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Remember This Day

Page 18

by Mairsile Leabhair

  “My baby! He wants to take my baby away from me, Aidan. My baby is being released tomorrow and he wants to put him in a foster home. He can’t do that, can he? He can’t take my baby away from me, can he Aidan?”

  “Hell no, he can’t do that.” Aidan was outraged at first, and then asked, “Who are you talking about?”

  Samantha replied, “Dr. Kline. He says it would just be for a few months, but I can’t stand the thought of not having my baby in my arms for that long. Please, you have to help me; I have no one else to turn to.”

  It was then that Alice entered the conversation, “Samantha, why does he want to take your baby from you?”

  Samantha looked into her eyes and found only kindness and concern, though she was a stranger to her. Samantha assumed that that these people were friends of Aidan’s, and if Aidan trusted them, then she could also. “I’ve had some, um, problems. He says I’m suffering from PTSD.”

  “May I tell her?” Aidan asked gently, and Samantha nodded her head. “Sam was the person that Vicky and I went to Syria to rescue. She was a prisoner of war, held captive in Syria for a year. She was tortured and abused and, uh…, other things.”

  Alice let out a gasp and Leonard patted her back as he said to Samantha, “Will you excuse us just one second please, thanks.”

  Vicky thought that was an odd thing for her father to have done, but she didn’t linger on it as she asked, “Samantha, I don’t want to make light of your plight, but I do want to tell you about something that you and I both have in common.”

  “You mean besides Aidan?” Samantha replied somewhat snidely.

  Undaunted, Vicky continued, “We both are suffering from PTSD.”

  Samantha looked at her incredulously, “How is that possible?”

  “I was raped when I was thirteen, and the assailant had recently tried to rape me again. It has brought back horrific memories that I have not been able to control. I too am seeing Dr. Kline for PTSD.”

  Samantha looked from Vicky to Aidan, who thought she understood what Samantha wanted to say, and she nodded her head. Samantha looked at Vicky again and said, “Vicky, I believe that I met your rapist.”

  “Oh my God!” Vicky looked to Aidan for understanding.

  Aidan knew it would all come out at the trial anyway, so she thought it would be better to tell her now. She explained to Vicky that it was back when they had gone to the Ozarks for the weekend. When they returned to their temporary home in the hotel by the hospital, Harold had drugged their champagne, with the intention of molesting Vicky again. Aidan explained that Samantha had stopped by to speak with her, but she was unconscious on the floor, and Harold was sitting on top of Vicky. Samantha picked Aidan’s gun and shot at him, but he got away, luckily before he could finish what he had started.

  As Aidan talked, Samantha watched Vicky’s face go from rosy red to pale white in a matter of seconds. She felt so bad for her, she felt bad for both of them, having to endure such an evil man as Aidan’s father obviously was.

  Aidan wrapped her arms around Vicky, who buried her head in Aidan’s chest.

  Samantha looked to the side, wishing that Aidan would hold her like that, but she knew that was never going to happen. She didn’t linger on it for too long though, because Vicky walked over and hugged her.

  “Thank you,” Vicky said, “Thank you for saving me.”

  Samantha thought about saying something derogative, but changed her mind. It wouldn’t be fair to Vicky, and she knew it. She could wish her life away and she knew, it wasn’t going to happen for her and Aidan. Not again.

  Leonard and Alice walked over to them, and he said, “Alice and I agree that you and the baby will come live with us.” Alice nodded in agreement as Leonard continued, “That way you can see the baby whenever you want, but not have the added stress of two A.M. feedings and crying spells. Hell, you won’t even have to change his diaper if you don’t want to.”

  Samantha’s eyes filled with tears. Even though she didn’t know who these people were, they’re act of kindness filled her heart with hope, “I’m sorry, that’s very generous of you, but…, I don’t even know who you are?”

  “Oh goodness,” Vicky wiped her own tears away and introduced them, “They are my parents, Alice and Leonard Montgomery.”

  “Your parents? Oh, uh, then no, thank you, I’d don’t think that’s a very good idea‒‒”

  But Alice interrupted, “Samantha, we know about your relationship with Aidan, but if our daughter considers you a friend, how can we not?”

