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Destiny Bewitched

Page 15

by Leia Shaw

  He placed her face-up on the bed and hovered over her, cruising his gaze over her body. Where to begin? The nibble on her bottom lip cinched the decision. He took over her mouth in a fierce kiss. When he gave her lip a little suck, she groaned.

  The way she lifted her hips and ground against his erection…he lost all control. With a growl he stripped off her pants. A miracle they didn’t tear. Then, before she could do more than gasp, he latched onto a nipple. He licked and sucked each one while she squirmed and moaned against him. Each time she put her hands up to push him, he batted her away and bit her nipple.

  Her fingernails sank into his biceps and he smiled. Now he had her attention.

  “Please,” she cried. He’d turned her nipples bright red and hard. “Enough!”

  He let go of the one he’d been tormenting and looked at her. “You shouldn’t tease a demon. We have different rules about payback.”

  She arched a brow. “Thought you weren’t a demon?”

  He kissed each peak. “In bed, I am.” Before she could make another smart-ass remark, he nibbled his way down her side, holding her down when she squirmed.

  At the apex of her thighs, he looked up and grinned. “Lie still, love, so I can make you scream.”


  Samantha was already on fire. Her nipples ached from his delightful torture. Her skin felt so sensitive, as if every nerve had awakened. Then he parted her lower lips and licked – long and firm.

  With a shout, she arched into his mouth. Giving her a patient look, he pushed her hips back down and continued. Licking, sucking, nipping – he treated her poor little clit the same way as her nipples.

  Pleasure built, intensifying, until she couldn’t call it pleasure anymore. The way he gripped her thighs to keep her in place, she couldn’t squirm away. He sucked hard on her pleasure spot and every muscle tensed, on the verge of…something. It was too much.

  She wriggled and tried to roll to the side. His arms wrapped around her thighs like vices.

  No. He had to stop. Another rasping lick went all the way up the length of her slit, ending at her throbbing bud.

  Overwhelmed, she screamed, “Please stop!”

  He looked up from between her thighs and raised his brows. “Done teasing demons?”

  Bastard. Panting, she nodded.

  He rose to his knees, his cock giving a full salute. Just picturing that penetrating her made her tighten with anticipation. But first…

  “Let me return the favor.” She licked her lips.

  He ruined her plan for revenge by shaking his head. “No, baby. Not this time. I need to be inside you.”

  With a quick flip, she was on her belly, her hips in the air. Rough palms stroked down her spine then over her ass. A contented sigh left her as she eased her head onto the mattress.

  Slowly, he entered her. His hand, holding her in place on the small of her back, felt like a white hot brand of possession. He pulled out, then, with endless patience, eased back in again. She grunted in frustration then pushed back toward him.

  With a chuckle, he obliged her silent demand and picked up the pace. Pistoning in and out, the bed shook, and her breasts swung with each movement. He reached a hand under her body to squeeze and roll her nipples. Pleasure coiled inside her, waiting to burst free.

  “Harder!” So close.

  He pounded into her, hitting that spot deep inside – the one that made her want to fly out of her skin.

  She arched, raising her butt higher to give him deeper access. “Yes!”

  His cock speared into her, jarring that place again, pushing her higher and higher. Then she did scream – loudly as she came and came. Her whole body shuddered as she clenched around him and rode out the longest orgasm she’d ever had.

  She was vaguely aware of his strangled shout and fingers digging into her hips as warm fluid surged inside her. She slumped, sated, onto the mattress.

  Geo rolled onto his back and pulled her into his arms. She nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck, inhaling his masculine scent.

  “Mmm,” she hummed. “I think this is my favorite spot in the Underworld.”

  “The bed?”

  “No. Your arms.” She nestled in closer and let her eyes drift shut. “My face buried in your neck. You smell so good and –”

  “I love you.”

  Her eyes snapped open and her body tensed. What? She stopped breathing. He loved her? A warm feeling started in her chest and spread to the rest of her body. A smile lifted her lips. She squirmed a bit. He loved her. Why did she feel all…floaty?

