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One More Night: A Second Chance Romance (One More Series Book 4)

Page 11

by Roxy Sinclaire

  “Kevin!” she practically screamed, her hands going to my arms and digging in with her nails.

  I just groaned, my mouth falling open as my eyes fluttered closed. She felt so good under me, her walls wrapped tight around my cock, practically sucking me in with every thrust. We weren't quiet at all, and the strength of my thrusts had the body creaking under us.

  “Fuck, Stacey,” I growled. “I don’t think I’m going to last.”

  I peeled my eyes back to stare down at her. The sight that met me had me groaning some more.

  Stacey’s face was red, her lips parted and shining with spit, expression slack with pleasure, and her breasts bounced with every one of my thrusts.

  “What a sight,” I whispered.

  I slowed down, but only long enough so I could lower my body further over hers, bracing against the bed with my forearm. Then I was back to fucking her hard and fast, holding her down by the hip as her body squirmed against mine. My head ducked down to play with her nipples, and her hands were back in my hair.

  I could feel my body start to tremble as I grew close. My rhythm broke, the movement of my hips growing erratic. I bit into Stacey’s shoulder as I tried to get control of myself. But then her walls were convulsing around my cock as she came, and I orgasmed right with her, my body breaking into shudders as my fingers and teeth dug further into her skin.

  Afterwards, I slumped over, rolling so I wouldn’t squish her. Stacey moved with me, rolling into my arms, and I readily pulled her close.

  I hadn't been sleeping properly the past few weeks, but suddenly, I was very tired. My eyes slipped closed, and I was on the verge of falling asleep when Stacey squirmed in my arms and said something.

  “Kevin?” she called, her voice hesitant. “I’m sorry…about the things, I said to you. About everything, okay? Even insisting we should keep our relationship a secret from my brother.”

  I smiled softly, burying my face in her hair. “I’m sorry, too,” I told her. For a lot of things.

  She didn’t stir again, and we fell asleep in each other’s’ arms.

  Chapter 19


  I woke up in still in Kevin’s arms, and I couldn’t help closing my eyes again, snuggling further into his chest, a small smile curling up the edges of my lips. I was surprised, however, when he carded his fingers through my hair and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

  “Finally awake?” he murmured.

  I pulled back to look up at his face. “Oh. I thought you were still sleeping.”

  He hummed. “I’ve been up for a while. I was just acting a bit lazy, and I didn’t want to leave you, either.”

  “Then can we go back to sleep?” I said and yawned, my eyes closing as I buried my face in his chest. “I’m not ready to get up yet.”

  Kevin heaved a heavy sigh. “I’d love to, but I think we should get up now. We’ve been asleep for more than twelve hours, at least.”

  I frowned. It must have been pretty late already when we fell asleep last night.

  “What time is it, right now?”

  His body shifted as he reached out with his hand, probably for his phone.

  “It’s afternoon already. We’ve skipped breakfast, and we’ll miss lunch if we’re not up soon.”

  At the possibility of missing two meals, I pulled away from Kevin, sitting up abruptly. I moved a little too fast, though, and had to wait for the slight dizziness to go away. Then I was sliding out of bed. I looked around the floor and noticed my clothes weren’t on the floor where we’d tossed them last night. Neither were his.

  “Kevin, my clothes,” I said, practically bouncing on my toes in anxiety.

  He slid out of bed, scratching at his hair, his mouth stretching in a yawn. He gave me a curious look, then walked toward his closet. Her was entirely naked and didn’t even seem conscious of it, but as soon as I saw him, then myself, I could feel my face warm up in a blush.

  Why is this suddenly so much more embarrassing than it should be? I thought. I got used to seeing him naked a while ago…

  I’d gotten used to being naked in his presence, too. But we’d been apart for weeks. And, I knew my body would start to change. Nothing was showing yet, though I was slowly gaining back the weight I’d lost when I damn near starved myself. Pretty soon, I’d gain way more than that, and my stomach would start rounding to show off the pregnancy.

