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Protecting His Baby

Page 48

by Nikki Chase

  Sounds like he takes on ridiculous, time-wasting cases. Apparently, the life of a private investigator is not as exciting as TV makes it seem. But I’d trade my one case with his many troublesome ones if I could.

  It's killing me that Jessica is in danger and she’s doing her best to keep me from helping her. Well, too bad for her, I’m a stubborn motherfucker and I’m going to do this, with or without her permission.

  “Matt?” I click the Accept Call button as fast as lightning. I’ve been trying to work all night, but I can’t concentrate because I keep thinking about what kind of trouble Jessica’s involved in, and the kiss we shared yesterday. That fucking kiss.

  “Fuck you. You never picked up on the first ring before,” he says as soon as the video chat window flashes on the screen. He looks pissed off.

  “Well, maybe I’m starting a new habit now.” I shrug and try to at least appear calm.

  “I looked into your girl. She looks normal on the surface, but I get the feeling there’s some shady shit going on underneath.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t have anything concrete. It’s just little clues here and there, but enough to make me feel uneasy.” Matt takes his eyes off his paper printouts and stare right into his webcam. “Who is she?”

  “Just some girl.”

  “Bullshit,” he says. “I’m going to tell you what I’ve found, but you’re going to have to be straight with me.”

  “Fine.” I don’t have any choice. I do want whatever information Matt has and if I have to trade intel with him to get it, then so be it.

  “Okay, let’s start from the lighter stuff.” Matt grins into the camera, knowing how impatient I am. “She’s been teaching at the high school for almost one year now. It’s her first teaching job. I can’t find any information on her previous employment, which is weird. Or anything before her move to Ashbourne, for that matter.”

  “Okay.” I already know all those things. Jessica is obviously running away from something and she’s done pretty well in covering her tracks. I wouldn’t be surprised if she changed her name. I’m not wrong in my impression of her; she has a good head on her shoulders.

  “Oh, and she’s on Tinder. So if you’re dating her, dude, condolences. She’s seeing other people.” I can hear Matt’s fingers clicking on various tabs and windows, while his eyes dart all over his screen. “She’s been chatting with a bunch of guys, but I could only find details of her meeting up with one guy. Steven Gordon. The guy sent her a text asking to meet up again but she’s been ignoring him.”

  “Good,” I say.

  “Good? So you are interested in her.” Matt grins as I realize my mistake. “I don’t blame you. She’s pretty cute, judging from the pictures I’ve seen.”

  “I just meant that’s good information.”

  “Sure,” Matt says, the shit-eating grin still plastered on his face. “There’s one guy she contacts a lot. Tony Humphries. Works at the same high school. They seem pretty close, but nothing in their texts or chats catches my attention.”

  “Okay.” I assume this is the Tony who holds a copy of Jessica’s keys. So he’s another teacher. I wonder if they’re just co-workers or if there’s anything between them. As much as I want to know more about Tony, this is not the time to focus on irrelevant shit.

  “Now, here’s where it gets interesting. Do you know who Nancy Jones is?” Matt taps his fingers like he usually does when he gets excited.


  “Well, she was a stripper at a club in San Francisco. She died. Killed by her boyfriend.” Matt pauses and grimaces. “It was gruesome. Anyway, there seems to be something connecting her to your girl.”

  “In what way?”

  “There was a mysterious email sent to your girl from a guy called Caine Foster. He wants to meet up, but it doesn’t seem like a date. He says he needs to talk about Nancy Jones. Jessica hasn’t responded, but the message seems serious.”

  “That is interesting.”

  “Okay, that’s what I got so far from checking out her phone. What else do you want me to look into? She has way more money than a high school teacher should, but that’s not necessarily a bad sign. She plays Candy Crush a lot, but I don’t think you’d be interested in that.”

  Matt checks his notes to see if he’s missed anything. “Oh, another thing. There’s nothing on her phone dating from before she started teaching. Like, no saved emails, no old email addresses, no transferred contact details from her old phone. Nothing. I thought that was strange. It’s like she just came into existence about the same time she moved to Ashbourne.”

