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The Blood and Light Series (Six Books Boxed Set)

Page 257

by Rue Volley

“Edwardo.” She said to him.

  Johnathan laughed and Brooke did not. He cleared his throat and looked at the cover.

  “He has boobs.” He said.

  “Does not.” Brooke said as she turned the book and looked at it.

  “Oh he most certainly does, some call it “pecks” I call that boobs.”

  Brooke smiled and laid the book down on the counter.

  “The first book in this series is playing at the movies.” She said to him.

  “In fact it premieres tonight.”

  “Oh… cool.” Johnathan said with no enthusiasm. Brooke stared at him and he stood up straight and looked at her and suddenly understood.

  “You want to go?” he asked her.

  “What? You don’t want to see that.”

  “No… I do actually; I mean his boobs are nice.”

  “Shut up.” Brooke said as she laughed and stood up, grabbing her coat from the chair. She turned to him as she put it on.

  Johnathan sighed as she adjusted her hair and her smell hit him. Something he loved about her. Brooke wore a deep and rich perfume that was just enough to make your senses come alive… at least for Johnathan. Brooke stepped out from behind the counter and he looked at her shoulders, then her waist and then her hips, she wore a blue dress, stretched across her shoulders, exposing her collar bones and the rest of the dress clung to her body in just the right way. Brooke grinned and looked down at her shoes, then back up at him. He was still staring at her hips and she leaned down to get his attention.

  “I went shopping, I wanted something nice.” She said.

  “It’s”… he started to say.

  She narrowed her eyes at him.

  “It is more than nice, you look beautiful.” He said and she stepped up to him and smiled, then touched his face.

  Johnathan started to lean in and she walked away, he sighed and followed her.

  “The movie is on in a half hour, we need to get there.”

  “Okay.” Johnathan said and he ran to catch up to her as she quickly walked to the doors. Johnathan reached out and opened it for her and she stepped through, with him following her closely.

  They stood in line as young girls stood all around them, chattering and swooning over all the oversized pictures of Edwardo, with his hair and half exposed chest. Johnathan sighed and looked at Brooke who looked happy, he had to smile… thinking it was him. She stepped up to the window and leaned in.

  “Two tickets for Teenfang.”

  Johnathan laughed and she shot him a look and he quickly took out his wallet and paid as she stepped away from him. He grabbed the tickets and followed her and she stopped as he handed the tickets to the less than enthusiastic boy and they walked towards the counter.

  She stopped and looked at him.

  “Listen, you don’t have to do this.” She said.

  “What? Like I would miss this.” He said as he smiled.

  “Seriously, I know you don’t want to be here.”

  “Well, I will not lie… if you did not want to come, I would not be here, but

  I do want to be with you.” He said and her face softened and she looked at him, like he wanted her to… with that look that he was addicted too. Suddenly girls started to get louder and the crowd started to move towards the entryways to the theater rooms and Brooke “ow’ed” and started to walk toward theater 3. Johnathan followed her and they stepped into an almost full room of teenage girls. Johnathan followed Brooke as she navigated her way to the middle and they sat down. Girls chattered all around them and he adjusted in his seat as Brooke took off her coat and sat down next to him.

  “Do you want some popcorn or something?” Johnathan asked and she shook her head ‘no’ as the lights started to dim and the chattering quieted down. The previews started and Johnathan looked down at Brooke’s legs.

  She glanced at him and he adjusted in his seat again and watched the screen. Preview after preview showed and then the screen went to black and he heard someone squeal behind them and he turned and saw a girl holding her mouth and Brooke grinned as he looked back at her. He opened his mouth and the movie started and a roar started up as all the girls in the theater stood up and yelled and Brooke joined them. She looked down at Johnathan who was holding his ears and smiled as she sat back down.

  “I have been waiting to see this for quite some time.”

  Johnathan rubbed his ears and blinked a couple of times, shaking off the ringing caused from the screaming.

