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One Man's Trash

Page 10

by Yolanda Allen

  “Yeah, but I’m a trained fighter, Diamond. I know better than to let my anger get the best of me. But he just kept pushing and pushing and I finally exploded.” He paused as if the memories from that night were replaying in his mind. “I regret what I did. I let my emotions get the upper hand for five seconds and it cost me five years of my life.” He stared at her.

  She wanted to hold him. “Well, I know a little about letting your emotions get the best of you. I hit JT twice.”

  “What?” Shock filled his eyes and a small smile lined his mouth.

  She nodded. “I hit JT twice in the heat of the moment. I slapped him when I caught him cheating on me and you saw when I pushed him when I heard him singing my song. But that doesn’t make me a bad person. I was emotional and just reacted.” Her shoulders rose and fell.

  “He cheated on you?”

  “Yeah, let’s not talk about that.”

  “This guy is a real asshole, Diamond. Glad you left him alone.” He paused. “I’m sorry that happened to you.”

  “It’s life. So, are you and your parents talking again?” She needed to change the subject.

  “Yeah. I’m happy to have them back in my life. After the few months I’ve had since getting out. It’s good to have people who sincerely care about me and have my best interest at heart.”

  “I imagine it’s been rough for you because you have a record now, right?”

  “Getting a job hasn’t been easy because of my record. I’m all about second chances and that’s not just because I’m a felon looking for a second chance. But they lock you up and when you get out they expect you to become a productive citizen. But then you can’t find a job because you’ve been locked up. So it’s like what the hell? That road called life. It’s just crazy.”

  Ryder looked out the window. They remained silent as the waitress brought their drinks. Ryder waited until the waitress had walked away before speaking. “I would like to make a toast.”

  She raised her glass. Happy that he was talking again.

  “I would like to toast to following your dreams and second chances.” He touched his beer mug to her martini glass.

  “Speaking of following your dreams, what does Ryder Gillian want to be when he grows up?”

  Ryder swallowed his beer. “I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. I would really like to go back into music. I was watching some old videos on YouTube the other night of some of our performances. Those were definitely the good ole days. Daniel and I…we had a blast.” He looked down at his beer.

  “Well do it. No one can stand in your way but you. Look at me…I went all the way to freaking New York to follow my dreams. Yeah, I’ve hit a few speed bumps along the way but I won’t quit until I make it. I can’t live without music. And I know you can’t either.”

  He stared at her. She wanted to see the passion in his eyes again. The passion for life that he had back in high school when he was singing in the band. He had an aura about him that everyone noticed. She wanted that for him. She wanted him to live again.

  “You have to try, Ryder. And I’ll help you.”

  He licked his lips. “Your desire to help others is what got you in this mess in the first place.”

  “But I know that wouldn’t happen with you. You’re different.”

  “Diamond, I’ve been locked down for five years. I can barely get a real job let alone a music career. I think I should leave that to you. I’ll stick with the ‘regular’ folk stuff.”

  “Ryder, one thing you are not is regular. You have what it takes. You just have to believe in yourself.” She paused. He looked as if he was taking in what she said. “I believe in you. I always have. I always will because I know your potential. I know what you are like when you’re on that stage. When you’re living. You have to find something to live for or you’ll just waste away.”

  “Have you always been this way?” He studied her.

  Diamond smoothed back her hair. “What way?”

  “Kind. Caring. Smart. Giving.”

  “My blessing and my curse. Sometimes I’m all those things to the wrong people.”


  “Well no, that just happened in the last four years.” They both laughed. “As you said, I blossomed.”

  “Indeed you have. You’re definitely not a little girl anymore.”

  “Glad you noticed.”

  “I am too.” He toasted her glass again and took a swig of his beer.

  The waitress returned shortly with their meal. “Excuse me, do you mind taking a picture of us?” He handed her his cell phone and scooted into the booth beside Diamond. He placed his arm around her shoulders and pressed his face against hers. “On three, say Stone Ryders, okay? One, two, three!”

  “Stone Ryders!” they yelled and the waitress snapped their picture. She handed Ryder his phone back and walked away as if she got that request a million times a day.

  Diamond tried to concentrate on looking at the photo. She fought the urge to run her fingers through his jet black hair. It looked so freaking soft. “Nice pic, huh?” she asked.

  “Only because you’re in it.” He looked up at her. A sexy grin planted on his face. He closed out of his photo gallery and went back to his side of the table.

  Look at him. Those lips. Those eyes. That hair. And don’t forget that drop dead gorgeous smile.

  She shook her head. “This is so weird.” She placed her napkin in her lap.

  “What’s weird? Taking cheesy pics in a restaurant?” He laughed as he cut into his steak.

  “This is weird. This. It’s like everything that has happened in the last few months has led up to this point. This exact moment. I mean, this is just weird. I can’t explain it.”

