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Rekindle The Flames (The Men of CLE-FD Book 4)

Page 7

by Toye Lawson Brown

  “You sound so stupid right now. Emin is better suited for you. I have nothing against blue-collar workers, but Ryan is not the man for you. He is a loner and will never be able to provide you with anything but worry. Megan, how many babies are you willing to miscarry because you’re stressed out about him?”

  “Who’s being hurtful now, Mom?” Megan asked, fighting to keep the tears at bay. “Look at me!” she shouted. “Even though you’re my mother, my face is that of a black woman. Why can't you understand I will never fit into Emin’s society and that I don’t want to? I don’t love him and never will. Ryan is my husband, and that’s final. Stay out of my marriage if you want to keep me as your daughter.”

  “It seems I’ll have to have a talk with your father about this.”

  “I’ve already talked to Dad and he feels exactly as I do. Mom, you aren’t happy unless you’re meddling. Why do you think Connor moved to Florida? He did it to put distance between you and his wife. Now he controls the amount of interference you have in his marriage. I should’ve done that years ago. Maybe then I wouldn’t be so damn insecure and afraid all the time.”

  Iona released a heated breath. “You’re blaming me that you’re separated from Ryan? That’s your doing; I only supported you like a parent should.”

  “Maybe so, but it didn’t help that you kept saying he would be killed in a fire. Where was your support when he was on trial? You honestly thought he was guilty.”

  “Yes, I did until the facts proved he wasn’t. The evidence that girl had was damaging, Megan. Ryan is the quiet type, and you never know what is on their minds.”

  “Lusting after teenage girls is not a fetish of his, Mom. You never once gave him any support.”

  “How could I! You were barely out of your teens when you met. He didn’t have a problem pursuing you.”

  “He tried to push me away, but I went after him. Yes. Your timid daughter was the one that wore him down by not letting him get away. I seduced him, and when he finally gave in to me, it was the best sex I ever had.”

  “Megan! I’m still your mother, so watch your damn mouth!”

  Megan snarled. “Please, don’t play the moral role with me. You took Dad away from a woman he was engaged to marry. Somehow, you suspected he would be successful, and he wasn’t going to marry that woman, but you. Sorry, Mom; I’m not like you. I don’t care about materialistic crap. Love is what I want, and that’s what I’m going after.”

  “I resent the gold digger remark, Megan.”

  “I don’t think you’re a gold digger. I’m saying you saw the potential in Dad before you fell in love with him.”

  Iona appeared flushed and unsettled. “Unlike you, sweetheart, I have a solid marriage. And, yes, the money and status is a plus. However, I did not lure your father away from his fiancée. At the time, they were having problems, and I was there to lend him a shoulder and an ear.”

  “I’m curious, did you encourage Dad to save his relationship or to end it and move on?” Megan asked with contempt in her eyes.

  Iona slammed her hand on the table. Her face transformed, the anger draining the color from her piercing gray eyes. “Look, I’m the parent, and I will not be questioned by my child. Don’t get me started on this newfound backbone that you have gained. It’s a nice touch but laughable.” Iona leaned in close to Megan. “I know you. You’re weak, whiny and depend on others to clean up your messes. You’ll attempt to stay with Ryan to prove me wrong, but you won’t be able to sustain the pressure. Mark my word: the first time Ryan is badly hurt or killed, you’ll crumble like an old building. And who will be there to pick up the pieces of your shattered existence? Your father and I will! So, before you start sassing off at the mouth, I would think twice. You don’t want to burn your safety net.”

  Megan’s knees were shaking, and her pulse rate increased. She wanted to run out of the coffeehouse and go hide, but that would confirm all her mother's claims. She rose from the chair, praying her legs wouldn’t buckle under her weight. “I’ve said what I came to say, regardless of what you think about me or how you feel about Ryan,” she said.

  Iona clenched her teeth together and seethed, “Sit down! I’m not done yet.”

  Megan swallowed and sat down, trying to look unaffected by her mother treating her like a child. Perhaps she had bitten off more than she should by confronting her mother. Iona had the face of a sweet lady, but she could be a furious foe when she wanted to be. She never showed that side of herself in public--that was for private viewing only.

