One More Night: A Second Chance Romance (One More Series Book 4)

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One More Night: A Second Chance Romance (One More Series Book 4) Page 10

by Roxy Sinclaire

  Which is why I didn’t protest or move to stop her when my mom turned to me.

  “Would you excuse me, honey?” she said, voice calm. Then she walked toward them.

  “Stacey?” Amanda whispered beside me.

  I could hear the shock in her voice. She wasn’t the only one shocked. As Mom headed for the entrance, the other people present turned to look at what had caught her attention, and murmurs started going around the room, when they realized who had just walked in, and saw the intimate position my dad was in with Jenny.

  The truth couldn’t stay hidden forever.

  They started talking quietly, but I could see the stubborn set to my dad’s expression, and I knew it wouldn’t stay quiet for long. Sure enough, just a moment later, my mom was shouting, and everyone else went quiet, so the sound carried more.

  “You will leave right now, Paul! I am not asking you, I am telling you.”

  “And I’ve already said no, Carol! I have every right to be here at my son’s funeral.”

  I found myself heading toward them. I hadn't consciously thought to move, but I was suddenly a lot closer to them. They didn’t turn my way, because other people were slipping into the aisle, too.

  “You don’t belong here,” Mom was arguing. “How can you bring that woman here and dare say that to my face!” She threw a hand angrily in Jenny’s direction, who’d moved to stand just behind my dad and to his side like she wanted him to shield her.

  “She has every right to be here!”

  Mom shouted, “She is the reason all of this happened. And yours for giving in to her.”

  Dad glanced around cautiously at the crowd. “I’ve already explained more than enough to you about this, Carol.”

  “No, you have not,” she hissed out. “You have not explained anything to me. You did not explain anything to our son. If you had talked to him, we wouldn’t even be here waiting to start his funeral.”

  His lips tightened. “This isn’t the right time to bring this up—”

  “When would be the right time, Paul?” Mom’s voice was wavering. I could tell, even with her back to me that she was crying. “We are burying our son today! And you bring your mistress here as if she hasn’t done enough! And what about yourself? You know what, I changed my mind, Paul. You are both not welcome here!”

  The murmurs were growing in the room again, with everyone growing agitated, seeing the commotion. Dad looked like he’d realized what would happen if they didn’t calm down very soon, but he was as stubborn as my mom, and I knew neither would easily give in. Pretty soon, the crowd would be joining the argument.

  I couldn’t stop my mom, though, I probably should have. I wanted to go up there and tell them that we were here for my brother’s funeral, and nothing else should matter. But my feet were frozen in place. I glanced at Jenny, and I didn’t want to get near. Then I looked at her, and saw Kevin.

  Kevin looked around until his eyes found me. His gaze zeroed in on me, and he stared at me with intent. The look of concentration on his face, was like he was trying to send me a message telepathically. I got what he wanted, but I couldn’t give it to him, either.

  He must have expected something from me. But I just stood there and did nothing.

  Chapter 17


  Once again, I found myself alone in my room, lying back on my bed. My phone was lying beside me, and I didn’t have any music playing this time, though. I’d already gone through my music playlist and was getting sick of listening to the music.

  Fuck. I miss Stacey.

  It was all I could think about. It had been too long since I saw her, and I was missing her like crazy.

  More than a week had gone by since the funeral. I hadn't been back to school yet, and from what I knew, she hadn't gone back, either.

  Why the fuck did I ever ask her for space?

  She’d had something to talk to me about, the day of the funeral, but she hadn't gotten back to me after that. And when I’d seen her there…

  Admittedly, it wasn’t the best of times. Our parents had gotten into a fight—or, technically just her parents, but it was still over my mom—and the whole town had been ready to back up her mom, because to them, she wasn’t in the wrong. I’d hoped Stacey would said something…but that would have been cruel of me to ask. They were her parents. She probably hated what was going on with them. I shouldn’t have expected her to do anything about it. If anything, I should have been the one to come out and say something.

  Instead, I moved away and went to hide somewhere. The fight ended, the procession went on, and my best friend got buried.

  Mom had left me alone in the house. She and Paul had gone to stay over at my aunt’s up in the mountains. They both wanted to get away from town, Paul especially after his very public fight with his wife at his son’s funeral. In the end, he and my mom couldn’t stick around for it. With the town at Carol’s back, and it being his son’s funeral, he’d decided, in the end, to withdraw instead of dragging things too far. I’d noticed Stacey’s expression when he did. She might not have moved to stop her mom, but she was still unhappy that her dad left.

  I knew Paul was hurt, for one thing about Rod dying, and the part he had played in it. And not being able to bury him on top of that. As much as I didn’t like the fact that he had been sleeping with my mom and making life difficult for my best friend, I could feel a bit of sympathy for him.

  After the whole funeral fiasco, neither of them wanted to be in town, and especially with the rumors spreading like wildfire. That was just fine with me. What wasn’t, was going outside the house and getting a bunch of looks from people. I’d expected it, but it was still annoying.

