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My Name Is Desire: The Bad Baker Boys: Mark's Story

Page 7

by Tonya Brooks

  “Alright,” Desi agreed as she rose and followed him to the dance floor.

  John had been waiting for them to dance together and he began the intro to 'Here Without You' because it was one of Mark's favorites and his brother always sang along with it. The musician knew that women loved it when a man sang to them and he was trying to help his big brother romance the lady. She'd be his for the taking as long as Mark didn't do something to screw it up.

  She stepped into the warmth of his embrace and laid her head against his chest as they moved slowly to the music. Desi smiled when Mark began to sing softly because he had a nice voice and she'd never had a man sing to her before. Well, John had dedicated a song to her the night before, but that wasn't the same thing. This was sweet and romantic and she wasn't immune, dammit.

  The man was just too good to be true. It was too bad that he wasn't interested in a relationship. He liked her daughter and that definitely made him special. That he was incredibly handsome went without saying, not to mention he was easily the sexiest man she'd ever met. Mark was charming, financially secure and a genuinely nice man. He was everything she wanted and nothing that she needed.

  He was a bad boy with a well earned reputation. He owned a bar and kept hours that were completely unsuitable for a family man. And most important of all, Mark was a player and he liked having his pick of the ladies. No, a relationship with him was totally out of the question, even if he was interested in one, which he wasn't. He was the kind of man who indulged in casual sex and that was not something that she had any interest in.

  Well, she was interested; Desi had the grace to admit to herself. God knows, if she was going to indulge in something like that, he'd be the perfect man to do it with. Would he ever. She couldn't recall being this attracted to anyone before. Not even Kylie’s father, Kyle. But she'd learned her lesson the hard way and there was no way she was going back down that path again. Kyle had broken her heart, but she had a feeling that she'd never recover if Mark did the same thing. No. Any type of relationship with him was out of the question. But, damn, he was hard to resist.

  Mark wasn't trying to resist anything. He was enjoying the feel of her body pressed so intimately against his. Desi had relaxed in his arms as if she trusted him completely and he instinctively held her in a protective embrace. Oddly enough he felt the need to protect her. She was so petite and feminine that she made him more aware of his own masculinity.

  She made him feel like a man and he found himself wondering what it would be like to be her man. The strange thing was that the idea held a great deal of appeal, but he knew it could come to nothing. He wasn't the man she needed or wanted. Okay, that wasn't entirely true. Mark had no doubt that she wanted him, but at what price? The cost would be too high and neither one of them was willing to pay it.

  He wouldn't give up his freedom for her and he seriously doubted she'd agree to anything less. Then again, he wouldn't know unless he tried. It couldn't hurt. Besides, she probably needed a lighthearted diversion with someone she could trust. Hell, why not? The worst she could do was say no. That bad boy smile firmly in place, Mark decided to seduce the woman and let the cards fall where they may.

  They danced for several songs in companionable silence, just enjoying the feel of being in each other’s arms. When the band began a more upbeat number, Mark led her to his office and closed the door behind them. He pulled Desi into his arms and kissed her with a gentle passion much as he had the night before. When she sighed his name and slid her arms up around his neck, he deepened the kiss and allowed the hunger he felt to surface.

  Desi reveled in his passion. It had been so long since she'd felt desire, so long since she had wanted a man, so long since she had given her own desire free reign. Every argument she had to not let this happen disappeared the minute he kissed her. The only thought in her head was making love with Mark. The only word she was capable of uttering was his name. When his hands slid up her chest and cupped her breasts, she gasped in pleasure, her head falling back as his lips plundered her neck. Oh, God, it felt so good to feel again.

  Mark thought she felt pretty damn good and he couldn't wait to touch every delectable inch of her. Unfortunately, someone chose that moment to knock on the door and he released her reluctantly. The staff wouldn't bother him unless something was wrong and his brothers knew better. He stared down into her bemused eyes and couldn't resist stealing one more kiss before he walked over to yank the door open. He should have known, Mark thought in resignation. Only one person would dare disturb him.