  “I got up some time at night and cleaned the place up.” He threw a grin at me over his shoulder. “I even wiped you down, too. I tried to get you to get up so I could do it properly, but you were dead tired.”

  I looked down at myself in realization. He’d come in me last night, and I didn’t feel his stuff coming out when I got up.

  “I hope you got it all last night,” I said with a grimace. “It’s pretty disgusting.”

  Kevin just laughed.

  He threw me some of his clothes, getting out a set for himself.

  “I washed your clothes last night and left them in the dryer. I figured you’d want to eat first before I got them for you. Unless you’d like to go back home now…?”

  Right, food.

  “I can stay for a little bit,” I reassure him, my movements fast as I threw on his clothes. “Let’s go eat.”

  He was barely finished dressing, but I caught his hand in mine and dragged him down to the kitchen. Then I went through his fridge and cupboards, randomly pulling out ingredients. I didn’t wait for him, just started up the cooker, and put a frying pan over the fire.

  “Whoa,” he murmured. “Someone’s in a hurry.”

  I just hummed. I’d researched the best foods to eat in my current condition. I’d found some eggs and pork bacon, and I added liberal amounts of both. I added some pancakes on the side. There was some whole-grain bread, and I made toast with that. It was, technically, lunch time, but cooking breakfast was way easier, and I wanted to get something in me fast. Even though I’d gone without food for so long that I’d stopped feeling hunger pangs, I’d been trying to eat on a schedule, and I’d already broken it.

  When we sat down to eat, I’d piled most of the eggs and bacon on my plate, with a side of plain toast, and a glass of milk. Kevin mostly got the pancakes. There was no way he’d fail to notice the difference.

  “Why don’t I get any bacon?” he complained. “And I thought you liked pancakes?”

  “Just eat,” I growled at him, digging into my food.

  And Kevin stared some more as I practically ate like I’d been starving. Which I realized I had been when I took the first bite. I wasn’t acting like myself at all so I couldn’t blame him.

  He’s going to find out. Eventually, I thought, so I might as well tell him now.

  I waited until I was done first, though. Kevin had barely touched his pancakes.

  “Is there anything wrong with them?” I asked, worried.

  He shook his head rapidly, quickly cutting off a piece and stuffing it in his mouth.

  “It’s delicious,” he reassured. Then he gave me a strange look. “But is there something you want to tell me…?”

  I sighed. It was a bit abrupt, but I couldn’t think of a way to lead him up to it.

  “Kevin, I’m pregnant,” I blurted.

  He froze. His mouth stopped chewing, his eyes widened. I had a feeling if he didn’t have food in his mouth, he might have dropped his jaw, too. Then he chewed quickly and swallowed prematurely, almost choking himself. I poured some of the juice I’d set out for it and gave it to him to drink.

  “What?” he hissed, chest still heaving. He wasn’t angry, though, still surprised and confused.

  “I said, I’m pregnant. It happened that last time we had sex. When…” I paused to take in a deep breath, releasing it slowly. “The morning that Rod…died. Or around that time, so the doctor said, and we hadn't fucked for more than a week before that. You’d get me off with your mouth, and I’d give you a blowjob…”

  “You already went to a doctor?” he asked, incredulous, ignoring most of
what I said.

  I nodded. “Remember my friend, Amanda? She was with me at the funeral. I’d called her before that, and she slept over the night before and stuck around a few days after that. She was there when I realized I might be pregnant. We got a pregnancy test after the funeral. But I wanted to be sure before I brought the news to you, so she went with me to the hospital, and I saw a doctor.”

  “The funeral was more than a week ago,” he muttered. “Why did you take so long…”

  “I tried to tell you,” I said quietly. “I called you, but…”

  “But I didn’t want to listen,” he finished, sounding a little angry. The anger looked to be aimed at himself more than me, though.

  Again, I nodded. “I didn’t want to stress you out if it turned out to be nothing, so I wanted to be sure before I told you.”

