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Destiny Bewitched

Page 18

by Leia Shaw

  “I don’t understand.” She didn’t want to question a miracle, but she had to know if this was temporary. Her heart couldn’t handle another break. “I-I saw you die.”

  He shook his head. “After I fell with the hydra, I was taken home. Ares had decided to end my punishment. I begged him to return me. I would’ve found a way out of the Underworld, Samantha.” He cupped her face. “But he refused. So I went to Gaia.”

  She blinked in shock. “Gaia?”

  “I told her everything. About you and your family. About Shade and our journey and even about my sentence in the Underworld, though I think she knew it already. But she gave me a choice. If I wanted to be with you, I had to give up my immortality.” He pressed his forehead against hers. “I chose you, Samantha. There’s nothing in this world I want more than to grow old with you. To raise children. And spoil grandchildren.”

  A giddy laugh escaped her as more tears fell.

  He backed way, frowning. His eyes filled with fear. “But I’m wholly human now. I don’t have any powers. Not even accents.” A small smile touched his lips for a moment then it was gone. “But I promise to protect you with my life. To love and cherish you forever. Will you have me? Do you still love me?”

  Her bottom lip trembled then she threw herself into his arms again. “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, I still love you. I never stopped loving you.”

  He pulled back and kissed her again. Their mouths moved in unison. She closed her eyes and was taken back to the Underworld. The cabin where he’d fed her soup. The endless underground tunnel where he’d fought through worm guts to save her. The night he’d hand fed her meat while they’d shared their pasts. Outside the Games gate where he’d volunteered to fight by her side. In the bedroom where they’d danced and made love. In the ring where he’d saved her life over and over. And that last goodbye.

  I would fall a thousand times if it meant the chance to love you.

  She’d never forgotten those final words.

  And now he was back. It felt like a thousand little fireworks were going off in her heart. He sacrificed everything for her. Again. Maybe the Blackthorn curse was finally over, cause she felt like the luckiest girl in the world.

  Geo released her only to move his lips across her cheeks. He kissed the tip of her nose, her chin then placed one last kiss on her forehead. He looked down at her, his eyes crinkled in amusement. “Well? Are you going to invite me in?”


  Four years later

  “Push, baby, push,” Geo said, wincing when Samantha squeezed his hand. All that sword practice had given her a bone-crushing grip.

  Magic weaved through the air as Selene chanted. Samantha’s face relaxed. The pain-reducing spell must have been working.

  “You still have to push, Sam,” Selene said, moving around the room, lighting different kinds of incense. It was all Geo could do to keep from sneezing. “That baby needs to come out.”

  His brave wife nodded then inhaled a deep breath. Geo dabbed a wet washcloth on her forehead. “Come on, sweetheart,” he whispered. “You can do it.”

  With a half-scream half-growl, she pushed. Her grip tightened on his hand and her whole body tensed with effort.

  “Almost,” the midwife, June, said from between Samantha’s legs.

  Sam had insisted on a home birth, with Selene’s help. So here they were, in their bed – which they’d covered with towels – having their very first baby.

  June felt around underneath a sheet then said, “You’re fully dilated. Stubborn baby.”

  Samantha snorted. “Figures.”

  Geo moved down to her stomach. “Hey, little dove,” he whispered. “Daddy’s been waiting a long time for you.” He rubbed his hand over her naked belly. “And Mama can’t wait to meet you.”

  Samantha groaned and rolled her head back.

  June nodded. “The baby’s coming.”

  He looked back at his wife. Her face reddened and sweat glistened on her forehead. “Keep going, love. Almost there.” To her belly, he added, “That’s it, sweet darling. Come on out to Daddy.”

  Then he heard the most wonderful sound in the world – their baby’s very first cry.

  “It’s a girl!” June said with a smile.

  Selene rushed in with blankets.

  A girl. Awestruck, he couldn’t seem to wipe the grin off his face. Samantha cried tears of joy.