  Surprised, Samantha looked at her, then over to Aidan, who nodded her head.

  “You can trust them, Sam.” Aidan said sincerely.

  Just as Samantha was about to respond, Dr. Kline walked in.

  “I thought I might find you down here if you weren’t with the baby. Is everything okay?”

  Alice walked over to Kline, her indignation escalating as she said in an accusing voice, “How dare you? Don’t you know that a mother is only as strong as her baby?”

  Samantha was surprised again, and gratified that this stranger would take up her cause. She decided then and there that she liked Alice Montgomery.

  “Mother!” Vicky tried to intervene, but Kline interrupted her.

  “It’s all right, Victoria,” and then he turned to Samantha and asked, “May I speak freely about your case?”

  Samantha replied out of frustration, “Why the hell not, everyone else has.” She looked at their concerned faces and felt instant regret, “I’m sorry, yes please tell them.”

  “Samantha is suffering from survivors guilt, traumatic abuse, rape and black outs. It isn’t her fault, but the baby isn’t safe in her care right now‒‒”

  Leonard interjected, “Samantha and the baby are coming to live with us. We will care for this soldier and her child as if they were our own. What she needs now is a safety-net, and Alice and I can provide that for her.”

  Kline was actually relieved. This was the best possible solution to an impossible situation. But he had to be sure the Montgomery’s knew what they were volunteering for. He explained to them about the symptoms of PTSD, and what could happen if she had another blackout where she thought that she was being attack. She might lash out at them without being conscious of it.

  Leonard and Alice looked at each other and both nodded their heads. This was their small way of trying to make up for the guilt they felt at not being able to help their own daughter. In some way, deep in their heart, they knew they could never truly make up for it, or forgive themselves for it, but this gesture gave them some hope.

  “Tell us what to do doctor, and we’ll do it.” Leonard said confidently.

  Alice added, “I wasn’t aware that Vicky suffered from this too, perhaps it will help me help her as well?”

  Vicky walked over to her mother, and hugged her tight. She rested her arm across Alice’s shoulders, and they looked at Dr. Kline.

  “You are right, Alice, it could help her as well. Come back to my office and I’ll give you some pamphlets. They’ll have good tips on what to look for and how to prepare for signs of mood swings and blackouts.”

  “Sounds good,” Leonard said, “Just give us a minute with Vicky, and we’ll be right up.”

  “Of course, take all the time you need,” Kline said, and then he pulled Aidan to the side, “Aidan, there’s something I need to tell you. Something your father said.”

  Aidan frowned, “Doc, no offense, but I don’t give a shit about anything my father says.”

  “You’ll want to know this one Aidan, I assure you,” but before Kline could tell Aidan what he had been trying to say since the wedding, he was interrupted by the Montgomery’s, “Aidan, call me later, please.”

  “Okay, will do, Doc.”

  Vicky watched her parents leave, and then realized that Dakota was still in the room, “Oh, um, Dakota, I’m so sorry about all this. Sometimes life gets in the way of work.”

  “I understand completely, Victoria, bu
t witnessing the kindness your parents extended was well worth the wait,” Dakota said, as her eyes darted back to Samantha. She was intrigued with the strength that woman must have possessed to have survived captivity, and moved by how vulnerable she seemed to be now. Dakota felt she was looking at broken china, and found herself wishing she could help put the pieces back together again. Especially for someone as beautiful as Samantha was.

  “Dakota, what I said a minute ago, about my own‒‒”

  “I’m sorry, Victoria. I was distracted trying to get my cellphone to work, and didn’t hear a word you were saying.” Dakota explained, the corner of her lips edging up slightly.

  Vicky squeezed her arm in gratitude for her little white lie. Though at some point Vicky thought that she would speak openly about the rape, this was neither the time nor the place. “Thank you. Anyway, as it turns out, the reason I called you here was to ask you to treat Ms. Vincent as a V.I.P., and to let you know that anything she needs, food, diapers, anything at all, can be charged to my account. And that still goes, but since my parents will be taking care of her for now, the point is mute.”

