Home > Other > FOR THE LOVE OF MY SISTERS 2 > Page 7

by Shameek Speight

  Muscles and his team had killed off all his crew, but from the information he got from Essence he knew most of Muscles team died in the house in Bayswater and the others had went into hiding on Muscles orders. So seven will be enough, ‘It would ave been eight ef dat damn Bulltec picked up his phone an stopped daggering,’ Pistol thought to himself as he sees that all his men were in place.

  He walks back in the office and looks down at Sasha laying there too weak to move, “Mi love yuh,” Pistol said while unzipping his jeans, ‘But yuh ave a brethren who thinks he can steal fram mi, maybe mi won’t kill yuh an mi kip yuh around as mi sex slave,” Pistol said while holding his dick in his hand and stroking it.

  Sasha looks at him and wonders how a man she loved could hurt her so much, ‘I wish I was dead, my brother is going to come here and get killed all because of me, because I didn’t want to listen,’ Sasha whispers to herself as tears flow down her cheeks. A warm splash of water hits her face and continues to pour out on top of her traveling down her breast. She looks up to see Pistol with his dick in his hand peeing on her.

  “Hahahaha! Ef R. Kelly can do it, why cyan I? Besides, yardman pee is good, dis is ow wi grow our weed,” Pistol said while putting his dick back in his jeans and zipping it up.

  Chapter 18

  Half a block away from the Junkyard, Homicide parks the Dodge Magnum and they all get out. Muscles bent down next to the car and took the duffle bag out and put it on the concrete and opened it. S.B. and Homicide bent down next to him and watch what he was doing. Muscles starts taking metal pieces out the bag and snapping them together until it starts to look like a gun, in less than ten seconds, Muscles had put together the machine gun.

  “Shit Muscles, where you get that, and where the hell you learn how to put that shit together?” S.B asked.

  There’s no time for that,” Muscles said with a worried look on his face as he puts a clip into the machine gun and hands it to Homicide.

  “What the fuck is this, I never seen no shit like this,” Homicide said while studying the gun.

  “It’s a Soviet MK-99 it holds seventy five in the clip and shoots 15 bullets per second. The reason you never saw a gun like this is because they’re only made in Russia,” Muscles said while handing him an extra clip.

  He then pulls out some more metal pieces and quickly snaps them together and hands it to S.B., “That’s a Mossberg shotgun, you don’t have to pump, it’s an automatic, it holds 12 shotgun shells inside the clip, here and take this,” Muscles said handing S.B. a Glock 17. Muscles then pulls out twin chrome double action Colt 45’s, then a small four shot Derringer he puts in his jean pocket and placed the 45’s on his waist and pulls out an exploding tear gas grenade.

  Homicide looks at the object and already knew what it was, “Muscles we don’t have gas masks. We won’t be able to see.”

  “I know, but this is the only way we can even the odds, I’m going to go through the front door and toss it in when I walk in, they know I’m coming, but they don’t know about you two. Once the grenade goes off come in blazing and hit anything moving, even if you can’t see,” Muscles said as they creep down to the Junkyard.

  It was an old Junkyard that looked like it has seen better days. The gate that surrounds it was open. They made their way in and went to the side of the warehouse.

  “I’m going to look through a window,” Muscles eyes searched for his sister, but there was no sign of her, “Just five armed men with AK-47’s. S.B. you stay here by the window, that way when shit pops off you’ll be the only one with a view to see where everybody’s at. So even if the tear gas gets to me and Homicide, you’ll be the only one who could see and can lay them down.”

  “Alright Muscles I got you,” S.B said gripping the Mossberg shotgun tighter.

  Muscles and Homicide made their way to the front door, “There should be more men around,” Muscles said.

  “Unless we killed them all,” Homicide replied with a smirk on his face.

  Muscles took a deep breath and prayed what he was about to do didn’t get his sister killed.

  Chapter 19

  Luscious parks her cream Cadillac Escalade on Beverly Road in Flatbush, Brooklyn.

  “Pass me your gun Luscious.”

  “It’s too big to be holding in your hand.”

