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How to Date a Dragon

Page 19

by Ashlyn Chase

  “Please. At least there I can hide in my room while you watch TV or something.”

  “Awww… am I not good company?”

  Bite your tongue, Bliss… If he can transport you through walls, he could probably drop you off in the middle of a bridge abutment.


  Bliss talked Vulcan into dropping her off at home and then going on his merry way. She said she’d use Drake’s code word and yell, “Taxi,” if she needed him.

  Wondering where Angie was, she strolled to her bedroom. Maybe she could find a good book and spend her day wrapped up in someone else’s problems for a change. Her door was partially open. That’s weird. I usually close it.

  Upon walking in, she spotted Angie reading her journal.

  “What the hell?”

  Angie dropped the pad of paper and her face flushed. “I—um… I’m sorry. I just came in to see if you had any laundry I might put in with mine.”

  “And you just happened to find my diary and decided to read it?”

  “I thought it might be a grocery list. I’m going shopping afterward.”

  Bliss couldn’t tell if Angie was being sincere or not. How long had she been reading? If she’d followed her nutty thoughts about Drake being a dragon… Oh, shit. How do I explain that?

  “I’m really sorry, but who has a diary with no cover? It’s just a pad of paper.”

  “That’s because it’s not a regular diary. It’s just a bunch of crazy thoughts that go through my head. Sometimes I get ideas for cards and I need to jot them down.”

  Angie worried her lip. “Those were thoughts for a card?”

  Think fast, Bliss. Try to remember what you wrote. Oh shit. I started with “dear damn diary.” “Or not. Sometimes I write down weird dreams first thing in the morning so I don’t forget them. We all have weird dreams, right?”

  “I guess…” Angie pointed to the floor where the damning evidence lay. “But this is so detailed. That must have one helluva dream.”

  “It was.”

  “I thought dreams only lasted a few seconds.”

  Damn it, Angie. Can’t you just drop it? “I have a very creative mind.”

  Angie stared at the pad of paper. “I’ll say…”

  Bliss moved toward her roommate, intent on guiding her out of the room. “Look, why don’t you—” As she reached for Angie, the frightened girl’s eyes widened. She flinched and took a step back.

  “What’s the matter? I was just going to say that if you’ll wait in the living room, I’ll get whatever laundry I have together.”

  “Oh. Sure.” Angie scooted around her and practically fled from Bliss’s room.

  Crap, crap, crap. She picked up her “damn diary” and scanned the contents.

  A dragon? Seriously? A dragon. I think I’ve finally met a guy who might be worth a shot and he turns out to be some kind of circus freak.

  I’d never have believed him if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. Transform? Yeah, right… Then he did it! Ack!

  Okay. That could have been a dream… and then she read on.

  I keep waiting to wake up and find out this is just a crazy nightmare. Nope. I’ve pinched myself and then slapped myself for pinching myself. Still not popping out of any coma.

  I’ve even wondered if I was drugged. Drake never slipped me any pills. He didn’t even bring me a beer. Nope. Nothing went into my mouth except, well… him. Heh-heh.

  Hey, I wonder if dragon penis can cause hallucinations? Naw. That doesn’t make sense. Because if it does, that means he’s a dragon and I didn’t hallucinate anything but the truth.

  She dropped the pad on the bed. “I am so fucked.”

  Now what? Should I yell “taxi” and traumatize my roommate further if an ugly old dude appears out of nowhere? Bliss dismissed that idea quickly. What could he do anyway? She needed a time machine to help her go back to the moment she set her diary on her nightstand. Better yet, to the time before she’d written down all the stuff she’d promised not to tell anyone—ever.

  She racked her brain for a solution as she pulled a few things out of her hamper. She heard the front door slam shut and realized Angie must have taken off. “Damn!”

  Darting out of her room and around the corner, she noticed Angie’s jacket was missing. So was her backpack. “Crap!” I can’t let her tell anyone else what she’s read.

