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SHIFT: Five Complete Novellas (Bear Bites Book 5)

Page 4

by Ruby Dixon

  “Yes, tonight. I went with Pat Samson because I've been here for three years and never once have I done anything outdoorsy. I thought…” she pauses.

  “You thought what?” My voice sounds like my throat has been thoroughly scored with the roughest sandpapermade.

  She tenses against me, and then sighs. “I thought maybe you'd see me as something more than just a pampered princess.”

  “I do see you,” I say quietly. “You're all I see.”

  “Then why?” she cries. “Why did you kiss me today and then run off?”

  With a big heave of my own breath, I lean back on my haunches and dangle my hands between my legs. The hurt in her voice calls forth a more honest response than I was prepared to give. “Since you’ve come to town I haven’t looked at another woman.”


  I nod miserably. Does that make me less of a male to her? Perhaps she believes a real male is like Samson, nailing every willing body that moves in front of him.

  “That’s amazing, but why stay away? I…I want you, too.”

  Her honey-filled words are like an aphrodisiac. I muffle a groan of need. “Because I’m too big for you. Look at these hands.”

  I raise my big rough palms between us.

  “Oh, trust me, I have.” Her cheeks turn rosy and I know it’s not due to the sun. This time my growl is too loud to hide, and it causes her to blush harder. She drops to her knees in front of me and places a small hand on my arm. It takes every ounce of control I have not to maul her then and there.

  “Is it because you’re afraid of breaking things?” She strokes the forearm exposed by the too-short sleeves. “Look at this out here. It’s wide open, and if we knock the tent over, it makes for a good story. Nothing is getting destroyed out here.”

  My cock is one solid pulsating mass. I could come from her just petting my damn arm.

  “It’s not things I’m worried about destroying,” I say lowly. This time the heat is in my cheeks. If Leo could see me now, I’d never hear the end of it. Ruddy-faced like some wet-behind-the-ears cub! “It’s you.”

  Chapter Six


  “Me?” She laughs incredulously. “Cole, I’m not a delicate flower. I’m a… meaty girl. I’ve got hips and an ass”—she reaches around and pats that plush bit of flesh—“that are probably big enough to be seen by satellite.”

  I force myself to look down at my hands instead of peering over her shoulder. Her generous ass is one of my favorite things to look at. I never leave my window when she’s walking around town.

  “You’re beautiful, Adelaide.” I swipe an unsteady hand across the back of my mouth. “Too beautiful for a brute like me.”

  “That seems like a really convenient excuse to let me down gently. Gosh, Adelaide, you’re just so pretty that I can’t stand to touch you.” Hurt mars her lovely face.

  I don’t have a good answer for her because that’s exactly what I’m saying, only she doesn’t believe me. She thinks I’m blowing her off with fake words.

  She straightens up and bends over to pick up her pack, her shirt gaping open to reveal the deep shadow of her cleavage.

  Plaid has never looked sexy before—but now? Every time I go to my closet, I’m going to be thinking of the pattern wrapping around Adelaide’s gorgeous body and I’ll get hard. I’d like to take her plaid top home and lay it on the pillow and imagine that she’s with me. It might be the closest I’ll ever come to having Adelaide in my bed.

  I get to my feet too and try to shove my cock to the side so it isn’t obscenely pointing in her direction. She isn’t paying attention to me anyway.

  “How far is it to the road?” She squints down the empty trail. The sun is setting, and with the canopy of trees, there isn’t much light around here.

  “Probably a half an hour,” I admit. I could make the distance in ten minutes, but a human would take at least twice as long. “And you’re not going to be happy about it, but Samson took off.”

  “You know that how?” She wheels back to me.

  “I saw him.”

  “You saw him?” she repeats. “You saw him drive off in his car, and showed up down this trail that is a half an hour away only minutes later?”

  “I’m pretty fast,” I offer lamely.

  Her eyes narrow. I could lead her out of the forest easily. My night vision is damn good, but I kind of like being out here, alone with Adelaide, even if she is pissed off at me.

