Home > Other > FOR THE LOVE OF MY SISTERS 2 > Page 8

by Shameek Speight

  Chapter 20

  Muscles walked to the front door and as soon as he got there the door flew open and a skinny dark skin, Jamaican man with short dreads stood there with an AK-47 in his hand.

  Homicide leans against the wall behind the door with the Soviet MK-99 machine gun close to his chest. He peeps through the crack of the door and looks at the gunman.

  “Yuh daggering pum pum bwoy!” the short hair dread man yelled while grabbing Muscles by the back of the neck and pushes him inside, “Pistol is waiting fah yuh.”

  Once inside Muscles counted six gunmen, not counting the one that was holding him by the back of the neck with one hand and the other hand gripping his AK-47.

  “Yuh pum pum hole, yuh killed mi brethren,” one of the gunmen yelled and swings the back of his AK-47 hitting Muscles in the face. The blow made Muscles knees give in and he falls to the ground.

  The short hair dread kicks him in the head, Muscles groaned in pain. One of the gunmen looks at Muscles hands that were covering his face all balled up.

  “Wah dat enna yuh hand?” the short hair dread man said and bent down and snatched the black object from Muscles hand.

  Muscles thumb was in the hole of the pin, and when the short hair dread man grabbed the tear gas grenade, he released the pin. Muscles closed his eyes and held his breath.

  “Weh di bloodclot is dis?” the short hair dread man yelled while placing the object close to his face for a better look.


  The tear gas grenade exploded in his hand and face, blowing up his head and peeling the flesh back from his face as smoke filled the warehouse.

  “Agaa! Agaa!” all the members from the junkyard crew begin to cough.

  Muscles felt his eyes burn when he opened them. He held his breath as he pulls out the twin Colt 45’s and aims at two gunmen and squeezes the trigger.

  ‘Boom!’ ‘Boom!’ ‘Boom!’

  Lead filled the two gunmen, blowing holes into their thighs and chest.

  Homicide busts open the door and was blinded by the smoke from the tear gas. He lets the Soviet MK-99 spit widely in hopes of hitting something.

  “Oh shit mon!” one of the gunmen yell as he tried to duck, but it was too late for his partner.

  Bullets ripped through his body sending blood and bone fragments flying everywhere, the gunman that ducked to the ground raised his AK-47 and aims at Homicide.

  Muscles still lay on the floor and peeps the gunman aiming at Homicide. He squeezes the trigger sending four bullets from the 45 crashing into the gunman’s cheekbone and exiting out the back of his head. S.B. climbs through the window to only be shot 14 times in the head killing him instantly.

  Homicide wipes his eyes with one of his hands to try to fight the burning sensation and fires the Soviet MK-99. His body shakes from the recoil, rapid fire was let off left and right as Homicide and Muscles exchange fire with the gunmen.

  Muscles’ hops up and runs behind a wood box while bullets follow him the whole way there. Homicide followed behind him and leaned on the box, “Damn Muscles, how many more are there?” Homicide asks while taking the clip out the Soviet MK-99 and reloading it with a new one.

  “It looked like three more. I need you to cover me, I think I can take one of them, but you have to take the other two,” Muscles said while bullets went past his head.

  Homicide slides from the side of the large box, and let loose a hail of bullets in the direction of the gunman, making them duck for cover behind walls and wooden boxes as cover. The gunman never noticed him until it was too late.

  “Weh di bloodclot!” one of the gunmen yelled as he turned toward Muscles swinging his gun in his direction, only to have three rounds pumped into his chest.

  The impact sent him flying backwards landing on his partner. Muscles knew he had little time as the gunman was trying to push his dead partner’s body off of him. Muscles squeeze the trigger of both his guns.


  A bullet struck the gunman in the pit of his stomach exiting through his back, leaving a pool ball size hole.

  Muscles looked at his Colt 45’s, he knew he squeezed the trigger more than once, but only one bullet came out the guns. Muscles knew it could only mean one thing he was now out of ammo.

  The gunman was still standing with the hole in his stomach, when Muscles looked up as bullets tore through his shoulder and waist knocking him to the ground. The gunman quickly made his way over to Muscles while holding his stomach. He stood over him aiming his AK-47 at his head.

