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Satin Chamber

Page 5

by Alyna Lachlan

  McLain raised his hand and got the drivers attention. The hunched over old man moved his coach to the edge of the street. “Ya be needin’ a lift, governor?”

  “Yes. And there is a gold piece in it if you make it swift, stopping for no one.”

  The driver pushed back his cap, and nodded. “Where ya headed?”

  “Travel the north road, then about two miles outside of town, turn right on Meadow Lane. My estate is on Rockford Street. Dubrinski mansion.”

  “As ya wish.”

  McLain helped Carmen up into the coach then stepped in, closing the door. He sat down beside her on the cracked leather seat as the coach took off with a gentle rocking. He drew the curtains over the windows so no one could see in, then pulled the hood off her head.

  A small, lit lantern hung on the door, giving them some light in the gloomy interior. It swung with every bump in the coble-stone road, but it gave some warmth to their rain splattered legs and feet.

  “How far is your home from here, McLain?” Carmen pushed her hair back from her face and leaned toward him.

  He turned from the window to run his gaze over her. “I would say twenty minutes by horse and thirty minutes by coach. This would be a good time to tell me why you think your brother is trying to kill you. Is there anything else I should know about your past? Can you give me a motive for his behavior?”

  She frowned, then surprised herself by asking the question that had bothered her since leaving the boarding house.

  “Who’s Catherine?”

  His dark gaze widened for a moment before it narrowed. A spark of anger glowed bright within their depths. There grew a heavy silence between them. Yet, she held his gaze with a spark of determination.

  She hoped he would trust her with one of his secrets.

  “How do you know of Catherine?”

  “With all the memories you shared with me. It became clear as we ran through the woods. I saw you stumbling to her and pulling her into your arms as she died. You screamed your pain to the heavens. Was she your wife?”

  McLain tore his gaze from hers, glancing into a darkened corner of the coach. He saw nothing, yet felt again all the pent up emotions he had experienced with Catherine’s death.

  “I have never talked about it.” McLain took a deep breath, feeling the weight of that instant in time. “It seemed life, at that moment, slowed down so every detail that transpired, took a permanent hold in my mind. We had been talking about our betrothal supper. We had signed the contracts the night before and looked forward to the gathering that evening. I had followed her to the village baker and afterward she had a last minute altering for her gown. She was born a lowly servant, so the dressmaker refused to go to her humble home for the fitting. I wanted to set the woman straight, but Catherine laughed it off as nothing. I kissed her hand, bowing to her kind heart and watched her cross the street.

  She turned to glance my way one last time, a joyful smile on her face as she waved to me. Catherine stepped out onto the road and I remembered the scream of horses, the yell of the knights charging their mounts through the village. Her face lost its smile and terror filled her eyes as the warhorses hit her, stomping her body under their hooves.

  “I stood frozen. I could do nothing but stand there, knowing my life ended at that moment. After the knights had ridden on, people came running from all directions, surrounding her. Then I moved on wooden legs. No one dared touch her without my permission. I yelled for them to move away. When I knelt beside her, I picked her up, holding her to my chest where my torn heart lay in shreds. I wanted to make everything all right and I told her...I would.

  “She smiled and with one scraped and bleeding arm, she put her palm to my cheek in a caress. “You have made me so happy. My life has been wonderful knowing you. Forgive me, love. I know you wanted a son.” Her last words were a whisper before her spirit left this realm.

  “She left me to a darkened world. I drank to numb myself, growing oblivious to all around me. I walked the streets with hell in my veins, hoping someone would step out and challenge me so I could cut their throat. I was deranged. I know that now.

  “Then one night in a dark alley, I found the dark challenge I sought, or it found me. The thick mist formed into a vampire. He said he saw vengeance in my eyes and murder in my heart. He transformed me and left me to make my way. I have lived this curse for two centuries.” McLain could still hear the vampires taunt. “Take what is mine, human, and live to suffer for eternity.” Hatred had burned in the vampires gaze.

