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The Finder (Wolves of the Northwoods Book 1)

Page 11

by A J Manney

  She felt Garrett’s eyes on her as they approached, but she didn't look up until she was at their table. She set the coffee down in front of him. “Thank you,” he said in a low voice.

  “Garrett,” Emma began without looking him in the eye. “This is Amy and Olivia.” Garrett stood up.

  Amy stuck her hand out to Garrett’s and he responded in like manner. “Thank you so much for sending over the babysitter. She was a godsend, and she and Olivia had a great time together.”

  Garrett smiled a genuine smile at Amy, and Emma felt a pang of jealously before quickly squelching it. The door to the shop opened, and Emma turned around to go help the customer. She left Amy and Oliva with Garrett and Levi. She made a mental note to talk to Garrett about Amy and Olivia as soon as possible.

  There was a steady stream of customers after that. At one point, Amy and Olivia waved goodbye to her and she waved back. When the line finally died down, Emma glanced at the clock. It was almost one. She was grateful. Her headache was starting to worsen, her stomach ached, and she was absolutely exhausted. She grabbed a towel and spray so she could start cleaning tables.

  She started cleaning the table closest to the window. She glanced out the window to see if it looked like any more customers were coming. Just as she looked out, a man turned the corner across the street, and Emma froze. Fear flooded her, and she knew she needed to move but she couldn’t seem to get her body to respond. Then the man looked up and Emma threw herself behind the beam by the front door. She had no idea if he had seen her or not. She felt like she couldn’t draw air into her starving lungs.

  She felt a presence in front of her and knew who it was before she even opened her eyes. “Emma, what’s going on?” Garrett asked in a low tone.

  Emma kept her eyes closed. “Nothing,” she managed to get out.

  “I can practically feel the fear coming off of you. Don’t tell me it’s nothing,” Garrett snapped.

  Emma heard the door to the shop open. She didn’t think; she just moved. A moment later, she found herself standing behind Garrett. He said something, but her heart was pounding so hard she couldn’t hear Garrett over it. She closed her eyes tightly, scared to death that if she opened them, she would see her step-brother. A new feeling of fear coursed through her.

  Garrett took her by the elbow and maneuvered her through the shop. He said something over his shoulder to Levi. Then he pulled her into the one-person bathroom at the back of the shop and closed the door behind them. He dropped her arm and stepped closer to her.

  Emma couldn’t think through the fear. He found me. All my hard work in running away. I’ll have to run again. But I don’t have any money. What am I going to do? What if he catches me? I’m not going back there! She felt like she couldn’t breathe.

  “Emma,” Garrett called her name and shook her gently. “Emma, talk to me. What's going on?”

  She heard a knock on the bathroom door, and terror coursed through her again. Garrett turned to answer the knock. “No!” she shouted at him and grabbed his arms. “No, please don’t let him in!” she gasped out.

  Garrett put his hands on her shoulders. “Emma, look at me,” he said in a voice that brooked no argument. Emma lifted her eyes to his. “It’s just Levi. He’s checking on us. Whoever you are afraid of can’t hurt you here. I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.” Emma looked into the sincerity in his eyes and nodded. She believed him.

  “Take a deep breath,” he said. Emma did as he said. She felt his thumbs gently wipe the tears from her face. She kept her eyes closed and focused on breathing. “Are you okay now?” he asked. Emma nodded. “Open your eyes, Emma.” Emma couldn't help but obey. She looked up at him. He was looking at her with such concern; it melted her heart. “I’m just going to open the door and check with Levi. I’ll be right back,” he said.

  Emma wanted to grab his arms and tell him not to go, but she kept herself restrained, barely. Garrett watched her for a moment, then left the bathroom. Emma's weak legs couldn’t hold her up anymore, and she sank to the ground. It was only a minute or two before Garrett was back. He stepped into the bathroom and looked down at her. A moment later, he was crouched in front of her. “Everything is good. Whoever you saw is long gone. Helen thinks you’re just in the bathroom, which you are,” he said with a small smile. “I’ll tell Helen you’re not feeling well. Levi already started the car. Let's get you out of here,” he said, putting his hand out towards her.

