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BROKEN ROAD (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novella)

Page 13

by Casey, London

  It wasn’t the right time for it, but Brooke felt really sexy right now. Being carried in mostly darkness toward a motorcycle. Ares was so damn big and sexy looking, in a mean way.

  At his ride, Ares helped Brooke on. He touched her legs and looked at her. “Got a shorter dress?”

  “I don’t wear this stuff,” Brooke said.

  “There’s nothing I can do about it right now.”

  Brooke looked down. She gasped. She looked back up and saw Ares smiling at her.

  “You can see my thong,” Brooke whispered.

  “Right between those legs,” Ares said.

  Ares climbed on his motorcycle and started it. Next to him, Bale started his ride. Next to that one was a third motorcycle. It was unmanned and would remain that way. The man meant for it was dead in the warehouse.

  The motorcycle started to move and Brooke looked back. She wasn’t comfortable leaving Armen behind, but she couldn’t go back inside there. Not with the bullets. Not with the bodies. Armen was smart. He’d get out of there alive.

  Right now Brooke had no choice but to go with Ares. He had a gun, he had orders, and being with him felt safer than being with Armen.

  It also didn’t hurt matters that he was really sexy and smelled like muscle, man, sweat, and steel.


  Ares held Brooke by her elbow and walked her toward the door. He didn’t care how hard he was gripping and he didn’t care that she was struggling again to walk. He pulled, she almost fell, and their journey continued. Bale stood at the door and held it open.

  “I can walk on my own,” Brooke snapped.

  Ares pulled her close and gritted his teeth. “I don’t give a fuck right now, darling. I need to get you into the fucking clubhouse and figure out what the fuck happened tonight.”

  “They’re going to eat her alive, bro,” Bale said.

  The words went through Ares like knives. He looked at Bale. He looked at Brooke. Her fucking tits were pouring from her dress and she couldn’t help it. Her body had curves in all the right places and the fucking dress hugged them in a way that almost made Ares jealous.

  He dropped to one knee and looked up at Brooke.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Proposing,” Ares growled.

  He grabbed Brooke’s left foot and pulled. She gasped and then reached down to Ares to keep her balance. He tore one of her heels off and threw it across the parking lot. Brooke then offered her right foot. When Ares touched her foot, his eyes crept up and he could see right up her dress. The sight of her legs lead way to a black pair of panties that were killer small, only covering the narrow slit of her pussy. Everything else was exposed to Ares’s eyes. Her inners thighs looked delicious. The curve of her body gave way to temptation, leaving Ares’s mind racing.

  After throwing the second heel, Ares stood back up. He pulled Brooke to him. “You keep your eyes down and don’t say a fucking word. Don’t look at anyone. You go where I take you. Got it?”

  “What’s my other option in all this?” Brooke asked.

  “You get spotted and claimed by one of the guys. Then you’re their property for the night.”

  “So if I go with you, I’m your property for the night?”

  Ares didn’t respond. He turned and walked into the clubhouse.

  The place was bustling and thanks to whiskey, music, and relievers working their magic, a lot of eyes didn’t spot Ares and Brooke.

  Of course, Blaine did. He let out a whistle and started to clap, calling at Ares. That attracted the attention of Gaige, Shay, and Erik. They started to circle in, putting the pressure on Ares to stop walking.

  “Let me take her somewhere,” Ares said. “Get Miller. We need to talk.”

  “Hold on,” Gaige said. “Look at this. She’s gorgeous.”

  “Look at me, beautiful,” Blaine said. A cigarette hung from his mouth. “Come on, trust me. I’ll do you no harm. I’ll just do you… all night.”

  “Blaine,” Ares said.

  “Fuck off, prospect,” Blaine said.

  Ares stopped. He let Brooke go. She looked at Blaine.

  “What’s your name?” he asked.


  “I want to fucking lick every curve on your body,” Blaine said. “Then I want to take my big cock and spread myself everywhere. Claim my territory from these other assholes. They won’t know how to take care of you, beautiful.”