  At a complete loss as to what to do, Bliss stood in the middle of the room, looked at the ceiling, and called out, “Taxi.” When no one appeared, she waited a few moments, raised her voice, and shouted, “Taxi!” Still nothing.

  Frustrated, she stomped her foot and yelled, “Taxi, taxi, taxi!”

  The front door opened and Drake rushed in with Angie on his heels.

  Drake pulled her into his arms and held her close.

  Angie stared at her with a worried expression. “D—don’t worry, Bliss. Drake and I will find you a nice taxi.”

  Bliss closed her eyes and muttered, “Oh, for Christ’s sake…”

  Chapter 16

  “I’ll take it from here, Angie.” Drake stood next to Bliss and draped an arm over her shoulder.

  Angie looked unsure about leaving and backed toward the door slowly. “Should I… call anyone?”

  Bliss slipped her arm around Drake’s waist and seemed to relax. “I’m perfectly all right, Angie. Really.”

  “Oookay. If you say so.”

  “We both do,” Drake said.

  Angie bit her bottom lip and didn’t look convinced, but she finally reached the door and turned the handle. “I’ll just go and do… something.”

  “Laundry?” Bliss asked cheerfully.

  “Yeah. Laundry. That’s where I was headed. I’ll see you later.”

  “Hold on,” Drake said. After a brief hesitation he added, “I might need you.”

  “Oh? Oh, yeah. I guess you might.”

  “Could you wait in your room for a few minutes?”

  “With the door closed,” Bliss said.

  “Sure.” Angie gave her a funny look as she scooted around her.

  For God’s sake, even if I was off my rocker, that wouldn’t be contagious.

  As soon as Angie’s door closed, Drake and Bliss stared at each other.

  “Poor Angie,” Bliss whispered, then sat on the couch. “What did she tell you?”

  “Not much. Just that she thought you were losing your mind.”

  “Is that all?”

  Drake settled next to her and leaned in for a kiss. Bliss met him halfway. When their lips parted, they weren’t alone anymore.

  “Vulcan,” she blustered in a loud whisper. “Will you ever learn to knock?”

  “Sorry.” He disappeared.

  A moment later, a knock seemed to come from the air in front of them.

  Bliss rolled her eyes. “Oh, for the love of—”

  “Vulcan, buddy,” Drake said, “come in.”

  The god appeared in front of them again. Drake couldn’t help being amused by how easily Bliss ordered the god around and how he obeyed. She probably still didn’t know he was a god. To her, he was part of a TV-show race, and that’s how he and Vulcan wanted it to stay.

  Bliss folded her arms. “What are you doing here?”

  “You called me, remember?”

  “Oh. That was so long ago, I’d forgotten. Where were you?”

  Vulcan strolled around the living room, looking at the pictures on the walls and the books in the bookshelves. “I was engaged in a conversation with someone I couldn’t simply run out on.”

  Ah, Drake thought. Mother Nature, most likely.

  “Did you locate Zina?” Bliss asked.

  “No.” Vulcan addressed Drake. “Did she locate you?”

  “No. I made myself plenty visible too. Hung out right in front of the

  Bliss rubbed his arm. “So that’s how Angie found you so fast.”

  “Yeah. Why did she think you had lost your marbles?”

  Bliss blew her bangs out of her eyes and hesitated. At last, she admitted. “She read my diary.”

  “You keep a diary?” Drake asked.

  “Not really. It’s just a little notepad I use when I get ideas for cards. This was the first time I actually used it as a diary.”

  Vulcan raised an eyebrow. “And what did she read?”

  Bliss grimaced. “Look, I needed to talk about all the craziness of late, but I couldn’t. I swore I’d never tell anyone, um… other things existed, and certainly not that I had one of them for a boyfriend. But after Drake’s little confession the other night, I was a bit unsettled.”

  Drake rubbed her back. “That’s putting it mildly.”

  Vulcan paced with his hands clasped behind his back. “I understand, but how did your roommate discover it?”

  “She went into my room to see if I had any laundry she could do for me. She’s always trying to be the perfect roommate—unfortunately. I think she misses the close friendship she had with her old roomie and wants us to become just as tight.”

