Book Read Free

Elder Bonds

Page 1

by Lexi C. Foss

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the authors imagination or are used factiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Elder Bonds

  Copyright © 2018 Lexi C. Foss

  All rights reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This book may not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

  Editing by: Outthink Editing, LLC

  Cover Design: Covers by Julie

  Photographer: David Wills

  Models: Daniel Rengering & David Wills

  Interior Digital Art Paintings/Illustrations: Covers by Julie

  Published by: Ninja Newt Publishing, LLC

  Digital Edition

  ISBN: 978-0-9993709-8-8

  To Allison - For convincing me this was a good idea, constantly navigating through all of my insanity, reading until early hours of the morning, talking me off the ledge and being a fantastic friend.

  * * *

  To Dan - This book is partially your fault. B is shamelessly thankful about that, too.


  Immortal Curse Series Order

  A Note from Balthazar:

  B’s Glossary

  I. Character Profiles According to Balthazar



  Amelia Wakefield

  Astasiya Davenport



  Elizabeth Watkins


  Issac Wakefield



  Jonathan Fitzgerald






  Tom Fitzgerald

  II. The Elders

  1. Luc

  2. B

  3. Luc

  4. B

  5. Jay

  6. B

  7. Luc

  8. B

  9. Luc

  10. B

  The Elders Reader Discussion

  III. Treaty of 1747

  1. Alik

  2. Luc

  Treaty of 1747 Reader Discussion

  IV. And Then There Were Four

  1. Eli

  2. Luc

  3. Stark

  4. Luc

  And Then There Were Four Reader Discussion

  V. Waffles vs. Pancakes

  Quick Reminder

  1. Leela

  2. B

  3. B

  4. Leela

  5. B

  6. Leela

  7. Leela

  Waffles vs. Pancakes Reader Discussion

  VI. A Halloween Engagement


  1. Stas

  2. Issac

  3. Stas

  4. Issac

  A Halloween Engagement Reader Discussion

  VII. Extra Stuff

  Immortal Curse Recipes

  Alik’s Sandwich

  Amelia’s Hot Chocolate

  Balthazar’s Pancakes

  Issac’s “Where to Bite” Guide

  Jay’s Pizza

  Lizzie’s Chocolate Chip Cookies

  Luc’s Waffles

  Stas’s Coffee

  A Bonus Story

  Part I

  Part II

  Part III

  Part IV

  Part V

  Part VI

  Part VII

  Immortal Curse Series

  Blood Bonds

  Chapter One

  Music Playlist


  About the Author

  Also by Lexi C. Foss

  Immortal Curse Series Order

  Blood Laws

  Forbidden Bonds

  Blood Heart

  Elder Bonds

  Blood Bonds

  Angel Bonds

  A Note from Balthazar:

  Dear Reader,

  * * *

  This is not your typical book.

  * * *

  For those new to me, I’m Balthazar, but you can call me B. I’ll be your guide on this journey through the Immortal Curse world, along with my best friend, Luc. Together, we’ll provide you with ample insight into our history, lives, and relationships. Don’t be surprised if you learn a few things along the way, especially in the bedroom.

  * * *

  Some suggestions for the newbies:

  Review my glossary of terms, as they might prove useful.

  Check out the character profiles; I wrote them myself.

  There’ll be a chat after each story because some of us will be reading these for the first time. Hopefully, we’ll keep spoilers to a minimum, but you never know.

  * * *

  All right, we’re ready. Remember to have fun, stay hydrated, create a morning-after pack, and indulge a little. Passion is life.

  * * *

  Love always,



  Fledglings (noun): The love children of an Ichorian male and a human female, who have not yet experienced rebirth. Very rare since the Ichorians decided to make this illegal.

  * * *

  Hydraians (noun): Extremely good-looking beings who excel in the arts of sex. They also have an Ichorian father and a mortal mother and have died at some point, only to wake up the next day immortal.

  * * *

  Ichorians (noun): Bloodsuckers who descend from who knows what. Don’t call them vampires. They frown upon that.

  * * *

  Immortals (noun): Beings who don’t die (easily).

  * * *

  Seraphim (noun): Angels. More on that later.


  Arcadia: Killer nightclub in New York City. I mean that literally. Definitely don’t recommend a visit.

  * * *

  Blood Laws: The Ichorian response to the Treaty of 1747. Thou shall not consort with Hydraians, thou shall not knowingly create a Fledgling, and thou shall not do something else that’s important, but who likes rules anyway?

  * * *

  Catastrophic Relief Foundation (CRF): An organization that claims to be all about humanitarian missions but is really a front for a group of elite soldiers who hunt and kill immortals.

  * * *

  Conclave: Scary. As. Fuck. Ichorian governing board.

  * * *

  Elders: The oldest of the Hydraians. There used to be five, but we’re down to four—Alik, Jayson, Luc, and me.

  * * *

  Nizari: Assassins who hunt Fledglings. Most of them are retired because they did their jobs a little too well.

