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Omnia Online (Omnia Online Series Book 1)

Page 5

by Christopher Booth

  He opened the bag and looked in… what is this???

  “Samantha, I think I need your help figuring out what this is I found in the bag.”

  Drake held up a little black cube for Samantha’s optics to take a look. Samantha was able to identify it as a data cube. The corner of the cube could be twisted out of the way to allow a data cable to connect.

  “Why go through all the trouble to hide this little cube. For a minute I thought we found something valuable like gems …”

  “Actually, that cube is probably more valuable than diamonds. While registered natural diamonds do still have a high value, the right data could be priceless. This has all the markings of data smuggling. It may even explain why pirates attacked a beaten up old freighter.”

  “You think the Pirates were looking for this?”

  “I’m not sure, but there is a good chance.” replied Samantha.

  “If that is true, then getting the beacon working might kill us?” asked Drake.

  “Only if they knew the cube was in this pod… first, they would have to know there was data on the ship, and then they would have to find out that it was in this escape pod. I find that less likely.”

  “Why?” asked Drake.

  “Because if the data smuggler was alive, why was the escape pod still there?”

  While Samantha made sense, Drake couldn’t let go of the feeling that the pirates would show up before any rescue.


  Drake made some pants out of the bottom part of one of the yellow survival suits, using his new gun belt to keep it in place, with the light green hospital gown serving as a shirt. ‘Introducing the latest in survival wear trends… glow clothes. For the survivalist who really wants to stand out.’ Drake grinned at the thought.

  Drake found that the beacon was disconnected, and he couldn’t detect any damage.

  “Samantha, before I reattach the beacon, please ensure it stays off. Just see if you can test it.”

  “Ok, ready.” replied Samantha.

  Drake reconnected the wire harness to the locator beacon.

  “It’s connected, do you get any reading?”

  “Yes, Drake, it tests positive, like it did before the landing.”

  “Good, before we turn it on, I want to make some plans, just in case.”

  “Samantha, what can you tell me about this gun.” Asked Drake, holding the gun up for her to view. The screen on Samantha’s Bracer displayed:

  Sabolite Munitions SC-4 Blaster Pistol

  Type: Blaster Pistol

  Ammo: 30

  Damage: (42)

  Durability: (36)

  Range: Medium

  “Why are the damage and durability for the pistol in brackets?”

  “My sensors pick up some slight damage to the pistol due to wear over time and maybe poor maintenance… the brackets are the pistols condition new, if we had training in blaster maintenance or repair, there would be a number next to it based on my best estimate of it actual damage and durability.”

  “Thanks… So how would it compare to a normal handgun?” asked Drake.

  “A handgun like a 9mm or a .45 caliber pistol would do 30 to 35 damage. The blaster holds more shots, does more damage and has a little less kick. It also does energy damage instead of physical. Both weapons have the same range of attack.”


  Drake took some time scouting around the nearby forest, armed with his knife and a new gun. He didn’t encounter any animals; and thought the bright pants would scare any animal away.

  After scouting the area, he took some rope and made some traps. His plan was to run past the traps if he had to fight pirates. Then he gathered his supplies and hid them a few hundred meters away from the escape pod.

  The last thing he did was to build a hunters hide, about 20 meters from the pod, in some bushes, between two trees.

  Chapter 7 – A Plan in Action

  Omnia servers update 3.156811

  This is a notice to all users; due to a new project, Omnia is undertaking for the Imperium, we will be introducing a new time and calendar system to the game, and synchronizing all in-game servers and virtual planets to this new time system.

  Time will now be listed by a somewhat archaic system that will divide each planetary rotation into 24 units called hours, each hour will be broken up into sub-units referred to as minutes, and seconds. The new time and calendar system will address some concerns our players had with managing group activities across so many different world time systems. We hope you enjoy the challenge of working with this new archaic system, as we believe it adds something to the feel of the game. Thank you for your continued support of Omnia Virtual Worlds.

  Omnia management memo #546831.


  “Ok, Samantha, I think I’m as ready as I can be. Turn on the beacon.”

  “It’s on, and seems to be working.”

  Drake figured it could take hours for help to arrive. So he leaned back against the tree to his right and waited.

  It was getting close to one day since he injected his arm, so he took off the sling and splint.

  Since he felt he had time still, he decided it wouldn’t hurt to test the handgun.

  Planning on just taking a couple shots he aimed first at a large tree about 10 meters away. His shot hit a bit high and to the left, blowing off the bark and causing noticeable damage.

  He took careful aim at a second tree about 20 meters away. The hit on the second tree was a bit off too, but not by much given the distance. He felt a little more confidence in being able to use the gun now.

  “Samantha, remind me to practice with this type of gun the next time I get to the training room.”

  He went back to waiting.

  The sun was casting long shadows by the time anything happened.

  Drake heard the sound of something flying above the trees. Not the sound of a plane or jet, but more like a very quiet jet cutting through the air.

  The sound brought Drake to the alert.

  A few minutes later, a small shuttle landed off to Drake’s right, past the escape pod, about 45 meters away.