  Megan folded her hands together, squeezing them tightly until the blood left her fingers. “Mom, I’m not backing down. If this means you want to disown me, I’m fine with that.”

  Iona laughed. “I would never disown a child of mine. I do expect you, however, to obey me. This is what you’re going to do: Sign the divorce papers unless you want Ryan to find out about the miscarriage. Megan, your marriage is a disaster and past repair. You realize that but can’t get past the so-called fantastic sex.”

  Megan straightened her shoulders and thrust her chest; she refused to be led around by the end of her mother’s leash anymore. “I won’t be blackmailed.”

  “This isn’t blackmail. Ryan lost a child three years ago. It’s about time he knew about it, and hopefully he’ll understand why you hid it from him.”

  “Jesus, Mom, I’m your daughter,” Megan said, hurt. “Is being in Emin’s social circle that important to you?”

  Iona’s eyes narrowed as she stated cruelly, “It would be best for everyone if you’d just marry Emin and move your ass to New York and be damn happy for once. I have an appointment to get to.”

  “I’m not marrying him. I don’t care what you say. I’ll tell Ryan about the miscarriage myself. It should come from me anyhow.”

  “I’ll give you a day to think about it what I’ve said. Just get the divorce done, Megan.”

  Stunned that her mother refused to hear what she was saying, Megan pushed to her feet, feeling the pain radiate through every nerve in her body. Defeated by the Queen of Mean again, she gathered the strap of her purse in her hand and left the coffeehouse.


  Ryan stacked the boxes from the garage on the lawn. He’d been meaning to clean out the storage space for months and never got around to it. It wasn’t too hot outside and the extra testosterone still lingered from last night. He grinned. Making love to his wife after a long separation gave him the jolt he needed to get his act together. Yeah, Megan was stubborn but so was he. He had every intention to seduce her last night but was waiting to make a move; she beat him to it.

  He sat in the flimsy lawn chair and flipped the lid off the box to go through it. He had stuff stored in the garage from his parent’s house and from Megan’s apartment. Her stuff she could sort through later.

  “Hey can you have company or are you grounded to cleaning out the garage?”

  Ryan looked up at Jon and Orlando walking up the driveway. “Hey, what brings you two to my neck of the woods?”

  “We were going to play baseball down at the sandlot and need another player. Only it looks like you have the ‘honey do’ list going on,” Jon said with a chuckle.

  “Grab a couple of chairs and chill. I have beer on ice in the cooler if you want one,” Ryan offered to his guests.

  Orlando unfolded a chair and sat down. “What are you doing, packing or unpacking?”

  “Cleaning out junk that should have been discarded years ago,” Ryan said flipping old papers into a tall trash can. “How the heck did both of you manage to get out today when you have kids at home?”

  Jon grinned. “My kids are with their grandparents in Africa. I miss them, but my days off belong to me until they return home.”

  “Africa. I don’t know, Jon, I don’t think I could send my kids that far without me,” Ryan said shaking his head.

  “Gabby’s sisters flew with them and we tried not to worry until we got the call they’d landed safely.

replied, “Regan is with Lincoln and her kids out shopping for more crap Miguel doesn’t need. I swear that boy has more clothes than he’ll wear. He’ll be ten before he wears all the outfits Regan has gotten for him.”

  “I’m jealous that you both have kids. I imagined one day Megan and I would have a baby,” Ryan said sorting through more piles of paper.

  Jon tossed a baseball in the air catching it. “Once you get through the rough patches and get the marriage back on the right track, it will happen.” Jon paused and cocked his head to one side. “What’s with that face, man?”

  Ryan looked at his two best friends. “Alright, I gotta tell somebody and you have to swear not to tell your wives or the guys at the firehouse?” They both swore to keep Ryan’s secret. He got up from the chair and paced back and forth on the concrete. “Yesterday I get home and Megan gets in a little after me. We try to be pleasant to each other but start to bicker. Well, I suggested we put aside our differences and go out to eat; she agrees. The waitress is hitting on me and Megan is getting pissed. She tries to play it off, but it’s written all over her face.”

