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Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4)

Page 9

by Renee, K.

  What if she’s right? Then what do I do? I thought that we had something between us, but if he does that all the time then I’m even more of a fool than before.

  “Cole I know your head is spinning, but I need you to believe me. I wouldn’t lie to you, I’m falling hard for you and I need you right now.” I can hear the emotion in his voice.

  “Okay,” I say quietly. Before I can say anything else, the front door opens again and a police officer and Brantley come walking in.

  “What’s going on here Cason?” the uniformed officer asks. I look over to Cason and he just smirks at the woman.

  “Well officer, this woman claims to be the mother of Dominic’s son, but we have a DNA test that proves otherwise. This bitch is a fake and who knows how she ended up with my grandson.”

  The officer looks from Cason to the woman and then asks, “do you have the paperwork?” Cason nods his head and pulls out some papers from his back pocket.

  Handing them over to the officer, I see her eyes widen and she goes to grab the car seat. Before she can, I make my way to Axle first and grab the car seat off the floor. She tries to grab me, but one of the guys steps in front of me to keep her away from us.

  Looking down into the car seat I see Axle’s sweet little face that looks so much like his fathers. I tell Dom to hold on and I take my phone and snap a picture of the little guy and send it to Dom. Putting the phone back to my ear I hear his intake of breath.

  “He’s beautiful,” he whispers.

  “He looks just like you,” I say with a smile.

  I hear him saying something to someone else and I watch Cason walk over to me. “Can I talk to Dom for a sec?” I nod my head and hand him the phone.

  “Looks like the paper work is all here. Miss, I need you to come with me,” he grabs his cuffs and goes to arrest her. “Cason can I trust that you guys won’t disappear with him? I need to make sure this goes through the proper channels. Just be available when I need to talk to Dominic.”

  “You have my word,” he says before he walks into the other room with my phone. When the officer leads her away, I see the other men start to loosen up a little and a few even come over to me and Axle.

  One that I think is Dom’s brother comes and takes a peek inside the car seat. “Holy fuck!” he says.

  One of the others smacks him. “Don’t cuss in front of the little man,” he says looking over at Axle as well.

  “Like the little shit can even understand me,” he says laughing.

  “Remember when you said fuck in front of Rem and Sev and they said it for a week Bent?”

  Bent starts to crack up. “Dude, those two are four and this one isn’t even a few months old yet. He can’t understand us yet.” I watch the guys bicker back and forth and part of me feels right at home with them. I just wish Dom was here right now.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  As soon as I heard Coley talking to the bitch, I wanted to fucking put a bullet in her head. I still need to find out who his mother is. Pacing the clubhouse I can’t sit still as I listen to all the bullshit that bitch is spewing at Coley. Part of me wants to get on my bike and get there as fast as I can, but I have orders and I have to see them through.

  When I hear my dad’s voice in the background, I sigh with relief. Thank God they finally made it. I was starting to worry that they weren't gonna get there in time.

  “Dom.” I barely hear her whisper my name. I can tell she’s getting to my girl and I hate that there is nothing I can do from here to make things right.

  “Yeah baby I’m right here. Don’t believe a word she said. I never pick up women from Midnight. You are the only one.” I know she thinks the worst of me right now. Hell, I probably would too if the tables were turned, but I never pick up women from Midnight. Coley is the only girl I’ve ever picked up there.

  “Cole I know your head is spinning, but I need you to believe me. I wouldn’t lie to you, I’m falling hard for you and I need you right now.” Feeling a little choked up, I try and push out all of the emotions.

  “Okay.” Her voice is quiet and I know she’s trying to figure out what to say next. I hear more people talking and it sounds like Danvers is finally there. Listening closely, I hear what sounds like rustling and then Coley tells me to hold on. Before I can ask her what’s going on, my phone beeps.

