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One Way Ticket to Paris: An emotional, feel-good romantic comedy

Page 16

by Emma Robinson

  Gabriella wouldn’t have had to be a behavioural expert to know that Laura wasn’t telling the whole truth. Her face was hot, she was swallowing hard and she had no idea what to do with her hands as they fluttered between her neck and her lap. Gabriella narrowed her eyes. ‘Let me guess. He thinks you should leave him?’

  Laura was sipping at her wine and nearly gagged. Wasn’t that exactly what Paolo had said? ‘Actually, it was about settling down. My boyfriend and I, we’ve been together quite a long time, and…’ Laura didn’t finish.

  Gabriella had a smirk on her face and was nodding along. When Laura stopped mid-sentence, she leaned forwards. ‘Paolo wouldn’t understand a man who could be in a relationship for that long. Not his style at all. In and out quickly, that’s more his thing.’

  Quickly? Laura had contemplated throwing away a very long-term relationship because she was attracted to someone she knew nothing much about. What an idiot.

  And now he was dismissing poor Gabriella on the basis that she was not his ‘biggest fan.’ Laura shuffled away from him and faced forwards. ‘Sorry, I need to face the same direction as the driver. Otherwise I get travel sickness.’

  Paolo smiled. ‘But there isn’t a driver.’ He leaned towards her and lowered his voice as she tried not to breathe in the scent of him. ‘Exciting, huh?’

  * * *

  Place du Tertre was indeed the tourist trap that André had described. James would have hated it. After a few cobbled streets, they entered an open square surrounded by restaurants. Along each side, facing out towards the restaurants, were portrait painters and silhouette artists. There was such a lively atmosphere that Laura couldn’t help but like it. Henrik had found someone to draw his caricature, and the others watched and laughed as the artist captured his large nose and lively eyebrows so well.

  Paolo was behind her and he leaned in towards her ear. ‘Do you enjoy this kind of art more than the Louvre?’

  Laura had been fascinated by watching the different artists at work. The caricaturist drawing Henrik swept his thick black pen across the large white page with flamboyant confidence. A portrait painter to her left was slower and more methodical; there was something mathematical about the way he divided up the paper before he began – it was mesmerising. But Paolo knew a lot about art and André had been totally dismissive of this place. Was he mocking her?

  She didn’t look at him as she replied. ‘It’s nice to watch people at work.’

  She walked away from the group towards a souvenir stall and began to flick through postcards of artists’ impressions of Paris.

  Paolo followed her. ‘Okay, this is getting weird. Why do you keep ignoring me? Why are you being so strange?’

  How could she explain without making it sound like she was disappointed in him? Maybe it would be better to flip it the other way? Just say it. ‘Gabriella seems to think that you like me.’

  He nodded. ‘I do like you, Laura.’

  Laura felt her cheeks grow warm. It was the way he said her name. ‘But you know I have a boyfriend.’

  Paolo smiled. ‘I know. That’s why I haven’t said anything. I also assumed it was quite clear how I felt.’

  His eyes glinted as he looked at her. Laura was aware of another pair of eyes on them: Gabriella’s. Gabriella had been right about him. What kind of man made a move on a woman in a serious relationship? Laura had thought he was helping her, listening to her, giving her impartial advice. Was that just part of his usual patter? Was he seducing her?

  She lowered her voice. ‘I didn’t know you’d had a relationship with Gabriella.’

  Paolo sighed and scratched the back of his head. ‘Ah, that. I don’t know what she’s said, but we didn’t have a relationship. Not really. It was more of a fling. It wasn’t important.’

  Laura stiffened. ‘It was important to her.’

  She had been here before. A man who was ‘in and out’ of a woman’s life and didn’t have any idea of the devastation they might leave behind. What had she been thinking?

  Paolo wrinkled his nose again. ‘I didn’t behave particularly well towards her. I am not proud of myself. Honestly? I never really had feelings for her. Not like with you.’

  Laura had no idea whether the bubbling heat in her stomach was anger, disappointment or… lust? What was wrong with her?

  She felt a hand on her back and turned to see André. ‘Henrik has his terrible picture and we’re going to head back towards the hotel. There’s a bar around the corner which I know. It has a lot more class than this place.’

