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My Dirty Detour: An Alpha Male Mafia Comedy Romance

Page 25

by Grace Risata

  “Why?” I interrupted. “Who were they?”

  “It’s not important. They thought they had to teach us a lesson and it turned into an all-out brawl. Sergio got a black eye and a broken finger because he’s a pussy who never learned to throw a decent punch. I got my nose broken because I was trying to take on three guys at once. Dmitry…he couldn’t fight at all and it just about killed him to see us get the shit beat out of us and not be able to jump in and help.” He paused and continued, “I know your next question is going to be about the lack of support from Dmitry. That’s where it gets complicated. See, Dmitry knew the douchebag friends of the guy who owed Sergio. One of them was Dmitry’s boss, Leo. So Leo started screaming at Dmitry to turn on us, but he wouldn’t. Dmitry just stood there helpless because he couldn’t take sides. It’s haunted him ever since. I know he’s replayed it in his mind a thousand times since that day five years ago, and I know he wished he would have done things differently. Sergio never forgave him for it and that’s one of the reasons he tries to get under Dmitry’s skin every chance he gets. I never held it against him because I understood how tough of a choice he faced.” Rocky shook his head while staring up at the ceiling.

  “What would you have done in his position?” I asked Rocky.

  “I would have fought with my friends and faced the consequences later. I think I would have ended up regretting that decision though. Dmitry had Vasily to think about. You see, Leo was connected to some very bad people. Dmitry couldn’t take the chance that Leo would try to hurt Vasily to get back at him. Leo never forgave Dmitry for ignoring his direct order to attack us. It’s all politics and bullshit, Violet. The whole world.”

  “What kind of business did Leo run? I mean who orders their employees to beat up their friends?” That sounded weird to me.

  Rocky was silent for a few seconds and then carefully answered. “He was in...shipping. Leo had a delivery business of sorts and Dmitry worked for him before he came to work with me and Sergio.”

  “Oh, that was nice of you guys to get him a job with Sergio’s dad. You’re good friends.”

  Rocky smiled and muttered, “Yeah, something like that. Now go back to sleep!”

  “Wait, did you set an alarm? I need to work tomorrow. Um, I mean today. Can you wake me up at six and then take me home?”

  “Sure. Thanks for staying over. I sleep a lot better with you next to me.”

  “Really?” I replied sarcastically, “I thought I snore like a freight train?”

  “I’m growing accustomed to it. It’s like the white noise that puts me to sleep.”

  “FUCK YOU!” I nudged him with my elbow

  “Yeah, you’ll fuck me later. Now go to sleep!” He was so arrogant! Somehow I did manage to fall asleep and no more dreams bothered my subconscious.

  Monday, Week Three

  After Rocky dropped me off at home with a kiss and a promise to call me later, I got my ass to work. It’s a good thing I had a great night of sleep, because my job was totally insane this morning. The phone was ringing off the hook with cranky customers and I had a pile of paperwork to get done. Dottie was in a good mood and I was dying to tell her about my weekend, but she was even busier than me. I found a second to tell her that I had the most amazing weekend ever, but we got swamped and I didn’t get a chance to go into details.

  It was nearing eleven o’clock when I looked up to see a flower delivery person walking to my desk. He was carrying a giant bouquet and stated, “I have a delivery for a Violet McFadden.” Ooh, me! I thanked him and took the bouquet. It was magnificent. There were violets mixed in with red and pink roses in a sparkling crystal vase. This must have cost a fortune. Dottie and at least three of the salespeople were staring at me. One of them teased, “Violet has a boyfriend!” I felt my face turn beet red as I opened the card. I knew who it was from, but I had no idea what it might say.

  “To right a wrong from your past. I can’t send flowers to you after your first time, but I can make damn sure you get them after our first time. R”

  Holy shit. I was stunned. The fact that he paid attention when I told him I was upset that I never got flowers after I lost my virginity…and then he does this…oh my. I just stood there shaking my head and I felt my eyes start to water and a tear run down my cheek.

  “Are you ok, Violet?” Dottie asked as she made the sales people leave and give me some space.

  “I…I...I guess so. It’s not a bad cry, it’s just…I’m speechless.”

  “Ok. I don’t care how busy it is. Let the phones ring. Sit down and tell me what happened this weekend and why you’re crying,” Dottie urged.

