share.”

  “Do you know how silly that sounds? You could be designing spaceships right now instead of skyscrapers. Leaving for one summer wouldn’t have been the end of the world.”

  “That is where you are wrong, Aimee Brennan. We both would have been miserable.”

  “It was space camp. You could’ve told me all about it when you returned,” I tell him shyly.

  “I could have, or I could’ve sat next to you every night, looking at the stars.” He points out the window at the stars. “In my opinion, that was so much better. Plus, did you see what happened in that movie? So not good. They got stuck in space.”

  I laugh at his joke. Space Camp the movie did end my obsession with it, but not with looking at the stars. That obsession never ended.

  I turn around and stare at him, unable to pull my eyes away. “After all these years, you’re still full of surprises, Keegan James.”

  He looks into my eyes, caressing my cheek with the back of his hand. I never want him to stop touching me.

  “You are breathtakingly beautiful, Aimee.” Is it possible for my heart to fall out of my chest? It’s beating so fast I’m sure he can hear it. “You were always beautiful, but now, here in this light, you’re like a canvas against the city, one that doesn’t compare to how lovely you really are.” He moves in closer and grabs the red telescope, throwing it toward his massive bed.
I watch as it flies through the air and then bounces, almost in slow motion.

  As Keegan wraps his arms around my back and pulls me into him, I easily melt into his touch. Then he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear, and my breath hitches in anticipation of what will happen next.

  “Do you trust me?” he asks.

  “Yes, with everything I am.”

  I’m pushed against the glass window, the feeling of cool glass against my back exhilarating. I can feel him hard against my body, feel his wanting, and I return it tenfold.

  “Say it.”

  I look into blue eyes that seem to draw mine like a magnet. “Say what?” I whisper.

  He places his forehead against mine and repeats, “Say it.”

  I speak the only words I can at the moment. “I love you, Keegan James.”

  The dam breaks, and whatever we have been holding back bursts into a river of passion. His lips attack mine, our bodies taking over the assault. He pushes into me harder, and then I feel his tongue enter my mouth, the kiss warm and exciting. I’m completely lost to him. I want nothing more than to be one with him.

  My hands grab on to his hair as he lifts me up, and I wrap my legs around his middle like a vice. I’m pushed even harder into the window and am surprised it doesn’t break.

  “Please tell me you want this, Aimee, that I can have you.”

  My head has to process what he’s saying, because my desire for him is all I can feel.

  “I want you, Keegan. I want every part of you,” I whisper in his ear.

  A low growl leaves his lips, and he grabs me tighter and turns us around. I bury my head into his neck, taking in his delicious scent while he walks us to the front of his bed and places me down so I am now sitting on the edge.

  He pulls his T-shirt over his head without taking his eyes from mine. His chest is what Greek gods are made of.

  When I reach out, running my fingertips slowly down the center of his front, his body stiffens at my touch, and he closes his eyes. I can feel his need, how I’m affecting him. Then he backs away, and I’m left disappointed at the loss of contact.

  Still looking at me, he removes his jeans, leaving him in his black boxer briefs. His body is simply beautiful from head to toe. I don’t think there is one ounce of fat on him.

  As he comes closer to me and starts removing my shirt, I lift my arms up so he can pull it over my head.

  “You are wearing too many clothes,” he whispers in a husky voice.

  Continuing to undress me, Keegan moves down my body, unbuttoning my jeans. He has no problem removing my tight pants, leaving me in my white lace bra and matching underwear. He looks at me with a hunger I have never seen from him.

  I do the honors of reaching behind my back and unclasping my bra. Pushing the straps down, slowly removing it, I then throw it across the room, not caring if I ever see it again.

  “Can I touch you?” he asks.

  “Please,” I respond. Like I could ever deny him anything he would ever ask.

  He pushes me up higher on his bed before his fingertips run along my nipple, and it immediately juts out. I’m going to spontaneously combust right now.

  He moves to the other nipple, my body giving him the same reaction. Palms caress my breasts as I let out a breathy moan that he silences with a deep kiss. Then our bodies are rubbing against each other, and the friction is enough to give me an orgasm, enough that another moan escapes me.

  Keegan moves his entire body over mine, moving his hand under my underwear, and the moment he touches my sensitive nub, I arch back.

  “You are so wet,” he whispers huskily.

  I moan again at his words, and his breathing becomes heavier as he bites at my neck. I think I’m going to die just from desire. While he continues touching me, I want to touch him, as well, so I slowly move my hand nervously, rubbing his erection over his underwear. He helps me by grabbing my hand and moving it under his underwear so we are stroking his velvety hard cock together. I’m positive that, if we continue, we are both going to finish before he even gets the chance to get inside of me.

  I have only had sex with one other person, and it’s been a while. As a result, although I love Keegan and want him like I have never wanted anyone in my life, I’m hesitant in taking the lead. I’m afraid I will do something wrong.