  “She seems to be quite considerate,” Drake said. “I don’t see that as unfortunate. Well, except in this case.”

  “True. I tried to tell her it was all a dream and I’d jotted it down before I forgot the details. I figured she’d think I was going to tell you later so we could laugh about it.”

  Drake took her hand. “That was smart. Why didn’t she believe you?”

  “Because in the diary, I said I wished it was a dream, but it wasn’t. So, now she thinks I’m crazy.”

  “Hmmm…” Vulcan seemed deep in thought. Hopefully he had an idea that could undo the damage. “Drake. You should tell Anthony about this.”

  Bliss shot to her feet. “Anthony? Why should he tell my boss? Do you want to get me fired?”

  “Not at all. I think he might be able to help.”

  Drake rose and held Bliss’s shoulders. “He knows how to hypnotize people. He could make Angie forget the whole thing.”

  Bliss raised her eyebrows. “Really?”

  “Yeah. Just one problem… He never arrives before seven and Angie’s shift will start a couple hours before that. Do you think she could keep quiet about it until he gets there?”

  Bliss sighed. “Probably not. I sure wouldn’t.”

  “Who would you tell?” Drake asked.

  “Claudia. But she’s my friend. That’s how I got the job. Maybe Angie could be convinced to avoid worrying her and go straight to Anthony.”

  Drake thought it over and realized it was risky, but it might work. “If I could convince her to talk to the big boss privately in his office, she’d be right there so he can… do his thing. I can call him first and explain.”

  “How? Won’t he wonder why I was writing crazy stuff in my journal?”

  Damn. How do I tell her Anthony knows about me? I sure can’t tell her that Anthony is a vamp and knows about everyone who frequents his paranormal bar. He decided to go with partial honesty. He’d stop short of blowing the identities of the other patrons. It wasn’t his right to reveal that information anyway.

  “Bliss, honey, Anthony is aware of my secret.”

  “He is? And he’s okay with you hanging out in his bar?”

  “Yes. He’s… um… very understanding.”

  Bliss was silent for a few moments and appeared to be mulling it over. “I guess it could work. I still don’t understand why you told Anthony. I thought other than Zina and Vulcan, I was the only one who knew.”

  Drake gave her a charming smile. “You’re one of a very select few.”

  “Huh. Well, whatever. How do we proceed?”

  “I suggest you and Vulcan leave so I can talk to Angie alone.”

  “Where will you say I went? To the booby hatch?”

  He chuckled. “No, but it wouldn’t hurt to say you made a doctor’s appointment, just to get checked out.”

  “Great. She’ll think I went to see a shrink about a dragon.”

  “Or that you decided to get a blood test to make sure there wasn’t some kind of physical cause.”

  She jammed her hands on her hips. “I’m not admitting there’s something wrong with me when there isn’t.”

  Frustrated, he said, “Fine. I’ll say you had a dentist appointment.”

  Bliss dropped her hands by her sides. “I guess that’ll do.” She faced Vulcan and said, “Okay. Shall we go get root canals?”

  “Not me, thanks. My teeth are just fine.”

  “Then let’s go get some ice cream with sticky caramel sauce and make some cavities.”


  Bliss stayed out of the way until it was time for her work shift. By the time she’d run upstairs to change into her uniform, Angie was already gone. Perfect. I didn’t want to answer any more of her questions anyway.

  When she arrived at the bar, she gave Angie a jaunty wave, but her roommate just ducked behind the bar and grabbed a rag. Then she proceeded to polish the bar with unnecessary force.

  Uh-oh. That doesn’t look good. Rather than worry about what Angie was thinking, Bliss simply glanced around at the customers to see who might be thirsty.

  She went about her usual duties until Anthony arrived and entered the office. A few moments later, Claudia exited wearing her spring coat and carrying her purse. Bliss wanted to talk to her friend, but she left the bar so quickly, she must have had an errand to run.

  Sadie caught Bliss’s eye and waved her over.