  “I have to make a quick phone call first. These are from Rocky. The card is very touching and I have to let him know I got them. We had a great weekend and he took to heart something I said.”

  I got out my phone and called Rocky.

  “Hey, what’s up?” He answered on the second ring. “Aren’t you at work? Is everything ok?”

  “I got your flowers. Thank you,” I sniffled.

  “Are you crying?” he asked with concern.

  “No,” I answered and my voice broke.

  “Are you lying about not crying?”

  “Yes! The flowers are beautiful, but that’s not why I’m crying. It’s the card. What you wrote. You have no idea what that means to me. That you care to listen to what I say. Your gesture was profound and I appreciate it immensely,” I whispered. “Thank you.”

  “Hey, it’s ok. I hoped you would like it and that’s why I did it. Don’t cry. Be happy.”

  “I am. Thank you.”

  “You’re more than welcome. I’ll see you later.”

  I hung up the phone and turned to see Dottie trying to answer two calls at once. After jumping in to help her and waiting until we were both free, I got a chance to explain my tears.

  “Dottie, I had the best weekend with Rocky. We had a great time at the surprise birthday party I was telling you about last week. We spent all day together on Sunday and he made me a really delicious dinner. He seems too good to be true. Now these flowers and what he wrote in the card…he’s perfect!”

  “I’m glad to see you so happy, Violet. You deserve it.” That was all she got a chance to say before the phone rang again. Thankfully the wave of customers eventually died down right before it was time for me to go to lunch. I would have felt bad leaving her there to deal with it. I always got an hour for lunch from noon to one and she always took her break when I got back.

  I was finishing up some last minute accounting work when Dottie cleared her throat and asked, “That wouldn’t happen to belong to you, now would it?”

  I turned to her and followed her line of vision, wondering what she was talking about. Rocky was purposefully marching over to my desk. He looked concerned. He also looked really attractive in jeans and a black long sleeved thermal shirt.

  “Hi, Rocky. I want you to meet Dottie. She’s the other person with me in the office. She’s very nice and a great cook. If it weren’t for her, this job wouldn’t be nearly as fun. Dottie, this is Rocky, the man responsible for the flowers.”

  Dottie smiled at Rocky and shook his hand. “You’ve made our Violet very happy today. Well, actually she’s been happier than usual for the past few weeks. I think you deserve credit for that. Your flowers are beautiful, by the way.”

  Rocky grinned as he took her hand. “It’s very nice to meet you. I can see how much Violet really enjoys working here. Thanks for giving me credit for her cheerfulness, she’s not the only one who’s been happier lately. Would you mind if I sneak her away for a while and take my girl to lunch?”

  “By all means, get out of here! But be back by one or I’ll come and hunt you down!”

  I grabbed my purse and mouthed, “Thanks!” to Dottie. She nodded her head and I went off with Rocky. He put his arm around my waist and led me out the front door. I turned to look at her once more before I left and she broke into a grin and gave me a wink and a thumbs up. I kne
w the second I got back from lunch I’d be getting the third degree from every sales person. It would be worth it!


  Lunch with Rocky was terrific. We went to my house and I had a sandwich while he ate some of his pasta leftovers from the night before. I can’t eat a giant lunch during the week. I usually have cereal for breakfast and a small lunch with a large supper. If I keep eating giant meals then I won’t fit in any of my clothes.

  I thanked Rocky about thirty-two times for the flowers. He explained that he hadn’t planned on taking me out to lunch, but he got worried when I was crying on the phone and wanted to make sure I was okay. He asked what my plans were for this evening and I told him I had to go to work at my second job. We went back and forth about how he doesn’t expect me to work for him for free now that we’re dating because it’s weird. He offered to put me on the payroll and I explained how that would be awkward. You’re not supposed to mix business with pleasure. We agreed to disagree and the problem is still not solved. I don’t mind working there a few hours a night. I like to help him and I like the camaraderie with all his friends. He told me he would pick me up at six and drive me to the brewery because he didn’t want my car sitting there all night. Evidently Rocky made special plans for us after work. He would not elaborate on that. Hmm. I reminded him not to pick me up before six because I had to get lectured at my mom’s house first. He wished me luck.