  “This your tent?” Samson had done a halfway decent job of setting up camp. There was a tarp underneath the tent and the stakes were driven in nice and deep.

  I toss one flap of the opening aside, and my lip curls when I see the setup. A king-size air mattress covered with two sleeping bags. Maybe I’d misread the situation between her and Samson. Maybe she wanted to be out here alone with him.

  “Yes. Pat only brought one. I thought we’d each have a tent or I’d share with one of the other girls, but no one else was out here tonight.” She joins me and peers into the tent. “That asshole!” she spits out when she sees the mattress. “No wonder he had me gathering firewood. He was busy setting this up.” She tsks in disgust.

  “So you didn’t want this?” I ask with renewed hope that I have no business feeling.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but no. I wanted to camp.” She sighs. “Dammit. This day has gone to shit. I’ve tried for three years to show you that I’m here for the taking, but you’ve ignored every signal until this morning. And then after you kiss me, you run off. We’re finally alone out here in this gorgeous place and you won’t touch me because I’m too attractive or some dumbshit reason, but you know what?”

  I shake my head because I don’t know anything. I’m mesmerized by the fire in her eyes. What does she look like when she’s in the grip of passion? When she orgasms, do her eyes shoot flames? Fuck, to be burned by her would be the pinnacle of my pathetic life.

  “I’m camping. You can do what you want, but tonight I’m going to sleep in this stupid tent, and tomorrow, when I wake up, I’m going to look for a place to open a spa that is far away from asinine men. And it’ll be a huge hit because there are probably millions of women just like me who are tired of you and your silly games.”

  She steps inside the tent and whips the flap closed, the nylon material slapping me in the face. A thought emerges…if I could show her how much I want her, how true my feelings are for her, maybe she would understand and forgive me.

  “Adelaide,” I growl. The word comes out more menacing than I intend. I clear my throat and try again. “Adelaide, may I come in?”

  “For what?”

  “To apologize.”

  “You can apologize out there.”

  “Not properly, I can’t.” I need to be in front of you, Adelaide, on my knees so I can show you exactly how sorry I am.

  “Fine,” she huffs. “Come in then. You have five minutes.”

  I open the flap and take one step in before falling on my knees.

  “What are you doing?” she asks suspiciously.

  “Showing you how beautiful I think you are. How much I want you. How I spend every night dreaming of you. How no day is complete until I’ve caught just one glimpse of you.”

  I place my rough palms on the back of her legs and slide them down to the tops of her socks. With slow deliberate moves, I unlace her boots, giving her every chance to kick me out. She stands there, mute now. I look up and her face is filled with a cautious hope.

  I pull one boot off and then the other. I set them in the corner of the tent. Her socks are next. Her cute toes curl into the tent floor, and I hear a deep inhale above me. Still she waits.

  I lean down and kiss the tops of her feet and then the indent behind each ankle bone. A swift gasp escapes her. She’s sensitive here. My tongue darts out to lick the hollows. The next moment I feel her slender hands land on my shoulders. I brace for rejection, but when she doesn’t push me away, I reapply myself, kissing my way to her cal

  With each new patch of skin I encounter, her grip on my shoulders becomes stronger and more secure. She isn’t going to turn me away. As I reach the softest part of her legs, the delicate portion that lies just inches away from that honeyed juncture, I take a deep breath and let her arousal fill my lungs.

  My trembling hands meet at her waist, and I take a chance to look up. Her blue eyes glow with anticipation. I lick my lips as if I can already taste her.

  “You smell amazing,” I tell her.

  “Like bug spray and sweat?” she jokes.

  I lean forward and place my nose right between her legs. “Like goddamn heaven.”

  She flushes adorably. The scent of her arousal is making me drunk with lust. I fumble with the button on her shorts, but manage to push the damn thing out of the buttonhole. She sucks in a breath when I slide down the zipper.

  “Goddamn,” I choke out as the delicate lace of her light blue panties is revealed. “Goddamn.”