  Kevin winced. “I should have fucking been there with you. You were stressing over this, and I was just here, alone and moping…”

  “You’re allowed to mope, Kevin. I got my time, too, remember? I didn’t mind if you thought you needed—”

  “No,” he said quickly. He got off his seat then went down on one knee in front of me, taking my hand in his. He opened his mouth, only to freeze, his expression going slack. Then he shook his head and looked up at me with determination.

  “Look,” he said. “This is not something I’m going to let you deal with on your own.” He frowned. “Have…you thought about what you’re going to do?”

  “I can't do anything other than keep it,” I said firmly. “It’s a child, Kevin. Our child. The only options I’ve been considering are whether and when to tell our parents…”

  “Tell them the truth. Lying has done too much fucking damage to both our families. We’re telling them as soon as possible, Stacey.”

  I looked at his flattened lips. He was ready to be firm in this, as well. All I could do was smile, though, because I agreed with him completely.

  “Definitely,” I murmured, sliding off the seat and into his arms.

  We were on the kitchen floor, and his leftover pancakes were getting cold, but neither of us cared.

  Chapter 20


  Since we’d decided to tell our parents, I didn’t see much point in waiting. My dad and his mom were out of town for the moment, so that just left my mom.

  “Do you know when they’ll be coming back?” I asked. “Mom didn’t tell me anything about that. I don’t think she knows…”

  Kevin shrugged. “I’m not entirely sure. I mean, there was still the whole ‘rent a house’ plan, so they’ll probably be coming back to complete that. I was supposed to go back to school after we moved, and considering how much school we’ve both been missing recently…” he grimaced. “We might have to repeat a semester if we take too long.”

  I sighed. “I can't handle another semester. I’m not sure I’m ready to go back to school, either, but… If you are there, then I’ll go back.”

  “Of course I’ll be there. I don’t want to get held back a year. Besides, my mom told me the plan was to wait until I graduate, then she’ll help me get an apartment.” He paused, then quietly added, “She also told me, that afterward, she and your dad would be moving out of town.”

  I flattened my lips. We’d moved to the living room after he’d finished his meal, and we were seated on the couch. Kevin leaned against the corner between the arm and the back of the seat, and I sat next to him, leaning against him, with my legs tucked under me on the seat. Hearing him mention my dad, I buried my face into his chest so he wouldn’t see my unhappy expression. I wasn’t going to insult his mom anymore, but a part of me still felt bitter.

  “It would be for the best,” I admitted reluctantly. “If they stuck around here, they’d be roasted in this town. Unless a miracle happens and Mom forgives them. And even then, they’ll probably still get plenty of public disapproval.”

  Kevin just hummed. He was probably worried for his mom. Though, he should also have been worried about himself. Especially after our affair came out, now that it most definitely would, and in less than nine months.

  We sat there in silence for a while. I closed my eyes and listened to Kevin’s heart beating in his chest, his breath moving in and out of his lungs. He carded his fingers through my hair, and I sighed at the gentle movement.

  “I’ll have to go back soon,” I said reluctantly after a while. “Mom and I have been having dinner together in the evenings. She’ll probably be back from work soon. I’ve been sleeping more than usual lately, so she doesn’t bother me in the mornings, but she’ll expect me to be there to have dinner.”

  Kevin sighed and slowly pulled his arms from around me.

  “Fine. Do you want me to come with you?”

  I shook my head as I dropped my feet onto the floor and moved my body away from his. “That might just harm things more than help. She’s not the biggest fan of your family at the moment. And, after this, she might not be your biggest fan either, even though you were Rod’s best friend.”

  He looked unhappy, but I knew he would stay put. There was nothing I could do about it, though. I knew it would be way easier to just talk to Mom alone. Especially since I didn’t do it often. I didn’t know how to talk to my mom.

