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Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4)

Page 11

by Renee, K.

  She takes a deep breath and I know it's bad. “Attempted murder and evading arrest.”

  Putting my hand to my mouth, I can’t help but let out a sob. “Oh my God Anslie, what happened?” I want to try and find out as much as possible before I hang up with her. Axle shouldn’t grow up without a father. Dominic wouldn’t put himself in jeopardy of going to prison with Axle at home with me.

  I know he rather be here, then doing the club’s work right now. He wouldn’t get arrested.

  “I don’t know all that happened. My dad is talking to the lawyer right now and he will keep us posted. Please don’t worry; they will do everything in their power to bring him home,” her voice is tense and I’m sure she knows how much this is affecting me. Heck, it sounds like she’s just as broke up about it.

  “I know they will. Please call me if you find out anything else,” I whisper into the phone. I wish he was home with me instead of in a jail cell.

  “I will. If you need anything, please call or stop by. My dad has a guy on the inside, so let me know if you want me to pass anything along.” With tears running silently down my face, I tell her to tell him that Axle and I love him.

  After we talk for a little while longer, I make my way into Axle’s room and just sit in the rocking chair. Sitting in here makes me feel the closest to Dom, even though I know he’s miles away.

  I end up falling asleep in the rocking chair just listening to Axle’s movements.

  Chapter Thirty

  A simple fucking run turned into Jase and I being locked up. As much as I knew I shouldn’t have gone after those motherfuckers, I couldn't help it. It has been drilled into me to protect the club, and that’s what we were doing when we went after those bastards that shot at us on the highway.

  Of course when we caught up to those pussies, they outnumbered us and turned us over to the cops; but not until after putting a bullet through my fucking shoulder.

  I’m going to put each of those pussy ass motherfuckers in the ground when I get out of here.

  Once Jase and I are processed, we are taken to our holding cells until our lawyer can get us a bail hearing. “You okay brother?” Jase asks from the top bunk.

  I run my hand over the bandage and wince at the pain. “Yeah, nothing I can’t handle.” I reply running my hands over my face.

  “This is such bullshit. I can’t believe they are working with the fucking cops. I knew those bastards were shady, but I didn't think they would stoop low enough to work with the Black Hills fuckers.”

  “All I know is I wanted to get this shit done and over with so I could get back home to my fucking kid and ole’ lady, but no instead I am fucking sitting in a god damn cell with your ugly ass.”

  I hear Jase laugh and as much as I want to be pissed, I know my old man won’t let us stay here too long.

  Spending the rest of our night in our cell, we shoot the shit, and talk about Axle. It’s not like we got anything better to do, until they at least give us yard privileges or something.

  “So man I have to say, I never thought you’d be one to get a fucking ole’ lady.” Jase says as he drums his fingers on the bed. That fucker can’t sit still to save his fucking life.

  “Yeah, me either, but she is definitely worth it,” I state with a grin. I hear him snort and I know he’s thinking I’m pussy whipped like his twin, but hell I wouldn’t give her up for anything. I would rather walk away from being the next president than lose her.

  “You’re so fucked, man. You sound like my pussy ass brother,” he sighs. “I’ll never be part of the ball and chain club you fuckers seem to be fucking lost in. Fuck that. I rather get all the pussy I can until I can’t get my dick up anymore.”

  Laughing at him, I can’t help but remember when I felt the same damn way. Shit, I bet Coley is freaking the fuck out right now.

  Hopefully, my dad’s contact can get a message out to her for me. As much as I don’t want her to see me in here, I want to at least let her know I’m fine, so she doesn't pitch a fit.

  Leaning back on the shitty ass mattress, I close my eyes and think about my boy and ole' lady back at home.

  The next morning the guards wake us up in a not so friendly manner. As much as I want to deck the mother fucker in front of me, searching me, I know it will only keep us inside longer. Once he's done patting us down, they send us out to the yard.

