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My Name Is Desire: The Bad Baker Boys: Mark's Story

Page 9

by Tonya Brooks

  “She sure as hell put away a lot of it for a teetotaler,” the youngest said with a laugh.

  “And now she's passed out in my office,” Mark said shortly.

  “She's drunk?” Luke asked in surprise and revised his earlier assessment. He knew his older brother would not take advantage of an inebriated woman and he was relieved that he'd been wrong. Desi was a nice lady as well as a fine woman from what he could tell, and she deserved a hell of a lot better than what any of them were willing to offer. He was glad Mark had realized it as well.

  “Stone cold hammered,” Mark assured him.

  “Ah, hell. I didn't know,” John said in genuine regret.

  “Now you do,” he said as he looked the car over. “I'm surprised Matt didn't kick your ass for this.” The ‘57 Bel Aire was their older brother’s pride and joy since he'd completely rebuilt it inside and out himself.

  “He threatened to unless we clean it up,” Luke admitted.

  “Wanna help?” John asked hopefully.

  “I've got an inebriated woman to deal with, thanks to you,” he said dryly. “You can handle this mess on your own.”

  Mark explained the situation to his father and asked him to keep an eye on Kylie. Jedidiah was severely disappointed that his plans for the evening had just changed drastically, but he agreed and asked, “You gonna bring her home to sleep it off?”

  He shook his head. “I don't think Desi would appreciate her daughter seeing her like that and I sure as hell don't want to explain it to the kid either. I'll bring her home when she wakes up.”

  “Alright,” Jedidiah agreed. “Don't worry about the lil' gal. She and Jed will find some kind of mischief to get into.”

  Mark didn't doubt that for a minute. Kylie had actually tried to distract him earlier so Jed could get to the punch bowl. She was as much of a handful as his nephew. “Thanks, Pop.”

  “Just make sure you treat that one like a lady, Mark,” Jedidiah warned his son sternly. “She deserves a hell of a lot better than what she's had.”

  “She does,” Mark agreed and went back inside the nearly empty bar. Most of the guests had left when the newlyweds did, but there were still a few stragglers partying. He instructed the staff to start cleaning up and went back to the office. Desi was sleeping peacefully and he smiled because she was even beautiful while she slept. Tearing his hungry gaze away from her, Mark went to his desk and sat down to do some paperwork.

  A couple of hours later, he sat on the edge of the sofa to check on her and found himself just staring at her face. She was so lovely that he really could look at her forever. Brushing a curl from her cheek, he couldn't resist the urge to place a kiss on her lips and he smiled when she opened her eyes and looked up at him. “Hello, beautiful,” he said softly.

  “Hi,” she smiled and stretched languidly, her body felt so relaxed and... something else that she couldn't quite define. Whatever the sensation was, she couldn't remember ever feeling this content before. “I had the strangest dream.”

  “You did?” he asked in amusement and wondered if she thought their attempt at making love had been a dream.

  “Mmm,” she smiled and then blushed because she had been dreaming about making love with him and it had been wonderful.

  “Did you dream about me?” he asked just to tease her because the blush assured him that his assessment had been correct.

  “You were in it,” she evaded answering directly and sat up slowly as she wondered why she'd been sleeping on his sofa. Desi lifted a hand to her head and said, “I feel so strange.”

  “Alcohol has that effect on people,” Mark replied seriously.

  “Alcohol?” she repeated blankly.

  “Champagne and peach brandy to be precise,” he pointed out. “The punch you were drinking was spiked.”

  “I had no idea,” she said in surprise.

  “That was obvious,” he grinned at her. “John didn't know you don't drink.”

  A frown marred her brow as Desi began to wonder if at least parts of the dream had been real. “I didn't do anything stupid... did I?”

  He suppressed a laugh because she looked so hopeful even though her tone was a direct contradiction and filled with doubt. “You were a lady as always,” Mark assured her. “But a cup of coffee should get rid of any lingering effects.”