  When they got out, Luscious did what Nina asked and passed her the gun. Nina opens her big purse she had on her shoulder and placed Luscious’ gun in it next to hers. Amber buttons up her blazer to conceal the twin 40 caliber in the holster she was wearing. The three women hop out the truck and look left and right. The block was dead with just a few hustlers on the corner, no more than four and they weren’t paying any attention to them.

  “Which house?” Nina asks.

  “That one,” Luscious points as they walk to the brownstone house.

  “Shit these houses are too close together, there’s no way to get in the backyard to sneak into the house.”

  “I can get us in,” Amber said.

  “What are you going to do ring the bell, I’m pretty sure Essence seen a picture of you at Muscles apartment, and even if she didn’t a white woman ringing someone’s bell in the middle of the night is going to look suspicious. They will think you’re a cop or a fiend. Anyway you put it, they’re going to come to the door with their guns on them,” Luscious stated.

  “Just follow me,” Amber said with an attitude, she was tired of them doubting her because she was white. She didn’t know how many times she had to tell them that she was Italian.

  Amber got to the door and went in the pocket inside her blazer and pulls out a small box and opens it. She pulls out these small metal objects and placed them in the keyhole and wiggles them around until she heard a click. Then she went to the next keyhole and did the same, once the lock clicked the front door cracked open.

  Luscious and Nina looked at Amber with amazement. It was the second time for the night she had impressed them and blew their minds. Amber turns around and sees the look on their faces and was about to speak, when Nina and Luscious spoke simultaneously, “We know your Sicilian.”

  The three women share a smile then quickly got back to the matter at hand. Nina opens up the purse she was carrying and passed Luscious the Kel-Tec 9mm, while pulling hers out.

  Luscious was the most experienced so she leads the way, she slowly opens the door and they creep in and shut the door behind them. There was a second door inside and Luscious pushes it open. They walk in and they were in the living room, with their guns drawn, a voice was coming from what looked like the kitchen and Luscious already knew who it belonged to as they crept closer to it.

  “Wait until I get my hands on that bitch Luscious, I’m going to kill her ass, they don’t want to give me my share, we’ll see,” Essence said while taking a big gulp of the Jamaican rum straight from the bottle. She pours some in the glass to take the cup up to the bedroom. As she pours she felt hard metal steel press against her temple and almost drops the bottle she was holding.

  “So bitch you’re going to kill me?” Luscious said through clenched teeth, “All the years we’ve been girls and you’re going to kill me and cross us.” ‘Smack!’ Luscious hits her in the head with the side of her gun making her fall to the floor and breaking the bottle.

  “Ahhhh!” Essence screamed in pain and looks up to see that Luscious wasn’t alone.

  Essence looked back and forth from Amber to Nina, then Luscious, she knew who all three women were and why they were there.

  ‘My only prayer is to buy sometime,’ she thought to herself.

  “Bitch did you set up my sister, and told them about us!” Nina yelled and jumped on her, punching Essence in the nose twice, making it bleed.

  “Ahhhh! Get off of me!” she yelled in pain while Nina punches her repeatedly.

  The more Nina thought about how those men chased her tonight and tried to kill her and how her sister was missing, the wilder she became. She starts using her gun as a hammer and came down o
n Essence’s face. The sound of bones shredding could be heard as Nina cracks here upside the head with the back of the gun.

  Amber grabs Nina’s shoulder and knew she had to stop her from killing Essence.

  “Why, why you want me to stop? I’m going to kill that bitch, get off me!” Nina yelled in rage.

  “Amber’s right Nina, you have to calm down, we came here to find out where your sister and brother are. That bitch is going to tell us!” Luscious said while pointing the Kel-Tec 9mm at Essence.

  “Aren’t you going to tell us?” Luscious replied.

  Essence looked up and nods her head, she was just glad to have that mad woman off of her before she got beaten to death.

  Out of nowhere Amber let’s go of Nina and grabs Essence by her hair and drags her into the living room then pulls out one of the 40 caliber handguns from her holster. “Listen bitch, you’re fucking with my family and if you don’t start talking your death will be slow, Nina and I will take turns whipping your ass,” Amber yelled.