  Drake held up Samantha’s bracer and asked her about the craft while trying to remain hidden. The screen on Samantha’s Bracer displayed:

  Comtrex Light Gig

  Type: Shuttle


  Passengers: 1

  Cargo: 0.5 Metric Tons

  ‘It only has space for two people. That doesn’t look like a rescue shuttle to me.’ thought Drake.

  As Drake continued to watch a hatch on the right side of the little shuttle flipped down to form steps. One man exited the shuttle carrying a carbine style weapon and looked around examining the area. A second man followed him out holding a large pistol with both hands. Drake thought the second man’s gun looked like a larger version of the blaster he had found. Both men seemed to be wearing padded vests that could be armor.

  Once on the ground, the second man said something, then removed his left hand from his gun and waved the pistol toward the abandon escape pod.

  Drake couldn’t make out what was said at this distance, but both men started moving toward the pod with their guns ready.

  Drake thought, ‘Ok, I’m almost sure these guys are part of the pirate crew, but sure enough to risk killing them? I wish I had some way to stun them, and not risk killing would be rescuers and ending up in whatever passes for a prison in the Imperium.’

  While Drake considered his options, the two men approached the pod. Once there, the man with the pistol, got down near the entrance and pointed his weapon in the hatch, then looked in.

  “No one inside, looks like someone was, though. Keep alert while I check it out.”

  After a minute the man crawled back out of the pod.

  “It’s not where the old man said it would be.”

  The man with the rifle responded, “Well we’re almost out of time, the local militia is on its way.”

  “Well we still have about 20 mi
nutes, let’s hunt down the thief and get it back.”

  That helped make Drake’s mind up for him. He carefully aimed at the head of the man with the rifle and fired two quick shots with his pistol. Having preplanned his moves, he immediately rolled to his left behind a tree, without looking to see if his shots hit.

  It was a good thing that he took cover so fast, as blaster shots lit up the area around his hide. Drake took off running to his next prepared position, but just before he got there blaster shots started hitting near him, so he dove behind the tree.

  As Drake started to get up, he heard the sound of running, and then a loud thud.

  As Drake looked back down the way he came, he saw the man with the pistol rolling away from his spike trap. He’d set up a trip line with one of his ropes, with spikes on the other side. In the growing shadows, it was hard to see the line. So when the man fell his chest came down on the spikes. But to Drake, it looked like the pirate was able to get his arm out to catch his fall, and with his vest, it was enough to save him.

  The pirate still looked stunned from the damage as he rolled off the spikes. Drake, from less than 10 meters away fired two shots at the man’s head. The first shot probably killed him; the second shot sent a chunk of his skull spinning away.

  Drake didn’t know if he killed the first pirate or not. So he didn’t rush back to the pod. Instead, he circled around to the right where the shuttle landed. When he got there, he slipped behind the shuttle and took a peek around to where the pod was.

  The man with the rifle was still there, leaning against the pod. He appeared to be squinting his eyes like he was having trouble seeing, and there was blood dripping down from his hairline.

  Drake was still about 30 meters away. He didn’t know if he would be able to restrain the man, even if he could get the man to give himself up.

  So following the approach of better safe than sorry, he took careful aim at the man and started firing… One shot hit the man in the chest knocking him back and to the side. As he moved, the second shot hit the man in the leg. The pirate tried to turn and point his carbine toward the shuttle when the third shot hit him in the head. The pirate instantly fell to the ground.

  While holding his gun with both hands, Drake approached the pirate. Drake thought, ‘So do I check for a pulse and tie him up if he’s still alive? Is he playing possum, will he try to turn on me? Then what would the pirate do.’

  Again it was not hard to convince himself that the pirate needed to be dead, for sure.

  One more close up shot to the head and Drake was sure both pirates were dead.

  Drake headed back to the Pirates shuttle, thinking that having a shuttle would be nice if he was allowed to keep it.

  “Samantha. How can I claim this shuttle?” asked Drake as he entered the little craft.

  “First, you would need to search the pirates for the key. For this type of shuttle, it would be a small rectangular box designed to plug into the pilot's control panel. Then you would need to make a claim with the local authorities. While this is a planet and not Imperium space, it’s still likely the Imperial law will apply. Under the Pirate and Privateers Reprisal Act, any property that was taken while in self-defense against a pirate belongs to the offended entity.” said Samantha.

  “And A.I. records constitute proof under imperial law. So it should be a matter of making a claim in front of a court official.”

  As soon as Samantha told him he needed to find the key, he went and searched both of the bodies, the second pirate, the one with the pistol, had it in his vest pocket.

  Drake also picked up both of the pirates weapons and put them in the shuttle.

  Drake sat down in the pilot's chair and entered the key.

  “Ok, Sam, we should report to the authorities, right?”

  “Now that I can access the shuttles comms, I’m connecting to the local grid. I’m searching for the local militia com frequency… Ok, just pick up the handset to your left and press the button to talk.” said Samantha.

  Drake found what looked like a C.B. mic to his left. It seemed odd to see something like that in a craft as high tech as a shuttle, but maybe some simple designs are practical at any level of technology?