  “I can...”

  And screaming again as the movie started and then “Edwardo” popped up on the screen and you would have thought that a rock concert had started. Johnathan leaned back and decided that plugging his ears was the only way to survive it...

  Johnathan stood by the restrooms waiting for Brooke and she walked out, still beaming from the movie. He grinned back at her and she wrapped her arm in his and started to walk to the exit then they stepped out into the night air and she took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. Johnathan looked at her profile and she turned to him.

  “That was A… Mazing!” she yelled and he squinted his eyes and laughed.

  “Glad you liked it.” He said.

  “Liked it? I LOVED it!” she said.

  He smiled and shook his head.

  “What?” she said.

  “Nothing.” Johnathan said as he smiled at her.

  “Don’t do that.” She added.

  “Do what?”

  “That thing… right there, that “That sucked” thing.”

  Johnathan laughed and raised his hands up.

  “I am not doing a “suck” thing.”

  “You are I know you hated that.”

  “I did not hate it…” he said, kind of trailing off. She tilted her head.


  Johnathan looked at her.

  “But nothing.”

  “No… go ahead. Say what is on your mind.”

  Johnathan cleared his throat and they started to walk.

  “Well, the hair was ridiculous.”

  “His hair was fantastic.”

  “I think the movie should have been called “Hair.” Johnathan said as he laughed.

  “Hair and no need for a shirt.” He added.

  “Did you even watch it?” she asked him.

  “I did, when I could hear.”

  Brooke laughed. “Well, girls get excited.”

  “I guess so.”

  “This series is huge.”

  “His hair was huge.” Johnathan said and Brooke smacked him on the arm. Johnathan laughed.

  “It was, please admit it.” He said.

  Brooke stopped and looked up at the sky.

  “I just love vampires.”

  “I would not categorize that as a vampire movie.”

  “What?” Brooke said as she stepped back from him and stared him down.

  “I saw no blood really and it was all about that girl getting all goofy over him and his hair.”

  “Seriously? That was a romantic vampire movie and it was only the first one in the series, there are 5 books so far.”

  “Good god.” Johnathan muttered.

  “Listen… not all vampire movies are about killing and creepy.”

  “There was no killing; no creepy at all… the balance of the universe is tilting.”

  “Who said a vampire story had to be all about that stuff? Obviously it doesn’t.”

  Johnathan laughed out loud.

  “That was a movie built for girls and a need to get bitten.”

  Brooke started to walk away from him. He jogged to catch up and leaned forward to see her face, she did not look mad… just flustered.

  “Admit it.” He said and she stopped and turned to him, placing her hand on her hip.

  “So? What is wrong with getting bitten?”

  “Who does that?” he asked her.

  “Vampires Johnathan, vampires bite and it would be cool.”

  “Cool? Traditionally a vampire bite mea
nt two things… meal or being turned into a vampire zombie.”

  “Well, not this time.”

  Johnathan smiled. “Oh I saw that, Mr. Hair had her all messed up with the chomping… if I knew that, I would have bitten you a long time ago.”

  Brooke stared at him and grinned.

  “You would bite me?” she asked him.

  “Is… is that what you want?”

  “I would not mind.” She said as she started to twist her heel on the sidewalk.

  “Seriously? You want me to bite you?” Johnathan said as he smiled at her.

  “Forget it.” Brooke said as she started to walk away from him quickly. Johnathan caught up to her and touched her arm. She stopped and rolled her eyes.

  “If you want bitten, I can make that happen.” He said.

  She licked her lips and then bit her bottom lip. Johnathan stepped towards her slowly and then she tilted her head slightly and he leaned in and opened his mouth and started to laugh, without being able to control it. Brooke smacked him on the arm and started to walk away from him quickly and he started to run after her. He grabbed her arm and turned her back to him. She stood there; slightly blushing and he narrowed his eyes and cleared his throat.