  “That sounds wonderful,” she agreed and swung her feet to the floor when he stood.

  “I made a pot just in case,” Mark said as he headed to the door.

  Desi stood and looked around the room curiously. It seemed Mark favored neutral tones as his office was done in the same browns and beiges as the bar. She hadn't paid any attention to the room the night before, but it was tasteful and masculine and she smiled because it suited him. His desk was clean and orderly with papers stacked neatly in baskets and the brown leather desk chair looked comfortable and well used. The brown leather sofa was extremely comfortable and she draped the beige throw back across it and straightened the tasseled edges.

  The opposite side of the room contained a built in entertainment center with an impressive looking stereo and a flat screen TV as well as an array of mementos from his days as a professional football player. The walls proudly displayed framed photos and newspaper clippings as well as a magazine cover featuring his handsome face. It was a shame his career had been cut short by an accident, but at least he had won a Superbowl before that happened. The articles were very flattering and she wondered if he missed it.

  “I don't know how you like it, but strong and black is what you need,” Mark said as he returned with a steaming cup.

  “Thank you,” Desi said as she accepted it and took a sip. Her educated palate nearly choked on the wicked brew. It appeared his scope of mixing a decent drink didn't extend to coffee.

  “I make lousy coffee,” Mark warned.

  “You could have warned me before I tasted it.” she chided.

  “Sorry,” he apologized with a lopsided smile.

  “A little cinnamon and clove would help,” she pointed out.

  “Yeah? I've got all kinds of spices behind the bar. Feel free to add anything you like,” he offered.

  “It'll do,” Desi assured him and took another sip. God, it was awful. “Do you miss it?” she asked with a nod at the photo of him atop his teammates shoulders, his arms raised in victory.

  “Sometimes,” he confessed and looked at the picture. “My one goal in life was to play pro ball and I achieved it. Then the only thing I wanted was a Super Bowl ring, and I got that, too.” His thumb absently twisted the ring on his finger that he only wore on special occasions. “I accomplished everything I'd ever wanted, so at least I don't have any regrets about not being able to play. But you never lose the love of the game.”

  “Kylie is proof of that,” she said with a laugh. “Her obsession with football is your fault, you know.”

  “Mine?” Mark asked in surprise.

  “Harley and Jed watched every game you played on TV and of course, what Jed did, Kylie had to do. Before we knew it, she was hooked,” she said with a shake of her head. “Thanks to you, my daughter is an avid fan and never misses a game.”

  “The girl has excellent taste,” he said with a grin.

  Desi took another sip of coffee and knew she couldn't drink it. “Speaking of taste, I think I need to teach you how to make a decent pot of coffee.”

  “That's not a bad idea,” Mark admitted as he put his hand at her back and led her into the main room. “I'd like to add some hot beverages to the menu, but my coffee is so bad even I can't drink it.”

  Desi poured out the black as night brew still in the pot and said, “The first thing you need to do is start with a good French roast.”

  “I've got some industrial strength stuff that will peel paint,” he said apologetically.

  “Even that can be palatable if prepared correctly,” she assured him and poured a portion of the prepackaged coffee into the basket. Desi added a clove and tossed a cinnamon stick in as
well. “Now we wait for it to brew.”

  “That was simple enough.”

  “There are all types of things you can add to coffee,” she informed him. “If someone has a hangover, adding a bit of ginger helps with the nausea.”

  “I'll keep that in mind,” he assured her since he'd had more than a few of those. “I thought about putting in an espresso machine at the new place.”

  “Oh, yes. Espresso is a popular item. It works wonders with hangovers as well,” she agreed.

  “How is it that you know so much about hangovers?” he thought to ask.

  “I'm a chef at a five star resort,” she said seriously. “We cater to people with all types of maladies, so I have to be prepared for anything. Hangover cures are a popular item with the guests.”

  “No doubt,” he grinned and had forgotten that Harley mentioned her friend was a professional chef with quite a reputation. This could prove to be an interesting coincidence since he was thinking about adding a restaurant to the new club, so he asked curiously. “Have you ever thought about opening your own restaurant?”