  “There you are,” Harley said as she walked inside uninvited. “I was afraid you'd gone home without us.”

  Desi smiled self-consciously at her friend and asked, “Where did you disappear to?”

  “Matthew had a piece of property he needed to show me,” she evaded answering directly and from the blush on her friends face and the scowl on Mark's, realized that she had interrupted them.

  “What property?” Mark questioned. Matt hadn't said anything about buying another piece of property and he knew his brother wouldn't invest in something unless they discussed it first.

  “The apartment complex you two own,” she said with a pointed look. “One of the units is for rent and I wanted to see it.”

  Ah, hell. Harley had found out about Matt's apartment. “It's been that way for a while,” he assured her.

  “And it's going to stay that way,” she said flatly. “Anyway, I just wondered where you were. I'd better head back to the table before Matthew comes looking for me.”

  “I'll come with you,” Desi said now that she had come to her senses again and realized that she had almost made a horrible mistake.

  “After you,” Mark sighed as he held the door open for them. Damn. He should have known something would go wrong. It seemed like everything he did with this woman was destined to go to hell in a hand basket. Maybe he should just call it quits while he was ahead of the game and chalk this one up to bad timing.

  Then again, the night was still young and he never had been one to give up without a fight. Somehow he had the feeling that Desi would be worth the effort. They closed the place down at two in the morning and even though he'd been his most charming, Desi had remained friendly but distant and Mark got the hint. Play time was over and he was going to be sleeping alone tonight. Dammit.

  Chapter Three

  Sunday, August 4, 2013

  The day of the wedding dawned bright and clear and most of the wedding party woke with a hangover. The house was in an uproar as everyone scrambled to get dressed and make all of the last minute preparations. Matt was making everyone crazy because he wanted the wedding to go off without a hitch and he reminded them of every little detail repeatedly. His brothers threatened to lock him up in the attic if he didn't chill out and the look he gave them promised dire retribution if they even considered it.

  The ceremony went perfectly as planned and thankfully, everyone was on their best behavior. Gator fervently prayed it stayed that way. The church was packed full of friends and neighbors who had come to wish the couple well and there were a few in the congregation who had come just to see if the bad boy was really going through with it again.

  The minister never had a doubt about that. He'd been shocked to find out it wasn't just a renewal of vows, but an actual ceremony and they'd had a long talk about it where his old friend had bared his soul and confessed he'd loved Harley since they were teenagers. Gator knew their marriage would work this time. Matt wouldn't have it any other way

  The groom took his place at the altar with his son beside him as best man and Mark and Luke as groomsmen. The bad Baker boys dressed in black tuxedos with deep scarlet vests, matching boutonnière's and black bow ties made many a feminine heart flutter. No one could recall seeing them all in formal attire before, but it had definitely been worth the wait.

  John and the Bad Boy's played the wedding march as the ladies filed down the aisle in perfect decorum this time. Desi and Stella were resplenden
t in their deep scarlet strapless gowns while Candi and Kylie looked absolutely adorable in a junior version with spaghetti strings.

  The bride looked like goddess as she glided gracefully toward her groom on her father-in-law's arm, a bouquet of scarlet roses in her hand. The gown suited her perfectly and looked as if it had been created with Harley in mind. Matt loved the fact that she was a lady just as much as he did the wildness in her and the gown managed to capture both sides of his bride.

  Ivory satin with a sweetheart neckline, the adorned fit gently hugged her curvaceous body while the flared silhouette with a chapel-length train emphasized her long length of leg. She had chosen not to wear a veil and had simply left the mane of blonde hair flowing freely down her back with an ornate faux diamond necklace as her only accessory. The effect was stunning and she looked as glamorous as any movie star that had ever graced a red carpet.