  I’ve never been loved by a man.

  “Samantha.” He tried to shift so he could see her but she buried her face further.

  She couldn’t look at him without falling apart.

  He gave up with a sigh. “I know I shouldn’t. I know we have no future together. But I’m not sorry for saying it. And I’ll never regret feeling it.” He paused. The sounds of the crowd permeated around them, dragging her from the numb daze.

  “The selfish part of me wants to beg you to stay here with me,” he said, running his fingers up and down her arm. “But not only does your sister need you, I don’t want you to miss out on a real life. You deserve your dream. Your white picket fence, your orange-haired kids, and a devoted husband to grow old with.” He buried his nose in her hair and kissed the top of her head. After a few moments, he said quietly, “But I’m afraid.” She heard him swallow hard, betraying the emotion he tried to keep in check. “I’m afraid of living without you. I’m afraid it won’t be a life at all.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. Her throat hurt from choking back her sobs.

  “Say something,” he whispered. “Please.”

  Wetness leaked from her eyes and ran down onto his neck, where she wiped it away with her fingertip. She took a deep breath. “Geo, I…” What on earth could she say to that? He wasn’t what she’d pictured for a husband. For one, she didn’t imagine a horned alpha male in leather. But life was full of surprises. She hadn’t known she’d take comfort in his companionable silence either. Or that gentle teasing would make her smile no matter how bad things seemed. She hadn’t expected her knees would shake at a naughty demand and a stern look. Or that her heart would melt at a gesture as small as sharing a piece of fruit.

  The truth hit her like a knife to the gut. She loved him too.

  More tears fell but she found her voice. “I’ll find a way to bring you Topside. I’ll work day and night. There must be a way.”

  He hugged her tighter and kissed her head. “I know you will, love. You do that. But if you should meet a man –”

  She shook her head and opened her mouth to speak.

  With a little squeeze, he cut her off. “Listen. Don’t you dare hold yourself back for me. Please, Samantha. The only way I’ll know peace is if I know you’ll move on when it’s time.”

  She turned her head and looked up at him. “You’re the one who said hope is what carries us through dark times. Are you changing your story?”

  “No, love. But there are times when hope is a lie. It keeps us blind when we should be seeking other options.”

  She grunted. “Funny how that works to your purpose.”

  He chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose.

  Nestling against his chest again, she stared at the wall. “I love you too, Geo. And I’ll find a way to get you out of here.” With steely resolve, she squeezed her arms around him. “I will.”

  But they both knew it was an empty promise.

  Chapter 16

  Geo woke to find the other side of the bed empty. Heart racing, he jumped up and scanned the room. Samantha was gone. But so were her clothes, satchel, and sword. She wasn’t taken – she’d left on her own. A note written on the back of the door in chalk confirmed it.

  Outside. Love Sam.

  With a deep sigh, he rubbed his bleary face. They needed to have a talk about her communication skills.

  He dressed and armed himself then went to hunt
down the woman he’d professed his love to. Her note was less than helpful. Good thing he had an enhanced sense of smell and her scent was so ingrained in him – like a brand of possession.

  He found her outside the arena, sparring with Aedan.

  “Pivot on your right foot,” Aedan told her, pointing with a long stick. “No, lass. Your stance is too narrow.”

  “I tried to tell her that.” Geo moved in behind her.

  She spun around with a wide smile that captured his heart. He returned the smile. To his surprise, she dropped her sword then flung her arms around his neck and kissed him. He inhaled her sweet scent, feeling the tension leave his shoulders.

  “Mmm,” he murmured against her lips. “I like this greeting.” What was she so happy about? Did she forget they still had to save her sister? And when that was done, she’d leave him to return Topside. And they’d likely never see each other again.

  She squeezed his neck harder. Maybe she was relishing their last moments as he was.

  “What’s all this about?” he asked, rubbing his hand up and down her back, memorizing every curve.