  “That's my goal,” she nodded. “But Miami is a tough place. The competition is fierce and prime real estate is scarce. The right location can make a business, but the wrong one usually goes under quickly. I can't afford to make a mistake so I'm waiting for the perfect opportunity.”

  He nodded his understanding. “The Manor House does a great business but they really don't have any competition as far as formal dining goes.” Which is exactly why he was thinking about adding a restaurant to the new club.

  “The right place could put them out of business,” she said seriously and checked the coffee maker. “Their food isn't the greatest.”

  “I suppose you could do better?” he teased.

  “Even on a bad day,” she agreed confidently. “Like fine wine, food should be savored. If prepared properly it pleases each of the five senses and leaves the palate completely sated.”

  Mark laughed softly. “You make it sound like an erotic experience.”

  “It can be,” Desi agreed as she poured them both a cup of coffee. “Food is my passion.”

  So that was where she had channeled her repressed desire, he realized and accepted the cup. Mark took a sip and was surprised at how good it was. “This is wonderful. It tastes as good as it smells.”

  “And now you can make a decent cup of coffee,” she smiled and sipped hers. Thank God, it was better than the last cup.

  Mark led her around the bar and they sat at a table. “Would you consider leaving the big city and moving to Lakeside?” he asked on impulse.

  Desi nearly spit out the swallow of coffee that she had just taken. “I beg your pardon?” Surely he hadn't meant...

  “To open a restaurant,” Mark elaborated. “From what you've said, there isn't any real competition here and finding a good location wouldn't be a problem.”

  She was almost as surprised at his explanation as she had been when he posed the question. “I never thought about it,” Desi admitted.

  “I'm sure Harley would love having you here and Kylie would be thrilled to be with Jed,” he pointed out.

  “That's true,” she agreed and wondered why he'd made such a suggestion.

  “I'd like to add a restaurant to the new place, but my knowledge of food preparation is severely limited to the burgers I flipped as a teenager,” Mark confessed. “If we could find a place big enough, your restaurant and my club could be attached. Sort of a one stop shopping deal.”

  It was an interesting idea. “Are you serious?”

  “Damn straight,” he assured her. Mark never joked about business. Business and finance were his fields of expertise and he took them very seriously, which is why he was so successful. “Between the two of us, we could rock this town.”

  She chewed on her lower lip as she considered it. The idea sounded wonderful and it would be a dream come true, but there were so many things to consider. Like financing. “It sounds tempting,” she admitted. “Harley got me a rough estimate of what it would cost to start up my own place and I spoke with a loan officer who assured me that they would loan me the money based on my reputation, but the banks here have probably never heard of me, so financing could be a bit of a problem.”

  “Financing is not a problem,” Mark assured her. “I plan to buy the building and you could lease your half from me. That way if you decided you didn't like it here, you wouldn't be tied down with a mortgage.”

  Which made perfect sense, but Desi was not a business woman and she knew it, so she still had reservations.

  “Hell, I'll even furnish the place and set up the kitchen,” he offered. “All you'd have to provide is the stock and skill.”

  She stared at him with rounded eyes. “Do you have any idea what it costs to equip a kitchen properly?”

  “It can't be that much,” he denied and when she named a figure, he didn't even bat an eyelash. “Is that for top notch equipment? I don't want anything but the best.”

  “Absolutely,” she readily agreed.

  “Then it sounds like a plan,” Mark said with a satisfied smile and leaned back in his chair. “What do you think?”

  “I think it sounds too good to be true,” she admitted with a laugh.

  “If your cooking is as good as your coffee, I'm willing to take a chance.”

  “What if you don't like my cooking?” Desi joked because her skill was exceptional and had received highly acclaimed reviews from very picky critics and patrons alike.

  “I don't think that will be a problem,” he assured her confidently.