  Jedidiah kissed Harley's cheek, placed her hand in his sons and wiped a tear from his eyes when he took his place on the front pew. Matt could only stare at her, his heart in his throat. He'd never seen anything as beautiful as his bride and the love he saw shining in her eyes was all he could ever want and more.

  He had asked John to perform 'Everything I Do' as a surprise, since it said everything he felt, and there wasn't a dry eye in the house as tears of joy streamed down Harley's face. She whispered, “I love you, Matthew,” and overcome with emotion, Matt pulled her into his arms and held her, his own eyes damp and threatening to overflow. “I love you so much,” he whispered brokenly. They separated just enough to look into each other’s eyes as they repeated their vows, both of them promising to love each other forever this time around.


  The looks the bride and groom were giving each other was almost embarrassing to witness. In spite of all the hell that Matt and Harley had been through, theirs was a love that wouldn't die and Mark experienced a pang of envy at their happiness. His brother and sister-in-law really were the perfect couple and for the first time he wondered if he would ever find that kind of happiness.

  His gaze roved over to Desi of its own accord and he knew she was wondering the same thing. He could see it in her expression and when their eyes met, they shared a connection, an instant of bonding as both of them acknowledged without words that what Matt and Harley shared was missing from their own lives.

  He had suspected that Desi longed for that type of relationship but Mark was shocked to discover that he did. Stunned at the realization, he began to wonder why he suddenly felt this incredible sense of loneliness. That was ridiculous, he assured himself. His life was perfect. He had everything a man could want.

  His businesses were successful, money was not an issue, he drove a luxurious car, lived in a mansion, ate like a king and had all the women he could want. Hell, he even had a Super Bowl ring. What more could a man ask for? Deciding that he was just caught up in the romanticism of the wedding, Mark knew that once he had a shot of brandy it would clear his head and he'd forget these foolish notions.

  At least he hoped like hell he would.


  The reception was being held at Mark's place and even though the crowd wasn't as rowdy as they had been the night before, they were still enjoying themselves immensely. Mark stayed busy making sure the champagne fountain didn't run dry, that the punch bowls were kept full and the kids stayed out of the one containing alcohol. His nephew was a sneaky little devil and he'd caught him dipping in the wrong bowl twice now.

  “Try it again and I'll kick your ass,” he warned the boy, who flashed him his own bad boy grin before he disappeared into the crowd. He laughed because the kid was gonna be a hellion when he got older and the threat hadn't deterred him a bit. Jed would be back to try again.

  The bride and groom cut the cake and encouraged their guests to help themselves to the buffet and open bar. John wound up in line behind Desi and as they neared the end of the buffet tables, he suggested, “If you'll take the plates to the table, I'll grab us a drink.”

  “It's a deal,” she agreed and took his plate. When John joined her, she looked at the glass and asked warily, “What is it?”

  “Punch,” he said with a grin. “Mark made it. I quit asking what he put in his concoctions years ago.”

  If Mark made it for her, she knew it wouldn't have alcohol in it. “Or what he called them,” Desi laughed and took a sip. It tasted like peach and pineapple. “This is the best one yet.”

  “My brother does have a knack for mixing a good drink,” he confessed. “Opening the bar was the smartest thing he could have done.”

  “He told me he's thinking about opening a second place.”

  “Something more upscale,” John nodded. “He'd like to put in a kitchen and serve food.”

  As a professional chef, food was something she knew well. “Full entrees or just aperitifs?” Desi asked curiously.

  “With Mark’s cooking skills it'll probably be microwavable hot wings,” he joked and popped an olive in his mouth. “I'm not sure what he's planning, but he wants something completely different from this place. If Harley has her way, it'll be over the top classy.”

  “She does have excellent taste,” Desi assured him as she sipped the punch. “Whatever she does always comes out better than I could have imagined.”

  “I hope so. Pop's gonna let her redo the house and I think he's a little freaked at the thought of something modern and garish.”