  Emma’s head had cleared some, now that the fear had passed. “I just need to finish my shift,” she said.

  Garrett’s face instantly closed off. “Emma,” he said in a warning voice she was getting to know all too well.

  “Please,” Emma said. “Just let me finish, and then I’ll go with you. I promise. I just want to do my job. I can’t afford to lose this job.”

  “You’re not going to,” Garrett argued with her.

  “Please, Garrett,” she said softly.

  Garrett sighed. She could tell she had won. He stood up and put out a hand to pull her to her feet. “Finish, but I’m staying,” Garrett said firmly.

  Emma just nodded. He opened the bathroom door and she exited. She finished wiping all the tables down. When she saw Helen, she simply smiled. Emma noticed Garrett had planted himself by the front door.

  “All righty. Go ahead and clock out, Emma. Thanks for coming in today. Now go home and get some rest,” Helen said with a smile.

  Emma returned the smile. “I plan to,” she said.

  Emma clocked out and took off her apron. She grabbed her coat and put it on and went towards the front door. Garrett put his hand on the small of her back and directed her to the waiting car. He opened the back door for her and closed it once she was in. He climbed in the passenger seat up front.

  Levi started driving. It was quiet for a few moments. Emma noticed they weren’t driving towards Hope House. Emma hated to ask, but she needed to know. “Where are we going?” she asked softly.

  “To one of my houses,” was all Garrett said. She could tell he wasn’t happy with her right now. So, she didn’t say anything more. She watched out the window. She had no idea what was going to happen next. Would she be staying at one of his houses? Who even had houses, plural, anyway? Emma had a feeling that this time, she wouldn’t be going back to the homeless shelter.

  She thought about Amy and Olivia. Maybe—if Garrett had space—they could come with her too. She wouldn't ask yet until she could see what exactly was going to happen next. But as soon as she could, she would ask about helping them. They had been kind to her; she wasn’t going to leave them behind.

  She glanced at the bear of a man in the front seat. Now she just had to get him on board with that plan.

  Chapter 18

  Emma grew tired the longer they drove; she struggled to keep her eyes open. Her body was incredibly sore, and the spot on the back of her head was aching. They drove further than she thought they would. She had no idea where they were. They finally slowed down and pulled into a long driveway. Emma looked out the window and saw a really cute house that was decent size. She opened the door once Levi stopped the car. She climbed out and looked around. There were trees all around the property, and it looked totally isolated.

  The house itself was a cute stone house with a small front porch and two rocking chairs. She loved it immediately. Garrett climbed out of the car with his phone to his ear. He must have gotten a call right when he got here. He motioned for Emma to go towards the house. Emma started that way when she heard a car coming up the drive. She turned and looked. She saw Kyle and Madison; Madison waved to her. Emma waved back.

  The backseat of the car opened and Liam stepped out. Emma was happy to see him. She was wondering where he had disappeared to. He smiled at her and walked towards her. “How are you doing?” he asked.

  Emma smiled at him. “I’m good.”

  “Sure, you are,” he said. He pulled her gently into a hug. Emma heard a sound that sounded like a growl coming
from behind her. Liam released her, and she turned around. But nobody seemed to have noticed anything.

  Madison led the way into the house, and everybody followed. When Emma got to the door, she glanced behind her. Garrett was still on the phone, but his eyes were on her. Their eyes met for a moment before Emma quickly turned away and went inside.

  Emma looked around the house and loved it immediately. There was a large, bright kitchen to the left with a serving counter and a round kitchen table under a chandelier next to a window. To the right was a living room with comfy couches centered around a large TV. There were a few steps leading up to what she assumed were the bedrooms. Everything was clean and cozy looking.

  Madison headed right to the kitchen and started pulling out pots and pans. Emma walked towards her. “Can I help?” Madison looked like she was going to say no at first but something in Emma’s expression must have stopped her. “Sure. I'm going to make a quick lasagna, Caesar salad, and garlic bread. Want to start browning the meat for me?” she asked.

