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My Name Is Desire: The Bad Baker Boys: Mark's Story

Page 14

by Tonya Brooks

  Mark was a skilled lover and he knew every pleasure point on a woman’s body. He was determined to find each and every one of Desi’s hot spots and exploit them to the max. Starting at her neck, he alternately kissed, nibbled, licked and sucked his way up and down her right arm before switching to the left one. Then he pushed her onto her back and repeated the process on her legs before he made his way up her torso and back to her breasts.

  When she was trembling helplessly, her head thrashing on the pillow, he slid one finger slowly, very slowly down the center of her body until he reached the sensitive nubbin hidden in the small thatch of red curls. Her hips lifted from the bed and she cried his name when he applied the slightest bit of pressure. Oh, yeah, she was at the breaking point. He circled the little nubbin once, twice, and she came apart in his arms.

  Desi lay there gasping for air, unable to believe that her body was capable of such pleasure, and came to the realization that Mark had every intention of fulfilling his promise. One look at his smug expression assured her that he was well pleased with her response, but the determination in his eyes said he wasn’t finished with her yet. The man was obviously an incredible lover and even though they hadn’t made love yet, she couldn’t imagine how it could get any better.

  “Wow.” she managed to say breathlessly and loosened the death grip she had on the comforter.

  That bad boy grin was in full affect when he assured her, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, baby.”

  Placing his hand between her thighs, he slid two fingers gently up and then down her nether lips, slowly, teasingly, caressing the tender flesh with the gentlest of touches until she shifted her hips restlessly. Taking that as his cue, he slid one finger inside her molten heat and then back out again. Over and over he used the same deliberately slow movement until she huffed out a frustrated breath and arched her hips upward.

  Mark eased a second finger into her depths and she moaned softly as her hips began to move with the rhythm he had set. When her movements began to increase in speed, he curled his fingers up and rubbed against a particularly sensitive spot with each thrust. Desi gasped in pleasure and gripped the comforter tighter in both fists as her hips began to buck wildly. Once he knew that she was nearing climax, he leaned forward and firmly licked her nubbin.

  This time Desi did clear the bed and the sob that tore from her chest turned into a keening wail that should have alarmed the neighbors. “Oh. My. God.” she gasped between gulps of air as her heart pounded in her chest like a wild thing. “You’re going to kill me.”

  “Yeah, but you’ll die happy.” he grinned like the devil he was as he draped her legs over his shoulders and nipped the inside of her right thigh lightly. Leaning forward, he pressed a gentle kiss where her left thigh and pelvis met and felt her shudder. Watching Desi in the throes of passion was wreaking havoc with his self control and he wanted nothing more than to bury himself deep inside her. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could wait but he wanted her to be desperate for him first.

  If Mark meant to drive her insane with pleasure, he succeeded admirably. Desi became a mindless creature as she pleaded with him for release time and time again. He continued to tease her, tempted and pleasured her body until the only word she knew was his name and then he'd release her from the sweet torment only to start over again.

  When she latched onto his head, her fingers curling into his hair, that wicked bad boy smile firmly in place, Mark whispered in his silken tone, “Tell me what you want, baby.”

  “You,” she demanded in desperation. “I want you.”

  “Thank God,” he breathed triumphantly and set a new speed record for donning a condom.

  Desi had never known passion could be so intense or that release could be so sweet. But she did now. Dear God, her body would never be the same again. Mark had brought her to one shattering climax after another until she was sated beyond belief and then he finally made love to her and she realized she hadn't experienced anything yet. The actual joining of their bodies was the most incredible experience of all and she knew that she had been waiting for this moment her whole life.

  Mark was beyond desperate for her. He was bordering on the edge of sanity when Desi welcomed him into her body and he closed his eyes in sheer ecstasy at the sensations that flooded him. Sweet Jesus, she was wet and so damn tight he thought he’d lose it with his first thrust. Then she wrapped her legs around his hips, forcing him even deeper into her silken heat and he damn near did.

  Making love with her was beyond his wildest expectations and he had to fight himself with every bit of strength he had just to hold on to his self control and not take her like a man possessed. Every particle in his being was screaming for release and still he pressed on, determined to please her one more time.

  And then it happened. Her body arched upward into his, her nails scoring his flesh as she screamed his name and Mark gave his body free reign and took her harder, deeper, faster. When his own release came seconds later, Desi joined him for yet another climax that astonished them both. He'd heard about women having multiple climaxes at once but had never experienced it before. The knowledge that he had provided her with something so rare filled him with a deep sense of satisfaction and he rolled onto his back, his arms holding her possessively against his side.

  When she could articulate words again, Desi stared at him in awe and stammered, “That was... I can’t even describe...”

  Mark felt the same way and kissed her temple. “Me neither,” he sighed contentedly and tossed the used condom toward the waste basket.

  “I may never move again.”

  Within minutes she was asleep and he smiled tenderly at the woman in his arms. Mark liked the feel of her beside him, the way her head fit perfectly between his neck and shoulder, the way she curled against him so trustingly, the weight of her arm across his chest. Hell, he liked having her there period. He ran his fingers through her hair much as she had done earlier and enjoyed the silky feel of it against his chest. Placing a tender kiss on her temple, he closed his eyes and slept at peace.