  So I’d holed myself up in my room again. And then, all I could think about was how Stacey had looked when I saw her at the funeral. In her black dress, with her hair and make-up done up, she’d looked beautiful. Also, incredibly sad. It was to be expected, considering the circumstances. But then I’d remembered what she’d come to say to me at my house, and when she’d called me, and I’d been cold to her.

  Why the ever loving fuck did I do that… I’m supposed to be there for her no matter what.

  And not just because she was my girlfriend. But, because her brother had passed away, and now that she didn’t have him anymore, it was my job to look after her. Rod and I always joked about it, but it had come true; he wasn’t there, and Stacey was alone. If ever there was something Rod had always been worried about, it was that his sister would be unhappy. He was closer to their mom than she was, and while she and their dad were pretty close, too, he’d told me once that she felt like an outsider in their family. So, even with her dad out of the house, being left with only her mom wouldn’t be relaxing for her.

  But, because I was a fucking coward, I couldn’t bring myself to try and contact her first or try to go to her house. Besides, she’d wanted to talk about something important, right? I’d been so sure she’d try to contact me quickly.

  I was getting tired of waiting.

  Grow a pair and get on with it, I thought to myself, closing my eyes. Only for them to snap right back open when I thought I heard something. Then, I heard it again. It took me a second to recognize it as knocking, fast, hard and impatient, like whoever it was had been knocking for a while.

  I frowned. Who could be at my door at this kind of time? I checked my phone, and it was the middle of the night, not far off from midnight.

  What the fuck?

  There was more knocking, and I feared whoever it was would be loud enough to wake up the neighbors. I got up, picking up my phone and using the flashlight to go through the dark house, turning on the lights as I went so I could shove my cell phone in my pants pocket. Once the living room light came on, the knocking stopped.

  When I opened the door, I gaped at who was on the other side of it.

  “Stacey,” I choked out. “The fuck are you doing here this late…”

  She wasn’t even dressed properly, just in a pair of
shorts and a t-shirt. She had her arms wrapped around herself, and she was frowning. Her expression cleared, though, as I opened the door. She pushed inside, ignoring my confused words, and I closed the door behind her.

  “I know my dad, and your mom are out of town, my mom told me.”

  I would have wondered how she even found out, but I had something much more important standing right in front of me. Suddenly, nothing else mattered. I wasn’t worried about what she was doing at my house so late at night, what mattered more than anything was that Stacey was right in front of me, after so long. And, she didn’t look like she was there to chew me out again.

  My body moved on its own. I wrapped my arms around her waist to drag her body to mine. My head ducked down so I could press a kiss to her lips. She didn’t stop me, and that just fueled me more. I pushed her back against my front door as I ravaged her mouth. Her arms rose to wrap around my neck and hold onto me tightly as she kissed me back just as roughly.

  After a while, I had to pull back so we could both catch our breath. I looked at her. Her eyes weren’t as red as when I saw her last. Her face wasn’t as pale, either, though the light pink on her cheeks and the tip of her nose might have been more from the cold than anything else. She felt somewhat thinner in my arms, and that was slightly alarming.

  But, she still looked beautiful to me.

  “I missed you, Stacey,” I whispered, pressing my forehead against hers. “So fucking much.”

  “I missed you, too,” she admitted, pushing on her tiptoes to kiss me some more.

  Chapter 18


  Hearing Stacey tell me she missed me had my body fired up. When she kissed me, I pressed her back against the door. I had to remind myself to be gentle with her so I wouldn’t hurt her. She didn’t mind when I was rough with her, but marks showed up on her skin easily, and the first time I saw her bruised after we’d fucked, I’d been very careful since.

  I wasn't careful then, though. Or it was more like; I couldn’t. It had been two, heading into three weeks since I’d had her in my arms like this. For us, when we were together pretty much every day even over the weekend for the past year, it was too long.

  When I had to pull away to breathe again, I groaned and let my forehead hit the door, closing my eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Stacey. I think I’m going to be a little rough today.”

  Stacey didn’t seem to mind. She was moaning and rubbing herself against me, tearing apart even more of my control. I was ready to just tear at her clothes and fuck her right there. Then she pressed her lips to my ear, still panting.

  “I want you, Kevin,” she admitted. “I want you to fuck me tonight. You can be as rough as you want. Please?”

  I groaned again as my body nearly seized up from her words alone. Then I growled, my arms around her waist dropping down to cup her ass cheeks. She gasped as I held her still and roughly ground my erection against her.

  “Are you trying to make me go mad, Stacey?”

  “Whatever gets you to me the fastest.”


  Stacey was horny, and I wondered where it was coming from. Maybe she just needed some time away from grief. I did. Whatever her reason, if she didn’t want me holding back, then I wasn’t going to.

  My hands lowered to the backs of her thighs. I warned her, “Hold onto me,” and in the next moment had her up in my arms with her back braced against the door, with her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms holding on tight to my neck. Again, there was a spot of alarm, because she was way lighter than I expected her to be.

  Has she been eating right recently?

  The thought only made me hesitate for a moment. Then I turned around, still holding her in my arms, and headed back for my bedroom. I’d left my bedroom light on, so turned off the other lights as we went. I had to see where I was going, and Stacey took advantage of that to attack my neck with nips and kisses.