  Emma nodded, washed her hands, and got started. “Did you go buy all these groceries today?”

  “I ordered them and got them delivered today. One of the guys put them away for me,” she said as she got to work boiling the water and cutting up Romaine.

  Emma noticed the guys had migrated to the living room and were now watching a sports game of some sorts from the sound of it. She was busy stirring the meat and seasoning it when the door opened and Garrett stepped in. His eyes met hers. “Emma, a word please,” he said.

  Emma felt like she was being called out by the principal. She glanced quickly at Madison who smiled encouragingly at Emma. Emma moved towards him without meeting his eyes. He walked into the living room. Somebody turned the TV off, and everybody sat up at his approach.

  Garrett stood in front of the TV, in the center of the room. Emma wasn’t sure where she was supposed to sit. She sat on the couch that Liam was sitting on. Garrett scowled at Liam and motioned him to move. With a grin, Liam stood to his feet and sauntered over to stand against the wall.

  The front door opened just then and Emma turned to see Max walk in. It kind of startled her. She hadn’t seen him for a little while and didn’t know where he’d been. He walked into the room and stood against the back wall. Garrett didn’t look surprised to see him. Emma looked around the room. She wasn’t used to being around this many people in one house.

  “All right, let’s get right to it. Emma,” Garrett said, turning his dark gaze on hers. “What happened today?”

  Emma stared at him in surprise. “Um, what?” she asked, dumbly.

  “What happened today?” he repeated the question, slower this time.

  “I heard the question,” Emma snipped at him, frowning. “I just don’t know why you asked it.” It was Garrett’s turn to frown at her, but Emma didn’t care. She was getting used to that from him.

  “I asked because somebody today was a threat to you, and if somebody is a threat to you, then we need to know about it,” Garrett said as he crossed his arms.

  “But why?” Emma asked. She really didn’t understand what was going on here. “I don’t really know any of you. Why do you even care?” she asked. “I’m just a nobody.”

  “No, you’re not,” Liam chimed in. “You’re a good person that we’ve gotten to know. You’re kind to people and help people. And now it’s time for somebody to be nice to you and help you. You’re one of us now, and if somebody is after you, then we’ll take care of it. We’ve got your back,” he said as if it were the simplest thing in the world.

  Emma stared at him as she simultaneously blinked back tears. “Nobody’s had my back in a long time,” she said softly, still looking at Liam.

  Liam nodded grimly. “It’s time to change that,” he said firmly.

  “Emma,” she heard the low, gravelly voice of Garrett. She turned towards him and met his eyes. She saw the anger in his eyes and didn’t know what to make of it. He didn’t say anything else; he simply nodded at her.

  Emma took a deep breath. “I don’t know where to start,” Emma said carefully. She closed her eyes. It was easier to get her story out without everyone looking at her. “I was an only child.” She smiled. “I had a great upbringing. My father and mother loved each other and loved me. We weren’t rich by any means, but we were happy. My life was pretty normal until I turned twelve.” She swallowed hard. “My dad died,” she said, proud of herself for not stumbling over the words. “I can’t believe how quickly my life fell apart after that,” she almost whispered. It was silent in the room, and Emma took a moment to compose herself. With her eyes still closed, she plowed on.

  “My mother remarried less than a year later. I don’t know why it was so fast. Maybe we were in financial trouble, and I just didn’t know. Anyway, she married my step-father.” She laughed bitterly. “He turned out to be a gem. He managed to turn my mom against me, get her hooked on depression pills, and steal the money that my dad left behind for her and me.” She took another fortifying breath. “My step-father also brought his son with him into the marriage—Alec,” she shuddered just saying his name. “He was a few years older than me and made my life a living hell. He was always messing with me and causing me grief. The older I got, the worse it got. He and his friends were awful to me. They would make lewd comments and disgusting suggestions to me. Then Alec started...” her voice trailed off for a moment. She felt the couch shift next to her, and her eyes flew open.

  “It’s just me,” Madison said quietly.