  “Yuh pussy mi a guh kill yuh den fuck yuh sista again,” he said in a weak voice and slowly began to squeeze the trigger.

  Muscles swiftly pulled out the four shot Derringer from his pocket and aimed and fired. He moved his head just in time as a hail of bullets went passed it. Muscles looked up at the gunman who stood there with four bullet holes in his head, making him look like an Indian. He leaned forward and falls on top of Muscles and dies.

  “Mi bredda, mi bredda!” the last gunman yells and stops shooting at Homicide and ran over to Muscles.

  Muscles’ was too weak to push the body off of him as the gunman stood over them. He looked down at Muscles squirming to lift his dead brother’s body off him and aims his gun. A burst of automatic fire went off as Muscles closed his eyes and waits for death. When he didn’t feel any pain, he opens his eyes in time to see the back of the gunman’s head explode sending brain matter and bones flying everywhere as he slumps over backwards dead.

  Homicide walks up to the dead gunman and fires more shots into his body. Then walks over to Muscles and push the body off of him.

  “Yo you’re hit man, you think you’re going to make it?”

  “Yea I’m ok son, the motherfucker shot me in the stomach under the vest, but it’s nothing Nina can’t fix,” Muscles said while Homicide helps him up to his feet and held him up.

  “Let’s go find my sister. I know she’s here I can feel it!”

  A door from the office in front of them flew open and a man came out with the longest dreads Muscles and Homicide had ever seen. In his arms he held Sasha in a choke hold with a 3.57 Magnum pressed to her temple.

  Homicide raised the Soviet MK-99 machine gun, but couldn’t get a clear shot because the gunman was using Sasha as a shield.

  Muscles looked at his sister and a tear ran down his face. She was all beat up and standing naked with only a thong on.

  “Pu dung di bloodclot gun or mi a guh shoot off har head.”

  “If we put the gun down what’s stopping you from killing us?” Muscles yelled.

  “Mi will let di bitch guh ef yuh drop di gun.”

  Muscles looked at Homicide giving him a look that told him to drop the gun. Homicide looked at his friend like he was crazy, then hesitantly lowers the weapon and bent down and placed it on the ground, before he could stand up straight, two bullets ripped through his face, shredding his skull and face to pieces.

  “Noooo!” Muscles yelled as he watched his best friend slump over dead. Muscles looked at Homicide and cried. The whole side of Homicide’s face was gone.

  “Yuh thought yuh was a rude bwoy, now mi a guh kill yuh,” Pistol yelled while forcing Sasha to move forward.

  Muscles eyes never left Homicide.

  “Yuh likkle fuck mi a guh shoot off yuh head an den yuh sista.”

  Muscles snapped out of the trance he was in once he heard Pistol talk about killing his sister. Muscles looked up and his eyes grew wide at the sight of Pistol. His heart raced, “Jon-Jon!” Muscles yelled.

  Pistol looked back at him with shock on his face, “Ow duh yuh know mi real name. Nuh one alive know mi real name!” Pistol yelled, because now he was confused.

  He lived on the low for many years with no one ever knowing his real name, not even his cousin Dwayne. Everybody knew him as Pistol in Jamaica and they called him that for so long that it was the only name they knew, even his family.

  Muscles couldn’t believe his eyes, sure enough it was him,
he was just older and skinnier, but it was the man that ruined his life and his family’s life.

  “You don’t remember Tyasha? I’m her son.”

  Pistol stood there and let the name roll around in his mind until a smile formed on his face, “Yah mi rememba dat cunt, she had some gud pum pum. Mi rememba yuh, yuh used to come inna di room when mi was tearing dat batty up when ya pops went to wuk, hahahaha,” Pistol laughed as his mind replayed those days over.

  “You bastard you gave my mother Aids, it killed her and my father.”

  “Suh now mi a guh kill yuh an yuh sista.”

  Muscles mind raced as he thought of the reality of the situation. “You can’t kill my sister,” Muscles said while lowering his head.

  “Yuh just watch mi,” Pistol said while tightening his grip on Sasha’s neck and pushing the 3.57 to the back of her head.