  Pulling it away from my ear, I see a text message from Coley with an attachment. Opening the message, I see my little boy sleeping in his car seat. Holy fuck…

  I didn’t think I could feel this much over a kid. His face holds a lot of my brother’s and my features and I know he’s mine even without the test.

  “He’s beautiful,” I whisper. I don’t even know how to explain how perfect he is. Looking at his face I know I want to be the best father I can for him.

  “He looks just like you,” Coley says. Before we can say much more, I hear my dad asking to talk to me. He tells Danvers something before he finally says anything to me.

  “Dom,” he states. All the background noise leaves, so he must of went into a different room.

  “Yeah Pops?” I know he’s gonna want me to stay here, but there is no way I’m going to do it. I want to be there with my son.

  “He’s with Coley right now. Do you want me to call your sister and have her take him?” I know he is trying to give me a way out for Coley, but I won’t know how she feels about him until I talk to her.

  “Naw. I’ll talk to Coley and if she can’t keep an eye on him then I’ll call Anslie. I need to come home Pops.” I hear him sigh and I know it’s going to kill him to let me come back right now, but it’s something I need.

  “You sure?” he asks hesitantly. “I know you like her and all but do you really think she’s gonna stick around now that you have a kid to take care of?”

  As much as I know he is trying to protect me and the club, right about now I wish I was there so I can punch the mother fucker.

  “You know nothing about her. She wants to help and I won’t let her walk away.” I’m pissed at him and I want to say more but I bite my tongue instead. “I’m coming home tonight. I don’t give a fuck if you disagree because you already gave me your word that I could when he came home. I know it fucks up your plans but I need to be there for him.”

  His deep breaths tell me he isn't happy about this, but I don't really give a fuck right now.

  “Fine Dom, you have three weeks to figure your shit out before you need to be back in California. I’ll deal with Mac until you can get back.” Sighing out in relief, I thank him and ask to talk to Coley. He tells me to hold on a second and then goes to get her.

  “Here sweetheart,” he says and then I hear her voice.

  “Dom. Is everything okay?” She sounds uncertain and I can’t wait to get home and show her how much I’ve fallen for her over the last few days.

  “Yeah baby, I’ll be on my way home in a few. I just wanted to talk to you before I headed in to tell the president out here.”

  “You're coming home?” she squeals. Laughing, I tell her yeah. “But babe I only get a few weeks to spend with you guys before I have to come back. So we need to talk when I get there, yeah?”

  “Yeah,” she whispers. “I can’t wait to see you.”

  Smiling, I reply, “I can’t wait either. I miss you. You okay watching Axle until I get there?” I’m not sure what all we need for him, so I need to call my sister and ask her to get some stuff for him.

  “Yeah I’d love to.” I can hear the smile in her voice. “Oh I have a shift tonight,” she pauses for a second.

  “Babe, I’ll talk to Rob. Will you please stay with him until I get home?”

  “Yeah Dom, of course I will.” She says. Thank fuck.

  “Babe, call my sister and ask what we need to get. There is some cash in my top drawer so you can pay for whatever he needs. Take the truck; the keys are on the kitchen counter. Oh and please don’t argue about me giving you money and the truck to drive, he’s my kid and my responsibility so
I’ll pay for everything.” I hear her giggle and I can’t help but smile.

  I can’t wait to get home to them tonight.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Once Dom and I hung up, I made my way back out into the living room with the rest of the guys that have taken over Dom’s living room. Walking into the room, I see all the guys gathered around Axle’s car seat watching him sleep. For being a bunch of manly bikers, they sure are having a tender hearted moment with him.

  “Hey guys do you mind if I take the little man to get some necessities?” They all look at each other before turning their attention to me.

  “So you're not leaving my brother when shit gets tough?” I look over to whom I assume is the youngest out of the brothers.

  “No. I may be crazy, but I really like him and this little one makes him even sexier,” I say with a smirk. The guys all start to make gagging noises.

  “Well call Anslie if you need any help, I’m sure she’d be happy to help out. Brant said she was pissed that he wouldn't let her come with him, but now that she’s pregnant again, he’s gonna be all protective and shit.”