  Ares made fists. He considered his options if he punched Blaine in the face right now. While Ares wasn’t technically patched in, the offer had been presented.

  “I mean, look at those tits,” Blaine said. “I could get lost in those for months. Hold my breath and go wild. Fuck, I think I could die in those tits and be a happy man.”

  “Don’t mind Blaine,” Gaige said. “He’s an asshole. I’m VP here. You need protection? You come to me.”

  Brooke looked around and then reached for Blaine’s face. Fire shot through Ares’s body. He grew angry at himself for being jealous because of this woman. It was insane. But Brooke was smooth and beautiful. Her fingers grazed along Blaine’s cheek.

  “You’re making me hard,” Blaine said.

  Brooke then grabbed Blaine’s smoke right from his lips. She took a deep drag and blew in Blaine’s face. She turned the smoke around and put it back between Blaine’s lips.

  “That’s as close as you’ll ever get to me,” Brooke said.

  “Holy fuck, I’m in love,” Blaine said. “Come with me. Right now.”

  “Stop,” Ares said. He put a hand to Brooke’s lower back. “I have to…”

  “Ease up,” Gaige said. “What the fuck is going on?”

  Ares reached his breaking point. He spotted Miller standing at the door to the meeting room, a beer in his hand.

  “The night was a big fucking mess,” Ares said. “All hell broke loose and Gunner is dead.”

  Everyone fell silent.

  Ares’s hand slid to the right side of Brooke’s body. His fingers spread, feeling the curve of her hip. It was driving him fucking crazy right now. It had been a long time since Ares had a beautiful woman like Brooke near him, not to mention while he was sober and would remember anything that would happen.

  Nothing is going to happen. Her brother is a fucking murderer and enemy to the club.

  Miller stepped forward and drank from his beer. “Take the woman to your room, Ares.”

  “My room?” Ares asked.

  “I offered you a patch and you didn’t take it,” Miller said. “You’re taking a room, at least for the night. I want her locked up and out of the hands of everyone else. I trust you.” Miller then looked at Gaige. “I want you, Griffin, Blaine, and Nate at the table.” Miller eyed Ares again. “You too, Ares. I want to know everything.”

  Ares was shocked. Prospects were never invited to the table, let alone even allowed in the meeting room.

  Not wanting to question anything, Ares set his attention back to Brooke. He pushed at her, his body touching hers, guiding her along the bar and away from the main part of the clubhouse. They walked down the hall and cut to the left. Down and around another bend were the spare rooms. They were kept for prospects to share. Some were for relievers if they got drunk and out of control. Other rooms were just for storage.

  After checking three different rooms, the last one on the right seemed clean enough for the night.

  “Where do you sleep at night?” Brooke asked.

  “Doesn’t fucking matter,” Ares said. He threw Brooke’s bag on the bed. “You’re going to stay here. Take a shower, get changed, whatever. Do not leave this fucking room. You hear Miller. His word is final. I can protect you in this room. You leave and you’re up for grabs, darling. Nothing I can do then.”

  “Who are you, Ares?” Brooke asked. “You’re not like the other ones with stuff on their leather.”

  Ares put his hands to Brooke’s waist. She was really sexy. Really seductive. Her innocent eyes were worth filling with sin, just for fun.<
br />
  “I’m nobody,” Ares said. “You forget me as soon as you can. And if you’re lucky, you’ll get out of this alive.”

  Brooke bit her bottom lip and made a move at Ares. He quickly backed away and then turned. There was no way he could do this. Not right now. Not like this.

  Ares made fists and refused to look back. If he did… if he saw Brooke in that fucking dress just one more time, he’d lose it. He’d lose all control.


  “To Gunner,” Miller said. He lifted a fresh beer.

  Ares stood at the back wall and held his beer out. Gaige, Griffin, Blaine, and Nate all lifted their drinks.

  “To Gunner,” Gaige said.

  They all took their turns saying the same. Except for Ares.

  “Ares,” Miller said. “Honor your brother.”

  “To Gunner,” Ares whispered.