  “No problem, Victoria, I’ll be glad to help in any way I can.”

  Vicky smiled at her and said, “Just take care of my hospital, Dakota, that’s all I ask.”

  Dakota smiled, she had come to expect no less from Vicky, after witnessing her in action during the tornado. Vicky had a deep seeded love for the hospital and its mission, and Dakota wondered if perhaps that was why she was so admired by her employees, the board of directors, and the public as well. To Dakota, the hospital was just a building, it had no soul, and no tunkasila, no great spirit lived within it, like Vicky seemed to think. But it was part of Vicky’s aura that Dakota was determined to learn, so she would try to keep an open mind about such things.


  After three days at the hospital, Aidan and Vicky finally made it back to their apartment, and the first thing Vicky wanted to do was wash off the dirt and grime with a hot bubble bath.

  Aidan unlocked the door, and whisked Vicky up into her arms, and carried her across the threshold. “Welcome home Mrs. Montgomery-Cassidy.”

  Vicky wrapped her arms tighter around Aidan’s neck, and turned her wife’s head towards her, looking up into her clear emerald eyes, she replied, “Welcome home Mrs. Montgomery-Cassidy.” Then she lowered her gaze to Aidan’s lips and kissed them longingly. I am in the arms of my best friend, my lover, my wife. Thank you, God.

  Once Vicky was firmly submerged in the bubble bath, Aidan brought her a glass of wine. She kissed her on the cheek, tossing bubbles at her, and then she walked into the shower and washed off any remanence of what was left of the destruction and death. Though they had washed off at the hospital and changed into clean scrubs, Vicky believed that nothing felt better than a long hot bath, especially if it had bubbles in it.

  While she relaxed in the tub, the kitten found his way into the bathroom. Vicky blew some bubbles his way, making his eyes grow large and his tail bristle. One of the bubbles popped on his nose and he jumped back and growled at it. The kitten’s growl was so adorably sweet sounding that Vicky laughed.

  “I’ll put an ad in the paper tomorrow for the kitten, and maybe the owner will see it,” Vicky said, blowing more bubbles at him.

  “Don’t hold your breath on that one, kid,” came Aidan’s response from the shower.

  “You’re probably right, but I have to try. I’ll also reschedule our plane tickets for Ireland. When do you want to go?”

  “Yesterday!” Aidan shouted.

  Vicky guffawed, she completely agreed with her. She hadn’t had a real vacation in years and was looking forward to just being alone with Aidan, without the drama that had plagued them since they fell in love as adults.

  “That was totally unreal, what your folks are doing for Sam. I think it will really help her a lot,” Aidan said loudly over the shower.

  “I have to admit, I was surprised too. I mean, my mother, she has really changed so much.”

  “I know! I actually like her a lot now,” Aidan joked.

  Satisfied that she was clean, Aidan sloshed over to the tub, and as if in sync, Vicky rose up and Aidan slid in behind her, stretching her long legs around Vicky’s hips, as she scooped up a handful of suds and plopped them on Vicky’s head. Vicky flicked them off towards Aidan, and then leaned back against her, completely relaxing at the feel of her closeness.

  “So you know that Dakota has the hot’s for you, right?”

  Vicky sloshed to a sitting position and twisted her head around, “What? Where did that come from?”

  “I noticed it in the hallway when she kept stammering around. She is totally star struck.” Aidan took the soap and began washing Vicky’s back. She loved the feel of Vicky’s soft, sensual backside under her fingers, and Aidan touched every inch of her lover’s silky pink skin.

  “Star struck? Over me? That’s just silly. Why would anyone be infatuated with me?”

  “Are you kidding? I’ve been infatuated with you since I was seven years old,” Aidan grinned, and tickled Vicky in the ribs, then she cupped her soapy breast, filling her hand with its softness.

  Vicky didn’t want to talk about Dakota anymore, not when she could feel the heat rising from Aidan’s touch. She turned around to face her and said, “I’m ready to consummate our marriage now,” and then she stood up and stepped out of the tub.