  “I know what you mean about this being weird. Trust me, I feel the same way. To be free.” He pushed his food around on his plate. “Every time I wake up in my own bed, in a real house, with no curfew. No one yelling at me telling me when to eat or sleep or shower. Freedom is weird.” He looked up at her. “Everything has led up to this point. This exact moment.”

  She couldn’t tear her gaze away from him. And she didn’t want to. His eyes searched her face as if he was taking a mental picture that would forever stay imprinted on his mind’s eye. Her mom always said, in life there are no guarantees, so make sure you never take a moment for granted. So she soaked it in. This moment. This weird moment in time. Everything she had been through, had led her here.

  It was great sharing this moment with him. Just being in his presence. Sort of surreal to be hanging out with her lifelong crush. Kimmy would flip if she knew what was going on right now. Even Diamond wasn’t sure what exactly was going on right now. She pinched her arm underneath the table. Nope, she wasn’t dreaming. Ryder Gillian, the real thing, not her ‘Fantasy Ryder’, was here, in front of her, sharing a meal, laughing at her jokes and even giving her compliments. He was finally looking at her as a woman. Something she’d always wanted.

  Ryder opened the passenger side door and helped Diamond to her feet. He closed the door and started toward her house. She stood still. “You coming?” he asked. He held out his hand.

  She put her hand in his and followed him to her front door. Her tummy was in knots. At dinner she wasn’t nervous. She was carefree. She was Diamond. Now was a different story. This was when the guy kissed the girl after their date. Normally. But would this guy kiss this girl? It wasn’t technically a date after all.

  Just because he called her beautiful didn’t mean he wanted to date her. Or kiss her. They stood underneath the porch light. “Thanks for everything. I enjoyed dinner.”

  “This has been the best night I’ve had since I got out. Thank you,” he said.

  “Well okay.” She stretched out her arms to hug him. They embraced. She inhaled his scent. A mixture of aftershave and sweat filled her nostrils. Was it possible for your nose to orgasm? Ryder pulled back, keeping her body close to his. She looked into his emerald eyes then down at his lips and back
up to his eyes, giving him the green light to kiss her.

  Ryder pressed his lips against hers. He’d read the signs. Thank God. She closed her eyes and fell deeper into his kiss. His mouth took over hers. Passionate. Hot. Wet. All the things a great kiss should be. Diamond fingered his hair and pressed her body hard against his. Any harder and she would’ve melted inside of him. She could barely breathe but she didn’t want to stop. She wanted her fairy tale night to last a little longer.

  Ryder broke free from the kiss. “Diamond.” He looked at her. Desire filled his eyes. “It’s been a long time since I’ve kissed a woman. I think we should stop right here. I don’t know how much longer I can be a perfect gentleman.”

  Diamond giggled into her hand. “I guess you’re right. Sorry.”

  “No, don’t apologize. It was great.” He pecked her lips. “I just want to treat you like a lady. So, is it alright if I call you tomorrow?”

  She nodded. He kissed her again and walked away. Diamond unlocked her door and raced up to her room. She calmly closed her bedroom door, kicked off her flip flops and happy danced until she was out of breath. She fell back onto her bed and began singing. Ryder and Diamond sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g…


  Diamond was scheduled to fly back to New York tomorrow night. Ryder insisted that they hang out at least one more time before she left. She wouldn’t dare say no. She took the jumbo flexi rods out of her hair and let her curls cascade over her shoulders and down her back. Ryder had only seen her with her hair in a messy bun so she wanted to look nice. They were meeting at the Steel Blue café for drinks. She wore a sundress that she had just bought at the mall earlier that day. It was long and black with hot pink flowers on it. It accentuated her bust and her butt. She slipped her feet into her hot pink flip flops to match which coincidentally had tiny flowers on them too.

  She applied the finishing touches and left the house. She arrived at the café fifteen minutes later. Ryan and Ryder stood outside talking to a group of people. She walked up to them. Ryder’s back was facing her. She tapped him on the back.

  He turned around. “Hey, you.” He hugged her.

  “Miss Diamond.” Ryan hugged her hello.

  “We can go inside now,” Ryder said as he led the pack into the café. He walked to a side table not too far from the stage.

  Diamond sat down first, Ryder and Ryan sat on each side of her. “Who’s playing tonight?” she asked no one in particular.

  Ryan looked at the flyer that he was given when he entered. “Some up-and-coming band called Fly Grills. Hmm, wonder what they got cooking up?” He burst into laughter.

  “Ryan, you don’t even need an audience for your jokes because you laugh at them yourself.” Diamond shook her head at her best-friend.

  Ryder leaned close to her ear. “Glad you came out.”

  She turned to him and looked into his dreamy green eyes. He was genuinely happy to see her. “Thanks for inviting me.”

  They ordered a pitcher of beer for themselves and a Cosmo for her. Her ex-boss, Bob walked over to the table with their drinks instead of the waitress. He sat the drinks down.