  “The ironic part was, shortly afterward, I found out the vampire who transformed me was the demon the knights had been chasing the evening that Catherine had been trampled. The very person that caused her death made me into the same kind of monster he was. I have lived with a need to hunt and kill that vampire.”

  McLain noticed the softness of Carmen’s hand, as it lay over his. She brought his hand up to her lips, kissing the back of his fingers in a gentle caress. “You have been through much. Loss is never easy.”

  The sensation of her warm lips, moving across the back of his hand brought him back to the present with shivers of pleasure. She was becoming to mean more to him than he would have liked. He had told no one else about Catherine, and somehow in the telling, all the emotions he held tight faded away to become nothing but a distant memory. Even the images became dull, and only Carmen’s beauty of spirit filled his thoughts. Now, with this woman, he was sharing some of his darkest secrets. With her innocent responses, in reaching out to him, understanding the pain he suffered, she brought a need and warmth he craved.

  “Beware, Carmen, you’re playing with fire. I don’t know how long I will refuse to take what you offer.”

  “Then don’t refuse. I give myself to you.”

  McLain moaned, reaching out and pulling her gently into his lap. He leaned close and kissed her with all the force of his need. The taste of her brought a rise to his groin. The scent of her arousal stirred his senses into a growling beast. Her grip on his shoulders tightened, returning his kiss with a desperation of her own.

  This time he was not satisfied with touching her through her clothes. He pulled the sleeve of her dress down and off her arms, freeing her rounded breasts. He took his lips from hers to nibble along her smooth throat and across one shoulder before fastening them about a taut nipple and the familiar tingle of energy sizzled along his lips. She gasped, throwing her head back, fisting her hands into his long black hair, holding him to her heart.

  He reached for her ankle, sliding his hand up her skirts, baring her legs to run his large palm up her calf, and along her thigh. She squirmed as his fingers climbed closer to the heat between her legs. Carmen’s hold clenched and she shifted her hips on his lap, bringing his palm over the soft curls between her legs. The musk of her sex drove him relentlessly to take more.

  She quivered and moaned, nearly crying out as he worked his fingers beneath her pantalets to the hot wet folds. He left her breast to whisper in her ear. “Spread your legs for me Carmen, that I might touch the very core of you.”

  Slowly, she let her legs fall apart and his fingers spread the folds to find the entrance to her desire. He took her lips as he inserted a finger, his thumb sliding over her sensitive nub. Carmen’s fingers fisted in his shirt and her body grew wet and slick, the tight passage sucked at his fingers when he moved them in and out, matching the rhythm with his tongue. Her body jerked and she whimpered as he moved his fingers circling and thrusting in a steady rhythm, always teasing the hard nub with gentle caresses until her body stiffened, pressing against his stroking hand. She reached the pinnacle of pleasure quickly and climaxed around his fingers. The warm liquid heat poured over his receptive touch as she cried against his lips. His gaze shone hot and intense as he watched her climax to his touch. She leaned over placing her head on his shoulder in a euphoric state of bliss.

  Her hand moved slowly between them to stroke the hardness between his legs. Carmen needed to touch him. “I would
please you, McLain. I would learn the touch of you as you have done to me.”

  “Loosen my belt and take hold of me.”

  Carmen moved slightly and his fingers slipped from her. Unsure how to release his pants, she was relieved when McLain did it for her. She reached into the shadows between them to find his hard length. The rounded tip was already wet. She was surprised at how soft the skin was about his steel blade.

  “You have worked me up, lady, with your sweet response. I am near to bursting from the scent of you.”