  “Aw, man, don’t say you flirted back with his woman in front of Megan?” Orlando asked with a low groan.

  “Nah, I pretended not to notice even though she was hot. I had on my t-shirt so she knew I was a firefighter.”

  Jon interrupted. “You went from mild-mannered school teacher to picking up on our ways. Megan had to be furious.”

  “She handled it maturely, but that’s not the important part of the night. That happened when we got home.”

  In a burst of laughter Orlando and Jon let out a loud “Hell nah!”

  Ryan licked his lips mischievously, “Yup, I did. Man, she was all over my shit last night. Before I took her to bed, I asked her if she was sure and she wasn’t taking no for an answer.”

  “That’s good, Ryan. She doesn’t want the divorce if she slept with you,” Orlando said.

  “We decided to hold off signing the papers until we see a marriage counselor to give us some insight,” he said rolling his eyes upward. That was still a touchy subject with him. He didn’t like exposing his business to strangers. He didn’t care if they were professionals. “I’m sure we’ll stay married. I have to keep control of myself and not jump her bones when I’m horny.”

  “Women are fickle. Megan seen first-hand what she had to lose when that waitress flirted with you. She didn’t want another woman getting what you gave her in the bedroom,” Jon said opening a beer. “I’ll bet you money, that you will see a marriage counselor for a month before she throws in the towel and tears up the divorce papers.”

  “Jon, I hope you’re right. I’m ready to stop the insanity and get on with life.” Ryan resumed the task of cleaning out the box. He came across an envelope and opened it. The contents startled him as he stared at them.

  “Hey, did you tell her about your position on the rescue squad?” Orlando asked.

  At first Ryan didn’t hear Orlando until he repeated it again. “Uh, yeah, she was cool with it. Hey, um, what do you guys think this is?” He handed the paper to Jon and Orlando got up to look.

  “Looks like a sonogram to me,” Orlando answered. “Regan had them done at different stages of her pregnancy.”

  “Yeah, so did Gabby,” Jon chimed in.

  “I wonder why Megan has this and who does it belong to?” Ryan absently asked not expecting an answer from his friends since they wouldn’t have a clue.

  Jon shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe it belongs to a family member. Does her brother have kids?”

  “Oh, yeah, he does have a kid. I think he and his wife had a baby a couple of months ago,” Ryan said trying to remember.

  Orlando handed the paper back to Ryan and said, “Then this doesn’t belong to her brother. It’s dated three years ago unless they have another kid you don’t know about.”

  “No. They only have the one child. Megan has never been pregnant. I would’ve known if she were pregnant.”

  “Ryan, it could belong to anyone, she was a nursing student when you met,” Jon reminded him.

  Ryan released a relieved breath and smacked his hand to his forehead. “Right! This is probably part of her old school work. Wow, that’s a relief.”

  “Why are you relieved she isn’t pregnant?” Orlando asked. A minute ago you wanted a kid.”

  “Damn, Orlando, how would she be pregnant for three years? As a former history teacher that shit would have made the books for sure,” Ryan said laughing.

  Defending himself Orlando said, “I’m speaking in general. Last night did you use a glove?”

  “No, I didn’t. I know what you’re thinking, Megan wouldn’t do that. She just got assigned to the ER as a full-time nurse and our marriage is sitting on shaky ground. She’s not trying to have a baby right now.” Ryan leaned back in the chair. “I’m a little hungry. Why don’t I throw some burgers on the grill?” He got up and went into the house leaving Jon and Orlando outside.

  Jon shook his head. “Poor guy just can’t buy a break.”

  “What do you mean? He seems a lot more cheerful than normal.”

  “He loves Megan and willing to do anything for her. I hope she isn’t messing with his head.”

  “Jon, I’m lost,” Orlando said as he pulled the grill away from the garage. “She apparently wants the marriage to work. They are working on the same page, to me.”

  “Three years ago…Orlando, think about it. Ryan was on trial for attempted rape. It is possible that sonogram could belong to Megan.”