  Without even thinking, I tell him, “I love you. Please make love to me.”

  He stops for a moment to look into my eyes, searching them for the answer that I really want this. He must find it because he kisses me on the lips with even more passion than before. Then he moves down my body, kissing my skin, leading to above my underwear.

  Slowly, he removes and quickly discards the last of our clothes before he spreads my legs and moves up my body again. This is the moment that equally scares and excites me—our first time. There will never ever be another for us. I will remember this for the rest of my life.

  I am trembling and unable to stop as he lifts my chin to look at him. “I’m nervous, too, Aimee,” he admits.

  “You’re perfect in so many ways, Keegan. I just want this to be memorable.”

  “Trust me, there isn’t a moment of our time together that hasn’t been memorable. Relax and I’ll show you what you mean to me.”

  I hold back my tears from his beautiful words, relaxing into him as he slowly enters me, the feeling beyond euphoric. He lets out a moan, letting me know it feels just as good for him. As his motions begin slow and tender, like he’s savoring every small thrust, I grab his head, lowering it to mine so I can kiss him.

  “You have no idea how good you feel right now. I’ve never felt anything as good as this in all my life,” he confesses.

  I moan again at his words that seem to seep directly to my core, only wanting to be one with him. We are making love in the most magnificent way, and I pray it never ends.

  We both move together slowly then quickly and back to slowly again. I wrap my legs around him and squeeze him as tight as possible. A drop of sweat falls from his forehead, and when it lands between my breasts, it sets me ablaze. I am so close to exploding I cry out his name.

  “Oh, my God,” he says.

  “I love you so much, Keegan.”

  “I love you to the stars,” he replies.

  I’m not sure if it’s the confessions of love or the pulsating rhythm, but my orgasm bursts from my body, and Keegan’s joins me at the exact same time. We slow our movements, and he falls onto me, breathing heavily.

  Another whisper escapes him. “Do you see the stars?”

  I am seeing stars, as well as fireworks. This couldn’t have been more perfect. Making love to each other is better than I could’ve ever imagined.

  “Am I crushing you?” he asks.

  “Not at all, and I’d rather we stay like this forever.”

  He laughs into my neck in his deep, husky voice. “This might be a little hard when we need to eat or use the bathroom.”

  “Always so logical, Mr. James.”

  “Someone has to be, or we would be attached together, naked for the rest of our lives.” He lifts up slightly and touches my lips with his fingertips. “You know, you do that a lot, always have.”

  “What’s that?”

  He stares at my lips. “Pout your lips. Don’t get me wrong; it’s the most adorable and sexiest thing, but you do it all the time. It makes it impossible for me to have to do this.” He slowly pulls out of me, and I’m positive the pout is even more pronounced at the loss.

  He rolls to his side and holds his head up with his hand. I move so I’m facing him, still feeling the warmth of his body against mine. We stay like that, staring at each other for the longest time until I begin to doze off. Not wanting to miss a single minute with him, I will myself to stay awake.

  “Are you tired?”

  “Nope, wide awake.”

  He gives me a crooked smile. “Liar.”

  “You did wear me out.” I let out a long, content sigh. “Thank you.”

sp; “You’re welcome.” He kisses me on the nose and pulls me into him.

  Laying my head on his chest, he runs his fingers through my hair while I draw patterns on his chest with my fingers, feeling his skin break out in goose bumps. How I love knowing I affect him.

  “So … um … We didn’t use protection,” he comments.

  I didn’t even think about it. We aren’t the poster children for safe sex obviously.

  “I’m not on birth control, Keegan, but I don’t think I’m ovulating, so you probably have no need to worry. I’ve only been with one other person and used protection.”

  He stiffens, and I wonder if I just freaked him out.

  “I’m not worried about anything, Aimee. I just wasn’t sure how you felt about it.”

  “I trust you, Keegan.”

  “I know. It’s just … never mind.” He stops his thought, and I decide not to pry. I don’t want to ruin this night. It’s been too perfect.

  “Thank you for trusting me,” he says.

  We continue our soft caresses until we are both lulled into a peaceful sleep. I am so content I hope morning doesn’t come for a very long time.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Morning comes too soon, and although I’m cocooned in warm arms and tangled together between the sheets with Keegan, to say my wakeup call is enjoyable would be a lie, because it is of the unpleasant variety.

  “Keegan, why aren’t you answering your phone?” says an annoying voice.

  I’m immediately pulled out of my quiet slumber by a long-legged, blonde banshee who has no qualms about invading Keegan’s bedroom and ruining our bliss.

  I pull the covers above my chest, not wanting this woman to see my nakedness.

  Keegan is calm as he wakes, too calm. “Gretchen, can you wait in my office?”

  Yes, Gretchen is an early riser and has no qualms about interrupting our time.

  “What? Keegan, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”

  Keegan looks at her sternly. “Please do as I ask and wait for me in my office.”


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