  Her strokes were unsteady but with her breasts at his lips and her bare legs still spread; he felt the rise of hot desire as she played with him. He moved back to suckle the curved smooth flesh of her breast, running his tongue across the hard nipple. His fingers once again pushed deep between her legs. Seeking, feeling, exploring her hot core, and as she came again at his touch, his own release followed. He threw back his head, stifling his cry for fear the driver would hear what they shared. Instead, a low rumble came from his throat as his hot seed spilled from him onto Carmen's coaxing fingers.

  Carmen was his, and he wouldn’t share even the sound of their lovemaking with another. He was possessive when it came to Carmen. She was his and nothing would change that.

  Meeting Carmen’s sated gaze, as she lay against his shoulder, brought forth just how soul shaking their encounter had been. Carmen had become very important to him. Heaven forbid he should start spouting sonnets. She would think he had lost his mind. McLain smiled at the thought and she smiled back.

  “We will be there soon.”

  He removed his fingers and pulled the sleeve of her blouse up, covering her breasts, before helping her clean up.

  When she turned away and pulled down her shirts, he placed a finger under her chin, turning her to face him. “You, Carmen, are most pleasing in your response. You have moved me beyond words. I thank you for this gift.”

  A smile curled her kiss-swollen lips. “I find you most satisfying too, my lord. I would like to learn more.”

  Her coy response caused him to break out in laughter. “Oh, yes.” He pulled her up closer to him unwilling to give up this moment.

  “Almost there governor.” The driver announced from above.

  Carmen groaned, not wanting to leave the warm glow she was feeling, yet knew it must end. She adjusted her blouse and skirts, then stuck her head out the window to see the manor house where McLain lived. The tall towers stood like iron posts high in the moonlit sky. The dark windows told of an empty home. She could make out three stories, a tower on each corner. No servants marked his arrival as they pulled up before the large double doors. It seemed as if death climbed over the stonework, choking the life from the house.

  Carmen turned to McLain. “Are you alone here? Do you have servants?”

  “I need no one. Come, I would show you where you will stay.” Stepping out first, he helped her down from the coach then pulled coins from his pocket and handed them to the driver. Carmen noticed he was very generous with his money and that surprised her. From just the time spent with him, she found that he was honorable and thoughtful, even if he tried hard to push people away.

  The driver tipped his hat. “I thank ya, governor.”

  McLain nodded.

  With a flick of his reigns, the horses and coach made the circular drive and disappeared through the gate. McLain waved his hand and the iron gate swung closed.

  McLain took a key from his pocket and unlocked the double doors, pushing them open, then closed and locked them after they stepped through. He spoke a word and the candles on the tables and wall sconces all burst into flames, lighting the area. A feeling of sadness fell across her shoulders, for the house held no life. There was no laughter, no warmth, no pictures of family, only barren stone walls and a wooden floor.

  “You are a man of wealth, McLain. I have heard the Dubrinski name whispered about by the ton. Have you fallen on hard times?”

  McLain stopped and turned around to look at her. His eyes narrowed. “Does it take coin to impress you, Carmen?”

  “No, I was only looking after your comfort. The place seems cold, lonely, without emotional warmth.”

  He nodded as if agreeing, then led her deep within the house. He came to the stairway and went to a secret panel under the steps. He pushed in the iron sconce and the panel unlocked and slid open. Steep, narrow stairs, leading down soon disappeared into the dark. He spoke and lanterns flared to life along the passage. Taking her hand, he descended farther into the dark hole. Carmen shivered as the temperature dropped. Down, down they went, traveling along a hallway to another door to the right. He opened the door and spoke. Light instantly poured through the large entrance. When she stepped through, she was astounded to see all the wealth in this one room. Warmth and comfort lay everywhere. Rich carpeting covered the floors, red velvet curtains hung around a massive bed. Its sheets, red satin. The stone walls were draped with ancient tapestries, depicting landscapes in vivid colors. Gold inlay decorated the mantle as well as the marble face of the hearth.

  “Here is my bed chamber.”

  “You live underground?”

  “Yes, it’s a safe place for me. I have every comfort. Please make yourself at home.”