  Laura and Paolo joined the rest of the group. Her head was going to explode. She needed to talk to someone calm. Someone who knew Paolo and Gabriella. Someone who had her own life in order and could teach Laura how to do the same. She needed to find Shannon.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Shannon was so pleased to see Kate’s friendly, sensible… Was that an angry face?

  ‘What happened?’

  Kate slumped down onto the opposite chair. ‘Get me another drink and I’ll tell you.’

  The hotel bar was emptying out and it didn’t take long for Shannon to get drinks for them both. When Kate recounted what had happened with Graham, Shannon put her hands up to her face. She’d had a bad feeling about Graham, but hadn’t thought he’d actually try it on. Damn sleazebag. ‘Oh, Kate, I am so sorry. I can’t believe he did that.’

  Kate shrugged. ‘It’s okay. I feel stupid more than anything. Completely misread the signals. Out of touch, I guess?’ Kate smiled, but her eyes weren’t happy.

  What was wrong with her friend? It had felt like old times, talking together this afternoon, so why wasn’t Kate opening up now? Was there something serious? Shannon should ask her. Be there for her.

  But Kate beat her to it. ‘Have you spoken to Robert yet?’

  Shannon’s heart plummeted further into her stomach. Speaking to Robert was the last thing she wanted to do, but she wasn’t going to be able to put it off much longer. Springing his daughter on her like that had made her so mad. How could she bring up a baby with someone who just wouldn’t take no for an answer? How could she trust him? ‘Nope.’

  Kate took a large gulp of her wine. She already looked pretty drunk; maybe Shannon should tell her to slow down. Although maybe she just seemed drunk because Shannon was stone-cold sober. ‘Why don’t you just get it over with? Thinking about it will be a whole lot worse that just telling him. Rip off that plaster. Sorry, band-aid.’

  Shannon smiled and nudged her. ‘I know what a plaster is. I’m practically American and English bilingual.’

  ‘You do need to tell him, though. I mean, if you are planning on having the baby? He might notice.’

  Shannon took a deep breath, as a memory of Adam’s face flashed across her mind. ‘There are a few things he and I need to talk about. But I’m not sure I can do it.’

  Kate frowned. ‘Tell Robert?’

  Shannon shook her head and took another breath. ‘Have the baby.’ Once she’d said it out loud, Shannon held her breath. Kate was a good friend, but she was also a mother. Would she be shocked? Angry?

  Kate put her wine down on the table and gave Shannon her full attention, speaking slowly. ‘Okay. I can understand that. This wasn’t planned. You have never said you wanted children. But when you told me about it earlier, you seemed…’

  Shannon raised an eyebrow. ‘Happy?’

  ‘Well, yes, happy.’ Kate put her head on one side. ‘How do you feel about it?’

  Shannon sipped at her mineral water. How was she feeling? Shannon tried to focus her thoughts so that she was only thinking about the baby, nothing else. ‘Terrified.’

  ‘Of having a baby?’

  It wasn’t exactly that. Although she was terrified. It was… ‘Of making the wrong decision.’

  Kate nodded slowly. ‘It’s a toughie all right.’

  There was so much that Shannon wanted to ask her, but she didn’t know if Kate would be honest. If she could be
honest. What mother would admit she wished she hadn’t had kids? But this was Kate. If Shannon could ask anyone, it would be her.

  ‘Don’t answer this if you don’t want to. Do you ever regret having kids?’

  Kate sat back in her seat and took a long time to answer. Had Shannon offended her? Crossed a line that all women with children knew you shouldn’t cross? She should take it back. Quickly. ‘Don’t answer that, I’m sorry, I…’

  But Kate held up a finger. ‘Yes. Some days I do regret it.’

  Shannon didn’t breathe. Was this what was wrong with Kate? She was unhappy? Regretful? What should Shannon say? But Kate shook her head, sat up straight and clapped her hands. ‘You need to make a list. Three lists.’

  Shannon wanted to ask Kate more about her regret, but she had compressed her lips into a straight line and didn’t look like she wanted to elaborate. It was probably best to follow her lead for now. If she wanted to talk, they had all night. ‘I don’t have paper.’