  Chapter Seven

  Friday, August 9, 2013

  The five o'clock wakeup call was not a pleasant sound and Mark lifted the receiver and dropped it back into the cradle. The warmth from the body sprawled across his was a much more pleasant way to wake up and he smiled sleepily, his hand sliding down to caress her bare bottom. She sighed and he felt her smile against his chest. “Good morning, my Desiree,” he said huskily.

  “Morning,” she returned the greeting sleepily. Waking up in his arms could be habit forming Desi realized as she stretched her body languidly against his in contentment and placed a kiss on his chest.

  That was all the incentive he needed. Mark made love to her slowly, tenderly and they lay replete in each other’s arms, loathe to get out of bed and face the day. “We have to get up,” he pointed out as he ran his fingers lazily through her silken tresses.

  “I know,” she agreed and made no move to do so.

  Desi was enjoying this too much and beyond caring what the consequences would be when it was over. She wouldn't trade the night that she had shared with him for anything. God, Mark was an incredible lover. He'd made her feel things that she hadn't been aware a person could feel and she'd reveled in his passion. The experience was like nothing she had ever imagined and she felt connected to him in body and soul. The last thing she wanted to do was break the spell and have this sense of intimacy end.

  He picked up the phone and called room service to order breakfast and then slid reluctantly out of bed. Mark lifted her into his arms and carried Desi to the shower where he lathered his hands with soap and proceeded to caress every inch of her body until she was trembling with need again.

  Not about to miss out on the chance to touch him, Desi pushed him down onto the shower seat, took the soap and dropped to her knees. She explored his well muscled body from head to toe, paying particular attention to the magnificent appendage that had given her so much pleas
ure. When a shudder shook his powerful frame and his eyes practically glowed with heat, she was awed that she could cause such a reaction. Emboldened by his response, she stood up, placed her hands on his shoulders and knelt astride him.

  Mark caught her hips and said hoarsely, “Protection.” He’d never had sex without a condom and he damn sure wasn’t about to start now. Not that he believed for a minute that Desi might have an STD, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to take the risk of getting her pregnant. She’d already been there, done that, and had the kid to prove it.

  “Pill,” she replied and tried to lower her hips but he held her in place.

  Yeah, he’d heard that line before and still used a condom. There was no way in hell he’d get caught in a baby trap if a woman lied about it. But it just didn’t make sense for Desi to be on the pill if she wasn’t sexually active. He knew for damn sure that she had not had a lover in a very long time, so why the hell would she be using birth control. Curiously, he asked, “Why?”

  “Irregular periods.” she responded absently while trailing kisses along his jaw. “They help regulate them.”

  Okay, that was plausible since he had heard of such a thing before. And after what she’d been through, he couldn’t imagine the woman in his arms ever intentionally trying to get pregnant. Confident that she was protected, he pressed down on her hips and she sank onto his length. Their joint moans of pleasure echoed in the tiled area before she arched her back and began to ride him like a champion rodeo cowgirl until they were both spent and struggling for breath.

  The woman was as passionate as her fiery red hair implied, he discovered much to his delight. Mark knew he didn't have a hope in hell of keeping his hands off of her anymore and he damn sure didn't plan to. The old man had been right. Women like her didn't come along very often and he'd be a fool to let her get away. He was willing to do whatever it took to keep Desi with him and if that meant being faithful to her, he'd do it. At least until this thing between them ran its course and they decided to call it quits. Besides, it couldn't hurt to try and have a real relationship and there was no way in hell he was gonna give her up now.


  They left the suite with a great deal of reluctance and got in her car to make the long drive home. The trip didn't seem to take as long as they got to know each other and laughed over shared likes and dislikes as well as pet peeves and everything in between. When he pulled into the driveway that afternoon they shared a deeper sense of intimacy than either of them had ever known before and they were both pleased because they'd had this time alone.

  The kids raced outside to greet them and the adults laughed at the barrage of questions as they hugged the children and answered them as best they could. When Matt and Harley arrived a few minutes later, the excitement started all over again. Mark stood there with his arm around Desi's waist while the kids bombarded the newlyweds with questions about their honeymoon and filled them in on everything that had been happening while they were gone, the most important being that Kylie was moving to Lakeside.

  Harley saw the way her best friend was leaning against Mark and knew without a doubt that the two of them were lovers. The blush that covered Desi's face when their eyes met was a dead giveaway and she smiled a bit uncertainly at her before looking at Mark. He returned the look evenly but the smile on his face assured her that he was more than pleased with the situation and did nothing to alleviate her concern. “You're moving to Lakeside?” she asked hesitantly.

  “My Desiree is going to have a restaurant at the new club,” Mark informed them cheerfully.

  His use of the possessive term my Desiree didn't go unnoticed and even Matt looked sharply at his brother. The only time Mark had ever called a woman mine was when he had been pretending to be Harley's boyfriend. He had always called her my Harley to remind his brother who she belonged to and for him to use it with Desi was a very good sign. That he felt possessive of her was obvious, but his intentions toward her still remained unseen.