  Posting up on a bench against the fence, we watch the rest of the inmates. "You think our old man's are gonna get us out in a timely fashion or are we gonna be stuck here?" Jase asks while scanning the yard.

  I watch a Black Hills prick come walking towards us. "No idea, but I'm sure those motherfuckers from the Black Hills planned this." The big mother fucker comes and stops a few feet from us.

  "Well, look what the cat brought in. Here I was thinking that this place was boring. You boys are gonna make this shit a whole hell of a lot more fun." His snickers make me want to get up from my seat, but I really don't feel like wasting any more energy than I have to at the moment.

  "What you wanna be my bitch, Slag?" I ask with an eyebrow raised. He sizes me up and I can tell he wants to come after me right now, but doesn't. He must have orders.

  "No motherfucker, but you'll be mine," he says with a smirk.

  "Only in your dreams," I say focusing on the people behind him. He isn't much worry for me right now. There are about twenty men staring at us and I know Slag will only strike when he has the go. These other motherfuckers will strike when they think we aren't on guard anymore.

  My dad's prison guard buddy comes walking up and tells us we have calls. Getting up, I watch Jase run a shoulder into Slag and we both follow the guard inside and to where the phone bank is.

  "You guys got five minutes. Call whoever you want." I look at Jase and he tells me to call my ole' lady and he'll call his old man. Nodding my head, I dial my house phone and pray she answers.

  Listening to it ring, I hope I don't wake up Axle. "Hello?" she says breathlessly.

  "Hey baby," I say quietly.

  "Oh my god Dom. Are you okay? What happened? When are you going to get out?" she rambles on a few more questions, but I cut her off.

  "Baby, listen to me."

  She's quiet so I know she's listening. "I'm fine. I only have a few minutes. I love you and Axle, but I don't want either of you at the trial."

  She tries to say something, but I keep talking. "It's not because I don't want you there in my corner, it's because I don't want you two to see me in here. I want you to only remember the good times between us, not this."

  She sucks in a breath and I know she probably has tears falling down her beautiful face.

  "Dom," she whispers. "I love you so much; I don't want to lose you."

  Closing my eyes, I run my hands down my face and I can feel Jase staring at me. "Baby you won't, just focus on Axle and I will be home before you know it." I can hear her sniffles and I wish I was there to comfort her, but I'm not.

  I can hear Jase talking, but I try to only focus on Coley. "Let Anslie help you with Axle."

  "Okay," she whispers. "I love you and be safe." Her voice is laced with sadness, but I try to ignore it.

  "I will. I'll be coming home to you both real soon." The prison guard taps me on the shoulder and tells me I only have a minute left. "Give Axle a kiss for me. I have to go. Love you sweetness. I'll see you soon, I promise."

  Before she can say anything else, I hang up. I hate that she's hurting, but there is nothing I can do when I'm stuck in this mother fucking hell hole.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  After getting the phone call from Dom, I wanted to just mope around the house while missing him, but I couldn't. Axle already doesn't have his mother anymore and his father was now locked up, so I am all he has in this house. Sucking it up, I make my way to the kitchen to make him a bottle, and then myself breakfast.

  By the time everything is ready, I hear his cries coming from the baby monitor that I set on the counter. Luckily Axle is too y
oung to know that his daddy is in jail.

  Heck, how would you even explain that to your kid? Oh sorry honey your father was arrested for attempted murder. Ugh. I need to stop thinking like this. It is so not like me, and I know Dom would tell me I'm over reacting or something.

  Going in to grab Axle from his crib, I tell him that his daddy misses him and give him a big kiss for him. Giggling, Axle waves his arms around and coos while sucking on his fingers.

  Once we both finish breakfast, I give him a bath and get him dressed in some clean clothes. I place him in the pack n play with his favorite stuffed animal that Dom got him.

  Walking into the bedroom, I grab all the dirty clothes, and stuff them into a basket and carry into the laundry room. Once I get the laundry started, I make my way through the house picking up all the baby toys, and random things that have been left out since Dom was home.