  “I love you,” she choked out.

  He nipped her lip. “Say it again.”

  “I love you.”

  Cupping her ass, he pulled her hard against him. “More.”

  She leaned away with a twinkle in her eye. “No more or you’ll use up your quota for the day.”

  “Quota? No such thing when it comes to love. Now say it again or I’ll punish you in front of Aedan.” To accentuate his threat, he patted her behind gently.

  She giggled then reached up on her toes to whisper in his ear, “I love you.”

  An incredible feeling of comfort swept through him. He was already addicted to it. And he’d meant what he’d said last night – a life without Samantha wouldn’t be a life at all. How would he manage? If he was smart he’d back off – spare her heart and his. But sometimes he was a selfish bastard. And he was going to soak this up as much as he could before he lost her. Forever. A painful pit of despair lodged in his chest, but he ignored it in favor of tasting her mouth again.

  Samantha removed her arms from around his neck and pulled away from his mouth. “Now let me go so I can kick Aedan’s ass.”

  A peck on her forehead and nose then one on each cheek had her laughing before he let her go.

  He watched her hips sway as she walked back to the grinning Aedan.

  “Wipe that look off your face, fae, and fight me like a man.” Turning back to Geo, she added, “Why don’t you get us some breakfast while we practice for our next fight? Aedan thinks we’re up against a half-dragon.”

  “Practice all you want, love, but you’ll be in a protection circle again.” He gave her a stern look, which she ignored. “This time stay in it.”

  She gaped. “Are you kidding me? After last time you’re still going to suggest a stupid chalk circle? It’s weak, you know. It won’t hold up against a powerful creature.”

  “Oh no, love, I’m not suggesting.” He lowered his voice. “I’m demanding.”

  The witch actually had the nerve to roll her eyes. Then she beseeched Aedan for help. “Say something. He’s lost all sense of reason.”

  Aedan put his hands up in surrender. “I know better than to get between a man and his mate.”

  She furrowed her brow. “Mate? What are you –”

  Grabbing her by the nape, he tugged her into his body. He took her mouth in a punishing kiss. She tried to pull away but he wouldn’t let her. She fought for a moment then melted into him. He would’ve taken her right then and there if they didn’t have an audience. In fact, she’d cheated him this morning by leaving before he woke. When he felt her muscles relax in surrender, he stopped the kiss.

  She pulled back, looking a little shaken. Her eyes were wide and her lips bright red. Her chest heaved with each breath. He smiled inside. He liked that he could throw her off guard with just a kiss.

  “I’ll talk to Aedan.” He took her hand and placed a few coins in it. “Go get breakfast.”

  Seeming to gather her wits a bit, she nodded and turned toward the mountain.

  “And Samantha,” he called. When she turned around he told her, “You better get something for yourself or you’ll not be fighting at all.”

  A small fire burned in her eyes and her jaw clenched, but she nodded stiffly.

  Unable to resist a little tease, he smiled and said, “That’s a good girl.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Right. Two egg platters and a bucket of hay for the ass.”

  Without another word she spun around and stomped into the tunnel, leaving him grinning at her back.


  Silly man. Giving ridiculous commands, thinking I’ll obey.

  She chuckled and shook her head as she made her way through the empty tunnel. The sounds of the crowd gradually increased the closer she got. The sereneness of being outside that morning made the gruesome noise of the fighting that much worse. And Aedan thought they’d have to fight The Blood Plague – a vampire, a fae, and her biggest concern, a half-dragon.

  But how could she stay focused on that with the taste of Geo still on her lips? She’d been a little dizzy from his mind-numbing kiss – the one he’d given as a message. She hadn’t decided if it chaffed her pride or made her so horny she would’ve stripped for him in the middle of the games ring if he’d asked her to.

  Mine, was his message. And damn if she didn’t feel like it.

  A shiver rocked her as she entered the arena. She liked the feeling of being his. The warm, fuzzy sensation of being loved, safe, and protected overrode her feminine pride.

