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The Gift

Page 23

by Kim Pritekel

  Melanie looked to the couch. “Mamma forgive me, but…” she turned back to Dino. “You can stick that class ring up your ass!” With that, she stormed out, high heels clicking loudly on the polished cement floor.

  He seemed to be too stunned to react before he jumped to his feet and hurried after her. “But, Melanie, this ring saw me through State! Twice!”

  Everyone sat in silence for a long moment.

  “I like her,” Antonia stated simply.

  Catania shook her head as she stood from the couch.


  “Yeah, you can just set those there. Oh wait, let me move this.” Catania reached into the back of the Jeep and grabbed the black paper bag that held Ally’s gift. “Thanks, Paul.”

  “Sure. Figure you’re a little, uh…” He glanced at her. “Disabled at the moment.” He snickered, loading leftovers packed for her and Matteo, as well as Christmas gifts, into the back.

  “Yeah, not fun, that’s for sure.” She closed everything up once he stepped away. “I’m glad you and the kids came. Didn’t know you were coming.”

  “Yeah, well, the kids were hungry.”

  She looked at her older brother, the closest in age to her. It always saddened her to see what he’d become. Years of drinking had given him a huge gut as well as the reddish discoloration of his face, particularly on his nose. It always made her think of the popular comedian of the early nineteenth century, W.C. Fields.

  Ignoring his attempt at humor, she asked, “So, how are things down at the shop?”

  “Eh, you know. Things have slowed down, so Papa gave me a few days off,” he said, glancing away, watching a silver Mercedes drive by.

  All she could do was shake her head before he returned his attention to her. She knew that meant he’d been found drunk at work again and their father, rather than fire him, was giving him a few days to get his shit together. In truth, she wished he would just can him.

  “So, you gonna tell me what really happened to you?” he asked, indicting her cast and heavily bruised face, a bit of a twinkle in his eyes.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, raising her chin a bit in defiance.

  “Oh, come on, Nia. We all saw that lame-ass email you sent out. Really? We’re supposed to buy a car accident? From you, the Golden Child?”

  She sighed. “Paul—”

  “No! You’re gonna listen to me, Nia. We used to be close. We used to be really close,” he said, voice a bit shaky, though she suspected it was far more from withdrawal than any kind of real emotion. “Remember? We did everything together growing up. It was us, you and me, who took care of the boys. And then,” he added, looking her up and down with disgust. “You became a cop. Real big shit, ain’t ya?”

  “Paul, stop it,” she said, her voice low but soft.

  “Stop what? Stop saying what we all have been thinking? What, you’re so fucking great because you’re a cop? Because our retarded brother will only talk to you?”

  “Never call him that again!” She stepped closer to him, enraged. He could insult her all his pickle-brained stupidity wanted to, but Matteo was off limits.

  He smirked. “I bet someone tried to kill you,” he said, waving a dramatic hand at her injuries. “I bet someone had enough of your shit, your judgment.” He let loose a little giggle.

  Catania now suspected he had alcohol on him and it was beginning to kick in. She placed a hand on his chest and shoved him away from her. “Go find a meeting, you pathetic drunk.”

  “Me? Me pathetic? You stupid bitch, you talking about me?”


  Both turned to see a red-faced Alberto, followed by Leonardo, running over to them. “What you doing?” he demanded, a hand on his chest where Catania’s had been moments before. He glanced his youngest son. “Leonardo, go round up the kids and get your brother Dino. Paul needs a ride home.”

  Paul began to cry. “You always take her side, Papa. Always!”

  “Son,” Alberto said, his voice firm but not unkind. “It’s time to go home now. Go home and sleep it off.”

  “You okay, Papa?” Dino asked, jogging across the yard with Leo.

  “Yes. Take your brother home.” Alberto turned from his second eldest son and walked over to Catania, who stood watching, part disgusted and part deeply sad by what had just happened. “You okay, Kitty Cat?”

  She let out a heavy sigh and nodded. “Yeah. I just want to get home.”