  “This is on the house guys. It’s great to see you. Diamond.” She stood and gave him a hug. He shook Ryan’s hand and then turned his attention to Ryder. “Man oh man, have we missed you around here. I heard you were in here not too long ago. Sorry I missed saying hello. How are you? You doing good?”

  “I’m doing good, Bob. Thanks. I miss being here, too.”

  “Well I just wanted to come by and say hello. Y’all enjoy yourselves, ya hear.”

  “Thanks, Bob,” they all said at the same time.

  “Gotta love free drinks! Thanks to Mr. Celebrity here.” Diamond patted Ryder’s back.

  As they were filling their glasses with beer, the host jumped onto the stage. “Greetings my Steel Blue fam! Thanks for coming out tonight. Before we have our guest band come up here tonight I would like to take a moment to recognize someone that is joining us in the audience. You may remember this cat from back in the day. He used to tear the house down every Friday night with a little band by the name of Stone Ryders.”

  The crowd went berserk. The host pointed out to Ryder with a huge grin on his face. “Ryder Gillian is in the house ladies and gents! Lead singer of the Stone Ryders! Come on up here man!” He motioned for Ryder to join him on the stage. The crowd cheered and whistled.

  “Ry-der! Ry-der! Ry-der!” the crowd cheered.

  “Ryder, don’t leave your fans waiting.” Diamond nudged him in the side. She pointed to the stage with her head.

  He looked over at Ryan. “Go on, man. They’re calling for you!” Ryan said, joining the crowd in cheering his name! Diamond joined in as well.

  Ryder finally rose from his seat and walked the few steps to the stage. Everyone was on their feet in applause. He and the host shared a big manly hug before Ryder stepped to the mic. “Thank you everyone for the warm welcome.” He looked around the room. “It’s great to know that the Stone Ryders were so loved.”

  “Are loved!” a girl shouted from the crowd.

  Ryder dropped his head in laughter. “Are loved. I stand corrected. I wish my best bud and partner in crime, Daniel Stone, was here to feel the love that I feel right now. But I know he’s looking down on all of this and he’s proud. So thank you again.” He turned to walk off the stage but the host grabbed his arm.

  “Wouldn’t y’all like to hear Mr. Stone Ryders himself sing a little ditty from back in the day?”

  The crowd roared and chanted his name again. Ryder held the widest grin on his face as he shook his head. “I don’t know guys. I haven’t sung in so long.” They continued to chant. “Alright…but only if my little bro comes up here with me. He’s the real talent of the family! Get up here, Ryan!”

  Ryan dashed to the stage. They told the band their song selection. “This song right here was one of Daniel’s favorite songs. Keep It Coming.” The band started playing the upbeat tempo. Within minutes everyone stood to their feet. The Gillian brothers tore the house down. Diamond watched on like a proud mother. They ended up doing two of the Stone Ryders’ songs before the audience would let them sit down.

  They returned to the table breathless and oozing with excitement.

  “You guys were the bomb up there!” Diamond hugged them both. “A-freaking-mazing!”

  “Thanks,” they both said.

  “Here’s to a wonderful start to the night!” Ryder raised his glass. They all toasted. He held his glass in his hand and whispered to Diamond. “And here’s to another wonderfully weird moment. May we have many more to come.”

  She clanked his glass.

  # # # #

  Diamond landed back in New York right before eight o’clock at night. She didn’t want to come back after spending time with Ryder but she had to get back to work. She couldn’t believe the weird moments that she’d experienced over the last few months, let alone the last few days. She kept replaying each moment in her mind. The words he had said, the way he had looked at her, the way he had complimented her, the way he had kissed her…was this real? And why now? Why now when she no longer lived in Atlanta?

  When she wanted him he was hundreds of miles away locked in a prison. And now that he actually wanted her back, she was hundreds of miles away living in New York. Now was not the time to dwell on the what-ifs and the why-nots. She had to focus on what her whole purpose for going to Atlanta was…her music.

  She sat on her couch with her laptop and logged onto the Library of Congress website to copyright her lyrics. She also burned a copy of the CD. She’d promised Ryder to give him one.

  Diamond’s text message alert chimed. Speaking of Ryder. You make it home safe?

  Her face lit up. He was thinking about her. Yes I did. Thanks for checking on me.

  Okay I’ll let you get settled. Let me know how things work out.

  Okay Nighty Night She blew a kiss at the phone.

  Night he replied. />
  Diamond called her parents to let them know that she was home safe. Kimmy texted her wanting to know about what happened on her trip home. She promised to tell her all about it tomorrow. All Diamond could think about was showering and going to bed. She was ready to face whatever tomorrow would bring. Hopefully everything worked out in her favor.

  Diamond arrived to work earlier than usual. She put down her belongings at her cubicle and walked over to Philip’s office. She knocked on his door. He waved for her to enter. She placed the CD case down. “Here’s my proof.”


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