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My Name Is Desire: The Bad Baker Boys: Mark's Story

Page 16

by Tonya Brooks

  The feel of her muscles contracting around him, drawing him deeper and deeper into her body pushed Mark past the point of no return. He grasped her bottom, lifting her completely off of her feet as he drove into her again and again without restraint until they climaxed together and held each other in a fierce embrace as the trembling subsided and sanity returned.

  “I'm sorry, Baby,” Mark had the decency to apologize as he stood her back on her feet again. “You made me so damn crazy, I got carried away.”

  “I like it when you get carried away,” she admitted and laid her head on his shoulder, her hair tumbling loosely as the pins holding it in place had come undone.

  “I took you against the wall, for God's sake,” he pointed out bluntly in self-derision in case she hadn't realized that. Mark knew how to treat a lady and that damn sure wasn't it.

  “I don't care if it’s on top of the bar as long as you make love to me,” Desi assured him with a smile of satisfaction.

  She'd managed to surprise him again because he knew she was being completely honest. He framed her face in his hands and kissed her tenderly, lingeringly. “You're an incredible woman, my Desiree.”

  “Why do you call me that?” she asked curiously and recalled that Harley had mentioned he felt possessive about her.

  “My Desiree?” he asked and flashed her that bad boy smile. “Because that's what you are. My desire.”

  Satisfied with his answer, she slid her hands over his chest and teased, “I'll have to come up with something cute to call you.”

  He laughed and shook his head. “Just call me your man.”

  She liked the sound of that. “Are you my man, Mark?” Desi asked tentatively.

  “Baby, I'm all yours,” he vowed and kissed her tenderly.

  When they returned to the main room and sat down at the table that was always reserved for him, no one was in any doubt what the couple had been doing in his office, especially Matt and Harley. Desi looked like a woman who had been well loved and Mark's smile of satisfaction proved he was the lucky man responsible for it. His family and the Friday night crowd were amused at the way the two of them couldn't seem to keep their hands off of each other. There was nothing unusual about seeing Mark with a beautiful woman, but the amount of attention that he was lavishing on her came as a surprise, and they were the talk of the town.

  Mark was aware of the attention they were receiving and as usual, he didn't give a damn. The only thing on his mind was the woman he held against his side and the night that she had planned for them. His imagination was running rampant and his expectations of a night filled with passion had him glancing at his watch impatiently.

  Desi was amused at the way Mark kept checking the time as if he couldn't wait for the bar to close so they could be alone. She placed her hand on his thigh and felt his body tense. She trailed her nails lightly over the denim covered flesh and saw his eyes darken with desire. Desi wet her lips and gave him that seductive smile and a second later, he was kissing her as if he were starved for the taste of her. “Mark,” she breathed huskily and left him in no doubt of her desire for him.

  “You keep touching me and we'll wind up in the office again,” he warned against her lips. He knew she'd been deliberately teasing him and it had worked too well, dammit. His need for Desi was a serious thing and he wanted her too much to play games.

  “You keep looking at me like that and I'll jump your bones right here,” she shot back and saw his amused expression. Desi rose, sat astride his lap facing him and said seriously, “I'm not kidding, Mark. You know I can't resist my man.” The crowd watched in amusement as he stood with her in his arms and carried Desi back into the office again.

  “I thought we were bad,” Matt laughed at his brother’s actions. “Those two are acting more like newlyweds than we are.”

  “'Bout damn time we did something about that, don't you think, Matthew?” his wife asked with a naughty smile.

  “Yes, ma'am,” Matt readily agreed, scooped her into his arms and took his lady home to their bed as the crowd looked on indulgently.

  Luke and John shared a knowing look as Brett Walker sat down at their table. “It seems the bad Baker boys are still the talk of the town, married or single,” the police chief said in amusement.

  “They've got it bad,” Luke agreed.

  “Bad?” John laughed. “I'd say they've got it pretty damn good.” From what they'd just witnessed, neither man could argue with that statement.