  “I’m sorry.” He whispered.

  “It was stupid.” She said.

  “No…no, not at all.” Johnathan said as he took her hand in his and stepped up to her, he leaned into her ear and let his breath gently graze her skin, she shifted and he squeezed her hand. He looked down at her skin, pale and flawless on her shoulder and leaned down to it, kissing it gently at first and then he opened his mouth and bit into her skin, she moaned and he bit harder and then he tasted it, blood in his mouth and he took his mouth from her skin and tried to calm his heart beat as it thudded in his chest. Something felt so familiar to him, perhaps it was her smell, or her heart beating as hard as his… surely, it was not the lingering taste of blood on his tongue. Brooke looked at him, grabbed his hair and kissed him hard on the mouth as she knocked him down in the grass, falling on top of him as he yelled out.

  Chapter 6

  When Stars Realign

  I sat in my room and stared at the walls. I wished that small things wouldn’t cause me to ponder, I really do. Those girls had pissed me off… I mean it was eating away at me and making me wish that I had done everything different in that bathroom. I rubbed the inside of my palm as my door opened and Josh stood there, looking all hot as usual. He leaned against the door jam and I sighed and fell back on my bed, grabbing my pillow and pulling it to my chest. He stood up straight and stepped in, walking to my bed and staring down at me.

  “What is wrong?” he asked me.

  I shook my head at him and he sat down, reaching out and touching my leg. I sighed and he waited, as he often does when he asks me a question. My lack of being able to not tell him what is in my head annoys me sometimes.

  I sat up and looked at him and he turned to me and raised an eyebrow.

  “I am not a freak, am I?” I asked him.

  He grinned and shook his head.

  “In what way?”

  “I mean… you are older than I am and I have no friends here really… is that normal?” I asked him.

  “Rue… there is nothing wrong with you.”

  “I don’t participate in anything at school, I just go and study, take tests and leave. I never do anything.”

  “Since when do you care about that stuff?”

  “I don’t know, just thinking.”

  “Did someone say something to you tonight?”

  I looked at him and decided to not talk about Lindsey and her sidekick in the bathroom.


  Josh laughed and fell back on the bed, staring at my ceiling.

  “I wish you could lie better.”

  I looked back at him and grinned.

  “Who said I was lying?”

  “I do and I know that you are. Sam said you got upset with some girls tonight.”

  “Why didn’t you just say that you knew that?”

  Josh shook his head and raised his hands up and let them fall by his sides.

  “Because, I try to allow you to talk to me.”

  “I don’t feel like talking.”

  Josh pushed himself up on his elbows and smiled. He reached out and moved my hair over my shoulder and then let his fingers slowly move down my back, he stopped at my waist and I felt him… I did, as I always do when he touches me that way.

  “I think that you are perfect, just as you are Rue Volley.”

  I glanced at him and grinned.

  “Now you are lying.” I said.

  He sat up and leaned up behind me, I could feel the warmth of his body getting close to me and my heart fluttered in my chest. He then pressed against me from behind and placed his hand around my waist, letting his fingers rest on my stomach. I looked down and felt it again, that slight humming in my body when he gets too close to me. He let his breath out and I felt it against my hair and I kept staring forward.

  “I am not lying, you know I am not.”

  I bit my lip and he leaned into my ear and I took a breath again.

  He slowly started to whisper to me.

  “There is nothing I would change about you, from your lips, to your pale skin, your eyes and your laugh. I love you just as you are.”

  “Really?” I whispered back to him and he turned me to him and touched my face. I looked down, not wanting to look at him.

  “I can’t imagine you any other way…” he added.

  “I love you.” I whispered to him.

  Josh leaned in slowly and then his lips gently grazed mine. I squirmed a little as I normally do and scooted back a bit, he moved with me and stared at my lips as he leaned in again and kissed me. I moaned in his mouth and he returned my feelings by making noises himself as he placed his hand at my waist and grabbed at my side. I scooted back again and he lifted me and suddenly I was on my back, with my head facing the headboard.