  I nod and commit the details Matt has just shared to my memory.

  “Anything you want me to look into further?”

  “Yeah. Look into all three guys. The Tinder date, the teacher, and the email guy.”

  “Did I just waste my day looking into your love rivals?”

  “Please never use the term ‘love rivals’ again.” I wince, which only makes Matt laugh. “No, something’s going on with this girl. Something strange and dangerous. I don’t know what exactly.”

  “Yeah. If you knew you wouldn’t have asked me,” Matt says. “I just have one question, though. Isn’t Pussy Cat the strip club where you met that girl with the red hair? The one you were obsessed with for months?”

  “Yeah.” I sigh. I guess there’s no hiding it from Matt. Maybe it could even help him find some more useful information.

  “Is this Jessica girl that stripper?”


  “Holy shit! How did you even find her?” Matt looks incredulous. “I remember trying to help you with it but you didn’t even know her real name. You were all mopey for weeks.”

  “It was a coincidence, believe it or not. I think she’s in real trouble, so please let me know if you find anything else,” I say, bringing the conversation back to the present.

  “Yeah. Of course. I mean, this is interesting stuff. I’ve only just scratched the surface since I’ve only looked at her phone. But couldn’t you get this information from her if you’re helping her?”

  “You’d think so, wouldn’t you?” I take a deep breath. “Call me when you find anything new.”

  “Sure thing.”

  I end the call and glance at the time. It’s almost ten. I should be working, but I just know I won’t be able to focus tonight, so screw it.

  The break-in at Jessica’s happened at around this time of the night, so I may as well just head over there now. I grab my blanket and my gun before stepping out the door.

  I walk up the steps to Jessica’s porch and wonder if it would be worth my time to knock on the door and talk to her, before I get comfortable on her bench—well, as comfortable as possible, anyway. But before I can decide, the door opens and she’s standing in the doorway, warm light pouring out from inside her home.

  “I heard you sneezing from all the way inside. And the way you walk is really loud.” Jessica sighs when our eyes meet. “Are you planning to sleep on the porch again tonight?”

  “Yeah.” I keep my gaze steady, showing her I’m not backing down. I’m guarding her house tonight and there’s nothing she can do to stop me.

  “I don’t want people seeing you there and making assumptions about me. And I don’t want you blaming me when you get sick, so you can come in and sleep inside if you want.” Jessica pushes the door open a little wider as my mouth opens just as wide from the shock.

  This is the last thing I expected. But I’d be stupid to say no.


  I don’t know if I did the right thing, inviting him in like that. I hadn’t really thought it through. I’d been busy all day at the school, and I’d forgotten all about Jacob.

  Well, maybe ‘forgotten’ is the wrong word. I’d certainly thought about Jacob—multiple times throughout the day.

  I’d run my fingers over my own lips, trying to feel what Jacob must’ve felt when he’d kissed me. Every time I’d seen a guy’s back, I’d th
ought about how much broader, how much more solid, Jacob’s is. I’d summoned the memory of how his skin had felt on my fingers. I’d definitely wondered about why I’d never felt passion like that anymore, aside from when I’m with Jacob.

  What I hadn’t done, however, was think about what to do about him sleeping on my porch. I’d delayed making a decision about that all day, thinking I was going to have more time later in the night to do so.

  I mean, I didn’t even know he was going to sleep there again, so I didn’t feel like wasting my energy on it, when I had more pressing matters to attend to.

  I was grading papers when I heard Jacob’s sneeze and his footsteps on the porch. And all I could think of was, I couldn’t let him sleep outside again.

  I knew he wasn’t going to just leave. He was staying on my property whether I liked it or not. It wasn’t like I had the physical strength to remove him from the premises. And calling the cops on him seemed petty, considering he was trying to help me.

  Yes, the thought did cross my mind that he still might be the guy responsible for everything in the first place. But that theory was starting to not make sense.

