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Taming Lo: A You and I Novel

Page 10

by Melissa Toppen

  “Do you want me to taste you Lo?” I whisper against her mouth, pulling her bottom lip between my teeth and sucking it lightly.

  “Yes.” She gives me a breathy answer, her eyes all but begging me to do exactly that. Already her breathing is coming in short soft spurts and her entire body feels rigid beneath me.

  I love that I have so much power over her body already. Smiling, I drop my lips to her neck and start working my way down. I release her hands and the moment they are free, she plunges them into my hair and pulls at the back, hard.

  “Dax.” She moans when I pull her nipple into my mouth and roll my tongue over the tip. Every noise she makes, every whimper and moan, makes my need for her that much stronger.

  I have never had a woman affect me the way she does. Every touch sends heat coursing through my body. Every kiss makes me want more. Every moment makes me want more. It's exhilarating and yet terrifying at the same time. But I don't know how much longer I can let this go on.

  It was my weakness that prevented me from simply walking away from her the first time. My selfishness that made me determined to have her again. And now my fear that will ultimately ruin everything.....

  Because I am slowly realizing that by consuming my mind and my body, she is also slowly consuming my heart.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “So the doctor said if I don't go into labor naturally before the 10th, they are going to induce.” Anna says, her voice both nervous and excited.

  “Two weeks. I can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday you found out you were pregnant.” I say into the phone, having a hard time grasping how quickly time seems to be flying by.

  “I know.” She sighs. “But I am so ready for this to be over. I want my body back.” She whines. “I want to have sex with my husband without him worrying about hurting the baby. I just want to feel like a woman again and not someone's living space.”

  “You are too much.” I laugh, looking up from the couch when a knock on the door echos through my apartment.

  “You say that, just wait until you have a child.” She warns.

  “Well considering I am never having children.” I remind her, peeling myself off of the couch.

  “You say that now. But the last time I checked, there are a lot of things happening you said never would.” She laughs lightly. “How long have you and Dax been hooking up now? Two weeks? Three? You went from never sleeping with the same man twice to sleeping with one man what..... A hundred times by now?”

  “Dear lord woman. Do you think the only thing we do is fuck?” I laugh, peeling the door open to find a very handsome Dax standing in my doorway wearing dark jeans, a black jacket, and a very large boyish grin.

  “Are you telling me that I'm wrong?” She laughs.

  “Now, I didn't say that.” I chuckle lightly, gesturing for Dax to come inside. “And speaking of the devil.... I have a visitor.” I wink at Dax and mouth Anna so he knows who I am talking to.

  “Then I guess I should let you get to it then.” She drops her voice low. “At least one of us gets to have some fun.”

  “You're almost done.” I remind her. “Hang in there.”

  “Yeah. Yeah. Go. Have your wild sex you asshole. I will talk to you later.”

  “Love you.” I chime playfully.

  “Shut it hussy. I love you.” She laughs, disconnecting the call.

  I slide the phone into the back of my jeans and turn to find Dax leaning casually against the breakfast bar with an Apple in his hand. Smiling widely, he takes a big bite.

  “Yes, come in and help yourself to my food.” I joke, crossing the space towards him.

  “You want it back?” He asks, holding the bitten apple out to me.

  “I'm good. Thanks.” I laugh, shaking my head. “What are you doing here anyways?”

  “It's amazing outside. I thought I would stop by and see if you wanted to go on a hike with me.” He smiles, taking another bite of his apple.

  “A hike?” I question, gesturing to myself. “Do I look like a hiking type of girl to you?”

  “Where's your sense of adventure?” He laughs. “Come on. Come with me.” He pouts out his bottom lip playfully.

  “Only if you promise never to do that again.” I laugh, pointing at his mouth.

  “Done.” He turns, tossing the apple core across the kitchen. It lands directly in the trash can before he turns back towards me, shaking his head when he sees me slipping on my favorite pair of flip flops. “You are probably going to want to wear tennis shoes.” He says, gesturing to my feet.

  “Please.” I wave my hand through the air, grabbing my hooded sweatshirt off the back of the couch. “I can do anything in flip flops. Besides, I have flip flop withdrawals during the winter and it's finally warm enough to wear them.”

  “Suit yourself.” He crosses the room and pulls open the door. “But don't say I didn't warn you.”


  “Dax. Put me down.” I laugh, smacking at his backside as he walks down a wooded trail with me tossed over his shoulder.

  “And listen to you complain about how bad your feet hurt for the next mile? No thanks.” He laughs below me, shifting my weight.

  “I complained once.” I argue, hanging behind him like a sack of potatoes.

  “Try more like once every five minutes. I tried to tell you to wear tennis shoes.” He jokes, laughing when I smack at him again. “Besides, it won't be that much longer.” He reassures me.

  Today has been the first really nice day of Spring and as much as I love the sunshine and the birds chirping, hiking through a damn forest is not really my idea of a good time. But Dax has promised me the entire way that it will be worth it.