  “Not in that house,” she denied, knowing her friends taste well. “Harley will stick to the classics. It won't be as formal as the Manor House's decor since it is a residence, but I can guarantee you it will be just as elegant.”

  “Elegant,” John repeated in resignation. “Great. Fancy little foo-foo doodads that break easily.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “For a house full of men? Not hardly. Harley will make it perfect for the people as well as the design of the house.”

  “I'm gonna hold you to that,” he warned with a grin and noticed her cup was empty. “I'll get us some more punch.”


  After everyone had eaten and the toasts had been made, the band finally got to take the stage. They played 'Everything I Do' again as the bride and groom stepped onto the floor for the first dance. No one had any doubts how much the newlyweds loved each other. It was plainly visible in their expressions as they looked into each other’s eyes and moved slowly around the dance floor.

  Once they moved on to the next song, the dance floor filled up and Jedidiah invited, “Dance with me.”

  Claire stared at him in shock before she looked quickly around to see if anyone had overheard. “Jed, we can't,” she protested.

  “There's nothing wrong with in-law's dancin' together at their children's wedding,” he assured her and stood to pull her to her feet. “Besides, I wanna hold you.”

  “I want to hold you, too,” she admitted and walked with him to the dance floor. Jedidiah pulled her into his arms and she forced herself not to lean against him as she longed to do. Not about to tolerate the distance between them, he pulled her closer. “Jed,” Claire protested weakly even as she relaxed into his embrace.

  “This is the first chance I've had to dance with you and I'm damn well gonna enjoy it,” he growled softly and then added, “You look beautiful, Claire.” And she did. Just looking at her took his breath away. The scarlet gown clung lovingly to her curves and it was hard to believe she was the mother of two grown daughters.

  Claire Abbot was just as beautiful now as she had been the first time he had seen her as a teenager. The blonde hair was shorter, but her body was just as perfectly formed as it had ever been. Jedidiah reminded himself yet again that he was a lucky man to have her, even if it was in secret, dammit.

  “And you look sexy as hell in that tuxedo,” she informed him proudly. Jedidiah was easily the most handsome man she'd ever met and Claire never tired of just looking at him.

  “Harley gal made me wear the damn thing,” he complained even
though the compliment pleased him.

  “My daughter does have excellent taste,” she smiled and looked at the newlyweds. “They're so happy together.”

  “Matt loves her,” Jedidiah assured her confidently. “They'll make it work this time.”

  “I'm so proud of them both. In spite of everything they've been through, they're still willing to take a chance,” Claire said in a wistful tone. “That kind of risk takes real courage.”

  That innocent comment piled guilt on his already burdened conscience because he knew the only thing preventing him from admitting the truth was fear. Jedidiah Baker was a lot of things, but he'd never been a coward. He'd loved Gigi with all of his heart and when she had died, he'd been damn near destroyed.

  Jedidiah had not believed himself capable of feeling that type of emotion again, but he'd been wrong. It had happened so gradually that he hadn't even realized it at first, and when he had, he hadn't been willing to admit it to himself, but the simple truth was that he loved Claire.

  The two of them had spent a good bit of time together over the last twelve years as they took care of their grandson during his visits, until the boy was big enough to go to the garage with his father. And when little Jed was back in Florida with Harley, Jedidiah would stop by on occasion just to make sure everything was alright and fix things around the house for Claire. He wasn't sure when the hunger had started because it seemed like he'd wanted her forever, but he'd damn sure never forget the day he'd realized that she wanted him, too.

  He and Claire had been painting her living room and she'd climbed up the ladder to wipe a smudge off of the crown molding. His eyes had followed her movements and envied the way the shorts caressed her rounded bottom. She'd turned around and caught him staring at her butt and her look of surprise had become decidedly wicked when she realized that he wanted her. Claire had climbed back down the ladder and demanded bold as brass, “You just gonna stand there looking, or did you actually plan to do some touching, Jed?”


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