  Matteo was safely inside his apartment, leftovers put into the fridge and a huge battery supply for his new handheld dumped into a drawer for him to grab. The beautifully wrapped gift in hand, Catania used the toe of her boot to thud a few times on the door before her. It took a moment, but finally the door opened.

  Catania smiled. “Merry Christmas.” She handed the gift to a surprised Ally before reaching into her jacket pocket and retrieving the sprig of mistletoe that she lifted up toward the top of the doorframe. Ally let out an adorable giggle before leaning forward to give her a lingering kiss.

  “Merry Christmas,” she said softly against Catania’s lips. “Come in.”

  “I’m really sorry to just barge in on you like this,” Catania said, shrugging off the jacket which she hadn’t even bothered to slide her good arm into. “I brought Matteo home,” she added, feeling the need to explain.

  “No, I’m so excited.” Ally took her jacket and laid it across the arm of the couch before taking her in a very gentle hug, avoiding all the most painful places. “I didn’t think I’d see you today at all,” she said softly, running her fingers through Catania’s hair.

  Catania wrapped one arm around her, the cast-encased one tucked between their bodies, not allowing them to be flush. “I really missed you today.”

  “I’ve really missed you for the last few days,” Ally said, her voice dropping an octave, sending a surge of want south for Catania, who grinned.

  Their kiss was slow and sensual, both understanding nothing more could happen, so they enjoyed the kiss to the fullest. The kiss broke naturally and Catania rested her forehead against Ally’s, her hand dipping down to rest on Ally’s hip. “I wish I could stay,” she said softly. “But I don’t think it’s a good idea.” She smiled, the intent behind her self-warning clear. “Plus, I have to go to my doctor early.”

  “Well,” Ally said, leaving her with one final kiss before pulling away. She picked up Catania’s gift for her from where she’d set it on the couch and grabbed her hand, leading her downstairs. “I have something for you, too.”

  “Baby,” Catania said, following her down the stairs. “All I want for Christmas if for you to clean my apartment naked. I’m good after that.”

  Ally stopped her descent and turned, swiping playfully at her. “Behave so I can.”

  They reached the main living area and Ally placed the wrapped gift on the small kitchen table with gentle reverence before walking over to the tiny closet. She pushed the curtain that closed it off from the rest of the room aside and reached in, retrieving a bag with the Randy’s logo on it, as well as a small wrapped box. She brought them both to the table where she set them down. She spared Catania a glance before pulling out a chair to sit.

  “I hope you don’t find this stuff cheesy” she said, her tone filled with anxiety.

  Catania smiled, taking the other seat. She reached across the small table and wrapped her fingers around Ally’s. “I’ll love it. And besides, I feel the same way.”

  Ally let out a heavy breath before squeezing Catania’s fingers and removing her hand. “You first.” She slid the diner bag over to her.

  Catania reached in until her fingers came into contact with something hard, cold, and cylindrical. Confused, she wrapped her fingers around it and brought it out: a stainless steel travel mug bearing the Randy’s logo. “This is great, baby!”

  Ally smiled shyly. “There’s actually another one in there for Oscar. You guys can refill these with coffee for free forever.” She playfully batted her eyela
shes at her. “Every cop loves coffee.”

  Catania threw her head back with laughter, giddy with happiness, in awe that the amazing and beautiful woman sitting across from her actually cared about her. She placed her hand on the table to leverage herself up just enough to reach across the table and leave a lingering kiss on soft lips. “Thank you, baby. I love this and so will Oscar. Toss in a lifetime gift card for the doughnut shop, and you’re in.”

  “This is the one I truly hope you don’t find stupid or get offended by.” She handed her the small wrapped box.

  “Oh, Ally. Don’t worry about that.”

  Catania took it and slowly tugged the white satin ribbon free before carefully unfolding the red wrapping paper, not wanting to rip it. She slid out the small gold cardboard box. Lifting the top, she spied a circular pendant about the size of a half dollar lying in a cloud of cotton. Carved into it was an angel with spread wings and hands upraised from the large sleeves of her flowing gown.

  “Wow,” Catania whispered, plucking it out of its bed, the attached chain draping over her hand. “This is beautiful, Ally.”