  I hate that I love being with him like this. Truth is, I would do anything with this man if it meant that I got to spend time with him. Between my schedule and his, we rarely get to see each other outside of the darkness of our bedrooms. Not that I'm complaining. I rather enjoy our late night get togethers. But it's times like these that I really get to see Dax for the man he is.

  While he may come across as more than a little intimidating at the club, I have learned that he is very different from the person that he actually shows people. At the club he's all business, all the time. Well, with the exception of when he finds time to pay me a quick visit in my dressing room that is. He rarely smiles and I don't think I have ever heard him have a personal conversation with anyone outside of Bentley. But out here, that suit wearing control freak is no where to be found. Out here, he is all smiles and laughs. Joking and sharing playful banter with me the full five miles up the wooded trail.

  “Here we are.” Dax sets me to my feet just as we reach a small clearing. Grabbing my shoulders, he turns me forward facing. The moment the lake comes into view, I can't help but smile.

  “Wow. This is incredible.” I say, taking a step forward to look out at the beautiful water that is stretched out for miles in front of us. “I mean, I've seen Lake Michigan before but not like this.”

  “This is the best spot to get a good view from afar.” Dax says, stepping up next to me, his hand brushing against mine. I try to ignore the way my skin prickles and my breathing accelerates from such an innocent touch, but there's nothing I can do to stop it.

  “I can see that.” I say, looking at the wooded area behind us and then back out over the water. A breeze whips around us and a cold chill runs through my body causing me to shudder slightly.

  “You cold?” Dax asks, not waiting for my answer before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side, the contact instantly warming me. While the weather is nice, it is still a bit chilly, especially with the cool breeze coming in off of the water.

  “I'm better now.” I say, snuggling deeper into his side and wrapping my arm around his waist, securing my body to his.

  It terrifies me how easy it is to fall into this comfortable affection with Dax. When I spend too much time thinking about it, about how he makes me fe
el, I panic. But when I just let things be what they are, I find myself happier than I think I have ever been.

  “What are you thinking about?” Dax asks, breaking into my thoughts. I look up to find him staring down at me, an amused smile pulling up the corners of his mouth.

  “You.” I admit, nudging him with my hip.

  “What about me?” He asks, holding my gaze.

  “Nothing.” I shake my head, looking back out over the water.

  Dax drops his arm from my shoulder and turns towards me. I feel his eyes on the side of my face but I make no attempt to look in his direction. That is, until he reaches out and grabs my arm, gently spinning me towards him.

  “Why do you always do that?” He asks, tilting my chin upwards.

  “Do what?”

  “Shut down when I ask you something that makes you uncomfortable.” He asks, his forehead scrunching together.

  “I don't.” I say, shaking my head like I have no idea what he's talking about.

  “Yes you do.” He laughs lightly. “You're doing it right now.”

  “I don't know. I guess I just get nervous.” I admit, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks.

  “I didn't know you got nervous.” He gives me a lopsided smile.

  “You make me nervous.” I admit, my eyes immediately breaking away from his.

  “Hey.” He says, pulling my gaze back to his face. “Would it make you feel any better if I said that you make me nervous too?” He asks, his smile remaining in tact.

  “Yeah right.” I playfully shove him. “The only thing men get nervous about is the first time a woman sees their junk.” I laugh when his eyes widen.

  “Junk?” He laughs. “Pretty sure there are better words for it than that.”

  “Fine. Dick. Cock. Man Sword.” I laugh when he coughs playfully.

  “Man Sword?” He laughs a deep, full belly laugh, the sound echoing around us. I can't help the huge smile that sound brings to my face. It has quickly become one of my favorite things to hear.

  “I have heard it called just about everything.” I shake my head. “Anyways, as I was saying... Men only get nervous when they are worried that the woman will be displeased with what they have to offer.... down below.” I laugh. “Women on the other hand, get nervous about everything.”

  “Let me let you in on a little secret about men.” He pulls me closer to him. “We get nervous just as much as women do, we simply find ways to hide it, control it. Where as women wear it for the world to see.”

  “So I really make you nervous?” I ask jokingly, giving him a disbelieving look as I take a step towards him, eliminating the tiny space between us.

  Leaning down, his lips brush gently against mine before he whispers, “Extremely.”

  Wrapping my hands around the back of his neck, I pull him down further and deepen the kiss, my entire body igniting when he wraps me in his muscular arms and pulls me tightly into his hard frame.

  It's hard to forget why I closed myself off to begin with when I find myself in moments like this. Moments that just seem.... Well, perfect. Moments that I never want to end. Moments that actually take my breath away. But these moments also remind me of an earlier time, a happier one, before everything fell apart. A time when I was stupid enough to believe that the happy moments would go on forever. And as easy as it would be to lose myself to Dax, to this, to the feelings he stirs deep inside of me, I also know the power that would give him.

  I trust Dax. More than I have trusted a person in a very long time. But that doesn't make me blind to what he is capable of. No matter how good things seem right now, people always find a way of hurting those who aren't expecting it. Which is why I am always expecting it. I am always waiting for the other shoe to drop. For the big reveal of the darkness that lies within the man that I find myself falling harder for each and every day.