  I now found myself on the way to Frankie’s house, dreading whatever she might have to say. I did bring her a container of Rocky’s pasta and Dmitry’s honey cake to start off on her good side. After I got to her house, I opened the door and let myself in.

  “Hey, mom. I brought you dinner and dessert.”

  “Well, look who it is. I thought you forgot all about me?”

  “Ha ha. Here. Eat this.” I shoved the food at her.

  “What is it?” she questioned as she popped the lid and got out a fork.

  “It’s Rocky’s special pasta in one container and Dmitry’s honey cake in the other,” I explained.

  She was not one to pass up food, so she dug into the dessert first. “Holy shit, this stuff is amazing. Who made it and what’s in it?” My mom had a look of pure joy on her face.

  “I know, right? It’s a Russian dessert. Dmitry got it at a bakery. He’s Rocky’s friend. Try the pasta. Rocky made it from scratch.”

  She dumped some into a bowl, microwaved it for a few minutes, and took a bite. “This isn’t as good as the dessert. It’s ok, I guess.”

  I knew she was only saying that because she wasn’t happy about me spending so much time with Rocky. “You just don’t like Rocky. Why am I here today? I mean why did you demand that I come over?”

  “Excuse me? Now I need a reason to see my only child? You don’t come over anymore unless I force you to. I never needed to request an appointment to see you before. I’m lucky if I get a phone call every day to see if I’m alive. I am not impressed with your attitude lately.”

  “Mom! I don’t have an attitude and you don’t have to schedule a meeting to get me to come over. I’ve been busy with Rocky. You want to see me happy and he makes me happy. He sent me a giant bouquet of flowers today with the sweetest heartwarming message. He’s a great guy and things are progressing nicely.” Ok, they were moving a bit quickly, but it’s not like we were engaged or something.

  “I’d say things are going WAY too fast. I know you’re not fifteen anymore, but I think it’s respectable to wait a little more than a few weeks before jumping into bed with a stranger. How many nights have you stayed over at his house? Are you staying at his house tonight? Don’t you think you’re rushing into things, here?” she accused. Shit shit shit.

  “You’re right. I’m not fifteen. I’m thirty-four and I can make my own decisions. There’s no appropriate time frame for having sex with someone. Also, he’s not a stranger! I’ve seen him almost every day for the past two weeks. I don’t know where I’ll stay tonight. I’m taking life one day at a time. I’m not rushing into anything.” Ok, now let’s magically change the subject!

  “It sure sounds like you’re rushing into things. I tried to warn you last time with Nathan that I didn’t think you were using your head with that whole situation. I tried to tell you that you were not compatible and you were too much of a shy loner for him. Look how things turned out. Look what happens when you don’t listen.” She had to go there. She had to use his name.

  “Damn it! It’s my life and I’ll make whatever mistakes I want!” Oh, that didn’t come out right, did it? “If I want to fuck everyone in town after knowing them for five minutes, then I will! Rocky has NOTHING to do with Nathan. They couldn’t be more different. Thanks for throwing my past in my face, I appreciate it. You think I’m stupid and I don’t know anything and I’m destined to fail. I AM NOT!”

  I slammed the door and ran to my car. No one was ever good enough for her. I mean no guy I ever dated would be good enough in her opinion. My phone buzzed as I drove back toward my house, but I ignored it. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone right now. I went home, stormed in the door, and microwaved my own pasta leftovers. I stabbed the pasta angrily as I ate. Why did everyone have to suck the fun out of my life and make me second guess myself? I was staring at the refrigerator door and seriously contemplating grabbing a beer when my doorbell rang.

  I sighed and opened it after looking through the peephole to confirm it was Rocky and not a serial killer.

  “Hello,” I greeted him sullenly as I stabbed another forkful of food.

  “Wow. That’s a drastic change from this morning. What got into you? Ah, your lecture from your mom. I can see that went well.” He followed me down the hall back to the living room and took a seat on the couch.

  I sat on the opposite end and grunted.

  “That good, huh? Then maybe you want to skip work tonight and I can give you some space? Tell me what you need and I’ll do it.”

  “I need to be alone with you and naked on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere. That’s the only thing that sounds remotely appealing right now.” That was the honest truth.