  I pecked a kiss on Kevin’s lips. I was still dressed in his clothes, and it was around early evening. People might see me on the trip back, but what did it matter anymore? We weren’t going to be keeping us a secret for much longer. Besides, his clothes were comfortable. I still had to change out of them, though.

  I got home and realized I still had time before Mom came. So, I decided to start on dinner instead of waiting on Mom. I’d done it a couple of times before, and noticed she was happy when I had, instead of leaving her to do the work. With only the two of us living in the house, I couldn’t leave Mom with all the chores, so I helped out doing Rod’s and Dad’s old share of chores.

  Everything was just about ready when she arrived.

  “Stacey?” she called, then walked into the kitchen a moment later. She smiled when she saw me setting plates on the table. “Oh, you already made dinner. That’s good because I didn’t have time to eat much at lunch and I’m starving.”

  She was dressed in one of her pantsuits with black heeled shoes. Her purse was still on her arm, and she set it on the chair that used to be Rod’s and took her seat. She always did that automatically when she came back from work recently. It was something she hadn't done before, and I wondered at it. But, I already knew she was having a hard time coping, so I didn’t say anything.

  We sat down to eat, and there was no noise in the room besides the clinking of cutlery on the plates. Dinner was a lot less lively with just the two of us. Dad and Rod had always acted as buffers, so without them there; the atmosphere was just awkward. Not to forget sad and depressing at times. I ate as much as I could stomach, nearly two servings before Mom was done with her first.

  Mom stared at me as I took my dishes to the sink.

  “Stacey, has your appetite increased recently?” she asked, sounding confused. “I could have sworn you didn’t use to eat so much.”

  “Uh, yeah,” I muttered, reflexively wiping my hands down on my dress in agitation. Then I took a deep breath and turned around, but didn’t go back to the table to sit. “Actually Mom, there’s something I wanted to tell you, about that.”

  I stopped and bit down on my lip. My hands trembled a little with nerves, and I curled my fingers into my palms to still them.

  Mom looked confused. “Sure, Stacey. What is it? Is something wrong?”

  “Well,” I said, dragging the word out, stalling. “I don’t know if you could say anything’s wrong, exactly…”

  “Would you just spill it? Whatever it is, it can't be that bad.” But there was a small furrow in her brow like she wasn’t entirely sure of that.

  Please don’t react badly, I thought in my mind. Then, I said it as bluntly as I had to Kevin:

  “Mom, I’m pregnant.”r />
  Her entire body seemed to go still. For a few seconds, I wasn’t sure she was even breathing. Then, she frowned.

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  I repeated, “I’m pregnant. I already went to a doctor and confirmed it,” I added.

  Her frown only deepened. “But… how? You’re not seeing anyone, are you? I never heard anything.”

  I braced myself for this next part and spoke. “That’s…because I didn’t tell anyone. Well, a few people know, but only like three, and two of them only by accident. People from school, so you wouldn’t know them.”

  “So you’ve been seeing a boy from school…?”

  “No…not just from school, Mom. It’s Kevin,” I admitted. “We’ve been dating for a while now, actually, I just never figured out how to…tell everyone. It’s his baby.”

  She went silent. It lasted a long time, and I was starting to grow worried. She wasn’t even looking at me anymore. Instead, it looked like she’d lost herself in space. She brought herself out of it in a moment, setting down her fork carefully and folding her hands on the table.

  The silence lasted longer than my patience, and I took a step forward.

  “Mom—” I started, but she cut off.


  I paused. I’d heard her loud and clear, but I waited, hoping she’d say something else, and I’d realized that the word came from my imagination instead. When she turned to look at me, though, it was hard to hold the delusion. She was glaring hard at me like I’d committed some crime. Worse; like I’d betrayed her.

  “I said leave, Stacey. Leave this room, leave this house. If you’re so interested in that family, you might as well follow your father.”

  The jab hurt. For a time after Rod’s death and Dad moving out, I’d harbored hope that my mom and I would grow closer. That wasn’t even close to happening.


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