  Aidan watched as Vicky’s naked soapy body ran out of the room. Hurriedly trying to stand up, Aidan sloshed and slipped her way out of the tub, and ran to the bedroom. She found her wife lying across the bed, with an open invitation.


  Little did Leonard know that when Dr. Kline asked them to come up to his office, they would end up having a session with the good doctor. But Kline wanted the three of them to know what to expect and how to handle anything unexpected. He was blunt and direct with all three, Leonard, Alice and Samantha, making sure each one knew what their jobs were, and what he needed from them as well.

  Kline began by addressing Leonard first, “As I recall Leonard, you were in the Marines, correct?”

  Leonard nodded his head and proudly gave his rank, “First Sergeant, Camp Pendleton.”

  “Perfect. Sergeant Montgomery, I am recalling you back to active duty, symbolically of course.” Kline explained, “You should have no trouble keeping this soldier in-line, since that was your job in the Marines.”

  Leonard was a higher rank than Samantha, and Dr. Kline hoped that with her being back in a military structure, with a superior officer in charge, Samantha would take orders from Leonard and embraced this idea. So he instructed Leonard to treat Samantha as if she were in boot camp again, because technically, she was still an E6 Staff Sergeant in the Army and Leonard was an E8 First Sergeant in the Marine Corp, whose job it was to oversee all the enlisted members of his assigned company. That also included providing discipline for those who needed it.

  “Can you do that, Samantha? Can you accept Leonard as your ranking NCO, your First Sergeant, and follow his instructions?”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “You always have a choice, Samantha. But you need to choose wisely.”

  Samantha looked at Leonard, who had a calm smile on his face, and then she looked at Alice, who projected a motherly concern that Samantha found encouraging. “Yes, I can take orders from him.”

  “Very good. But let me tell you what I expect from you, and then I will ask you again. You are to be away from the baby for at least six hours a day‒‒”

  “Six hours?” Both Samantha and Alice protested together.

  “In order for her not to use the baby as a crutch, she needs to know that she can survive without being by his side every waking moment. I would suggest Samantha, that you volunteer at the hospital in a non-clinical position. You would greatly benefit from helping others because you want to, not because someone is forcing you too. ”

  Then Dr. Kline made sure that the three o
f them understood that at no time was Samantha to be left alone with the baby, and he added for emphasis that it was a deal breaker.

  Alice protested, “That seems rather extreme, doctor.”

  Kline thought that perhaps Alice was not fully aware of the hidden dangers that lie dormant inside the mind of a traumatized victim, and that worried him. “Alice, during the tornado, Samantha’s mind had returned to Syria, and I found her in the NICU, squeezing her baby so hard, that it was gasping for breath.” Alice and Samantha both inhaled sharply, as Kline hurried to assure them, “It wasn’t her fault, Alice. She didn’t recognize where she was at. She thought she was about to die in a sandstorm in Syria.”

  “Has Vicky also had a…,” Alice wasn’t sure what to call it.

  “An episode? Yes. But it was not as severe as when Samantha was in Syria, when she stabbed Jerry as he tried to rescue her. She wasn’t aware of her actions, but still, she inflicted harm, non-the-less. So now you understand why we all must be vigilante, and take precautions to help Samantha through this. So, knowing that Samantha might have another episode which has the potential to be severe, do you still wish to take her into your home?”

  “Doctor, I can save everyone some time.” Samantha said, shivering at the memory of what she had done, “I don’t want to stay with the Montgomery’s any longer. I don’t want to stay anywhere that I might hurt someone, I’d rather you lock me up in a padded cell before it comes to that.”

  “No!” Alice snarled, “You most certainly will not be locked away like a wild animal. You’ve been through a lot, probably more than any of us know about yet, but you are a wounded soldier who needs our help, not our fear.”

  Leonard looked at his wife with renewed pride.

  Alice continued, “Samantha, if you can put up with my chattering, medaling, over-mothering ways, I think you should come home with us. Do you agree, Leonard?”

  “Absolutely. Let us repay you in our own small way, for your sacrifice to this country, soldier.”

  Samantha felt a pang of pride that she had not felt in quite some time. “Thank you. I um…, thank you.”


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