  Much later, Mark and Desi emerged from the office wearing identical smiles of satisfaction and went straight to the dance floor where they held each other and barely swayed to the music, regardless of what the band played. When they finally returned to the table, Mark ordered them a couple of drinks and he tasted Desi's to make sure it didn't contain alcohol before he gave it to her. Such a simple yet caring action caused her heart to overflow with love for him. She snuggled contently against his side and glanced at her watch expectantly.


  The night had been everything Mark had hoped for and then some. Desi had repeatedly pleasured his body beyond his wildest expectations until he'd been pushed past all reason and out of his mind with need time and time again. God, she was an amazing lover. He couldn't remember ever being this satiated.

  He never would have guessed from her quiet demeanor that she'd be completely uninhibited. Not that he was complaining. Hell, Mark couldn't believe his luck and knew that he'd never get bored with her. Not in a million years. Desi surprised him at every turn and the knowledge excited him beyond belief.

  He had also discovered that making love with Desi wasn't just a physical thing. It was an emotional roller coaster ride that he'd never experienced before and the unfamiliar sensations he felt left him more fulfilled than he had ever imagined possible. Even though he was completely sated in body and soul, he wanted her with the same unquenchable need that he had felt before they made love. The woman was like an addiction. The more he made love with her, the more he needed her.

  They stood on her small patio and watched the sun rising over the lake, his arms around her waist, her head lying back against his chest, his lips against her temple. “It's going to break my heart when this is over,” she said a bit wistfully as she turned to face him and looked up into the brown velvet of his eyes. “But right now I don't care about anything but being with you.”

  Mark felt the same way but he didn't like her worrying about what the future might bring. He knew it would have to end sooner or later, but right now he was enjoying the idyllic situation too much to think about it. He had no words to reassure her and he refused to make promises he couldn't keep, so he did the only thing he knew how to do. Mark carried her back to bed and made love to her with such tenderness that tears slid down her cheeks and then he kissed them dry. Wrapping his arm around her, he held Desi against his side and ran his fingers through her hair as she snuggled trustingly against him and found solace in sleep.

  Chapter Eight

  Saturday, August 10

  That afternoon they awoke in each other’s arms and just lay there listening to the sound of the rain. The rumbling of Mark's stomach broke the silence and he complained, “I'm hungry.”

  “Mmm,” she smiled in amusement. “How about a Frittata with grilled potatoes, eggs, feta cheese, sautéed mushrooms and onions, topped with tomato and basil grilled in virgin olive oil? Or if you prefer something a little sweet, Belgian waffles with a hint of cinnamon, Chantilly cream and fresh strawberries, thick crispy, market sliced bacon and au gratin hash browns with onions and red peppers.”

  Mark was practically salivating. He would have been happy with plain scrambled eggs and toast but she had described a veritable feast. “Either one sounds great,” he assured her.

  “Unfortunately I haven't been to the grocery store yet so there’s no food in the house,” she realized. “How's your kitchen stocked?”

  There was nothing but beer in his refrigerator and he didn't
keep food in the apartment because he didn't eat there. “Nothing edible,” he sighed. “Looks like we're going out for breakfast.”

  “More like a late lunch,” she corrected after a glance at the clock and stretched languidly.

  The feel of her body moving silkily against his brought more pressing issues to mind and Mark suggested, “How about an early dinner?” before he kissed her hungrily.


  Mark made himself leave to go home and get dressed but it wasn't easy. He hated to leave her and that was more than a little unsettling. He'd never had a problem walking away from a woman before, no matter how good the sex had been. Mind you the sex had been too damn good to describe, but even so, this time was different. He didn't just want to make love to Desi, he wanted to be with her. He enjoyed her company no matter what they were doing. Hell, he liked just having her near. The fact that they had been together for practically two entire days might have something to do with it.