  Kate waved a dismissive hand. ‘Get a napkin. The barman will have a pen. Flash him your pearly whites. If that doesn’t work, bend over and show him your cleavage.’ Her eyes glittered. Amusement? Or tears?

  Shannon had a pen in her bag. She retrieved a napkin from a nearby table. ‘What am I supposed to be writing down?’

  ‘All the people involved in this. Three headings. You. The father.’ She paused. ‘The baby.’

  Shannon flushed, but she did as she’d been told. ‘Okay. Done. What now?’

  ‘Now you need to work out what each of you wants. What do you want, first?’

  That was the Million Dollar Question. ‘Can I leave me until the end?’

  Kate considered this. ‘It’s against normal procedure, but I guess so. What does Robert want?’

  This one was almost as difficult. What did he want? Shannon knew how he liked his eggs. What he liked in bed. ‘Robert… Well, he seems to want me. And for me to meet his daughters. That’s all he talks about at the moment.’

  Kate nodded her approval. ‘Well, that’s positive, isn’t it? He’s a family man. And he wants you to be a part of it.’

  Shannon wasn’t sure whether this was positive or not. But Kate was on a roll. ‘Now, what about the baby?’

  The baby? The baby. Her baby. ‘I guess it just wants to be born.’

  Shannon had meant this to be funny, but it didn’t come out like that. In fact, her voice wobbled and she had to swallow hard to stop her chin from doing the same.

  Kate came around the table and put an arm around her. At the same moment, Laura appeared, looking flustered and nervous.

  ‘Hi. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I can come back later?’

  Shannon pulled her work face back on. ‘Hey! Nice to see you – not interrupting anything at all. This is my friend from England…’

  ‘Kate.’ Laura grinned. ‘What a coincidence!’

  Shannon looked from one to the other. ‘Do you guys know each other?’

  Kate was grinning too. ‘We were train buddies this morning.’

  ‘And don’t forget the wine you made me drink this afternoon.’ Laura rolled her eyes.

  ‘Jeez – you guys have seen more of each other than I have. Where are the others?’

  ‘I left them in a bar around the corner. It’s livelier than here. But I wasn’t in the mood. Can I have a chat to you about something?’

  At least this would rescue her from the baby conversation. ‘Sure. Can we talk here, or is it something private?’

  ‘Here’s fine.’ Laura smiled at Kate. ‘Kate knows some of it anyway. I wanted to ask you something about Paolo.’

  This was much more fun than trying to sort Shannon’s own life out. ‘Of course.’

  Laura pulled over a chair and sat down. She fiddled with her fingers as she spoke. ‘The thing is, Paolo and I, we… get on well.’

  Shannon smiled. Boy talk was a very welcome distraction from worrying about Adam and the baby. Paolo was a sweetheart, and he could be just what Laura needed. This girl was way too serious for someone in their early thirties, and her English boyfriend seemed about as much fun as a check-up at the gynaecologist. ‘I’d kinda noticed that. Good for you. He’s a great guy. You’d have a real good time with him.’

  Laura had picked up a napkin and was starting to twist it. ‘Yes, well, that’s kind of the problem. I’m at the stage when I’m looking to settle down and, from what I’ve been told, Paolo is hardly settling-down material.’

  Shannon would bet her bottom dollar who had been telling her that.

  ‘Gabriella, I presume? Listen, I have a lot of time for Gabriella, but l wouldn’t necessarily believe anything she tells you about Paolo. She’s got a tendency to be quite… dramatic. And I think she and Paolo got their wires crossed. Get his side of the story before you make your mind up about him.’

  Laura stopped twisting and looked up. ‘She was pretty convincing. And she said that he wasn’t the relationship type.’

  Shannon leaned forward and took the napkin from Laura’s hand so she couldn’t start the irritating twisting again. ‘Look. Paolo’s girlfriend split up with him. Now, what was her name? No, can’t remember. Anyway, she was like me: didn’t want children. Paolo loved her, but he couldn’t give up on the idea of a family. Italians are all about their big families.’

  Laura stared at her. ‘So he finished the relationship?’