  I'm not blind to my feelings. I am not stupid enough to try to convince myself that I don't feel anything for Dax. I know I do. And I know those feelings run deep. But those feelings change nothing. I will enjoy this time while it lasts, but I am already preparing myself for the end.

  Because eventually, this will have to end......

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “The Hobbit or Horrible Bosses 2?” Lo asks, holding the two movies up in her hands.

  “Hmmm. Tough choice.” I laugh, really not caring either way. “You pick.”

  “I asked for a reason.” She gives me a cute frustrated snarl from her place on the floor in front of the television.

  “I'm good with either. Really.” I say, laughing when she narrows her blue eyes at me.

  “Dax Riley, so help me God, if you do not choose a movie right this instant, I am going to wing them both at your head.” She warns with a large smile across her face.

  “Fine.” I sigh. “Horrible Bosses 2.” I say, watching the disappointment cross her face.

  “Boo.” She says, popping open the case and sticking the disc into the blu-ray player.

  “Why did you make me pick if you wanted to watch The Hobbit?” I ask. “I told you I was good with either one.”

  “Because I am a gracious host and want you to watch what you prefer to watch, not what I prefer. Besides, I can watch it another time.” She says, shrugging indifferently as she stands and crosses the space towards me.

  “Well I can think of a better way to spend our evening if you want to just scratch the movie all together.” I raise my eyebrows up and down suggestively at her, causing her to laugh out.

  “Pretty sure we have already done other things this evening.” She slides down onto my lap, straddling her legs over mine. “Twice to be exact.” She leans forward, her face hovering just inches from mine. “Or did you forget already?” She whispers against my mouth before trailing her tongue slowly across my bottom lip.

  I instantly feel myself harden beneath her. This damn woman can take me from limp to rock hard in seconds. Gripping her hips, I push her down so that she can feel what she is doing to me.

  “I didn't forget.” I say softly, taking a sharp inhale when she moans lightly against my mouth, feeling my hard dick through the thin fabric of her tight yoga pants.

  I am two seconds away from flipping her off of my lap and fucking her for a third time tonight, when a loud knock sounds against the door. Lo jumps slightly, clearly startled.

  “Who could that be?” She voices aloud, looking behind her to check the time. I follow her line of sight. Just after nine in the evening.

  “How should I know?” I joke. “It's your apartment.” I wrap my hand around the back of her neck and pull her face back down to mine. “Ignore it.” I say, sucking her bottom lip into my mouth. She shudders slightly but then pulls back when another loud knock sounds against the door, followed by another and then another.

  “Open the door Lauren. I know you're home. I saw your car downstairs.” I hear a woman's voice yell through the door. Lo's eyes widen and she immediately jumps off of my lap, throwing silent curse words as she paces in front of the couch.

  “What is going on?” I laugh, seeing her wide-eyed expression.

  “It's my sister.” She whispers, holding her finger to her lips, gesturing for me to be quiet.

  “Then answer it.” I say, not entirely understanding her reaction.

  “I can't. Shit.” She says, the pounding on the door continuing to echo through the apartment. “I have to. If she's here, she drove hours to get here. I can't ignore her right?” She turns on me with her question.

  “Don't look at me.” I laugh. “Your home, your decision.”

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” She says, spinning and quickly crossing the space towards the door. Ripping it open, her sister doesn't wait for an invitation before pushing her way inside.

  The moment I catch sight of her, I feel like I have entered some alternate universe. She looks exactly like Lo only, she's not Lo. Same nose, same mouth, it's like looking at Lo if she were a little curvier and had shorter hair.r />
  She storms into the apartment but then falters slightly when she catches sight of me. “Who are you?” She whips, not bothering with pleasantries.

  “Lilly, this is Dax.” Lo says, pulling her sisters attention back to her. “What are you doing here?” She asks.

  “I'm here because you refuse to come home for my wedding and now you won't answer my calls or my texts. Or did you forget that part?” Lilly's voice has an edge of anger to it and I can't help but notice that their voices are almost the same as well. Lilly's is a little higher than Lo's but is still almost spot on.

  “Lilly, I really can't do this again. I have already told you where I stand.” Lo says, throwing a desperate look my way before looking back to her sister.

  “I'm gonna give you two some privacy.” I say, standing from the couch, suddenly feeling like an intruder.

  “Oh no, there's no need for that.” Lilly snips, turning her eyes on me. “If I can't talk some sense into my sister, maybe you can.” She turns towards me.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “Lilly don't.” I plead, not wanting for her to involve Dax in our drama. “He doesn't know anything about this and it isn't his concern.” I say, watching Lilly turn back to me.

  “Have you changed your mind then?” She asks, already knowing the answer before I even give her a response.

  “You know it isn't that easy.” I say, shaking my head.

  “So what then? You plan on just living out the rest of your life holed up here pretending like none of us exist. I am your sister Lauren. Your twin sister. What happened to us? We used to be so close, inseparable. I understand why you had to leave, I do. But I don't understand why that means you have to abandon me in the process.” I can see the hurt behind her eyes. Knowing I put it there guts me.


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