  When we got to my bedroom, I carried her over to the bed, and she clung onto me as I crawled on top, then lowered our bodies until we touched the bed.

  “Stacey,” I whispered, trying to pull away from the hold she had around my neck. “Wait up a bit.”

  She just moaned and held on tighter. “No,” she muttered. “I don’t want to stop.”

  “We’re not stopping,” I said soothingly, carding my fingers through her hair. I took her soft locks into my fist and tugged lightly so she would let go. “I want to undress you.”

  That had her going still; then she released me. I moved to kneel between her spread thighs and stared down at her. There was a light blush on her cheeks that deepened the longer I stared. Then, out of nowhere, she was wrapping her arms around her stomach, pulling down her t-shirt.

  “What?” she asked, sounding almost defensive. “Do I look different…”

  I tilted my head, confused. “What are you talking about? You don’t look like you’ve changed much…”

  “Oh,” she murmured, but she still looked self-conscious.

  I wasn’t sure why. Was it because we hadn't been together for so long? She might have thinned a little bit…but I didn’t think anything about her body could turn me off. Just the opposite.

  “Would you stop trying to cover yourself?” I chided, pulling her arms away gently. “I haven’t seen you in so long, Stacey. Let me look?”

  She bit her lower lip, still looking worried. “I kinda stopped eating for a while, and I’ve been trying to improve my diet,” she admitted.

  I pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “It doesn’t matter. You’re going to look sexy no matter what.”

  I lowered myself, so I was lying between her legs. I held her lightly by the waist and moved my hands up, lifting her t-shirt along as I did. She squirmed a little as I exposed her stomach. Then my hands moved under the t-shirt to her skin and pushed it even further up. Stacey arched her back and pulled the t-shirt off, then looked at me worriedly.

  “You look just fine to me,” I murmured, pressing a kiss against her stomach.

  She gasped and arched her back. Encouraged, I placed kisses around her midsection. Then I rose up higher to do the same to her breasts. I cupped my hands around them and squeezed. I glanced up at her, made sure she was watching and took one of her nipples in my mouth.

  “Kevin!” she gasped, her hands raising and clenching into my hair.

  She tugged, and it wasn’t gentle. I took her nipple between my teeth and bit it lightly, soothing over it with my tongue, and she gasped some more. With one last suck, I pulled off to pay attention to her other nipple. I flicked my tongue at the hardened bud, took it between my lips and tugged until she arched with me. I circled the nipple with my tongue, then let it fall out of my mouth. I alternated playing with her breasts, using my hands and my mouth, until I had her writhing under me.

  “Please, Kevin,” she moaned, tugging on my hair again, harder. “I want you in me. Now.”

  I chuckled as I pulled away from her chest, her hands slipping out of my hair as I kneeled between her legs again.

  “Somebody’s impatient,” I teased. My hands went to her shorts, and I slowly undid the button and zipper, just to mess with her a little.

  Stacey pouted. “That’s because I’ve missed you, Kevin. You said you missed me, too, didn’t you?”

  I growled as I practically ripped her shorts off her legs, then her panties, leaving her completely naked. She giggled, wrapping her legs around me.

  “That’s not playing fair, Stacey.”

  She smirked. “Who’s here to play fair?”

  She tugged at my clothes, and I had to shrug her hands off to take them off myself. I pulled off my tank top and got off the bed to remove my socks, pants and boxers. Then I was back on the bed and hovering above Stacey’s body. I took another moment to just look at her. Besides that one time we had in her bedroom, we didn’t usually get a lot of time alone to do more than a quickie and get dressed quickly. Even in the places I took her to in my car. We weren’t the only teenagers runn
ing off for some alone time, after all, and all the locations were pretty famous as hook up spots.

  The times I could see her were rare, and I didn’t like wasting the chance.

  “Kevin,” she whined in complaint. “Stare later!”

  “What if we never get a chance like this again?”

  She pursed her lips; then her hands rose to cup my face. “What if I say, that we definitely will?”

  The look on her face was suddenly serious, and it made me curious.

  “What does that mean?”

  She took a deep breath, then smiled up at me. “I promise I’ll tell you later,” she said. “But right now…we’re still in the middle of something.”

  Stacey took one of my hands in hers and led it between her thighs. I sucked in a sharp breath as she ran our fingers over her sex, concentrating on her clit. Then, she pushed two of my fingers and two of her own inside her body and moved her hips as she slowly thrust them in and out of her.

  I leaned down for another kiss. Then I pulled back, removing my fingers. They were wet with her slick, and I brought them to my mouth, sucking off her juices. My hands went to her hips, and I lifted her up a bit, moving, so her thighs were rested on my ass. I looked down between our bodies.

  “No more waiting,” Stacey said, her hand reaching down and circling my cock.

  She lined us up, and I moved my hips forward, sliding into her with a single, hard thrust that had her writhing and gasping some more.

  “Don’t be gentle with me,” she warned.

  I took her at her word. I kept one hand on her hip and leaned forward, bracing my other arm against the bed with a fist. Then, I moved. Usually, I’d wait, or start out slow so she would get used to me. But we were both dying for it, so I started moving in hard and fast, fucking her into the mattress.


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