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Chronicles of Eden - Season II - Act II

Page 2

by Alexander Gordon

  “First thing to know about taking care of a baby swarm,” Daniel told Rolian. “You need to treat them like you would any other baby. With a gentle, soothing, caring nature. And also be wary of her teeth.”

  He started to hold the child out towards Rolian then stopped, with the arachne hesitantly reaching out for Snapper who started shaking and trying to climb back onto Daniel’s chest. With a sniffle Rolian began to retreat again, but not before Daniel spoke up.

  “I would never trust my daughter with a monster, Rolian,” he said, with the arachne and everyone around them listening closely. “A monster is someone that is cruel, malicious, devious, and callous towards others around them. A monster isn’t someone that looks scary, but instead uses fear and hate to torment people for fun. A monster isn’t something you’re born as, it’s something you become by walking down that terrible path in life.”

  He then moved closer to Rolian and gently handed Snapper off into her arms, with both of them watching him curiously as he smiled at the arachne then the young swarm.

  “But I would trust my daughter with a compassionate woman such as yourself, Rolian,” he said, turning his benevolent smile up towards the surprised arachne. “Because you’re not a monster. You’re a wonderful woman who only wants to smile and be happy with those around her. Who wants to help others. Who has a generous soul within her. That is someone I trust my daughter with.”

  “But… I…” Rolian breathed out. “I am a…”

  “You’re not a monster, Rolian,” Daniel again told her. “A monster wouldn’t cradle a child like a caring mother would. Like you are right now.”

  Rolian fell silent then looked down to Snapper as the swarm was watching her with twitching antennae, the youngling slowly wiggling in her arms before she snapped her teeth twice at the spider. The arachne started gently rocking the child in her arms, moving slowly while Daniel’s mates and Sheal came closer, all of them seeing the spider showing a small smile at the swarm while Snapper was clacking her teeth and eyeing over the one cradling her.

  “You saved my mate when she was in danger,” Daniel praised. “You told us about what happened to the elves of Green Haven so we could come rescue them. They wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for you. You’re a hero, Rolian. And what’s more is that you’re proof of my beliefs, proof that even arachne who are thought to be wicked monsters in this world can be as nurturing and loving as any other.”

  “I just…” Rolian uttered, slowly looking around at seeing the elves nearby staring at her before she turned to see Snapper snapping her teeth and slowly waving her hands up at the spider. After a small pause she showed a saddened smile with tears forming in a few of her eyes, something Snapper watched with a curious gurgle and twitching antennae.

  “I just… want to do what’s right. I don’t want to be bad. I don’t want everyone to think I am. I’m not like that. I don’t want to hurt others or make them sad. I just want everyone to be happy.”

  Snapper cawed and chomped her teeth before slowly crawling up Rolian’s chest, with the arachne watching nervously as the swarm got close to her face with a small buzz of her wings. Everyone tensed up in trepidation as Snapper held onto the arachne with her sharpened choppers on full display, the moment of silence then being broken as Snapper quickly licked Rolian’s cheek and then her nose. With an amused grin Daniel watched Snapper licking Rolian’s face and the arachne giggling and trying to hold her back.

  “Stop it!” Rolian laughed. “Stop, that tickles! Hey, stop!”

  “Snapper,” Specca said in awe. “She… she’s licking her now?”

  “She likes her,” Luna realized with a growing smile. “Snapper likes her.”

  “I don’t believe it,” Alyssa marveled. “She was so scared of her before. What happened?”

  “I believe Snapper sees the wonderful person Rolian really is,” Doku reasoned with a caring smile. “It just took a moment to see it past her… intimidating appearance.”

  “Snapper likes you,” Cindy squealed with joy.

  “Do you really think so?” Rolian asked hopefully, shaking off the saliva from her face before nuzzling her cheek against the lively swarm. Snapper licked her forehead and her cheek before she bit the arachne’s hand, getting a sharp yelp from Rolian who yanked it away from the youngling who kept snapping her teeth.

  “I told you, be wary of her teeth,” Daniel chuckled.

  “Baby teeth are really sharp,” Rolian whined, holding her mouth to her sore hand. She glanced with her many eyes to see Snapper cawing and waving her hands excitedly at her, a smile again coming across the arachne’s face before she cuddled the child near her chest and gently rocked her.

  “You sure do like to bite, don’t you?”