  “Okay, if that is the case, where is the baby? She wouldn’t be able to hide that.”

  Jon shrugged his shoulders. “That’s the mystery. Megan’s mother is a real bitch and controls her life. I bet if Megan was pregnant then, her mother had something to do with terminating that pregnancy and without Ryan’s knowledge.”

  Orlando frowned. “Damn, Jon, those are strong allegations. I wouldn’t let Ryan know you think Megan would keep something like that from him. That shit would tear him apart.”

  “I have a feeling something is going on with her, and it has to do with that sonogram. If it had any date on it other than around the time of his trial, I would dismiss it. But that is no coincidence.”

  “Let it go, Jon. We get too involved in the lives of the guys at the firehouse as it is. We need to take a step away from this and let Ryan handle it,” Orlando suggested.

  “He’s family, Orlando. I don’t want to see him get fucked over by Megan’s conniving mother.”

  “Me either, but he loves Megan! If we start filling his head with doubt about her and it’s not true, he could lose her forever and not to mention it would ruin your relationship with him. Leave it alone, man. We need to chill and mind our own business for once.”

  Jon’s lips thinned. “You know I don’t back down from a fight, Orlando.”

  Orlando filled the base of the grill with charcoal and squirted lighter fluid over it. He turned to Jon and said in a quiet voice. “I know, but this isn’t your fight. Ryan has to do this. He’s an intelligent guy and if he isn’t satisfied with that sonogram being a part of Megan’s old schoolwork, he’ll investigate on his own. We strictly need to be here for him and nothing else.”

  Ryan came out of the house carrying a tray of raw hamburgers on a platter. Jon whispered to Orlando. “I’ll stay out of it for now. But if that witch Iona reaches for his throat, I’m personally going after her.”

  “If that happens, I’m there with you,” Orlando replied.

  Chapter Eight

  The public library was the only place Megan would agree to meet Emin. She first declined to meet with him then it hit her that he may have information. If Iona had persuaded him to help plan to destroy her marriage, she might be able to talk some sense into him.

  The children’s puppet show taking place in the kid’s wing of the library had loud giggling spilling into the quiet spaces. Some people grumbled about the noise while other found the sweet sounds of th
e children’s voices refreshing.

  Megan turned round and gasped. She knew a man of power when she saw one. She couldn’t help but blush as the transformed man who was once pudgy and clingy hurried towards her. It was still hard to believe this was Emin wearing a well-tailored Armani suit, carrying himself with a sense of purpose. The Emin she dated clung to her coattails and always required validation. When he kissed her, he had to know if it was pleasurable or too wet and lippy. She didn’t even know what ‘lippy’ meant considering his lips were thin. Thank goodness she never slept with him. She could imagine he would ask questions the entire five minutes it would take for him to reach an orgasm.

  Five minutes she chuckled. She had no idea what type of lover Emin was. He could be excellent and make a woman levitate or bore her to tears. She had no way of knowing and had no plans to find out despite what her mother wanted.

  She’d met Emin at sixteen and couldn’t wait for the captivating age of eighteen to reach freedom. When she finally turned eighteen she couldn’t contain her excitement. At first she was giddy, enjoying her freedom and thinking of possibly building a relationship with Emin. But something was missing with him. Maybe it stemmed from the fact that he failed to stimulate her. The first time Ryan touched her on the arm she felt the electrifying shocks ripple through her body. She wondered if he had felt them also. He must have because he didn’t hesitate to ask for a second date after the first one.

  Another reason she knew Emin wasn’t for her was because she didn’t regret sleeping with her lab partner in college. A fact she never revealed to Emin. It was a one-night drunken mistake that she couldn’t take back if she wanted to. She didn’t sleep with another man until Ryan. By that time, she was 21-years old and living in her first apartment.

  “Megan, thank you for meeting with me,” Emin said showing straight white teeth.

  “Sure. This meeting will benefit the both of us,” she said lowering her eyes from his gaze which held a sexual undertone to them. Damn! Mom has gotten to him already.

  “I can never say it enough, but you look beautiful. How do you do it every day, Megan? Do you get out of bed looking this way?”


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