  I let her shorts drop to the ground and reverently shape my hands around those luscious hips. “You’re so fucking beautiful. If I was controlling a satellite, its camera would definitely be pointed at your ass.”

  She gurgles with laughter. “Is that right?” she replies flirtatiously.

  I grin up at her. The anger and frustration that was there earlier has been replaced by desire and some kind of giddy pleasure. I aim to put an expression of pure ecstasy there by the time I’m done.

  “Definitely.” I squeeze her ass cheeks. “This here is a work of art. Don’t ever talk bad about this body of yours. It’s fucking amazing.”

  “I’m glad you think so. I don’t believe anyone’s ever said those words in reference to my ass before.”

  “Then everyone is a bunch of stupid motherfuckers,” I mumble. “Baby, how much do you like these panties?”

  “They’re my favorite pair, why?”

  “Where’d you get them?”

  “Online. I ordered them off—” She breaks off with a yelp as I slice the sides of the panties in half. My claws retract almost instantaneously.

  “I’ll buy you a dozen new pairs,” I promise, and then jerk her forward. I push the palms of my hands against her ass cheeks to hold her steady as I lap my tongue to drink up the juices that coat her swollen pussy lips. Her body is ripe and ready.

  The moment I make contact, my taste buds explode. I need more, more, more.

  “Oh God,” she cries. Her knees buckle a second before she tells me, “I need to be horizontal for this.”

  She tumbles backward onto the air mattress. Her thighs fall open, and despite the dark of the tent, my ursine night vision allows me to see her soft flesh glistening. I drag her toward me until her ass is just at the edge of the mattress.

  “I have to have you now.” I kneel between her legs and spread her open. I force myself to take it slow and not devour her in one gulp. I need to make it good for her.

  I blow on her heated skin and she shudders. Her fingers dig into the mattress, and her hips arch toward my mouth. I cover her clit with my lips, swirling my tongue around that stiff bud.

  I slide one finger inside her tight, hot channel and smile when I hear her gasp and then clench her muscles around me. One finger is followed by a second and then, with a little push, a third finger fits in. She grinds against my mouth, her hips pump furiously against me. I draw out the sensations, curling my fingers against her tender, sensitive, inner flesh.

  I love this. I fucking love her.

  I have for so long. She’s sassy, successful, and gorgeous. Her writhing beneath me, calling out my name in breathy sighs and pleas for more is every fantasy I’ve ever had come to life. I never thought these rough, dirty hands of mine would ever be allowed to touch something as fine as her.

  “Cole, please, give me…I need…please,” she pants.

  I drive my fingers into her at a relentless rhythm. Her body spasms beneath me, but I don’t let up. I want to push her over the edge and make her fly.

  She twists and arches beneath me like a wild animal, nearly bucking me off with her own physical need for more contact, more pressure, more feeling. It’s as if she’s been on a sexual fast, and her body is trying to make up for all those lost weekends spent alone in front of her television, wishing for someone to take her. Fuck, that’s me.

  I’ve been the one lost and alone. I’ve been pining for her. I’ve spent every spare moment wondering what she feels like, what she tastes like. Now that I’m here, though, I realize none of my weak fantasies could have ever lived up to the real thing.

  She feels like magic—wet and hot and tight around my plunging fingers. She tastes like tart honey, sweet and tangy. I could do this for hours or days or weeks or however long she’d allow me to kneel between her thighs and fuck her with my tongue and fingers.

  The beast inside of me roars with pleasure. It wants out. It wants to feed on her desire, but I beat it back. I can’t lose control now, even though my cock is burrowing a hole in the tent floor.

  Beneath my driving fingers, beneath my voracious mouth, she rocks toward that orgasmic high. Her hands fist in my hair and her thighs quiver as she teeters on the edge.

  “Come, baby. Come for me,” I urge. “Right now.”

  I slap my fingers across her clit and the reaction is immediate. Her cunt clamps down on my fingers and her back bows off the mattress. Her come floods my hand, and I lean forward to lap it all up. I could live off just the honey of her body.