  Josh looked down at me and sighed as he stared at my collarbone and then he lifted his eyes to mine and he looked soft to me in the moonlight. I reached up and touched his face and he took my hand in his and kissed my palm. I squirmed again and quite honestly, I should have stopped it then, but my sudden urges kinda took over and I leaned up and did what I normally do not do. I kissed him, not at all like I normally do, all gentle and non-passionate.

  I found myself wanting to kiss him like I imagined it in my head. I grabbed at the back of his head and ran my fingers through his hair and he made a noise again that told me that I was possibly getting a bit too excited, but screw it… I am not a freak, or awkward. Perhaps getting pissed was a good thing, I do not know.

  Josh leaned back as I continued to kiss him and I crawled onto his lap, straddling him and he trembled for a moment, and that alone got me flustered. Knowing that I could do that him was more than I needed to know right now.

  “Rue.” Josh said half out of breath and I pushed my hair back as I leaned down and kissed him again, letting my tongue slip into his mouth. He moved slightly and I adjusted on top of him and he suddenly rolled me over and looked down at me.

  “Are you sure?” he whispered to me.

  I nodded and he kissed me again, this time with more force than he ever had before and I moved as he moved and my body started to hum in all the right places. He then sat up and took his shirt off and I watched the moonlight catch the lines of muscle on his chest and stomach and he is beautiful. Nowhere near what I would think would want me, but those questions were not even going to come out right now.

  I sat up and grinned, nervous about what could be happening and I started to unbutton my shirt and his fingers caught mine and he started to do it himself. His hands shook and it surprised me that he would be this way, not at all what I expect from someone who seemed so sure of himself but with me he seemed unsure and I touched his hands and grinned and he relaxed a little and he continued to unbutton my shirt until it was hanging o
pen and I pulled it off one shoulder and then the other, hoping like hell that my body would look as good to him as his did to me. He sighed and looked at my chest and down to my flat stomach and he then looked into my eyes.

  “I am nervous here.” He said as he half grinned.

  “You?” I said as I started to laugh.

  “I mean, I have thought about this for a long time and I just want it to be perfect.”

  “And you say that I talk too much.” I said as I smiled and he smiled back at me.

  “You are so pretty.” He whispered to me and it made my heartbeat speed up even more. This is Joshua Barrington, all stripped down and honest. Not the one who loves to be all sarcastic, and spends as much time as he can making Jonathan’s life hell, this was who he truly was. Just like me, unsure and nervous and that alone made me want him even more.

  “So are you.” I whispered back and he pounced on me, it almost knocked us off of the bed but he caught us and kept us from taking an all too embarrassing tumble to the floor.

  “Oh shit.” He said as he adjusted us on the bed and I smiled.

  “You got all crazy there for a moment.” I whispered.

  “You have not seen me get crazy yet.” He said as he exposed his crooked canine teeth and I got caught on them for a moment before he leaned down and gently kissed my neck, then he grazed my skin with his teeth and my legs uncontrollably pulled up and he tensed up too at my reaction to him. He let his mouth slowly move across my neck, to my shoulder and then I felt him bite me and I cried out, not in pain… but a reaction to a feeling that I never thought I would have. A quick moving wave of vibration that started at my neck ran down my stomach and gently rested in between my legs. I tried to breath, but breathing was so secondary at this point, I gasped instead and he leaned up and looked into my face.

  “I love you.” He said.

  “You feel like you’re vibrating.” I said to him and he lifted his hand and I swear it looked blurry to me for a moment. I blinked, thinking that my vision was just fuzzy from getting all flustered. Then I heard it, a humming… I rubbed my ear and looked at him.

  “What is that?” I asked him.

  He looked at his hand and then back to me.

  “Blood pressure, I am sure. I feel like I am going to have a heart attack.”


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