  “I’m glad you like it. So, let me explain. I met this guy who lost his son to gun violence, so now he makes jewelry out of melted-down bullets. I wanted this for you because I worry so much about you out there every day.” She pursed her lips for a moment as she looked away, seeming on the verge of tears. Clearing her throat, she said, “Especially after the other night. So, I had him make this for you as a bit of a lucky charm, I guess. Maybe help protect you a little bit.”

  Without a word, Catania stood from her chair and pulled Ally up from hers. She pulled her into as tight a hug as she could. “Thank you,” she whispered into blond hair, inhaling deeply the scent of her shampoo and the unique scent of her—the scent of home.

  Chapter Twenty

  “This is the coolest thing ever,” Oscar said, raising his Randy’s travel mug and turning it this way and that. He sipped from it before grinning. “It just needs my name on it.”

  “Well,” Catania said with a smile. “Change your name to Randy and it will.”

  He glared at her over the rim of the mug as he sipped again. He said nothing as he returned to his breakfast, making her laugh.

  “So, the metal plate is staying put, huh?”

  They both glanced up to see Ally standing at the table, coffee carafe in hand. She leaned over slightly to reach Oscar’s mug to top it off before leaning over Catania more than she needed to, her breasts just barely brushing against her shoulder.

  Catania glanced up at her, eyebrow raised in accusation. The sexy little grin she got in return ignited her. She growled playfully under her breath, only loud enough for the waitress to hear.

  “Down, girl,” Ally said with a smile. “Soon, soon.”

  “But, yes,” Catania said, getting the conversation back on track. “Dr. Cubin said he wasn’t sure if he’d be leaving it in or not, but after seeing the x-rays from this morning, he feels at this point it’s the better bet.”

  “How’s it feeling?” Oscar asked, adding a packet of sweetener to his topped-off coffee. “Your face isn’t as swollen, but man,” he said, shaking his head. “Still looks painful.”

  “Eh,” Catania said with a shrug. “Sleeping is still pretty tough, even with pain meds, but I’ll live.”

  “Okay guys, I’ll be right back to take my fifteen. Can I bring you anything?” Ally asked, moving away from the table, looking from one to the other.

  “Uh, hey,” Oscar said, looking over his eggs and bacon. “Can you bring me a biscuit?” he asked with a boyish grin.

  “Sure,” she said, turning to leave.

  “With grape jelly,” he called out after her.

  Catania watched her go, her gaze falling to that gorgeous behind, hips gently swaying with each step. She could feel Oscar’s gaze on her and turned her head to meet it. “What?”

  “It’s really good to see you in love.” She dropped her eyes shyly as he continued. “She’s a good girl, Nia. You two are really good for each other. I know Linda absolutely adores her.”

  “A biscuit for you,” Ally said, suddenly appearing, a lavender cardigan covering the top of her uniform and nametag. She set the small plate with the single, perfectly browned biscuit on it as well as a few packets of grape jelly. “Scoot over, beautiful,” she said, sliding onto the booth next to Catania. Beneath the table where they couldn’t be seen, she pressed her leg against Catania’s.

  “Thank you, ma’am, and,” he said, rising from his side of the table and leaning over to place a soft kiss on her cheek, “thank you for my awesome new travel mug. I will wave it proudly in front of my envious colleagues.”

  She laughed. “I couldn’t do much, but I’m glad you liked it. And, I was so glad Linda enjoyed the baking gear I got her.”

  He glared at her, hands resting on his rounded belly. “Yeah. Gee, thanks.” He sat back down but reached into the pocket of his jacket and removed a credit-card-sized envelope that was a light pink color and smelled of perfume. “This is from us, Linda’s suggestion.” He nodded at Catania. “Give Dr. Doolittle some ideas.”

  “Hey,” Catania exclaimed, watching as Ally opened the envelope to produce a gift card within from a store that sold anything from women’s pajamas to bra and panty sets to lingerie and perfume.