  I can’t help but smile at that. Of course she’d be pissed, if it was my brother I would be too.

  I watch them all file out of the house and go to their bikes. The loud roars of the bikers cause Axle to wake up, so I pick him up and try to comfort him the best I can.

  Once the noise quiets down, he calms down and begins to coo at me. Running my fingers long his chubby cheeks, I smile at him and tell him that we need to get him formula and diapers before we do anything else.

  Strapping Axle back into the car seat, I grab the keys off the counter and make sure the front door is locked. Walking into the garage I see that he has another car besides the truck. Holy cow.

  Opening the back seat, I spend the next ten minutes trying to figure out how to put the car seat in. While I’m working on getting him buckled in, Axle grabs my hair and gives it a good tug. Yelping, I try and carefully pull it out of his hands.

  Once I get my hair free, I get the car seat strapped in and I give him kisses before closing the door. Getting into the truck, I adjust everything to my needs and I open the garage door.

  Once I get the truck started and backed out to the end of the drive way, Axle starts to cry again. I try my best to calm him from the front seat, but it’s no use. He just keeps screaming and crying. Putting the truck in park, I get out and walk to the back seat to hopefully get him to stop crying.

  Checking his diaper I notice its wet, but I don't have anything to change him with so I call Anslie. I know there is no way he will be okay in the store for however long with a wet diaper.

  “Hey about time you called me. I’ve been dying here!” Her statement causes me to laugh.

  “Sorry, I was trying to go to the store to get Axle some stuff, but he won’t stop crying and his diaper is wet. What do I do?” I’m pretty sure she can tell I’m starting to panic, so she tells me to come over and she will help me.

  She says she’ll message me their address so I have an easier time using the GPS on my phone to find it. Once I get the GPS going, I tell Axle to hang tight and that his aunt will help us out.

  Getting back into the truck, I make my way to Anslie’s. Once I pull up to their big ass house, I see Anslie standing on the porch waiting for us.

  Getting out, I go to the back seat and grab the car seat. Closing the door, I make my way over to Anslie who looks like a kid at Christmas.

  “Oh my God! Look at him! He is so beautiful! My brother did good.” If her smile is anything to go by, she is excited about this baby.

  “He is beautiful huh?” I say smiling at him. He grabs a handful of Anslie’s hair and I can’t help but laugh.

  “Well you’re just like your uncle Brant! He likes to pull my hair too,” she starts to giggle and I can’t help but laugh too. I hear the front door close and I see a smirk on Brant’s face. He walks up to us and grabs Anslie’s ass.

  “Yeah doll, you love when I pull your hair,” he winks at me and I can’t help but giggle even more.

  He leads us inside and Anslie goes into another room to grab some stuff to get us through the shopping trip. Brant takes the car seat from me and sets it on the floor in front of the couch where he takes a seat.

  Taking a seat on the opposite couch, I hear giggles and feet slapping against the hardwood floor. Looking away from Brant and Axle, I see the cutest twin boys come running over to Brant. Looking at their features, I can see the uncanny resemblance. They are one hundred percent Brantley’s kids.

  “Woos dat daddy?” one of the twins asks. “Come over and sit down boys. This is your cousin Axle.” They both climb on the couch and sit on either side of their dad.

  One at a time, he lets them hold Axle and it is probably the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. I ask if I can take pictures to send to Dom. Brant says of course and I take a picture of each of the boys holding Axle.

  When Anslie comes back she has her hands full of stuff. Getting up to help her, we carry the stuff to the kitchen and set it down on the table. “What is all this?” I ask looking at everything.

  “Well since I don’t have any diapers, we are going to make a homemade one to last until you can go shopping after this. I just wasn't sure what size his butt was, so I brought a few things I don't mind you throwing away after.”

