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Ultimate Surrender: The Surrender Series, Book 2

Page 10

by Jennifer Kacey

  “You say it like it’s an anomaly,” she whispered. Her breath hit his moist thumb and he wanted nothing more than to taste her mouth.

  Total lie. He wanted to taste every inch of her, but if lying to himself kept his dick in his pants, then he could live with that.

  It took him only a moment to remember what the fuck he said a few seconds ago. “You tend to sneer in my direction more than smile I do believe.”

  Her sigh in response made his heart squeeze in his chest again. “Sorry.”

  “Oh Jesus. Did you just apologize to me? Twice in one day? I think I might need mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. I’m going to lie down now so I don’t faint.” He willed his hand to let her go and moved down in the covers until his head was on one of her pillows again. “Quick. Come snuggle me before I pass out.” He held his arm closest to her open and lay there as if he were on the verge of needing life support.

  “But what about your celibacy?”

  He peeled one eyelid open and gawked at her. “Are you saying you’d take advantage of me in my weakened state? How dare you!”

  That smile appeared again plus a huge eye roll. But he got what he wanted. Not what he needed but what he wanted. She wiggled down in bed and moved closer. Unwilling to be an inactive participant in the cuddle position, he pulled her close and wrapped her arm over him.

  He’d wanted her pressed against him.

  But needed?

  He needed her naked, beneath him, hands cuffed to the headboard behind them.

  If he couldn’t have that, with his vow of chastity and all, then this was a close second. And a heck of a lot closer than what he’d thought before her.

  “Uh, Campbell?”

  Something in her voice made him think he might have a chance at getting the rest of what he needed. “Yes?”

  “Can you tell your cock to calm down? He’s tenting the comforter and I can’t see past him to view the rest of the movie.”

  Opening his eyes, Campbell cursed. “Good God, man. Have some decency.” He thought about some options and only came up with one good one. Feeling down her body and along her thigh, he gripped her top leg behind the knee. Didn’t take him long to pull it up his thigh and settle her knee straight across his unruly dick. Trapping it against his stomach sounded like the best course of action.

  “Are you kidding me?”

  “Nope. Gotta do whatchu gotta do.”

  “Just tell it to go down.”

  “You’re shitting me, right? It’s not like an air balloon with a relief valve. I can’t push a button to get it to deflate. Fuck, and if you keep moving your knee against it, then it’s certainly not going to go down anytime soon.” He trapped her knee and held it firm. Fuck, her laughing at him shouldn’t have turned him on anymore.

  “Okay, okay. I’m not moving anymore. See?” She went limp against him and fuck if it didn’t make his dick jerk.

  “Good. Now watch the movie. And if you’re a good girl I’ll tuck you in before I take Killer back to the couch to sleep.”

  Her sigh moved across his chest and he hugged her to him.

  Several minutes went by and he really thought maybe she’d fallen asleep until she spoke. “Hey, Campbell?”


  “Thanks for watching a movie with me. Talking.” She shrugged. “I don’t do this very often.”

  He wondered what she meant by that. Watch movies? Cuddle? Talk with someone else of the opposite sex? He didn’t know. But whatever made her sound like that he was all for. Rubbing her arm, he kissed the top of her head as she fully relaxed against him once again. “Anytime, roomie. Any. Time.” And he meant it.

  Spending time with her and not having sex had been nice actually.

  No hidden agenda to get in her rainbow panties had allowed him to talk to her, even get to know her a little better.

  They finished watching the movie and he would actually admit to being completely shocked that she fell asleep on him before the last scene.

  The final gunshots didn’t even wake her up.

  Her body curled into his and her breath across his skin totally turned him on. His cock, which hadn’t ever actually gone down, jerked again when she wiggled as he reached for the remote next to her.

  Turning off the movie and television plunged the room into darkness, but only until his eyes could adjust to the lack of artificial light. Light from a full moon illuminated her bed and her beautiful face as she rolled over onto her back and kicked off the covers.

  He was normally a furnace of heat on his own. Add a hot girl next to him and he turned into a nuclear reactor.

  And fuck, was she a hot girl.

  One of her arms raised up and rested next to her on her pillow. The other grasped the bottom of her t-shirt, which had risen up enough to expose the bottom of her ribs.

  He should leave. He knew this. Accepted it as truth and knew it was what he needed to do. ’Cause he sure as hell wasn’t going to get any sleep with an almost naked chick pressed next to him. Especially not when she angled her head toward him as if asking for him even in her sleep. He normally followed the gnaw-his-arm-off philosophy when it came to things like this, because he’d rather chew his arm off than sleep next to a chick all night.

  Reaching for her was like something out of every fantasy he’d ever had. His fingers skimmed the tight flesh on her abdomen and the tip of one finger fit perfectly in a gap her panties made off her hipbone.

  Was he or was he not going to seduce her? That was the question.

  She answered the question for him as she pulled her shirt a tiny bit higher, moved an ankle over his leg and then she whispered something.

  One word. Two syllables. Two completely unrelated words except when they combined to be— “Camp…bell.”

  Fuck. Not even he could resist that one.