  “Hi, Sadie. Let me guess, you want a White Russian?”

  “Later, dear. Right now I want to warn you about something I just saw in a vision.”

  Bliss wanted to plant her hand on her hip and say, “Really?” in a blasé tone, but she knew making fun of the psychic’s “gift” would be frowned upon. Instead, she asked, “What did you uh… see?”

  “Someone with malicious intent is coming.”

  Bliss glanced behind her. “Who? Where?”

  “I wish I knew more. All I can say is the energy is disturbed. Someone with a great deal of rage is nearby.”

  Bliss sighed. “Nifty.”

  Sadie lowered her voice. “I don’t think there’s anything you can do to intervene. I just wanted you girls to be aware of it, so you can take cover if things start to fly.”

  The hair on the back of Bliss’s neck stood up. “Fly? What’s going to fly?”

  “Again, I’m sorry. I wish I could be more specific.”

  “You said ‘girls.’ Did you talk to Angie?” Bliss glanced over her shoulder and caught Angie staring at them, then she quickly returned to wiping down the bar. Malcolm, the other bartender, entered through the back door and Angie looked relieved.

  “Yes. Both you and Angie were in my vision. Not Robin or Wendy. Just you two.”

  “Again… nifty. So something is going to happen. We can’t stop it. All we can do is duck for cover. Is that it?”

  “That’s about it.”

  Bliss glanced over at the bar again and noticed Angie heading to Anthony’s office. Malcolm was behind the bar, so it looked as if she’d been waiting for him to relieve her.

  “Did you ask Angie to tell Anthony about this danger?”

  “No. She might have decided to do it on her own, though. Angie’s been here a long time. She might feel a little more protective of the bar than you do.”

  Bliss didn’t like the implication that she didn’t care about the bar. It provided her with a much-needed part-time job and a place to live. She was about to say so when Sadie glanced at the front door as it was opening, and a horrified expression flitted across her face. It was only there for the briefest of seconds, then she schooled her features and
began shuffling her cards.

  Bliss cast a glance over her shoulder to see what had upset her. A pretty blond in a red dress waltzed in, smiled, and waved to a few of the regulars. She looked harmless enough.

  “Who’s that?” Bliss asked.

  Sadie didn’t look up. She mumbled, “Ruxandra. Anthony’s old girlfriend.”

  “Sheesh. You looked like you’d seen the devil himself walk in.”

  “I’m not sure you’re wrong. She’s trouble.”

  Bliss snorted. If that was the “vision” Sadie had talked about, there was nothing to worry about. Bliss hadn’t met a blond she couldn’t best in a battle of wits.

  A customer in the next booth held up one finger.

  “Well, I’d better get to work, Sadie. Thanks for the heads-up.”

  She nodded but didn’t take her eyes off the cards.

  Bliss happily waited on the other customers and headed to the bar to give Malcolm her order. She noticed the blond was missing. Perhaps she had come to see Anthony and was in his office. She was fairly sure Angie was still in there too.

  Suddenly she heard shouting coming from inside the office. Even though the words were muffled, she could make out a shrill female voice. Angie raced out of there like her heels were on fire. She ducked down the back hall as if headed to the ladies’ room, but instead Bliss heard the back door burst open.

  Tory and Kurt were on their feet and moving toward Anthony’s office. One of them clicked the door closed and leaned against it.

  What the hell is happening?

  At that moment, a fist smashed through the office door. Bliss saw a series of rings on the delicate fingers and deduced it must belong to the infamous Ruxandra. But how did she shatter a solid oak door? She must have hit it with adrenaline force.

  The fist withdrew, but now with a hole in the door, everyone could hear what was being said. Well, everyone except Phil, who was hard of hearing. Regardless, he was riveted to the scene like everyone else.

  “Calm down, Ruxandra,” Anthony demanded.

  “Why? Because I frightened your little chit?”

  “It’s not what you thought.”

  “Are you kidding? I’d have to be blind to miss the two of you gazing into each other’s eyes. I should have known it was Angie all along.”


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