  Why would Stan’s guy act like he’s clueless and on my side? Why spend an uncomfortable night on my porch? He probably woke up with his body sore all over. Why wouldn’t he just grab me and take me to his boss, if he were really sent here by Stan? It doesn’t match up.

  So, on impulse, I invited him inside. It all seemed to make sense last night.

  And yet, this morning, I’m not so sure anymore.

  I catch my first sight of him as I walk into the living room, his chest rising and falling with his breaths. The blanket has fallen off the couch and onto the floor. Max has claimed the blanket as his own, curling up on it, getting his fur all over it. No doubt Jacob will find random hairs on it for months to come, even after throwing the blanket into the washing machine.

  Jacob’s wearing an old, faded grey shirt and a pair of navy blue sweat pants that outlines his morning wood perfectly. Seriously, those pants don’t leave much to the imagination.

  His hands are lifted over his head, resting on the arm of the couch, pulling his shirt up. I can see the ridges of his lower abs, as well as the line of fuzz that starts from his belly button and disappears into his pants.

  With him fast asleep, I can stare to my heart’s content.

  God, that magnificent bulge in his pants… I want to reach out and touch it, stroke it, wrap my fingers around it. I want to feel my fingers dragging gently over his warm skin, sense every little tensing of his muscles underneath.

  I want to jump on top of him. The dangerous thing is, I don’t think he’d mind.

  This is all his fault.

  I’d asked him to sleep in the guest room last night, but he’d insisted on sleeping near the front window so he’d be more sensitive to any strange sounds from outside.

  I tear my gaze away from his sleeping form and tiptoe toward the kitchen, from where I can see the living room. I try to be quiet as I open the cabinet and grab a mug, but Jacob stirs when the coffee machine hums as it prepares my morning beverage.

  It doesn’t help that Max has just run into the kitchen, his nails making soft clicking sounds on the tiles as he does. He barks to greet me like he always does.

  “Morning,” Jacob says in a raspy, sleepy voice as he blinks to adjust to the sunlight. How could he sound so sexy with zero effort? It’s not fair. If he were to seduce me with that voice, with the mood this morning, I’d have no chance at saying no.

  “Morning. Want some coffee?”

  “No,” he says. “I don’t usually wake up this early. Maybe I’ll go back to sleep later.”

  “I have some frozen waffles too.”

  “That sounds good.” Jacob swings his long legs down until his feet touch the floor and props himself up with his big, muscular arms. I watch in fascination as they flex and bulge. He sits up and stretches his arms, then yawns loudly. I don’t know if it’s his size or his presence, but Jacob fills the space and makes it feel a lot smaller.

  Now I remember why I asked him in. I do feel safer having Jacob here. With a strong man like him on my side, I feel like nobody can touch me. Nobody, that is, except him.

  Maybe it won’t be the worst idea ever to give in to this attraction that’s obviously puling us closer together.

  I can give him sex, and he can lend me his strength. And then once everything settles down, we can go our own ways. Simple. Uncomplicated.

  “No work today?” Jacob casually saunters into the kitchen, looking at me like a cat stalking a mouse.

  “Yeah. I’m just so used to waking up early, I do it on the weekends too.” I grab the waffles and put them in the toaster. “What about you?”

  “Well, I don’t have any actual work to do today. The markets are closed. But I do have some reports to catch up on.”

  “What is it that you do? I don’t think you’ve told me.”

  Not since that night you told me it wasn’t any of my business, I think to myself. I stop myself from saying that part out loud. I’d rather not pick a fight this morning.

  “Forex trading. I work when the foreign markets are open,” he says.

  “Ah. That explains your working hours.” I watch as Max wags his tail excitedly and sniffs Jacob like they’re old friends.

  Stop being such a slut, Max. You’ve only met him once before, and last night you slept with him. Don’t be so eager.