  Essence looks up at the white girl and smiles thinking this bitch doesn’t have the heart to do the shit she’s talking about, ‘I’m not too worried about her, all I got to do is kill a little bit more time then I’m good as long as they keep that crazy bitch Nina off of me.’

  Amber looked at the smile on Essence face, “Oh bitch you think I’m playing or this is a joke,” ‘wizzz!’ a bullet came flying from the 40 caliber with the silencer on it, making a whistling sound as the bullet crashed into Essence left knee cap.

  “Ahhhh!” Essence screams in pain as she reached for her knee.

  “Oh bitch, don’t start screaming now, you thought I was a game, you’re playing with my family!” Amber yelled while squeezing the trigger to her gun twice. One bullet hit Essence in the right knee cap and the next one hit her foot.

  “Stop! Stop! Please! Please!” Essence cried out in pain.

  “Bitch I can do this all night, no one can hear me shooting your ass, I’ll put holes in to you slow and then have Nina work on your ass to keep you alive, now fucking talk.

  “There’s money in the safe behind the Scarface picture, the code is 4285. My stash is in the couch just cut it open from the back, just don’t kill me!”

  “Bitch I don’t care about your fucking money, I want to know what the Junkyard Crew knows, and if they got Sasha!” Nina yelled.

  “I care about the money,” Luscious said walking over to the picture on the wall and removing it and pressing the code to open the safe. “Damn!” she yelled as she looks at all the stacks of money. She went back into the kitchen and grabs a garbage bag, ‘Shit I’m happy it’s a glad bag,’ she thought as she emptied everything in the safe and bends down to cut open the couch.

  “I heard Bulltec talking to Pistol and they have Sasha. They’re holding her at the Junkyard on Linden Blvd. in Queens to trade her for Muscles. Everyone in the room knows where that spot is, it was one of the Junkyard spots they owned and so called crushed their victims in cars.

  “Let’s go,” Nina said ready to get out of there to help her brother and sister.

  Luscious had cut open the couch with a box cutter and found the money in a clear plastic bag. She pulled it out and was now holding the garbage bag full of money. She walks over to Essence who lay there crying and bleeding, “You don’t deserve any of this money. Now tell me what happened to Bones. Did you set him up too?”

  “Yes,” Essence said in a whimpering voice, “and they crushed him in the car,” she said not telling them she was the one to press the button to kill him.

  Anger rose through Luscious body, they had known Bones for half their life and Essence just set him up and had him killed like it was nothing.

  Amber heard a noise behind her. She spun around with her gun in her hand just as Bulltec was creeping down the stairs with an Uzi in his hands.

  He raised it and aims it at the women as he sees Amber spin around. Amber knew she had to drop him before he squeezed the trigger or they all will be dead.

  “Ahhhh!” she screams while holding the 40 caliber with both hands as she squeezed the trigger repeatedly, bullets from the 40 caliber slammed into Bulltec’s chest and comes out his back making him drop the Uzi, tumbling down the stairs.

  Amber walks up on him; Bulltec’s eyes were wide open in disbelief as a bullet split his skull. Amber shot him two more times, emptying the clip into him.

  She puts the gun back in the holster and took out the next one, with a tear in her eye she walked back over to Luscious and Nina. Again Nina and Luscious were shocked by Amber’s actions, but was thankful she moved so swiftly. Essence now knew her life was over. She was trying to kill time until Bulltec got the drop on them, but it was the other way around. Nina and Luscious aim their Kel-Tec 9mm’s at Essence, “This is for my sister you bitch!” Nina said while squeezing the trigger and Luscious did the same. Essence body jerks and jumps and twists around on the floor as she was filled with bullets, even after she was dead her body continued to jerk from the bullets slamming in to it.

  Nina went into the kitchen and found a bottle of Jamaican rum and pours it around the living room, she pulls out a cigarette from her purse and lit it and took three pulls then tossed it on the floor. The alcohol from the Jamaican rum lit up and the fire spread through the house.