  “Snapper bites a lot,” Cindy explained, with Rolian looking to her curiously. “That’s how she shows her love sometimes. She likes to snap her mouth a lot. But she doesn’t want to eat you. She likes you. You’re not scaring her anymore, Rolian. You’re making her happy. I can see it.”

  “I am?” Rolian hoped, watching as Snapper waved her hands around at her while snapping her teeth. “Do you really like me? You don’t think I’m a scary spider?”

  “Is this where you wish to stay, Rolian?” Daniel asked, getting a curious smile from the arachne who thankfully held Snapper back just in time before the swarm could dig her sharpened teeth into her breast. “Is this really where you want to be right now? You’re free from The Sisterhood, you can go anywhere you want. So is this what you want to do with your new life?”

  “Yes, it is,” Rolian promised with a nod. “I want to help you however I can, especially after you’ve been so nice to me. I want to be with Kroanette and her family, I like all of you so much. You’re the only friends I’ve ever had besides Juggy. I want… I want to belong somewhere that I can be happy like this. That’s all Juggy and I have ever truly wanted. So this is where I want to stay. Juggy agrees with me too, we want to stay here, we really do.”

  “I see. And, you as well?” Daniel asked, looking back to Sheal. “Is this truly what you want to do?”

  “More than anything,” Sheal insisted hopefully. “I owe my life to you and your family. I share your desire to see a better world, and will gladly do anything to help make that a reality. Please help me walk down the right path so I can see it come true someday, so that my sisters back home can have a better life and not be forced to become hated monsters in Eden.”

  Daniel nodded then glanced to Felucia, the sand wraith shaking her head slowly with a bitter leer at him.

  “I don’t want to be here at all,” she snapped. “But my poor Cindy would cry her eyes out if I left now thanks to you corrupting her. I’ll stay if it will please her, at least long enough to give you a chance to prove you’re not a walking sack of pig crap in my eyes. But if this insanity blows up in your face like I know it will, I’m leaving, and I’m taking my daughter with me, you fucking asshole.”

  “Mother. Those are mean words,” Cindy scolded.

  “Trust me, I used the nicest ones I could right now.”

  “I believe that,” Daniel admitted. Looking around at the three maids he contemplated their wishes before turning to his mates, with the girls exchanging curious looks with one another as they considered the proposition.

  “What do you think, girls?” Doku asked.

  “I suppose… if they really want to…” Specca reluctantly said before sighing. “And if Daniel says its okay, I guess there’s no harm in letting them stay with us.”

  “I’m not going to lie, having Sheal around has helped with Squeak’s passing,” Falla admitted.

  “Not to mention she could heat up our bathwater for us sometime,” Alyssa pondered, before Falla whacked her head.

  “Rolian and Snapper are getting along now,” Luna mentioned, with the girls seeing Rolian hopping around with loud cries as she tried pulling Snapper off her arm which was firmly lodged between the swarm’s teeth. “Um… I think they are anyway.”

  “Snapper really likes her,” Cindy giggled. “I’m okay if she stays with us.”

  “But she spreads her webbing everywhere,” Alyssa whined as she rubbed her head. “Our home is going to be covered in that crap if she lives with us.”

  “We’ll work on that with her,” Falla sighed. “Now, what about Felucia?”

  “No,” Specca quickly said.

  “Pass,” Alyssa seconded.

  “Agreed,” Falla chimed in, raising her hand.

  “Oh… well,” Doku quietly said before hiding behind her wing. “She is rather… aggressive.”

  “But my mom has to stay with Daniel,” Cindy worried. “She has to learn to be a good girl like I did.”

  “I don’t know,” Luna frowned. “I’m okay with the salamander woman who breathes fire and the arachne who resembles all the other arachne that caught our sisters in their webs and ate them, but Felucia… she’s a little hard to deal with.”

  “But she’s my mom, I love her,” Cindy whined. “Please, she just has to stay and learn to be good. She needs to. She can be nice, I promise. Really. Pip, you think she can be good, don’t you? Pip? Pip?”

  The girls quickly looked around for their littlest co-mate before everyone heard Felucia screaming, the upset sand wraith shaking her chest with a furious cry and deep blush on her face.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” she cried out at the tiny fairy who popped her head up between her breasts. “For crying out loud, when did you even get in there anyway?”