  But did it matter? How long did they have together anyway?

  Her sister was still top priority but even in this dangerous, sick and twisted world, she was thankful for every moment she had with Geo. Her shoulders slumped. It wasn’t fair that she couldn’t keep him. Unlucky was her middle name.

  The smell of food permeated the air as she came upon the peddlers and food stands. She peered through the steam and busy attendants, looking for something that resembled breakfast. A tall, slender woman with pointed ears walked by, carrying a bowl of fresh fruit.

  Fruit! Her mouth watered just thinking about it.

  She made her way through the maze in search of a fruit stand. A familiar cry rose up over the crowd and made her freeze.



  Her blood chilled and she spun around, desperately searching for a sign of her sister. Steam and carts of food and people stood in her way. A distant shriek echoed across the arena.

  She panicked. “Move!” she yelled, pushing through the crowds, following the sound of her sister.

  Finally freed from the peddlers, she spotted an auburn-haired girl hanging limply in a man’s arms at the far end of the arena. Her heart sped as she sprinted toward them.

  Oh God, oh God, oh God. Please let her be okay.

  The passage narrowed to a dead-end, and just when she thought she might have some hope of getting to her sister, a crack in the wall appeared and the man slipped inside with Nikki.


  She pumped her arms, running faster. Just before the crack disappeared, she slid into the blackness. The wall closed behind her. She gave her eyes a moment to adjust, but even after that she couldn’t see much. A narrow tunnel, it looked like. And way ahead in the distance, a torch lit up a wider opening.

  Pressed against the wall, she slowly made her way down the tunnel. The sounds of the fighting and the crowd disappeared. Other than the soft trickling of dripping water, it was silent. She shuddered. The creepy silence was almost worse than the sounds of dying men.

  Sticking to the shadows, she came upon the opening – lit up by torches on the wall. She peered around the corner. The tunnel continued onward but she’d found what she’d been looking for. Four steel doors on either side of the opening. Prison cells.

  The feather around her neck was almost blistering her skin, it was so ho
t. Her sister was in one of those cells. She scurried toward the first then froze.

  Footsteps. From the other tunnel.

  Quietly, she backed into the shadows and watched a frightening guard approach the cells. Armed with a pistol, a sword, and a bow and arrow on his back, he stood in front of the cells like a mountain of muscle. Of course a rescue wouldn’t be easy. She rolled her eyes. I’m Samantha Blackthorn after all.

  But now she knew where Nikki was. She’d be back, with Geo, and maybe Aedan, and a better plan.

  I’m coming for you Nikki. Just hang on.

  She turned around to go back the way she came and bumped into a hard body. Her breath caught in her throat. As she reached back to get her sword, a hand like steel gripped her neck, cutting off her air.

  Fire raced down her throat. She clawed at the hand, gurgling and gasping for breath. The man pushed her backward into the light. She looked up.

  A pale face, black eyes, and a set of impressive fangs stared down at her. Vampire. Without a word he leaned in and sunk his fangs into her neck. Pain shot to where he’d pierced her, but at least he loosened his grip and she could breathe again.

  After dragging in a lung full of air, she tried to focus her mind.

  Come on. Think!

  Her head felt fuzzy. Dizziness swept through her. The vampire took more and more blood from her body. Too much. She went to reach for her sword but found she couldn’t lift her arms. Black spots dotted her vision. The world faded around her.

  I’ll never see Nikki or Geo again.

  Chapter 17

  Where in hell did that little witch go?

  Almost an hour after Geo had sent Samantha for breakfast, she still hadn’t returned.

  “She should’ve been back by now,” he said to Aedan as they headed through the mountain. “Even if the lines were long.”

  He nodded. “Maybe she got caught up watching the fight.”

  That didn’t seem like her. But when he found her, they’d be having a long talk. In the bedroom. With her tied to the bed. Then she’d learn the meaning of punishment.


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