  They drank and then Miller went straight to business. “What happened?”

  “We showed up,” Ares said. “The guy running the thing was some greasy looking fuck. He looked the type to scam and run. He claimed to have security there, but there was none. He probably runs these things all the time and takes what he could get and goes to the next town. Fuck, even when the bullets started flying, he was on the ground scooping up cash.”

  “Who was there?” Gaige asked.

  “Coast Road. Eight Under. Guys in suits.”

  “Suits,” Blaine said. “And how does that beautiful, big tit woman play into this?”

  “She didn’t belong there,” Ares said. “Not like she was. She had a gun but was too afraid to use it. The guy running it - Armen - that’s her brother.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Nate said. “The sister of someone who killed one of our guys is here? We need to gut her as revenge.”

  “Easy now,” Miller said. “Gunner was just a prospect. A dumb one.” He looked at Ares. “Who shot first?”

  “Armen did,” Ares said. “When Eight Under saw me, things got heated. Obviously… what happened…”

  “Fucking their women and killing their prospects,” Griffin said with a grin. “You’re just a wild outlaw, Ares.”

  “Yeah, right,” Ares said. “I was giving fair warning to all those there and Armen said he was going to get security to kick us out. He walked toward the back and then smacked a drink tray out of Brooke’s hand and then he turned and took a shot. He did it to get everyone scared and shooting at each other.”

  “So we’re not sure who killed Gunner,” Gaige said.

  “No,” Ares said. “Armen did it. I watched him do it. He came up over a table and Gunner wasn’t paying attention. He was too worried about finding a fucking door than protecting himself.”

  “And you guys,” Miller said. “Have to look out for our brothers.”

  Ares took the comment personally. He lowered his head. “Yeah, exactly. The bullet tore through his chest and he was dead before he hit the ground.”

  “Why the woman then?” Griffin asked.

  “I don’t know,” Ares said. “She pointed her gun at me and then gave it to me. I didn’t want her in the crossfire anymore. Her piece of shit brother would probably give her up to get his own ass out of there free. Plus, we could use her.”

  “I could fucking use her,” Blaine said. “I could eat that pussy and suck on them tits all night.”

  “We all could,” Gaige said.

  Ares felt anger and jealousy again. “I meant I could talk to her. Find out some shit on Armen. Find out what her position is in all this. She doesn’t seem the type to do this. He’s forcing her hand.”

  “Maybe he’s fucking her,” Blaine said.

  “Christ,” Gaige said. “That’s his sister.”


  Miller pounded a fist on the table. “Fair enough. I’ll dig up dirt on Armen. Any other bodies at the warehouse?”

  “Yeah,” Ares said. “I think a Coast Road. Maybe more.”

  “Fuck,” Miller said. “I’ll make a call and send in a clean up crew. We’ll get Gunner’s body and figure out what to do. Give a proper send off, out of respect.”

  “He wasn’t paying attention,” Ares said. “Dumb fuck.”

  “It’s good,” Miller said. “Don’t worry about it. Right now, enjoy the night. The illegal gambling will stop. Whoever this Armen guy is, we’ll get him. We have his sister.”

  “I want his sister,” Blaine said.

  “She’s for Ares,” Miller said. “Everyone out. Except Ares.”

  This was even more unheard of. A prospect left in the meeting room with the President. Miller slowly stood up.

  “I didn’t expect that,” Ares said. “But I figured it.”

  “If you weren’t there, they would have all gotten killed. You’re the only one who could survive all this shit.”

  “That’s why I’m here.”

  “Take the fucking patch, Ares.”

  “I don’t deserve it.”

  “Fuck that,” Miller said. “Fuck your old club. Fuck their decision.”

  “I don’t want…”

  “I don’t care what you think or want,” Miller said. “You have to let that shit go. If you don’t, it’ll get you killed.”

  “Maybe that’s what I’m looking for. Revenge on myself.”

  Miller growled. “Asshole. Get the fuck out of here.”

  Ares left the meeting room. The clubhouse was roaring with life. Blaine had a reliever on each side of him, talking, his hands working up and down their backs and asses.