  “No! You can’t kill her because she’s your daughter!”

  “Wah yuh sey?” Pistol and Sasha both looked at Muscles with shock written all over their faces.

  “When you left Tyasha, you left her pregnant and she’s the baby,” Muscles said pointing to Sasha.

  Pistol knew he got Tyasha pregnant, she kept calling his phone and telling him, but he didn’t want nothing to do with her, he was just there for the pum pum and after he got what he wanted he was gone, but he always promised himself he’ll come back to see if the baby was really his and if it was he would take care of it, but the streets had a lock on him and he never made it around to check on Tyasha and the baby.

  Pistol turns Sasha around to face him. He looks at her then at Muscles. She looks nothing like Muscles or the picture he seen of the other sister. Sasha’s skin color was way lighter like his. He looks at Sasha’s nose and the same light color brown eyes. All this time he kept saying Sasha has a little Jamaican in her, not knowing how true he was. In his heart he knew what Muscles said was true, and Sasha is his daughter. He raised the 3.57 while looking at Sasha and squeezed the trigger.

  ‘Boom!’ ‘Boom!’ ‘Boom!’

  “Ahhhh!” Sasha screams and looks at her body to see where she got hit, but to her surprise there was no blood or holes, she turned around to see Muscles collapse backwards.

  “Noooo!” Sasha screams and broke free of Pistol’s grip and ran over to Muscles, “No! No! Muscles!” she yelled while getting down on her knees.

  Muscles looked up at her and coughed up blood as he gasped for air. Sasha looks at the holes in his chest and cried. The 3.57 bullets ripped through his bullet proof vest.

  “Muscles please don’t die, I love you!” Sasha screams.

  Muscles tried to talk, but the words wouldn’t come out. His body shook and went into convulsions as he choked on his blood and dies.

  “No! No!” Sasha yells while lying on his bloody chest.

  Pistol walks over to her and grabs her by her hair pulling her up to her feet.

  “No! No! You killed my brother!” Sasha screams and cries.

  “Shut di bloodclot up or mi will kill yuh too!”

  “I don’t care kill me, kill me!”

  Pistol swung hitting Sasha with the butt of his gun knocking her out. He picks her up and carries her out the warehouse and placed her in the backseat of his Benz, then hops in and starts up the car and pulls off.

  Chapter 21

  Luscious pulls the Escalade through the gate of the Junkyard and pulls in front of the warehouse. Nina, Amber and Luscious jump out the truck with their weapons drawn and ran in ready for war. The dead bodies at the front door told them they were too late.

  “Damn we didn’t get here in time,” Luscious said as she looks around at all the bodies on the ground.

  Nina noticed one of the bodies on the floor and something made her walk over to it then screams, “Noooo, Muscles!”

  Amber quickly ran over to where Nina was now kneeling and she began to cry, “Noooo!” both women screams and cries echo through the warehouse.

  Luscious stood over them and looked down at Muscles body and tears ran down her face.

  “We have to go! We have to go!” she yelled while pulling Amber and Nina by the arm, “I can hear sirens, the cops will be here soon,” Luscious had to pull Nina and Amber from Muscles body and make them get in the truck.

  Luscious pulled off just in time as police cars flew down the block. All three women cry hysterically the whole ride back to Nina’s house.

  Chapter 22

  A month went by since Muscles death and funeral, Nina refused to leave the house, all she did was lie in the bed and cry. She had lost her job for not showing up. Muscles had put life insurance for 400,000 in his name to be turned over to Nina and Sasha.

  The police and F.B.I. still hadn’t found Sasha, Nina didn’t know what she would do, she felt so lost. Amber moved out of the house and moved back into her old house. The last time Nina heard from her was over the phone and she was doing just as bad as Nina emotionally.

  ‘Ring, ring, ring’

  Nina looks at her cell phone screen and the number on it she didn’t know, she flipped it open and answers it, “Hello!”

  “Hi Nina, this is Steve, do you remember me? I was a friend of your brother.”

  “Yes I remember you Steve, you used to help Muscles with buying Sasha’s medication when he didn’t have the money, and you was at the funeral.”