  After everything is put away, I walk over to Axle and see him kicking his legs and grabbing a hold of his monkey. Picking him up, he sticks his monkey in his mouth, and tries to smile around it. "You're such a silly boy," I say tickling him.

  His coos and smiles help me keep my emotions under control. If I was in this house all alone, I would be thinking all kinds of crazy things.

  Axle and I have spent the last couple of days and nights hanging around the house, patiently waiting to hear anything we can on Dominic. Anslie has been a blessing since Dom doesn't want me or Axle to go to the court hearings.

  Every time Anslie finds out something, she shoots me a text or calls. It's been a day since I've heard anything new, so I hope that things are going according to plan. The last update I got was that they had gotten a bail hearing, but it didn't go so well for them.

  Instead of moping, I bought some craft supplies to make Dom some art. Sitting Axle on my lap, I brush some kid's finger paint on his hands, and press them gently to the craft paper. Afterwards he grabs my hair and turns it bright red.

  His sweet giggles fill the room, and I can't express how happy it makes me to see him grow so much in the last month.

  It amazes me that he's changed and grown so much since I got him. Part of me worries that I won't always be enough for Dom, and that I'll lose both of them and it breaks my heart. It will probably feel like I lost my own son and I'm not sure I can bare that pain.

  Axle's hand comes in contact to my shirt next, so I now have red paint all over my face, hair, and shirt. Grabbing a wipe from his diaper bag, I gently clean his fingers and hope like hell I can get the red out of my shirt.

  Before I can wipe the paint off of me, the house phone rings. Jumping up with Axle, I run over to go and answer it hoping its Dom.

  "Dom?" I say when I answer. The first thing I hear is his chuckle.

  "Hey baby." Hearing his voice soothes me and makes me forget all my insecurities about us.

  "God I miss you," I say looking down at Axle who is grabbing a chunk of my hair.

  He takes a deep breath, "I miss you too. How's our little man?" Not missing his words, I take a deep breath, trying to keep the tears at bay. I want to be strong for him, but I'm having a hard time.

  "He's good, amazing in fact. He's the only thing keeping me sane right now," I say sniffling.

  "I know this is tough but I promise it will get better. It won't always be like this," he whispers. "I know," I say on a sigh. "What are you guys doing?" his voice sounds just about as sad as I am right now.

  "We were making you a picture, but I'm pretty sure I have more paint on me than the picture. Axle decided painting my hair, face, and shirt was more important than your picture," I can hear the laughter on the other end of the phone, and I'm glad I can do that for him at least.

  "Well if it was edible paint, I would be more than happy to lick it off your body." Shaking my head, I can only imagine.

  "I'm sure you would. You should see how much he's grown in the last few days. It's crazy. I had to buy all new clothes," I know he's smiling right now. I can tell when he says his next words.

  "God I love you Coley. You've taken on a role in his life that most women wouldn't want to do and you did it without one complaint. Hell, you're pretty much raising my son all by yourself and I can't get over how much you love him like he's your own."

  Now the tears really fall down my face. Axle looks at me and starts to cry too. "Shhh baby," I whisper trying to soothe him. "Sorry," I say to Dom. Wiping the tears with the back of my hand. I bounce Axle on my hip helping to get him to quiet down a little. "He is like my own child," I say looking at his sweet little face.

  "I know he is baby. Thank you for everything you've done for us both. I have to go but I love you and I'll hopefully see you both soon."

  Swallowing the lump in my throat, I reply, "love you too. Come home soon babe." I hear the line go silent, and the tears start to fall again.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Three fucking days in the hell hole is making me go insane. I want to be free and hold my girl and son, but instead I get to share a god damn cell with Jase.

  The bail hearing was a joke, and I know that is the same judge that went after my father for the death of the bastard Damien, when he hurt Anslie.

  We are always on guard since those Black Hills pricks threatened to gut us in the showers yesterday. Now instead of just Slag, we have a few more assholes following our every move.