  “Got any plans today?” Jacob bends down to pet Max’s head, which only intensifies the tail wagging. Even his tongue has joined the party, hanging out from his mouth and drooling goopy dog saliva onto the floor.

  “Just going to Bertha’s house for another meeting. Or house party, as you call it. We’re planning the street party.”

  “So it’s a party…to plan another party?” Jacob scrunches up his face in disgust, which makes me laugh. So he doesn’t like most people, but insists on spending time with me—that kinda makes me feel special.

  “I guess you can call it that.” The waffles pops up from the toaster perfectly crisp and fluffy. Why would people make them from scratch when the frozen ones are so good? I walk over to the toaster, facing the wall as I pick them up carefully and transfer them onto a plate. I ask, “Did you have a good sleep last night?”

  “Not really.” Jacob’s voice almost makes me jump. I’m so focused on the waffles I don’t realize Jacob is standing right behind me. I can almost feel the warmth radiating from his body. “But it was better than the night before that.”

  “That’s what you get for being stubborn. You could’ve slept in the guest room like I told you to. Or even better, you could’ve slept in your own bed.” I turn around to face Jacob, holding the plate of hot waffles between us like a barrier. A thrill runs down my spine as my heart beats faster from the mere closeness of him.

  “But then I wouldn’t get these waffles that you lovingly made for me.” Jacob smirks mockingly as he takes the plate from me.

  To my surprise, instead of taking the plate away to start eating, he puts it back on the counter and steps forward, closing the gap between us. He’s got me cornered now, I realize, as I stand between him and the kitchen counter. He plants both hands on the counter, caging me in.

  “They’re just frozen waffles,” I say stupidly.

  I know this is not about the waffles anymore, but it’s like my brain has given up from all the strain of dealing with my overwhelming arousal. All I can think about is how big and strong and manly he is, how small he makes me feel, how good it would feel to run my hands all over his hard body, to have his hands all over mine.

  Jacob’s lips curl further up, as if he can read my mind, as if he knows I want him. Maybe my own body has betrayed me. Maybe lust is written all over my face, just like how I can clearly see the hunger in Jacob’s eyes.

  “And I wouldn’t be able to do this.” Jacob places on hand on my cheek and traces my lips with his thumb.

  I sigh softly
as I let his touch seep into my skin and warm me up from the inside. With that little gesture of encouragement from me, Jacob puts one hand on my back and yanks me close, then crushes his lips against mine.

  There’s no hesitation this time, no second thought, no staring into each other’s eyes, no inching closer bit by bit. Just primal, animalistic instincts taking over. I fall apart at his assault, giving up the fight before it even begins. My body wants this too much, and he knows it.

  He grabs my waist and lifts me up with ease, setting my ass down on the kitchen counter. I lean my head against the upper cabinet, the smell of waffles filling my nostrils as Jacob ravishes me with his mouth, tasting my lips, my earlobes, my neck.

  “Lift up your hands,” he demands. I remember this. I remember him telling me exactly what to do and me yearning to follow his orders.

  I do as he says, and he pulls my shirt up over my head. He leans back to take a good look at my tits. His eyes twinkle and his smile widens, telling me he likes what he’s seeing. My nipples have hardened into little pebbles and I feel like I’m way too exposed.

  I used to walk around with less clothing in a club full of strange men. Somehow, I feel more naked now, sitting here in my own kitchen with this man.

  Jacob takes the waffles from the plate and throws them across the room to the other side of the kitchen. I hear Max bark happily and realize he must’ve been bugging Jacob the whole time. I smile as he pushes the plate away, clearing the counter for my hands.

  Jacob looks up just before he places his mouth over my nipple, watching my reaction. I sigh and shiver while he teases the sensitive little peaks at the top of my breasts, his lips and tongue dancing on my skin.

  Something tingles between my legs, and I yearn for him to touch me there, but I know he’s going to do this his way. I’m just going to have to be patient.

  Feeling myself growing weak, I push my palms against the counter to stay upright. His hand cups my other breast, roughly kneading and pulling on my other nipple.


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