  Shannon nodded. ‘He was really cut up about it, acted mad for a while. Went through quite a few women. One of whom was…’

  ‘…Gabriella.’ Laura finished for her.

  Shannon nodded again. ‘Gabriella. Although, in Paolo’s defence, she did slightly throw herself at him. It didn’t last long, but it was a bit messy and, if she’s still bad-mouthing him to you, she is obviously still mad about it. He swore to me that he would never ever get involved with anyone he worked with again, and he hasn’t.’ She paused. ‘Until now, of course.’

  Laura sat back in her chair. ‘Oh.’

  Shannon smiled at Kate. It was weird, thinking the two of them were the voices of reason here. How often had Kate had to talk her down and away from some unsuitable guy?

  Kate smiled back at her and then turned to Laura. ‘Is it the baby thing?’

  Shannon stopped smiling. Why was Kate talking to Laura about babies? Was she drunk and getting confused which conversation she was in?

  But Laura was nodding. ‘I know you just said Paolo was a family man, Shannon. But what if it doesn’t work out between us? What if it turns out to be a fling and then I have finished with James? And even if it did work out, we would need to be together for at least twelve months before we thought about settling down, and then you have to plan a wedding, and then try and get…’

  Shannon had thought that she was the one with the crazy, hormone-addled brain. Was Laura going loopy too? ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa, lady. You’re only just over thirty. Where’s this crazy talk coming from?’ Shannon raised an eyebrow at Kate. Did she have a clue what Laura was getting so worked up about?

  Kate did seem to know. ‘I think you need to put the baby thoughts to one side. Firstly, you need to decide if you want to stay with your boyfriend. What was his name?’

  Laura’s chin dropped onto her chest and she raised mournful eyes towards Kate. ‘James.’

  ‘Hold up.’ Shannon needed to find out what the heck they were talking about. ‘What baby thing? Have I missed something?’

  Kate looked at Laura, who nodded her permission. Since when did these two have shared secrets?

  Kate leaned forwards and lowered her voice. ‘When we met at the café earlier, Laura said she feels she should be thinking about starting a family. I was trying to tell her that she should only have a baby when she is really, really ready. It’s a big thing. And she definitely needs to be with the right man.’

  Shannon gulped. That wasn’t quite the same advice Kate had given her. Admittedly, Laura was almost a decade younger than Shannon, but still. Was Kate just trying to make Shann
on feel better?

  ‘But how do I know? How do I know if liking Paolo means I don’t love James any more, or if it’s just an attraction and means nothing?’ Laura was back to napkin twisting. Where had she got another one from?

  Shannon shrugged, reached out and rubbed Laura’s arm. ‘Well, only you can answer that, honey.’

  Kate held out the pen Shannon had used. ‘What about making a list? Pros and cons for each of them.’

  Shannon snatched it from her. ‘What is it with you and the lists, woman? You didn’t used to be this organised. Save yourself, Laura!’

  Laura smiled. ‘I’m going to head back to my room and raid the minibar. If there’s a problem chocolate can’t solve, I haven’t met it. Thanks, ladies. I’ll see you in the morning.’

  The idea of raiding the minibar appealed to Shannon, too. So did going to bed and forgetting about everything. She definitely wasn’t in the mood to continue discussing the baby. But she couldn’t leave Kate just sitting here, either. She’d been a rotten friend to Kate this last year and it was time to step up. Find out what was bothering her. After that, she could work out the method she was going to use to kill Robert slowly. And then Adam.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Kate liked Laura, but she was glad when she left to go to her room. Kate needed to get to the bottom of this baby business with Shannon.

  ‘So, back to you.’

  But Shannon shook her head. ‘To be honest, I’m real tired of talking about it. I need to wait until this weekend is over and I have some head space.’ She sipped at her water. ‘Let’s talk about you, now. What’s with this trip all of a sudden? Be honest.’

  Kate sat back in her chair and rubbed her temples. She wanted to talk to Shannon about this – it was one of the reasons that she’d come here – but now her brain felt muddied with guilt and worry and too much Châteauneuf du Pape. Another sip wouldn’t hurt. Where should she start?

  ‘I’ve been meeting up with Tim.’


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