  “Merry Christmas, sweetheart,” Oscar said, grabbing his mug of coffee. “I have to admit, I don’t get it, though. Can’t you gals go buy this stuff at Wal-Mart or whatever?”

  “I wouldn’t know,” Ally said softly, tucking the glitzy gift card lovingly into the envelope before hugging it to her chest. “I’ve never had anything fancy like this before.”

  Catania smiled at her. In that moment she decided there was so much she wanted to do for her. She wanted to give her a kiss but knew this wasn’t the place, so turned back to her breakfast. “When a woman wears a beautiful matching set of bra and panties, or even naughty lingerie under her work clothes, it makes her feel sexy, like a sexy woman, and,” she continued with a little smile, “it usually translates to her partner at home that night.” Dead silence greeted her as she scooped up a forkful of hash browns. She looked from Oscar to Ally and back. “What?”

  Oscar reached over for the gift card. “Give me that back.”

  “Mine!” Ally exclaimed, moving her gift out of reach with a laugh. Returning the favor, she pushed up from the booth and leaned over to leave a kiss to Oscar’s cheek. “Thank you, Oscar. I’ll text Linda later.”

  He cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck as he blushed just a bit. Clearing his throat for a second time, he looked at Catania. “Price and me looked at the video this morning.”

  Catania raised an eyebrow, nodding her head toward Ally.

  “Wait,” Ally said, glaring at her. “Don’t try and push me out of this discussion, Nia. I’m a big girl and I’m involved now, so I want to know what the hell is going on and who the hell tried to hurt you.”

  “Okay,” Catania said softly, glancing past Ally to a man at another table who was looking over at them. She smiled at him before returning her attention to Ally. “I’m sorry.” She gave her an apologetic smile and reached down to lightly squeeze Ally’s bare knee. She looked over to Oscar. “Go ahead.”

  “I’m going to be real honest with you, Nia,” he continued, using his fingers to split the biscuit in two before he began to butter the two halves and spread the grape jelly. “That bastard was aiming right for you.”

  “Was it our guy?

  “It was our car,” he admitted. “It was really hard to see inside. A big person, kinda like that kid said who told us about the car to begin with.”


  “Yeah, Jackson. Big person, looked male because of the size. It looked like they were wearing a black or dark-colored baseball cap, too.”

  Catania let out a sigh, grabbing her travel mug to sip from it, more for something to do with a bit of nervous anxiety than because she was thirsty
. “And the license plate?”

  “Sure enough, temps.”

  “Why would this person do this?” Ally asked quietly.

  Catania snorted. “We already know he’s a sick son of a bitch.”

  “Yes, and who knows, Ally?” Oscar added. “Maybe he feels we’re too close, though how the hell that would be, I do not know.”

  “He hates women,” Catania said, setting the mug back on the table. “Maybe it really pisses him off I’m on the case.”

  “What about attention?” When both detectives were looking at her, Ally continued. “I saw a show once about serial killers. They’re incredibly narcissistic. Maybe by going after you, he thought he’d get the attention he wanted…” she said, voice trailing off as the uncertainty in her voice grew. She gave them a shy smile. “Just an idea.”

  Catania met Oscar’s gaze, eyebrows raised. “Not a bad one.”


  Catania parked her Jeep around back in its usual place and after locking it up, she walked around the building to the front where the mailboxes for the building tenants were bolted to the brick in a security box that required a key for each apartment to retrieve their mail.

  Standing at the mailboxes digging for her mailbox key, she glanced to her right when she heard footfalls headed her way. A woman who looked to be in her fifties and dressed for the cold day carried a large gift bag with a snowman decorating it and tufts of colorful tissue paper sticking out the top. She gave Catania a polite smile before reaching for the door handle of the front door of the building, finding it locked as Catania knew she would.

  She backed up from the building before looking to Catania again. “This is fifteen hundred West Quinn, right?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Catania said, opening her mailbox and pulling out a couple envelopes sitting inside. “Who are you looking for?”

  “Josef and Lizbeth Horvat.” She gave her a shy smile. “My aunt is probably so mad at me. I was supposed to bring her Christmas gift by the other night but ran out of time.”


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