  Taking the patch would be a smart thing. It would give Ares a life, protection, a brotherhood. It would give him respect and it would give him a sense of purpose again. But each time he considered it, he was taken back to the night he changed the course of his own life. The night someone considered a brother was killed. The death on his hands. Not the blood, no, but the death, yes.

  Ares walked the dark hallway with his hands in fists. If anything, at least tonight he could have someone to talk to. Dig up some information from Brooke and see where she stood with things. How she could get dragged into what happened tonight. And Ares didn’t mind the idea of having someone next to him in bed that wasn’t drunk, high, and there for the sole purpose of sucking his cock. Hell, maybe he’d even hold Brooke and for a split second, enjoy the warm comfort of a woman’s body that didn’t involve fucking her.

  Ares laughed. That was a bullshit lie and a bullshit kind of life. This was the life. The motorcycle club life. Even though Ares refused the patch, he still loved the life. The freedom. The power. Death always seconds away. The fun of staying in front of death. And it wasn’t all that bad riding through Frelen with the respect and fear of so many.

  At the bedroom door, Ares paused and took a deep breath.

  He opened the door and expected to find Brooke changed.

  But she wasn’t.

  She was wearing the same fucking killer tight dress as before.

  She rose from the bed and stood there. She was beautiful. Far too beautiful to be in the mix of whatever this mess was.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Ares asked. “I told you…”

  “I can’t reach the zipper,” Brooke said so softly.

  It cut through Ares like a warm knife through butter. He shut the bedroom door and locked it. He approached Brooke, his eyes looking at nothing but her eyes. If he looked at any of her sultry curves, he would lose it.

  Brooke slowly turned and reached for her hair. She pulled and held it up. The sight of her standing like that made Ares hard. His cock ached in his jeans and he gritted his teeth. He reached for the small black zipper on the dark red dress and pulled at it. It slid down with ease, exposing Brooke’s back. The zipper went all the way down to her lower back.

  When he stopped, Brooke didn’t move. She continued to hold her hair with one hand. The other hand held the front of the dress from falling off her chest.

  Her bare back looked so smooth.

  Ares leaned down and placed his lips to her neck and kiss
ed once.

  Why did you do that?

  Ares saw Brooke shiver and her skin tighten. He then reached around and took her hand, pulling it away from her dress. When he did, her dress fell forward.

  Ares just couldn’t help himself… he was a man and he had needs. Those needs included tasting Brooke’s body and letting his fingers memorize the shapes of her curves.


  Brooke zipped the dress herself. And she knew damn well she could have unzipped it herself. There was no fun in that though. Her mind had been running rampant while she waited for Ares to return to the room. She didn’t know if he was going to come into the room, guns blazing, ready to kill her. Or if he was going to throw her out to the street all alone.

  The dress was the best thing Brooke had because it barely covered her body. And she didn’t like giving her body up to just anyone, but something about Ares made her shiver and made her drip.

  The second he tore her hand from the dress and it fell forward, her toes curled and she started to shake.

  Ares hands came down Brooke’s sides, taking the dress with him. She felt the roughness of his fingers and felt him tugging and twisting as he forced the tight dress down. He stopped when the dress was down to her knees and then slid his hands back up. He cupped her bare ass, his thumbs teasing at the thin string of her thong.

  When he pulled, the thong cut up into Brooke, sliding against her moist sex.

  “Fuck, darling,” Ares said. “Kick that fucking dress off.”

  Ares griped her at her hips as she wiggled to finally get the dress off her body. She looked down and beyond the sight of her breasts, she watched one of Ares’s hands come around to her lower stomach. His fingers slid into her panties and moved along smooth skin until it gave way to wetness. Ares curled two fingers and lifted, easily pulling back on Brooke’s engorged and sensitive clit. She bent her knees and groaned.

  With circles, Ares pressed his fingers harder. His other hand touched her stomach and moved up her body. She put her head back and looked up at Ares. His eyes stared down at her supple breasts.


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