  Nina blacks out as she wonders where Sasha is and was she getting her medication to help her. Was she dead or alive? A tear rolls down her face.

  “Hello, hello,” Steve repeated.

  “Oh I’m sorry Steve, what were you saying.”

  “It’s ok dear, I know you’re going through a lot, but what I was saying is, I have something Muscles wanted me to give you. Muscles told me to make sure you got it, if anything happens to him. I couldn’t do it at the funeral it wasn’t the best of times.”

  “What is it?” Nina asks.

  “I can’t tell you over the phone, are you busy today? Can you come by my office today?”

  “Yea, what time?” Nina asked.

  “Now,” Steve responded.

  Steve gives her the address to his office and hung up the phone. Nina pushed the covers off her. She jumps in the shower and comes out the bathroom dressed in a blue Baby Phat velour sweat suit. Nina thought about how much Sasha loved wearing sweat suits and tries to fight back the tears that were building up.

  Nina hops into her purple 4.6 sport Range Rover and turns on the CD player to Puffy, Faith Evans and 112, singing Missing You. She sings along as she drives down the highway thinking of Muscles. Less than a half hour she pulls up in front of Steve’s accountant office. She looks up with surprise as she sees her last name Stephen on the sign above the office next to Steven’s name.

  ‘Oh yea, Muscles did tell me he was working here, but I was too busy with work and school to come over to see him while he was working. I wonder why his name is on the sign,’ Nina thought to herself as she hops out the truck and walks inside the building.

  The place was empty. Steve came walking out from a back office, towards her dressed in a blue suit.

  “Hello dear, how are you holding up,” he said while hugging her.

  “I’m trying to take it one day at a time, but it’s hard. Muscles like a father to me, he and my sister is all I had,” Nina replied.

  “I can’t say anything to make you feel better, but Muscles was a great person and that’s part of the reason I called you. Please come into my office,” Steve said and turned around and walked away.

  Nina followed behind him. Steve went in a drawer in his desk and pulls out a piece of paper and two sealed envelopes, then he dug in his pocket and handed her a key ring with different sets of keys on it.

  “What’s this for?” Nina asks.

  “Read the paper dear.”

  Nina looked down on the paper Steve handed her and seen her and Sasha’s name next to four properties that said fully paid for. They were the house she lived in on Beach 120th in Far Rockaway, then the bu
ilding on 143rd on Rockaway Blvd. where they used to live, and a house in Uniondale Long Island, and last a condo in Kew Gardens Queens.

  “How, how he put all these things in my name?” she said, then Nina’s mind flashed back to when Muscles had her and Sasha sign some papers and never told her what it was for. She just thought it was for life insurance, but at the time she could have cared less because Muscles would never do anything to steer her wrong.

  Nina continued to read the paper, at the bottom there was her name and an account number saying she had three million dollars in the bank and next to Sasha’s name it said she had a million dollars, then it read that she was now half owner of Steve and Stephen Accountant Services. Nina looks up at Steve and was confused, “How, and what if the cops find out I have all this money, they know I didn’t make it!” Nina said.

  “No my dear, Muscles was very smart, every dime he made was laundered through our business. We have very rich customers and we make that kind of money thanks to him. So we deal with numbers like that a lot, everything is clean. Muscles never spent a dime of his money on bullshit, he wanted to make sure you and Sasha was ok in life so he invested it in properties you see on that list, and into stocks and bonds. You are now half owner of this business. You will get a check every month, along with the monthly business report to let you know what’s going on and how much income comes in. At any time you want you can come and help run the business,” Steve said with a smile on his face.

  He walked over to Nina and hugs her, “If you have any problems call me.”

  “Okay,” Nina replied holding back her tears and headed out his office and out the building. She then hops in her truck and took off.

  Steve watched her leave then went to the phone. He had one more phone call to make on Muscles behalf.

  Nina slams the front door to the house as she enters, she couldn’t believe Muscles did all of this in a few months, but she would trade it all to have him back. She sat down on the couch and looked at the envelopes, the one with Sasha’s name she put on the glass coffee table, then looks at the one with her name on it. She didn’t want to open it in front of Steve. She was afraid she might break down and cry if she did. She did what Muscles always taught her, to be strong.


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