  Making such a drastic move would take some very careful consideration. “Can I think about it?” she asked hopefully.

  “Take all the time you need,” Mark said magnanimously. “I'll start looking for a location while you decide. If I can't find anything suitable, I'll build a place.”

  “Something with a view would be nice,” she pointed out. “And easily accessible. A high traffic area would be best.”

  “Location, location, location,” he grinned. “The lake would be good, especially in the summer.”

  “Ooh, with an alfresco dining area overlooking the water,” she added with growing enthusiasm.

  “A screened area to keep the mosquitoes at bay,” he said practically since the pesky insects could ruin a perfect evening.

  “It sounds heavenly,” she said and the excitement was evident in her tone.

  “I plan to make it as enticing as possible,” Mark assured her. “I want the new place to be first class and a famous chef is exactly what it needs to accomplish that. So, whatever your heart desires, name it and it’s yours.”

  That was when she began to worry. This was a business deal plain and simple but Desi was afraid that being near Mark all the time would turn into something more and she knew if it did, she'd just wind up getting hurt again. So the biggest question on her mind was, am I willing to run the risk to have everything I've ever wanted professionally? “It's a lot to consider, but I will think about it,” she promised.

  “That's all I ask,” he said confidently. “I'm starving and all this talk about food hasn't helped. What do you say we grab some dinner?”

  “Sounds good,” she agreed and stood. “I'll just step into the ladies room and freshen up a bit.”

  “You might need this,” Mark said with a wicked smile as he stood and pulled her thong out of his pocket. He placed it in her hand and saw her mouth drop open in disbelief even as her face flamed as red as her glorious mane of hair. He pulled her to him and placed a tender kiss on her lips. “A beautiful woman should never be embarrassed because a man desires her,” Mark said silkily. “And lady, you are one desirable woman.”

  Bemused by the knowledge that the dream had been real as much as she was by the look in his velvety eyes, Desi said inanely, “My name is desire.”

  “What?” he asked in amusement.

  “Desiree. It’s French for desire.”

  Man, had her p
arents nailed that one. “Desiree,” he tasted the word and liked the sound of it on his lips. “It's perfect.”

  Oh, hell. Desi was in too deep and in another minute she knew she'd be drowning. Shaking her head to break the spell he'd woven around her, she took a step back and walked into the ladies room to splash cool water on her flushed face. How the hell did she think she could have a professional relationship with Mark when every time he looked at her she practically melted at his feet? It wouldn't work and she knew it. Moving here and going into business with him would be the biggest mistake of her life. Why did he have to be so charming and sexy? And why the hell couldn't she stop wanting him long enough to make her dream come true?

  Mark was not having the same difficulty that she was. He thought it was a perfect solution to both their problems. She'd have her own five star restaurant that was guaranteed to attract the clientele he'd hoped for. It would also provide him with ample opportunity to seduce a fascinating woman. If it worked out and they became lovers, so much the better. If it didn't, they'd still have a professional relationship and he was sure they could make the joint venture a success. It looked like a win-win situation from his point of view. Now he just had to convince her.

  They sat across from each other in a booth at Ted's and tossed ideas back and forth for the new venture while they ate. In spite of her reservations, Mark's enthusiasm was contagious and Desi realized she was as excited as he was. “I like the smoky, jazz club idea,” she agreed. “Something soft and romantic would be a nice venue for intimate dinners.”

  “I like the way you think,” he assured her with that bad boy smile. “Romance and intimacy are two of my favorite things.”

  “Mark,” she began hesitantly. “If we did go into business together, I'd prefer we kept our relationship strictly professional. Would that be a problem?”

  He became completely serious and said, “I'll admit I'd prefer a hell of a lot more, but business is business and I'm willing to do whatever I have to in order to make this place a success.” He'd even deprive himself the chance to make love to a fascinating woman. He wouldn't like it, but Mark knew he could do it for the sake of the business. He saw her look of relief and couldn't help teasing, “How about you? Can you keep your hands off of me?”


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