  “Cut the cord, Daddy,” Selene said, extending a pair of scissors to him.

  Hesitantly, he walked to the squalling bundle then cut where June pointed. The ladies wrapped his little girl up in soft blankets and handed her over. She was so tiny, he was afraid he’d crush her. He cradled her head ever so gently and spoke soothing words in Greek.

  “Let me see her,” Samantha rasped.

  Geo placed their baby in her arms and she brought her to her breast. The baby calmed. With the washcloth, he wiped the blood from his daughter’s face. Geo hadn’t believed in love at first sight, until now. Her eyes were closed as she suckled the breast. Already he could see Samantha’s features. Long eyelashes. A cute little nose. A small patch of strawberry hair on the top of her head. He’d bet she’d even get freckles in the sun.

  Tears fell from his eyes. She was beautiful. His little girl.


  “What’s her name?” Nikki asked, watching her nap against Samantha’s chest.

  Just three days ago this little miracle had been born. Samantha had never felt such love and joy. A daughter – to love and protect, to teach right from wrong, to guide in the ways of magic, to take shopping and paint toenails together. Geo would dote on her, of course. She smiled, already imagining how overprotective he’d be. Well, they’d have plenty of time to work on that.

  “Lily Selene,” she told her sister. Nikki had just arrived home from school. She’d wanted to leave the University the day Lily was born but Geo had insisted she wait until the weekend so she didn’t miss any classes.

  “Selene? That’s nice. She did so much for us.” Nikki smiled then stood up from the bed Sam was propped up in.

  Her sister had turned into such a smart, beautiful young woman. Tears formed in her eyes and she wiped them away in frustration. “My, God! It’s true what they say about new mothers. I’m an emotional mess. Next thing you know, I’ll be crying at Huggies commercials.”

  Nikki laughed. “So where’s the new father?”

  “Sleeping.” After dinner, she’d made him take a nap, despite his assurances he was fine. After all this time, he still wasn’t used to his human body needing so much sleep. “He insists on taking the night shift.” She looked down at her sleeping baby, so peaceful and serene. “Poor guy. Trying to run his custom furniture business, take care of me, and a newborn.” She chuckled. He was just as stubborn as she was. They were in for a difficult time if Lily turned out like them. She looked up at Nikki.

  She was pacing in front of the window, her arms hugging her body. She shuddered.

  Worry formed a knot in Sam’s chest. “Are you still feeling that strange presence?”

  “Yeah.” She rubbed her arms. “Like I’m being watched. And now I’m having weird dreams too. It’s always the same guy.”

  It had started about a year ago. In the back of Sam’s mind was Aedan’s strange behavior as they left the Underworld. And the Irish word he’d called her sister. She’d looked it up after they’d returned. Banphrionsa. It meant princess. It could’ve been a term of endearment. But then…he was a prince. Sam had thought through that day over and over again. She didn’t dare mention it to her sister though. No need to worry her any more than she already was. Besides, Aedan had been their friend. She knew, no matter what, he’d never harm her.

  “What does he look like?” she asked Nikki.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. He’s faceless. But I recognize him no matter what he’s wearing. And the dreams…” She looked over each shoulder then moved forward and whispered, “They’re erotic.”

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  “It’s not like it’s my fault!”

  Samantha rolled her eyes. Well, that was true. But it made her uncomfortable to think of her little sister having erotic dreams. “Does it feel like a good presence or an evil one?”

  She scrunched her face as she thought, then answered, “Good. Almost like a guardian.”

  That was somewhat reassuring. Maybe she should talk to Selene about it.

  “Aha!” Geo’s voice came from the door. “There’s my two favorite girls.” He spotted Nikki in the corner. “Three favorite girls!” He opened his arms. “Welcome home, darling. How’s school?” After a hug, he set her back, but kept hold of her shoulders. “Do you need anything? What about a coat? It’s getting chilly. Do you have a coat?”

  Nikki rolled her eyes then looked at the baby. “Lily, you poor thing. Your daddy is going to smother you to death.”