  He picked up the mike and keyed it on. “This is Horatio Drake, a survivor of the crashed freighter Fyffes Swiftstar, I need to report that I was just attacked by two pirates, who I believe to be connected with the ones that brought down the freighter.”

  A moment after releasing the mike, a voice came back over the com. “This is the planetary militia responding to a distress beacon, and ten minutes out. Please state your condition and the condition of the alleged pirates.”

  Drake responded, “I am fine, but the pirates are dead, I killed them in self-defense, and am making a claim on their shuttle.”

  The voice came back over the com, “Is that so? Are you sure you’re not the one that is the pirate here? I think we will be taking both you and the shuttle into custody.”

  “Samantha, can we get to a city while avoiding this guy, I have a feeling I should involve the regular authorities with my claim.”

  “Yes, programming the auto-pilot to take us to the City of Vastal, the planetary capital. I’ll set the flight path to take us away from the direction of the incoming signal; the flight will take a couple hours longer unless you wish to exit the atmosphere?”

  “No, stay low, I don’t want to attract the rest of the pirates. They’re bound to be pissed at me, I’ll just be happy to get to civilization. Just a second, let me loot... I mean search the pirates for anything useful…”

  Drake ran to where he stashed the two bags of emergency supplies, then back to the shuttle. Once there he emptied one bag into the little cargo area at the back and tossed the other on top of it. Drake then ran out to both bodies, removing the vests and anything of value, except their clothes. He didn’t take any time to look at what he collected, but dashed back to the shuttle and climbed into the pilot seat.

  “Ok, let’s go,” he said while attaching his seat harness. “Just keep us low for the first ten miles, and then take us up to a good cruising altitude.”

  Once the shuttle leveled off to its cruising altitude, Drake took a look at his loot. He had Samantha scan the items that seemed interesting.

  The screen on Samantha’s Bracer displayed:

  Dreanan Defender Heavy Blaster Pistol

  Type: Blaster Pistol

  Ammo: 35

  Damage: (52)

  Durability: (28)

  Range: Medium

  ExoPiro Defender Heavy Blaster Carbine

  Type: Blaster Rifle

  Ammo: 50

  Damage: (60)

  Durability: (32)

  Range: Medium-Long

  LaserHoned Talon Vibro-Dagger

  Type: Small Blade

  Damage: 25

  Durability: 32

  Hunters-Pride Blast-Vest

  Type: Body Armor (Torso only)

  Energy Protection: 11 (12)

  Physical Protection: 11 (12)

  Durability: 20 (24)

  Hunters-Pride Blast-Vest

  Type: Body Armor (Torso only)

  Energy Protection: 10 (12)

  Physical Protection: 11 (12)

  Durability: 19 (24)

  Fragmentation Grenade

  Type: Explosive

  Blast radius: 0-2/4/6 Meters

  Damage: 48/36/24

  Durability: 18

  Drake was impressed. He didn’t think the authorities would let him keep the grenade… The thing scared him anyway, explosives are not toys, and grenades don’t have an aim. The dagger was a nice upgrade to his kitchen knife, though.

  Both vests took some damage to durability, but they were still better than a hospital gown.

  While on the flight to the city, Drake started to think about what would come next. He was sure he would be arrested, and the outcome would completely depend on Samantha’s recording of the events. He was also sure that his A.I. bracer w
ould be taken on his arrest, so how could he be sure the data would not go missing before he could see a judge.

  Samantha took a few minutes to research the local lawyers and suggested I contact one named Coyle Stevrenson. After telling the attorney his story, Stevrenson said he would take Drake on as a client, up until the arraignment, for 100 credits and 10% of the value of the shuttle and gear, provided the court agreed to the claim. Anything he collected beyond the arraignment, he would keep 35%. After hearing my story, he seemed to think I had a strong case against the owners of the freighter for willful negligence, and endangering passenger lives.

  I agreed to the terms, even though it felt like the ship owners were victims too, they were also responsible for their passengers’ safety.

  Drake called ahead when he neared the city, and followed the directions to make a landing at the spaceport. Drake, with his new attorney present, surrendered himself to the city police; he expected it might take a day or two to sort his claim of self-defense out. He was sure to hand his A.I. bracer over to the attorney and asked for a complete inventory of the shuttle.

  Once he was locked in a cell, he logged out of the game. Samantha said she would monitor his in-game body, and he could continue training rather than sitting in a cell waiting.

  Chapter 8 – Jail Bird

  Kevin found himself back in what he thought of as the Omnia game room.

  Samantha said, “Would you like something to eat, Kevin?”

  “Sounds good, I was getting hungry,” said Kevin as he walked from the game room to the kitchen. “So, what’s it this time… smells good, looks like a prime rib, baked potatoes and … what … cream of broccoli soup. Umm, good soup.” Kevin took a sip of wine. “Nice, a good cabernet sauvignon wine, should go well with the steak.”

  ‘Much better than jail food, I imagine.’ thought Kevin.

  “How is Drake going to eat and everything, if I’m here?” asked Kevin.


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