  She moved over to the hearth, holding her hands out to the heat. She was still chilled from running through the wet woods and the speedy coach ride. The cold seemed to fade as warmth seeped through her clothing to her skin. When she turned to warm her backside, she gasped.

  “What are you doing?”

  McLain had removed his clothes and stood naked with his back to her. He poured water from a pitcher into a bowl on the nightstand. He cupped the liquid in his palms, splashing it over his face then ran his wet fingers up into his hair, slicking it back from his face.

  “I am bathing.”

  She knew she shouldn’t watch, but she couldn’t help glancing over his hard, angled muscles. His back was broad and strong, tapering, down to firm buttocks. His arms bulged at the biceps and she had the urge to run her hands over the solid muscles. Their time in the coach had only wetted her need to touch him again. She wanted to see where she touched, to know of his pleasure, and watch him run his hands over her body. He moved the wet cloth over his shoulders and across his chest before rinsing it out and sliding the cloth across his ridged stomach.

  She found herself growing attached to him over these last two days. Carmen realized at that moment, that he was her heart, the one she had dreamed of all her life. Both of them had already been through so much. Carmen knew Menippus would rise tomorrow eve. Their time drew short and she wanted every moment the fates allowed. She would reach out to grab what pleasure she could with McLain. There had been so little in her life. Her heart yearned for him, yet she understood he might accept her body but refuse her his heart. Even so, she could not let this time pass. Carmen took a step away from the fire’s heat, moving toward him. When he brought the cloth to his back, she took it from him.

  Carmen slid her gaze over his back and with smooth strokes, she ran the cloth along his skin. McLain turned, meeting her gaze, yet spoke not a word.

  He seemed surprised at first but then leaned over, planting both fists on the washstand, allowing her to wash his back. His muscles smoothed then bunched under her hand. Hard steel covered in warm wet skin. The firelight danced over the angles and plains of his back and she breathed faster. As Carmen moved the wet cloth lower on his buttocks, he turned, catching her wrist. His gaze was striking, like hot coals, burning a fire through the depths of her soul.

  “I would have you, McLain. Show me what it feels like to feel you deep within me.”

  He was pleased she was able to be honest with him. He liked her boldness, her directness. She was unique and she had burrowed deeply within him.

  “Is this truly what you want, Carmen?”

  “Yes. I would know all you can teach me, during our short time together.”

  “Undress for me.”

  Holding her gaz
e, he saw her hesitate with uncertainty before she undid the buttons down the blouse to her waist, then pulled the sleeves off each arm and over her breasts. The material fell past her hips until it slid along her legs to pool around her feet, leaving her bare to the waist. She shivered and dropped her gaze from his. McLain could feel her innocence slowly worming its way up to choke her desire. He couldn’t allow that, so he sharpened the nail on his index finger and inserting it into the waistband of her pantalets. With one quick tug downward, he sliced through the material. Carmen gave a startled cry as the fabric fell away, baring her completely to his hot gaze. He had wanted to wash the cloth over her body as she had him, but it would have to wait until after this first time.

  He scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the bed. She was mistaken if she thought he would let her go after this. He would claim her as his. McLain let her body slide along his length as he set her down by the bed. Unconsciously her hands came up to shield herself.

  “Why are you hiding from me? You know you are beautiful.” She was exquisitely formed, from the top of her dark head to her dainty toes.

  Carmen had very few inhibitions when she was with him. She could even say she was aggressive but now she stood fully exposed and couldn’t meet his gaze.

  “I have never been this fully exposed. Only with your arms about me do I feel secure.”

  McLain stepped closer, pulling her against his chest once again. The heat of his flesh chased away her chill and Carmen pressed her cheek into the curve of his throat.

  He leaned down, kissing her, a deep demanding kiss that left them breathless. His tongue passed her lips to taste the sweetness she offered. The familiar sizzle as they touched was always there.


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