  He let go of Nikki and walked to the side of the bed. “Of course, I am.” He kissed Sam on the forehead then lifted Lily into his hands. “Come here, little dove,” he cooed. “Come meet your Aunt Nikki.”

  Somewhat awkwardly, Nikki cradled the baby. Samantha’s heart felt like it might burst. Her little family…all together. It was perfect.

  After growing more comfortable, Nikki began to rock her.

  Samantha caught Geo looking down at her longingly. Between taking care of the baby and catching up on sleep, she felt like she hadn’t seen him in days.

  “Uhh,” Nikki eyed them. “I’ll take Lily in the other room. You guys can…catch up.” She winked.

  Samantha scowled. “Nicole! I just had a baby. There won’t be any catching up for a long time.”

  Geo’s expression went blank. “There won’t?”

  She smacked him in the side of the head with a pillow. Nikki laughed and left the room, closing the door behind her.

  Geo crawled into the other side of the bed and pulled Sam into his arms. It felt so good to be here again – his steady breaths under her cheek, his warm hand stroking her back. So safe and well-loved. She let out a contented sigh.

  “Do you think we’ll make good parents?” she asked him. “We didn’t exactly have the best role models.”

  “You’re asking now?” His chuckle jostled her. “It’s a little late for second guesses.”

  That was true. And she wouldn’t trade Lily for the world anyway. “She’s perfect, isn’t she?”

  “Yes.” He kissed the top of her head. “Just like her mother.”


  He watched from the other side of the road as the young witch rocked the babe in front of the window. She’d make a wonderful mother. That was good – he would need heirs after he stole the throne from his brother.

  It’d been hell digging through the piles of rubble to find the talisman and trade it for freedom. When he’d finally crawled out of the Underworld, he’d been surprised to find her full-grown. His mate was more beautiful than he’d remembered. And soon she would be his.

  Destiny Forgiven

  Coming Winter 2013

  “I wish love and duty were one and the same. I’ve never been good at making decisions.” Maddox to Felicity in a letter, June 2007

  Felicity brought her knees to her chest and hugged them, fighting the cold in the drafty cell. She winced in pain when she clasped her hands together. Her captor had almost broken her wrist. Her nose felt enormous and she’d bet her eyes were black underneath. They’d banged her up pretty good.

  She was no stranger to pain. It was an occupational hazard of being a Rebel. The rebel. Oh, they’d have fun getting information from her. The Sorcery Counsel was known for being particularly harsh when it came to flushing out the Rebellion. And she was the number one source for information.

  A shudder rocked her. To say she was scared would’ve been an understatement. But she would not break down and cry. If this was her fate, so be it. She’d die for something she believed in. There was no shame in that.

  Her stomach growled, reminding her she’d been there long enough to have missed several meals. She shifted her stiff body on the hard floor and groaned. Damn, being a martyr sounded so much better on paper. Maybe her courage did outweigh her sense, like Dalton always said.

  Dalton. The reminder sent a twinge of pain through her chest. She hoped he was alright. How many of her friends, her family, had been caught during the raid? Were they there in the same prison, only a few yards away? The walls were so thick she couldn’t hear anything outside the cell. She’d give the counsel anything if they left her friends alone.

  There she was, being all brave again. Sometimes her heart steered her places her brain knew they shouldn’t go. Like into the cemetery last night. They should have waited for back-up. And now she and everyone she loved were going to pay.

  The steel door opened and a guard entered, pointing a gun at her chest. “Get up. You’re to see the Ink Man.”

  Ink Man? Well that didn’t sound so bad. What was he going to do? Scribble some notes about her?

  The gun was effective at getting her moving. A shapeshifter was one of the only supernaturals that could be killed like a mortal – gun shot wound, sword through the heart, bludgeoning in the head, all that gory stuff. If only she could shift, she could’ve gotten the hell out of there a long time ago.