  Mark normally spent a few hours with a woman and occasionally the entire night, but he'd never spent this much time with anyone. Ever. That was one of the reasons the apartment was so convenient. He could leave when he felt like it and go home to his bed. He preferred sleeping alone and had found that to be a problem in the past. When he'd been playing pro ball, he'd had his own apartment and had on occasion, brought a lady home who wanted to spend the entire night with him.

  He had never really understood why women liked to cuddle up and go to sleep after sex and doubted he ever would. But, they did for some strange reason and he'd resigned himself to the knowledge years ago. Oddly enough, he didn't mind sleeping with Desi. He wasn't sure if that should worry him or not. It sure as hell wasn't normal for him, but then nothing about their relationship was normal for him.

  Mark had never had a problem finding a woman to sleep with. He'd discovered that as a teenager, much to his delight. In spite of his pretend relationship with Harley, the local girls had been more than willing to try out the hatchback in his car and the girls at college had nearly worn him out. Hell, he'd had to quit dating during football season because the coach had threatened to cut him from the team unless he got some rest. But nothing could compare to the women he'd known while playing professionally. My God, they had thrown themselves at him everywhere he went and he'd loved it.

  Mark had never really had to pursue a woman, unless he counted Harley, and he didn't since they'd never been lovers, but he'd found himself jumping on a plane and rushing down to Florida after Desi. But he hadn't done it just to get her in his bed. He'd gone because she had needed him and he'd wanted to help her. And because having her move here was guaranteed to make the new place a success.

  Friends and partners. He laughed at the idea. How the hell could they have believed their relationship would remain platonic? Thank God, Desi had come to her senses. Mark had never met a woman who could excite him like she could and he doubted he ever would again. Making love with her was too incredible for words. He knew he'd finally met a woman with a sexual appetite as voracious as his own and he fully intended to enjoy it while it lasted. He found himself hoping it lasted for quite a while.


  They shared an intimate dinner at the Manor House and she critiqued each item while he grinned in amusement and ate his food with relish. Mark wasn't picky when it came to food and he couldn't wait until he could taste something that she prepared. He discovered that he liked watching her eat. Desi cut her food into small, bite sized pieces and chewed each one slowly as if savoring the flavor and he was fascinated by her mouth. The memories of how that mouth had tormented his body the night before came to mind and it took everything he had not to drag her out of the restaurant.

  “Mark, stop doing that,” she pled softly when their eyes met.

  “Doing what?” he asked huskily.

  “Making love to me with your eyes,” Desi said as she looked away.

  “You don't like it?” he asked in surprise.

  “I like it too much,” she corrected and emerald eyes dark with passion met his seriously. “You know I can't resist you. In another minute I'll be all over you just like last night.”

  Heat filled his entire body and Mark looked away to call for the waiter, “Check, please.”

  They were tearing at each other’s clothes before they ever made it inside her apartment and never did make it to the bed. “I've got carpet burns,” Mark grouched as he rubbed his knees much later.

  “So do I,” Desi assured him as she rolled onto her stomach and reached back to rub her stinging bottom.

  Regretting having caused her the minute amount of pain, he leaned over and covered her delicate flesh with gentle kisses. “Better now?” he asked huskily as his hands caressed the reddened area.

  “It's getting hotter,” she informed him with a naughty smile.


  Mark arrived very late for work that night and he paid more attention to the beautiful woman at his side than he did to business. Desi was a powerful distraction and he loved just looking at her. That she reveled in the attention was equally apparent. He had been watching Desi for the last several minutes as she just stared at his hand where it lay atop the table and smiled in amusement because she was looking at it as if she had never seen a man’s hand before. He wondered what she was thinking that would cause her to smile so softly. Before he could ask, she reached out and lifted his hand in her own and held it in her palm.