  Luscious grabs the two bags of money and they walk out the house, once out the front door, Nina’s gut told her something was wrong, “Something doesn’t feel right,” she said out loud.

  “What are you talking about girl?” Luscious said and starts walking.

  “No stop Luscious!” Luscious turns around and looks at Nina and Amber, ‘Yea they did there thing tonight, but I’m the pro,’ she thought to herself as she turns back around and heads for the truck.

  “Amber something is wrong, I can feel it, and we can’t let Luscious get to the truck.”

  “Why makes you say that Nina?”

  “I don’t know I just feel it.”

  As Amber and Nina move from the front steps of the house, they could smell smoke from the inside of the house getting stronger. Amber looks down and noticed that the four men hustling on the corner were gone.

  Nina looks in the direction Amber was staring in and then looks at Luscious, who was now in the middle of the street, half way to her truck. Nina’s brain went into overdrive as she now understood what gave her the bad feeling and she ran into the street and pushed Luscious to the ground and lands on top of her, as two gunmen pop up from behind Luscious Cadillac Escalade firing off shots. One more pops up from a parked car behind the Escalade firing. The bullets barely missed Luscious head as Nina pushed her to the concrete. Amber aims and holds her breath and squeezed the trigger sending a bullet slamming into a gunman’s forehead. The other two gunmen stop shooting at Luscious and Nina and fire on Amber. Amber ran and ducks behind a car and let’s off shots at the two gunmen making them duck for cover. This gave Luscious and Nina enough time to find cover behind a car.

  Nina smiles at Luscious, at first Luscious didn’t know why and didn’t understand. The two gunmen were trying to box in Amber and had pinned her in between two parked cars, firing on her. The gunmen never paid Luscious and Nina any mind as they pop their heads up from behind a car across the street.

  “Hahahaha!” Nina laughed knowing they were in for the surprise of their life, they had no way of knowing they were outgunned. They were using 45 and 9mm’s, while Nina and Luscious had handheld machine guns. Nina pulls the trigger and lets the Kel-Tec spit wildly.

  “Oh shit!” one of the gunmen yelled as bullets hit the car.

  He couldn’t tell where they were coming from, because of the silencer on the Kel-Tec that kept it from making noise. Bullets hit him riddling his body as he tries to duck behind a parked car. The Kel-Tec’s bullets ate through the car and his flesh killing him.

  The next gunman sees his partner go down and aims for Nina, but was met with a spray of bullets hitting his back ripping through the front of him, leav
ing him slumped over the hood of a car. Luscious had sneaked around him without him noticing.

  Amber pops her head up and was thankful, just as a man jumps up from under a car and took off running, “Shit it’s the fourth man, don’t let him get away, he seen our faces.”

  The man ran with the speed of light. He was supposed to wait for the right opportunity and pop out and kill them, but after seeing his boys get killed, he ran for his life.

  Amber raised her 40 caliber and held it with both hands and closed one eye. The man was almost to the corner and she knew he would turn down it once he got there. As soon as he got to the corner and turned, a bullet crashed into his temple and came out the side of his head. He made it around the corner and dropped dead.

  “Damn Amber, that shit was crazy, how the hell you made that shot?” Luscious asks.

  Amber gives her the look like you know I’m Sicilian and they all smile and hops into the truck. Luscious throws the bags of money in the backseat next to Amber. As they took off they look out the truck window to see that the house was fully on fire.

  “Why the cops didn’t show up yet, I know they heard those shots or even see the fire from the house, miles away?” Amber asked while Luscious jumps on the highway.

  Nina turns around from the passenger seat and looks at Amber, “Girl this isn’t Queens, out here the cops let you shoot one another and they come to pick up the bodies later, now let’s go find my brother and sister.”

  Amber picked up her cell phone from the backseat and tried to call Muscles, but kept getting the voice mail.

  Luscious looks at Nina from the corner of her eyes and knew she had to thank her for saving her life. When she had slept on Nina and Amber, they pulled through better than some dudes she knows, and even better than her, but she’ll never let them know that. But she would now start trusting Nina’s instincts from now on.


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