  I want to carry her away and into some dark cave in the forest. I’d forage for berries and fish, and feed her only the food that I found. I’d clothe her in the leaves and kelp of the water, and lay her down on a soft bed of foliage where I’d take her like this with my fingers and tongue again and again until she forgot that there was a world beyond that which I could provide for her.

  I can’t give her up, but as the blood pounds like thunder in my groin, I know I can’t have her either.

  Chapter Seven


  He stands over me, his face full of need and lust as he gazes down at my sprawled body. I can see the desire in his eyes as they gleam in the darkness, and I squirm with anticipation, my nipples aching.

  He called me ‘baby’. He ripped my panties off me and tongued me. He fucked me with his fingers until I came.

  God, it’s been worth waiting three years for this man. I don’t regret a bit of it.

  My hands slide down my belly and then I rake my nails over my thighs. They’re still spread, and I absently wonder if I should close them. “Come down here, Cole. I want you to make love to me.”

  I guess I should tell him at some point that I’m a virgin. That fingerbang probably did a lot to get rid of the situation, but I still feel like it’s something he should know. I’ll tell him.


  But he only stares down at me. Is he rethinking things? Please don’t let him rethink things.

  To encourage him, I slide my hands up to my shirt. I tug my white undershirt up and reveal my bra. It’s not a sexy bra, but it does have the advantage of snapping in the middle. I undo it with a flick, and my breasts spill out.

  The breath hisses from his throat.

  That got his attention.

  My hands stray to my breasts and I tease my nipples. They ache, and I picture his mouth on them, sucking and licking at them the way he did to my pussy. My breath hitches, and I squeeze my breasts, my thumbs gliding over the tips.

  Cole gives a low groan, and his hand jerks at his belt. Excited, I arch on the air mattress. Now he’s going to lie down on top of me and fuck me silly. I watch with fascination as he rips his belt off and flings it aside, then shoves his jeans down. He’s not wearing underwear, and the jut of his cock as it’s released from its confines is staggering. Wow. He’s a big guy, in all ways.

  His hand goes to his cock and he strokes it. A fascinated gasp escapes me, and I watch as his hand works it over, moving from the base of his shaft to the head. Slow at first,
and then quick. I’ve never seen a man do this. Well, maybe a few minutes of a porno, but it’s different when one’s right in your face inside a shadowy tent.

  As I watch, his hand moves faster, and then he groans, squeezing the head. A hot, wet spatter lands on my thighs and stomach.

  And I gasp again, sitting up on my elbows. “Did you just jerk off on me?”

  His breath rasps in his throat, all sexy and growly. “Fucking wanted you too much.” Cole drops to his knees. His hand goes to my stomach, and he starts rubbing his sperm into my skin.

  I…don’t know how I feel about this. My virginal senses are a little shocked, a lot titillated, and I’m fighting disappointment. Is he not going to touch me again? Maybe there’s more coming. “So,” I say, and lick my lips. “What do we do now?”

  Cole continues to rub his come onto my belly, and I can feel myself getting aroused again at his touch. Not that I stopped being aroused. “Now I should probably collect some firewood and see about starting a fire.”



  The man gets to his feet and turns away. He’s leaving? I watch as he unzips the tent, but before he can turn and walk away, I grab his pants. Cole’s arms windmill for a moment, and then he falls backward onto the air mattress next to me.

  There’s an audible pop and the entire thing deflates under me with a whoosh.

  “Hi,” I say as Cole looks over at me. His face is inches from mine.

  “Why did you do that?”

  “Because I don’t want you to go,” I tell him softly. I reach out and brush a lock of inky dark hair off his forehead. He looks so much more menacing in the shadows than in the daylight. Strange how it arouses me. His skin is warm and my fingers trail down to his jaw, where there’s a growth of rough stubble. Oh God. I remember that stubble brushing against the insides of my thighs. A small moan escapes my throat.

  Cole groans and he captures my hand in his. He leans in and sniffs at my wrist, which seems like an odd gesture to me. But then he takes my fingertip in his mouth and nips it. “I’m just…afraid to hurt you,” he admits in a gruff voice.


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