  Throwing caution to the wind, he decided to press on. He’d wake her up slowly and see what happened. Worst-case scenario was she kicked his ass to the couch where he was destined for anyway.

  Moving his hand up, he caressed the base of her rib cage. He’d been right, she was definitely on the thin side. Her thinking otherwise totally made him want to growl. Swallowing the impulse took a lot more effort than he thought it would.

  Shifting his hand upward, he tucked his fingers beneath the bottom edge of her shirt and found perfection with the backs of his knuckles. The lower swell of her breast called to him. As if some part of her trusted him, she breathed his name again and shifted another inch closer to the protection of his body.

  Fully embracing the need to feel her, he flipped his hand up and followed the outside curve of her breast until it filled his entire palm and then some.


  Perky. Round. Soft and silky. Real. Hell yeah.

  A tiny whimper escaped her mouth as he brushed his thumb across her nipple.

  His mouth watered to taste her.

  He continued, slow and steady, around the tight peak of her nipple.

  He breathed out once and knew he had to wake her if he intended to go any further. Consent was a huge part of his world, and the thought of seducing her down into the rabbit hole with him did it for him on so many levels he lost count after a few seconds.

  Softly pinching her nipple, he whispered her name. She wiggled once but settled quickly back into sleep. Gently squeezing the handful of breast he held, he spoke a little louder. “Natalie. We’re not in Kansas anymore.”

  Another moan as he circled her nipple a couple more times and then her eyes blinked open.

  Drowsily, she focused on him.

  He pinched her nipple again a little harder, and she sucked in oxygen as if it would be her last breath ever.

  With a gasp she came fully awake. “Fuck, you’re hot.” She said it and then looked shocked as hell as she practically fell out of bed trying to get away from

  Definitely. Not. A. No.

  Chapter Eight


  Natalie scrambled out of bed with a whimper and a full-body jerk, which freaked out both dogs who jumped out of bed and went barking toward the door. As she panted, staring at Campbell, the dogs calmed down and moved to the dog bed.

  Zeroing in on the man between her sheets flipped some switch inside her. Some low-level hum shimmied through her, because oh my holy shit he was even hotter lying in her bed. The last thing she needed was to be even more turned on by him.

  Willing her pulse to calm the fuck down did little good as he adjusted his cock beneath his pants. The shadow his cloth-covered dick made from the moonlight coming through the side window made her drool.

  “You confuse the hell out of me,” he accused as he flopped back on the bed.

  “Uhh, what?” she kind of grunted while keeping a tight leash on the bottom of her t-shirt, which all of a sudden felt about three sizes too small.

  “You scramble away but I can smell how turned on you are, and your nipples are hard and I want to lick them.”

  Whimper. Fuck. Her body and hormones were betraying her.

  “And then there’s the noises you make. Grouchy. Whimpers. Sighs. I can’t figure you out.”

  “You were touching me.”


  “That’s it? No defense of copping a feel as I was sorta sleeping.”

  “You’re incredibly sexy.”


  “Oh? Do you even know how to take a compliment?”

  “Uhh… I don’t have a clue how to respond to that.”

  “Okay, let’s try this. I give you a compliment and then you say ‘thank you’. Got it?”

  She actually had to think about it for a second. “I think so.”

  “You’re hot and I want to bite your nipples.”

  Her abdomen contracted again as if he’d actually done the biting and she bit her lip. Took her a couple seconds to get back online. “Thank you,” she whispered. She could barely hear herself. No clue what he’d heard.

  “Come again?”

  Natalie smiled. “That’s what she said.”

  “Come on, Miss Deflector. I want to hear it. I get the impression you don’t get compliments often enough, and for whatever reason I’ve decided you need a few. So giddy up. You make my dick hard and I want to lick your pussy until you scream.”


  “Nope, that’ll come later if you’re a good girl. What do you say to a compliment?”

  One big breath. “Thank you, Campbell.” Her tongue touched her teeth on the last syllable of his name and she couldn’t help pondering how badly she wanted a taste of him.

  His smile, it lit up his whole face. How had she never noticed what an amazing smile he had?

  “Now. Was that so hard?”

  “I don’t know. Is it?” His obvious challenge rose between them and she almost took a step toward the bed, but she stopped herself.

  “Hold on.”

  “That’s what I’m trying to get you to do.”

  “Stop. Time out.” She even made the motion with her hands. “What are we doing here?”

  “I’m squeezing my cock, which I’m pretty sure should be your job, and you’re squeezing your thighs together trying to get enough friction to get off, which I’m pretty sure should be my job.”

  Looking down, she stared at her thighs. Hell. He was right. She was moving them back and forth, searching for the pressure needed to come. “Jesus. Okay.” She took a half a step to the right with one foot so nothing could touch. “And stop jacking off. We need to talk for a second and you’re distracting the shit out of me.”

  “Ugh. Talking.”

  “Oh shut up and quit whining.”

  Instead of getting offended he laughed. “You don’t do this very much, do you?”

  “I sure as hell don’t, so why don’t you lay it on the line what you’re trying to do.”

  “Screw you. Simple. I want to fuck you out of my system. I want my cock so deep inside you your eyes roll back in your head when you come on my dick. That’s what I want.”