  Walking into the cafeteria, I see Jase look a little uneasy. "What is it?" I whisper.

  He turns to look at me for a second before looking over my shoulder. "Got a tip earlier, they are going to come at us separately. I'm up first apparently."

  Looking back at him, I raise my eyebrow. "Apparently my twin pissed a few of those mother fuckers off and I'm the retribution."

  Fuck me. "What the hell did he do? And when?"

  I watch him shake his head. "No fucking clue. The guy didn't know either. Maybe it's from when he was in Oregon," he says glancing around the tables.

  A few minutes later, the guards split us up, and the Black Hills members get up from their seats. God dammit. I try to get away from the guards, but one of them hits me in the knee before I can get away from them. A few of our friendlies get involved, and I punch a guard to get him the fuck off of me.

  I make it to Jase just as two of the fuckers get him on the ground punching him repetitively. One of them goes to kick him, so I kick him in the back of the knee as hard as I can, causing him to scream out in pain.

  Grabbing the assholes head, I slam it against my knee as hard as I can, and push him away from me. The friendlies are keeping most of the men back, so I go after a guy who is trying to get Jase off the guy who started this shit.

  Pulling the guy away from Jase, I see fifteen guards come running towards us. Jase and I both back away from the clowns that are on the ground, but the guards don't give a fuck who started it.

  They drop us both to the ground and zip tie our hands to keep us from moving. They start to escort us back to our cells, and one of the Black Hills douches walks by with a huge cut across his face, and his shoulder looks like it's dislocated.

  Serves the motherfucker right.

  He gives me the death stare before he gets dragged away. We get escorted back to our cell and they push us in, cut our ties, and tell us that they were surprised we didn't go down like they thought we would.

  As soon as I get out of this fucking place, I will make sure these shady fuckers get knocked down a peg or two.

  "We want to talk to our lawyer," Jase says as he spits blood on the floor.

  The guard just snickers. "Good fucking luck. No one is going to believe that the Saints didn't start that fight out there. Take it up with someone when you get to court in a few days," he smirks and I want to slam his face into the cell wall.

  Jase spits blood at him and he looks at us with a deadly look. "Don't fucking do that again or next time, I'll make sure no guards come to save your asses."

  "Fuck you, you god damn pussy! My ole' lady and sister can hit harder than those mot
her fuckers," I snarl. Jase starts to laugh and the guard just turns around and walks away.

  Looking over at Jase, I see the blood running down his mouth. "Just don't get your fucking blood all over my bed," I say with a smirk. "Fuck you asshole," he says spitting at my feet.

  "I guess we'll see what those fucking morons have in store for me," I say rubbing my knee. That fucking guard hit me hard enough to leave a fucking knot.

  The rest of the night was pretty quiet on our cell block and I was able to actually get some sleep; Jase on the other hand kept moving around all night.

  The next morning, the guards decided that since we were the cause of the fight that we wouldn't get privileges, which didn't bother me too much. I rather stay in here until that sassy little lawyer my old man is screwing gets us the fuck out of here.

  After lunch the guards finally let us out into the yard. Walking through the crowds, I get an uneasy feeling.

  Looking back at Jase, I can tell he senses something is going to happen too. I scan the crowd and look for the Black Hills fuckers to appear out of nowhere. One of the guards walks over to us and tells Jase he has a phone call.

  Jase nods his head and then nods his head in the other direction for me to watch my back. As he walks off, I see Slag coming right at me. When he goes to swing at me, I block it, and run my fist into his side. I hear someone come up behind me, but I don't turn around in time. Before I can react, I feel the shank being jabbed into my side.

  Jase comes running back towards me, but I end up falling to the ground. Jase gets to me, and beats the fuck out of the guy who stabbed me.

  The guards come out and pull Jase off the guy. They send me to the infirmary where they make sure I'm not bleeding internally, and then they give me a couple of stitches before they sent me back to my cell. The pain in my side is fucking excruciating. They gave me some aspirin, but that shit doesn’t do a damn thing for me.


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