  * * *

  Nizari Poison: A green liquid used by the Ichorians to kill Fledglings. Not cool.

  * * *

  Sentinel: CRF super soldiers with a hubris complex.

  * * *

  Treaty of 1747: A false armistice that essentially allows Hydraians and Ichorians to live in harmony so long as they don’t go anywhere near each other. Yeah. You’re as skeptical as I am.

  “You realize all of these are improper definitions, yes?”



  “Shh… Let’s not scare them yet.”



  Nicknames: None

  * * *

  Nationality: Sumerian

  * * *

  Age: Over four thousand years old

  * * *

  Immortal Classification: Ichorian

  * * *r />
  Maker: Unknown

  * * *

  Siblings: None

  * * *

  Children by Conception: Lucian & Amelia

  * * *

  Ichorian Progeny: Anya, Clara, Issac, Nadia, and Jonathan (by “adoption”)

  * * *

  Immortal Talents: Intelligence/Omniscience

  * * *

  Relationship Status: Polyamorous with Anya and Nadia

  * * *

  Sexual Preferences: Open to all experiences and training opportunities

  * * *

  Favorite Position: All of them

  * * *

  Favorite Quote: “More importantly, when did you cross the path of a Seraphim?” Aidan asked, drawing everyone’s attention. “They’re the only beings powerful enough to create something like this.”

  Blood Laws, chapter 18

  * * *

  Pancakes or Waffles: Crêpes


  Nicknames: None

  * * *

  Nationality: Babylonian

  * * *

  Age: Over three thousand years old

  * * *

  Immortal Classification: Hydraian — Elder

  * * *

  Maker/Father: Cyprus

  * * *

  Siblings: None

  * * *

  Immortal Talents: Mental Torture & Telepath

  * * *

  Relationship Status: Not interested

  * * *

  Sexual Preferences: Enjoys sex without expectations

  * * *

  Favorite Position: One where he doesn’t have to look into his partner’s eyes

  * * *

  Favorite Quote: “You all know I would sacrifice anything to bring her back, but that doesn’t belittle our bond. We’re brothers and always will be, but love, true love, surpasses all the rules. Including those implied by our history.”

  Blood Heart, epilogue

  * * *

  Pancakes or Waffles: No preference

  Amelia Wakefield

  Nicknames: Asset

  * * *

  Nationality: English

  * * *

  Age: A few centuries old

  * * *

  Immortal Classification: Hydraian

  * * *

  Maker/Father: Aidan

  * * *

  Siblings: Issac Wakefield (Half brother on maternal side), Lucian (Half brother on paternal side)

  * * *

  Immortal Talents: Humanoid Shapeshifting & Cerebral Knowledge Transfer

  * * *

  Relationship Status: Taken by Tom Fitzgerald

  * * *

  Sexual Preferences: Kinky at heart, but won’t admit it out loud because she’s a lady

  * * *

  Favorite Position: Tom on his knees

  * * *

  Favorite Quote: “Make me forget, Tom.” Her fingers wove through his hair, pulling him closer. “Help me forget everything.”

  Forbidden Bonds, chapter 12

  * * *

  Pancakes or Waffles: Equal-opportunity breakfast lover

  Astasiya Davenport

  Nicknames: Stas, Aya

  * * *

  Nationality: Montanan?

  * * *

  Age: Twenty-four human years

  * * *

  Immortal Classification: Hydraian

  * * *

  Maker/Parents: Sethios? Caro? Uncertain at this time

  * * *

  Siblings: None

  * * *

  Immortal Talents: Verbal Persuasion & Unknown

  * * *

  Relationship Status: It’s complicated with Issac Wakefield

  * * *

  Sexual Preferences: Too young to be decided; will follow up in a century

  * * *

  Favorite Position: See comment above regarding sexual preference

  * * *

  Favorite Quote: “Her demon was a billionaire playboy who masqueraded as a murder scene detective. Because that happened in real life.”

  Blood Laws, chapter 2

  * * *

  Pancakes or Waffles: Pancakes


  Nicknames: B, God, Oh My, Lover, Love, Fuck, Harder; the list is endless

  * * *

  Nationality: Sex God; Aegean

  * * *

  Age: Experienced

  * * *

  Immortal Classification: Hydraian — Elder

  * * *

  Maker/Father: My father didn’t stick around to introduce himself

  * * *

  Siblings: None

  * * *

  Immortal Talents: Mindreading & Emotion Manipulation

  * * *

  Relationship Status: Polyamorous

  * * *

  Sexual Preferences: The more the merrier

  * * *

  Favorite Position: Read on to find out

  * * *

  Favorite Quote: “Because in three thousand years, I’ve never seen you regard a woman the way you do Lizzie. And I am determined to give that back to you.”

  Blood Heart, chapter 25

  * * *

  Pancakes or Waffles: Pancakes


  Nicknames: None

  * * *

  Nationality: Aegean

  * * *

  Age: Over three thousand years old

  * * *

  Immortal Classification: Hydraian — Elder — Deceased


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