  Tingles raced up her spine but she beat them back. “But? Your eyebrows are all scrunched together. I know there’s a but in there.”

  “I don’t just want to fuck you. I’m attracted to you, think I might have been for a while, which is totally fucked up. Don’t really want to be either but I still am.”

  “Well that sounds…complicated.”

  “Complicated,” they said at the same time.

  They eyed each other and Natalie could feel Campbell’s gaze on her exposed flesh. Her feet, calves, thighs, arms, throat, lips. His eyes lingered on each piece, making her shiver.

  His cock jerked and her sigh wouldn’t stay silent.

  “See, there you go again. Mixed signals. You’re telling me to slow down so we can chitchat, but you’re giving me every signal you’re more than ready to continue on a more horizontal playing field.”

  “You’re hard.”

  His groan shimmied straight to her nipples, making them even harder. “And talking about it isn’t going to make it go away so stop rubbing it in.”

  “What if I prefer to rub one out?”

  Silence. “Huh?”

  Now it was apparently his turn to go nonverbal.

  After taking a deep breath she threw every warning in her head out the window, climbed back on the bed, and didn’t stop until she had straddled his legs. “How’s this for a very straightforward, non-mixed signal?”

  He dug beneath her shirt until his warm palms rested on her thighs. “This is much better but what exactly is this signal trying to tell me?” He glanced up at her. “I want you. Not gonna lie. I want you something fierce I can’t seem to get past. Again. Odd. But I’m not some forever kind of guy looking for a two-car garage and suburbia and marriage and all the crap that comes with it.”

  “Good.” Her hands on his hard chest totally distracted her but she locked back onto the conversation. “I’m not looking for some white knight to come rescue me. Fuck that if you don’t mind me saying so.”

  “Not at all.”

  “I’m also not looking for romance and dating and some bull honkey lies you feel the need to tell me to get into my pants.”

  “Awesome. And I’m not looking for a nag who wants to know where I’m at 24/7 and if I’ll pick up tampons and chocolate ice cream for the fourteenth time in two days.”

  “Never asking for that. As in ever.”


  The whole time the pads of his fingers drew small circles on her skin, slowly getting closer and closer to her sex.

  “So what exactly are we agreeing to?” he asked with a whole lot of sexy voice rumbling into her.

  “Sex. No strings.”

  “One time,” he added with a finality, telling her there was no discussion possible.

  Her heart gave a squeeze but quickly got back on track. “Agreed. No relationship. No emotions or hurt feelings tomorrow. We won’t let it be weird between us and in the light of day we can go straight back to being our snarky selves.”

  “Completely agree.” The way his chest and shoulders moved beneath her hands turned her on so much she was probably soaking through her panties.

  “I didn’t think you could do it.”

  “Do what?” He watched her mouth as she said the words and his fingers moved even closer to her clenching pussy.

  “Talk me out of being celibate.”

  Laughing caught her off guard with the sexual tension pulsing between them. “Celibate, huh?”

  “Totally.” He shrugged. “I’ve had a few bad run-ins lately.”

  “Well, I’ve had no run-ins lately, good or bad. So the law of probability st
ates we’re both due something amazing.” She bit her lip and dug her nails into his shoulders. “Think you can live up to my expectations?”

  Whipping her shirt over her head, he rubbed against her pussy with his hard shaft she’d trapped between them. “You don’t even know what to expect and if you did you might be a bit nervous.”

  “I expect a good time.”

  “A good time? A good time? I’m going to blow your mind.”

  “That sure of yourself, Campbell?”

  A simple nod.

  If he’d been boastful or full of himself or a dick about it she would have blown him off. Expected meh maybe and reminded herself she could get off with a vibrator after he was finished if he couldn’t get the job done.

  But he wasn’t any of those things.

  A quiet confidence surrounded him, drawing Natalie further into the fold of something she couldn’t let change her.

  Shoring up her defenses, she ran her palms down his chest and stopped to draw along the ridges of his abdomen. He might touch her body but her heart was strictly off limits.

  It was one night. Only one.

  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d given in to something so hedonistically decadent. It didn’t further her goal to make something of herself.

  A name for herself.

  One that she hadn’t been cursed with at birth.

  Campbell was a destination in and unto himself.

  He was a playboy. Pleasure wrapped inside a sexy package that throbbed beneath her.

  “Last chance to back out,” he told her as he licked his bottom lip and brushed her hair aside to run his thumb across the beaded tip of her nipple.

  “I’m not going anywhere. We both know the rules. Sex. No emotion. One night. No holds barred.”

  “Nothing barred? Really? I didn’t think we’d actually negotiated for a free-for-all yet.”

  She shrugged and started to move. “Well, if you’d like to back out I won’t blame—”

  Flipping her over, he pinned her on her back with her thighs spread wide and his hips between them. He trapped her wrists together over her head with one of his hands. And the fingers on his other hand trapped her nipple between his thumb and first finger. “I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart. There is nowhere,” he ground his erection against her panties-covered clit and her back arched into his touch, “I’d rather be than right here. But I want to make a few things quite clear.”


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