  “I don’t have access to a private jet or a remote island. I could do the naked part,” he kindly offered.

  “Thanks. My mom insisted we’re moving too fast and blah blah blah. Nothing new. Then she kindly told me that my first marriage was a giant mistake because I didn’t heed her warnings. She just doesn’t like anyone I date. It has nothing to do with you.”

  “And how did you answer after she said all that?”

  “I thanked her for throwing my past in my face, told her that you were nothing like my ex, and screamed that I was not a stupid loser destined to fail. I sounded like a pouty five year old about three seconds away from a temper tantrum. Then I stormed off and came home.”

  “I’m sure she just nags at you because she worries, Violet. Is there anything I can do to help the situation? Should I get to know her better? How can I improve things between you two?” Rocky genuinely seemed to care.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll talk to her tomorrow and smooth things over. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. What’s going on at work tonight? Did you hire anyone new? What am I doing?” I can’t imagine that much is new since Saturday. I put my empty dish in the sink and got my coat in preparation to leave. The weather today was a bit on the cool side and I was wearing jeans and a light pink sweater. Rocky got up from the couch and held the door open for me while he explained tonight’s assignment.

  “I wanted you to possibly go on the internet and get a list of bars, restaurants, and stores that we don’t yet do business with. Our delivery route is currently up to fifty miles away. I want to see how much more business we would have if we extend that to a hundred miles. I’m not ready to establish a presence on social media like you suggested, but I can expand fifty miles. It’s a small step. We’ll see what it does.” He shrugged his shoulders and waited for my response. I thought it was a gre
at idea. I was thrilled he was taking some of my suggestions. While he drove back to the brewery, we discussed the neighboring towns and how far he wanted to travel. He explained that Sergio took the night off and it was pretty quiet at Grim Rock.

  I worked with no distractions and compiled a decent list of new potential clients for Sergio to start contacting tomorrow. Rocky came over to my desk and stood there impatiently.

  “Ok, Violet. Time to go. I have plans for you this evening and I can’t wait a second longer. Follow me.” I was so immersed in my work that I somehow forgot about his mysterious surprise.

  “What are we doing?” I inquired.

  “You’ll have to wait to find out. We’re going back to your place for a special surprise,” he promised. “That’s all I’m saying.” True to his word, he wouldn’t tell me anything else and the drive took forever.

  “I hope you didn’t buy me anything. You spent enough on the flowers,” I reminded him.

  “Did you like the flowers? Did they brighten your day?”

  “They did,” I admitted with a smile.

  “Then they were worth every penny. I knew you’d appreciate them. I’m not quite sure how you’re going to react to what I bought today. I’m cautiously optimistic.”

  “You don’t have to buy me things. I don’t buy you anything. I’m not here for prizes!” Maybe I should start buying him stuff?

  “I think you’ll appreciate it once you see it. Have a little patience. Besides, I’ll be getting just as much out of this as you will,” Rocky hinted mysteriously.

  We arrived at my house and he told me to go on ahead and open the door while he removed a something from under his seat. I shrugged my shoulders and did as I was told. I unlocked the door and sat down at the kitchen table to wait.

  Rocky came in and stood there staring at me. He looked a bit nervous, which in turn made me nervous. He handed me an envelope and told me to open it, while still holding something behind his back. My palms started to sweat and all kinds of stupid things started racing through my head. Like for example, what if he was giving me jewelry? I don’t want that at all. It’s expensive and we’re not that serious. I’ve only known him a few weeks. What if it was a key to his apartment and he wanted me to move in? What if it was a ring? What if I just passed out and died right here, right now? I can’t handle this! I wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans and took a deep breath. I opened the envelope and a folded up piece of paper fell out. I picked it up off my lap and slowly unfolded it with shaking hands. It had a lot of writing on it. My eyes focused and the words became clear: Pine Clinic Physicians Group Test Results. What the hell? That was our local medical clinic. Was he dying of something? Is that why he was moving so fast? NO NO NO. I read further down and it said STD Test Results. Oh shit. It was dated a year and a half ago. It listed all the major diseases: hepatitis, HIV, syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and herpes. Next to those columns was the word NEGATIVE for all of them. Well that was a relief. But why was he showing me this? I looked at him blankly and remembered that he still had something hiding behind his back.


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