  Emma drew in a breath and sat back. This time, she didn’t close her eyes. She stared at a spot on the floor. “Alec and his friends started doing awful things to me. They would lock me in the basement for days at a time without food or water. They would do horrible things to me and just wait to see what my response would be. They never did anything that would leave permanent scars so no one would know what was happening to me. They did... lots of bad stuff.” She fell silent after that, lost in her memories.

  “Was it ever sexual?” Madison asked quietly.

  “No,” Emma immediately answered. “I mean they always said stuff and touched me but nothing inherently graphic. Until the end...” she said and grew quiet again.

  “What happened?” Madison probed gently.

  Emma shook her head. “I knew once I turned eighteen all bets were off. Alec kept reminding me of that daily; his friends reminded me as well. I guess they were afraid to do anything to me before I was legally of age. After that, anything was game. That’s why I had to run. They watched me like a hawk the last few months before I turned eighteen. Someone was always following me, like they were afraid to let me out of their sight. Then one night, I...” she stopped, unable to go on. She was quiet for a moment. Madison rubbed her back.

  “What happened?” Madison asked just as softly.

  “I—” Emma shook her head. “I don’t know. They blindfolded me and drove me somewhere. Then they made me walk forever. I tripped and fell dozens of times. Alec and his friends would just laugh. Then they took my blindfold off. They tied me to a tree and left me. I begged them not to, but they didn’t listen. It took me hours, but I finally escaped. I began running. I didn’t know where I was going, just that I had to get out of the woods. Then a huge wolf at-tacked m-me. It b-bit me,” she said, her voice shaky now. “I remember it hovering over me, and then two more coming to stand over me. These weren’t tiny wolves either. They were huge with enormous fangs, and I-I knew I was going to die.” Emma was silent.

  “What happened after that?” Madison asked.

  “I don’t know,” Emma said. “I woke up in my room on the floor. I don’t know how I got there. I would have thought it all a dream, but my clothes were dirty, and I had bite marks on my thigh. I never told anyone. No one would have believed me anyway. Who believes that some girl is attacked by three wolves and lives to tell about it? I decided that day that I had to escape. Between that and turning eighteen a few days later, I knew I had to escap
e. I left the morning of my eighteenth birthday. Somehow, they found out about it. They caught up to me before I even made it on the first bus, but I eventually got away. They got my bag though. I boarded a bus and rode for three days and eventually ended up here without a penny to my name and only the clothes on my back.” Emma took a shaky breath. “So, there it is. You have my amazing story. You see what a catch I am now?” she said bitterly.

  Emma heard the front door slam shut, and her head turned in that direction. Garrett was gone. Her eyes widened in surprise as she looked at Madison. Madison wiped a tear from her eye. “It’s okay. He’s just angry,” she said.

  “At me?” she asked.

  “No, honey,” Liam interjected. “At what you went through. We all are.” Kyle grunted in agreement.

  Emma didn’t know what to say to that. She’d never had someone angry on her behalf before. Kyle came over and put his arm around Madison. She leaned into him and away from Emma. Emma once again felt like the outsider. She stood up and decided to go outside and get some fresh air. She figured Garrett was probably long gone by now. He had much more important things to do.

  Nobody stopped her as she stood and walked out the front door. She quickly glanced around and relaxed when she saw Garrett was nowhere to be seen. She sat in one of the rocking chairs and rocked slowly. It was quiet inside for a long time. Finally, she began to hear some noise. After a while, the front door opened and Liam stepped out. “Madison’s got dinner ready. Come join us,” he commanded gently.

  Emma was too spent to argue with him. She stood up and followed him inside. Max was gone again, and Garrett hadn’t returned; but Kyle, Levi, and Madison were all sitting around the table waiting when Emma and Liam walked in. Liam held her chair out for her as she sat down. The conversation picked up after a little bit. Soon there was lively conversation happening. Emma sat back with a piece of garlic bread in her hand and nibbled at it as she watched and listened. For the first time in a long time, Emma felt like maybe, just maybe, she had found a place she could belong.


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