  “Baby can you please bring Axle in here?” she calls out to Brant. I watch him bring Axle with the boys following close behind. She spreads the blanket she brought on the table and then grabs him from Brant. Laying him down, she undoes his outfit and pulls his dirty diaper off.

  “Yeah I would be unhappy too if my diaper was that gross,” she says as she tickles his stomach. She wipes him clean and adds some baby powder before covering him with something that looks like a towel and wraps it just like a diaper and pins it together.

  “Momma?” one of the twins asks. Brant grabs one and lifts him up. “Yeah Rem?”

  “Woos her?" Rem asks while the other twin is happily watching his momma take care of Axle.

  She smiles down to him and picks him up to sit on the table next to Axle. "She's your uncle Dom's ole' lady. Her name is Coley. Can you say hi?" He looks at me and then his face breaks into a big grin.

  "You gonna marry unky Dom?" he asks with the cutest little face.

  "I don't know," I reply. I have no idea what's gonna happen between us.

  Watching Anslie and Brantley, I can feel myself yearn for a family of my own. Heck, I always wanted to be a wife and mother, but once Danny cheated on me, I thought that no one would want me and I wouldn't get my chance.

  Once Anslie is done with changing Axle, she hands him to me after kissing his cheeks a million times. "Okay you should be good to go until you get home. I made a quick list for you. Get what you can now and make my brother go shopping with you for the rest when he gets home." Nodding my head, I grab the list from her and stick it in my back pocket.

  After we say our goodbyes, I strap the car seat in with little trouble and we make our way to the closest baby store.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  When I finally pull into my driveway after what seemed like the longest ride of my life, I park my bike in the garage and make my way in the house.

  Walking through the kitchen, I see a bunch of bags of baby stuff and I'm glad she listened to me. I make my way to my room where I find the most amazing sight I've ever seen before. Coley is standing there in one of my t-shirts and rocking and humming to Axle.

  Fuck. If I wasn't in love with her before, this right here is what pushed me over the cliff.

  I watch her for a few minutes and I can tell she's a natural at it. Axle has a piece of her long blonde hair in his little fist and his eyes are closed. When she finally looks up at me, she has a huge smile on her face.

  "Hey Dom," she whispers.

  Walking over to her, I grab her face in my hands and kiss her. Having her mouth on mine makes me want her so bad. I want to own her a
nd make sure she stays here with us forever.

  Gently I take Axle from her and I can see the frown on her face. He moves slightly in my arms and I'm in awe. Knowing that I'm holding my child is way different than holding one of the twins.

  I instantly feel this protective nature like I do with Coley. I want to make sure nothing happens to either of them.

  "Babe I got him a pack-n-play for him to sleep in tonight since I knew I wouldn't be able to figure out a crib."

  Smiling at her, I ask her where she set it up.

  She leads us out of the room and I watch a smile pass over his lips. Standing in the door way of the room she set it up in, I hear the click of her phone. Looking up, I see a huge smile on her face as she is looking at the screen.

  Kissing his cheeks, I place him inside the pack-n-play thing and place his blanket on him. Leaning over the edge of the little thing, I run my hand over his hair and go to stand back up.

  Coley is watching us with a small smile and I can't help but wonder what's going on in her head. Once I know he's asleep, I walk over to Coley and pick her up.

  Her legs instantly go around my waist and I walk us out into the hall way. Pushing her against the wall, I claim her mouth with mine and I run my hands up the outside of her thighs to her ass. Giving it a good squeeze, I rub her against my erection.

  "Fuck Coley, seeing you taking care of Axle was the best thing I've ever fucking witnessed." I take her mouth again and her moans get me even harder. I carry her into my room and lay her on the bed.

  Pulling off my t-shirt, toeing off my boots, and shucking my jeans, I crawl onto the bed and kiss my way up her body, taking my t-shirt off of her beautiful body.

  "Fuck babe I missed you," I say in between kisses. She wraps her legs around me and pulls me to her. Grabbing her small lace panties, I give them a good tug and watch them rip.


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