  “That's wonderful,” Harley enthused and hugged her friend. “You're finally getting your own place.”

  “Congratulations, Desi,” Matt said as he hugged her. “I'm looking forward to trying your cooking. Harley assures me it's incredible.”

  “Matt loves lots of flavor,” his wife said and cast him an adoring glance as he slid his arm around her waist. “You'll have to fix him one of your exotic recipes.”

  “Whatever he wants,” she readily agreed.

  “So, how did all of this happen? What made you decide to move?” Harley asked curiously and knew the handsome man holding her had something to do with it.

  “Uncle Mark did,” Kylie chimed in. “He flew down to Miami yesterday and brought Mom back.”

  “It's a long story,” Desi said and Harley nodded her understanding. If there was something they didn't want to discuss in front of the children, that phrase was their way of letting each other know without having to come right out and say it and get the kids even more interested.

  “Let's go get a glass of tea and catch up,” Harley suggested as she led her into the house and left the men with the children. Once they both had a glass of iced tea, the two women went into the ladies sitting room and sat on the sofa. “Okay, what's going on?” she asked without preamble in her usual blunt manner.

  “After the wedding, Mark made me an offer to come here and open a restaurant. I told him I'd think about it and he said we'd discuss it more when he brought Kylie home this weekend,” she began.

  Harley knew that Kylie had been staying with Mark this week from her daily conversations with Jed, and had been surprised that her brother-in-law had volunteered to do such a thing. Now she had to wonder if he'd done it to help convince Desi to move to Lakeside. Harley had discussed the new club with him at length over the last few weeks and she knew just how determined he was to make this place one of a kind with the best of everything. A five star chef like Desi would be guaranteed to do just that. She couldn't help wondering just how far he was willing to go to ensure its success.

  Mark could be extremely devious and was willing to go to extreme lengths to get something he wanted, but Harley seriously doubted he'd pretend to be interested in her friend just to lure her here to open the restaurant. Especially when he had to know it could backfire on him when the relationship was over. No. There had to be more to it than that, but she also knew that he had no interest in a serious relationship, so the question was, what the hell was Mark really up to?

  “I'd pretty much decided against it and then Kyle showed up.”

  “Kyle?” Harley repeated blankly and then recognition dawned. “You're kidding?” she exclaimed in disbelief.

  “Somehow he knew about Kylie and wanted to see her,” she explained wearily. “I denied that she was his, but he didn't believe me and began insisting on having tests done to prove he's her father. I told him to get the hell out and he gave me this bull about his wife not being able to have children and how he needed an heir to leave his families fortune to,” Desi said and fought to hold onto her composure.

  “The real reason is that he's hoping to run for office and his party would prefer a man with children. He wants to take Kylie away from me to further his political ambitions,” she said and her voice broke as the tears began to flow. “I didn't know what else to do, Harley. I can't let him take my baby away. I called Mark to accept his offer thinking that if I moved away, Kyle wouldn't be able to find us. He must have known I'd do something like that because he sent someone to watch the house and when I told Mark about it, he flew down to get me. I was completely hysterical by the time he arrived because Kyle had served me with a court order to get a DNA sample from Kylie to prove her paternity.”

  “Dear God,” the other woman breathed in horror and hugged her. “I can't believe any of this. It's too ridiculous to believe he'd dare such a thing after paying you to have an abortion in the first place.”

  “Oh, Kyle swore he hadn't known about that,” she informed her frie
nd bitterly. “He said his father told him about it after he had searched for me for weeks.”

  Obviously she hadn't believed a word of it and neither did Harley. “So, what are you going to do? About the court order?”

  “Mark suggested I let Luke handle it, but I haven't had the chance to talk to him yet. We only got here a few minutes before you did,” she replied and took a sip of tea.

  “Well, it’s obvious you and Mark have gotten rather close,” she said with a worried smile.

  “We have,” she agreed and couldn't prevent a smile when she thought about the last day and night with him. “I know there's no hope of a future with him, Harley, but I've decided to let this attraction between us run its course and enjoy it come what may.”

  That announcement shocked her friend more than anything else. She knew all too well that Desi was not the type of woman to indulge in casual sex and for her to admit such a thing spoke volumes. Desi must be in love with Mark to even consider such an option, but it was obviously too late to mention that now. “And when it does?” she asked hesitantly.

  “I'll worry about it then,” Desi said firmly and smiled at her. “Don't worry, Harley. I know what I'm getting into and I'd rather have one night with Mark than a lifetime with someone else.”

  Oh, hell. Yeah, she was in love alright. Nothing else could make a perfectly sane woman behave in a completely irrational manner, Harley knew from experience. “Mark is a very loving, caring man,” she informed the other woman in a tone void of all pretense. “The fact that he's genuinely affectionate only adds to the bad boy charm.”

  “But?” Desi questioned because she knew it was coming.

  “But, his reputation is well deserved. Mark's never had a real relationship before and I'm not sure he knows how to,” she explained. “I love him dearly and he's the best friend I've ever had, other than you, so I know him well enough to tell you that once he forms an attachment, he becomes very possessive. He's already done that with you.”


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