  She scratched at the metal band around her upper arm. It still ached where the hundreds of needles stuck into her skin, magic infusing her blood to keep her from shifting. Well, they just thought of everything, didn’t they? Damn effective sorcerers.

  The guard led her down the dimly lit hallway. Overhead lights swung on wires from the ceiling, reminding her of a basement in a horror movie. The kind where sickos hacked their victims to pieces and kept them in jars in the refrigerator. Another shudder crept through her.

  He opened the door to a room containing only a table and chair. A one-way mirror ran the length of the wall. Hello in there. Was that where Ink Man was taking notes?

  “Sit down.” The guard gestured to the chair. “Ink Man will be here soon.” He grinned down at her when she sat. “And I suggest you behave. He’s not someone you want to mess with, shifter.” He spat the last word as if it tasted dirty in his mouth.

  Under the florescent lights, she got a good look at the guard. He wasn’t bad looking. Someone she might have even considered going on a date with. Well, if he wasn’t keeping her starved and dehydrated and quite possibly about to torture her.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” she answered.

  Without another word, he turned around and slammed the door. She stared at it, wondering if she should even bother to check if it was locked.

  She didn’t. Instead she sat in the chair like a good prisoner, enjoying however long she had outside of that dark, cold cell. She turned to glance at the mirror then did a double take. She barely recognized herself. Raccoon eyes, dried blood under her nose, a fat lip. Was it really going to end like this? Her throat closed up.

  Do not cry, Felicity.

  She blinked once and the urge was gone. With trembling hands, she tried to tame the strands of black hair sticking up on the top of her head.

  Trying to impress someone, her subconscious sneered.

  She placed her hands in her lap. A girl should look decent for her torture, shouldn’t she?

  A sigh then she shook her head. “I’m losing my mind already.” They’d break her like a twig.

  The door creaked open. A man stepped into the room.

  The first thing she noticed was his bald head. Under his crisp black uniform, muscles bulged. And covering his scalp, neck, and bare arms were dozens of tattoos.

  Ink Man. Now she got it.

  His lips were pursed in a flat line. The tendons in his neck were taut with tension. His hands clenched into fists at his side. The man was a wound up ball of angry muscle. She gulped. Perfect.

  She bit her lip to hold back a whimper. Finally, she looked into his eyes.

  Big and round, deep brown with a spattering of yellow.

>   Wait a minute. She’d know those eyes anywhere. Hope started in her chest then flooded her with warmth. Her mind took her back to the last time she’d seen those comforting eyes.

  “Let’s run away together,” Maddox said, jumping from rock to rock across the creek.

  Felicity sighed and sat down on the bank, dipping her bare feet into the cool water. Her heart ached for her best friend. His childhood was coming to an end at only sixteen. “And where would we go?”

  “To the coast. A small fishing village.” He jumped to the opposite bank then turned around to do it again.

  “Do you even know how to fish?”

  His face fell. “Well, no. But I could learn.”

  “And what would I do while you went fishing every day?” She smiled, indulging his fantasy this one time.

  “Um.” He thought for a moment then grinned. “You would sing.”


  “You have an awesome voice.” He took a final leap then landed in front of her. Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her to her feet. They walked, hand-in-hand, through the green meadow. The same meadow they’d spend years playing hide-and-seek in as children. “You could sing and we’d go swimming in the ocean every weekend.”

  She gave him a sideways glance. “Who am I, The Little Mermaid?”

  He laughed then broke into song. “Under da sea…”

  “I’m serious, Maddox!” She bit her lip to hold back a grin. “Life can’t always be fun and games.”

  “Who says?”

  “The world. The gods.” She sighed in exasperation. “Everyone!” When he continued to sing Disney songs, she added, “Your father.”

  He froze and she almost regretted it. His expression sobered.

  Then she did feel guilty. She placed her hands on his forearms and looked him in the eye. “I’ll miss you.” Emotion lodged in her throat. “I’ll miss you more than anything.” She barely choked out the words.


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