  Desi lifted her other hand and lightly trailed her fingertips over the back side of Mark's hand. She traced the outline of every finger before she turned it over and did the same thing to the opposite side. Then she lifted it to her lips and placed a kiss in his palm before rubbing it lightly against her cheek. The amusement faded and heat filled him. Desi had closed her eyes, her lips slightly parted as she brushed his flesh against her own and his breathing became shallow. Who would have believed such a simple action could be so erotic, he wondered in awe. It was almost as if Desi was making love to his hand and he loved it.

  “What are you doing, Baby?” Mark asked a bit hoarsely.

  “I love your hands,” Desi breathed as she lowered their joined hands to her lap and looked up at him, the emerald eyes dark with desire. “They make me feel things that I didn't know were possible. It's amazing that something so strong can be so very gentle.”

  The breath lodged in his throat because he knew she was completely serious. The woman never ceased to amaze him. Desi wanted him to know just how much she enjoyed the feel of his hands on her body. Mark lifted his hand to cup her cheek and she closed her eyes again, reveling in his touch. That strange sensation filled his chest to overflowing and without a word, Mark rose and led her back to his office where he caressed every inch of her body and they made love tenderly, lingeringly and lay replete in each other’s arms.

  When they finally emerged from the office, they danced to every slow song that he could badger John into playing, but it was more than obvious the couple wanted to be alone. Several ladies tried to get his attention and failed miserably when Mark didn't even notice. He only had eyes for his Desiree, much to their disappointment.

  Chapter Nine

  Sunday, August 11

  After a night of passion just as incredible as the last three, Mark and Desi woke feeling relaxed and content. “What would you like to do today, my Desiree?” he asked indulgently.

  “Go to the grocery store,” she decided. “It's time I got some food in the house and cook you a decent meal.”

  A trip to the grocery store wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind, but she did need to stock the kitchen and he was looking forward to having her cook for him. “Then that's what we'll do,” he agreed.

  “I also need to buy some pots and pans and basic household items,” she sighed. They had been using the two towels that he'd brought over from his apartment for the last two days and the bed definitely needed fresh sheets. Fortunately Matt had left the bedding but the comforter was far too masculine for her taste and sh
e'd like something a bit more inviting since the bed was a prominent feature in the one room apartment.

  Apparently they were also going to the mall, he realized in resignation. Damn, he really hated the mall. Three hours later, as he carried the third load of cookware and dishes to the car, Mark's assessment hadn't changed. Desi had already dragged him through the bed and bath store where she purchased every type of linen imaginable and into the home decor store where she bought a bistro set and a small entertainment center that Mark would have to assemble, since they were still in boxes. At that point, he'd called Luke and asked if he could borrow the Hummer, because getting the boxes to fit in his Mercedes wasn't happening.

  Luke arrived to swap vehicles with him when he came out of the store pushing the handcart the clerk had loaned him. “Not a word,” Mark warned his grinning brother. “Not one damn word.”

  Luke knew his older brother didn't particularly care for shopping and the fact that he was willing to give up his day off to do it, revealed a lot. “Domesticity suits you,” he couldn't resist saying and received a look that promised retribution.

  “Desi's buying out the mall,” he complained without heat as he shoved a box in the back when his brother opened the door. “Hell, the place doesn't even have a toothbrush holder.”

  “Did you get yourself a toothbrush while you were at it?” he joked.

  “I brought one over from the apartment yesterday,” Mark admitted as he opened his trunk and began removing the bags from the linen store. He had kept a few extra toothbrushes in the medicine chest since he'd discovered a woman using his one morning and been repulsed at the possibility of it happening again. Some things were not meant to be shared.

  Now that shocked his brother. Mark was keeping a toothbrush at her place? That was as close as he'd ever come to making a commitment to a woman, so this must be serious. Luke took the bags and put them in the back of the Hummer when Mark handed them over to him. “I'm glad you're not just playing with her,” he told his brother seriously. He hadn't spent a lot of time with Desi, but from what he'd seen and heard, she obviously deserved a hell of a lot better than what she'd been through so far.


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