  “Pip?” Specca exclaimed.

  “What is she doing in there?” Falla cried out.

  Pip stared deeply into Felucia’s eyes, her stern glare locked with the sand wraith’s while the elves around them were watching with bewilderment. After an uncomfortably silent pause Pip started cheering and waving her arms around, with Felucia looking to Daniel and his girls in confusion then back to the happy little fairy.

  “Pip, what are you doing in her boobs?” Alyssa demanded.

  “These boobies are good boobies!” Pip declared before hugging Felucia’s chest. “I know they are, I can feel it with how they squeeze me and hold me and caress me just right! These boobies are worthy boobies of being my friendly boobies!”

  “What the fucking hell are you talking about?” Felucia roared. “Get out of my chest right now, you little insect!”

  “You can’t fool me,” Pip teased her before sticking out her tongue, much to Felucia’s further ire and puzzlement. “I know these boobies are good, so that means you have the power to be good too. You’re not a mean person after all, you’re just pretending to be mean. I see right through your trickery, the boobies never lie!”

  “Correction,” Specca quickly argued, holding up her hand. “Correction, Pip!”

  “She’s a total bitch,” Alyssa retorted. “She’s been nothing but a horrible houseguest and wretched tagalong ever since she came here. She’s the absolute worst person in all of-… Pip?”

  “What is she doing now?” Falla asked tilting her head.

  Felucia stared in shock at seeing Pip holding onto her chest while sandwiched in her bosom, the tiny fairy snuggling closer and resting her head against the woman before she giggled softly and remained still. After a moment Felucia struggled to speak before turning to Daniel in disbelief.

  “She’s sleeping between my tits.”

  “That she is,” Daniel had to agree with.

  “Huh,” Luna curiously said. “Pip would never do that with someone she didn’t like.”

  “She’s sleeping between my fucking tits!” Felucia yelled at them.

  “She likes you, mother,” Cindy happily told her. “She likes being around you.”

  “Now she’s drooling on my tits!” Felucia cried out, shaking her chest and trying to throw the tiny fairy away. Despite her efforts Pip remained securely in place between her breasts, seeming to be peacefully dreaming while giggling quietly to herself now and again.

  “She must truly be at peace with her,” Specca remarked. “I must say… I didn’t see that coming.”

  “You fucking bug!” Felucia yelled before reaching up to grab Pip with both hands.

  “Mother!” Cindy yelled, halting Felucia with a squeak. “Don’t be mean to Pip. She’s my friend.”

  “She’s sleeping in my chest and- oh my fucking god, she’s licking me now!” Felucia cried out, watching in anger and shock as Pip was now licking her breast with quiet murmurs.

  “Yes, she does that sometimes in her sleep,” Doku mentioned with a shrug.

  “Goddamn you, you little piece of-” Felucia shouted as she reached for Pip, only for Cindy to again scold her.

  “Mother, don’t hurt her!” the girl yelled, stopping Felucia in her tracks as she turned to her daughter with a frustrated whine.

  “You can’t be serious, Cindy. For crying out loud, first you expect me to be that bastard’s slave, and now you’re defending this annoying pipsqueak as she sleeps between my boobs while drooling on them!”

  “You have to be nice to Daniel and the girls,” Cindy ordered. “You need to be a good girl from now on.”

  “But Cindy, she’s-”

  “No buts.”

  “But Cindy-”

  “No buts!” Cindy yelled, with Felucia struggling to hold in her furious scream and restrain her urges to crush Pip between her hands. Slowly she lowered her arms and head with a defeated whine before shaking with angry snarls as she watched Pip snuggle closer to her left breast and kiss it in her sleep.

  “This is so wrong,” she groaned to herself.

  “I love you, my boobies,” Pip purred as she caressed the woman’s chest.

  “This is so wrong!” Felucia whined loudly with a few hops, which only made Pip giggle more in her sleep as the bouncing boobies smothered her more.

  “Be nice to Pip and be nice to everyone else,” Cindy sternly said with a nod. “You’re my mother and I love you, so I want you to be a good girl and be loved just like I am. So no more being mean to them.”

  “But Cindy-”

  “No buts!” Cindy argued, with Felucia slumping down with an exasperated growl. Cindy sharply watched her mother for a moment before she turned to the girls with a hopeful smile.

  “She can be good, I promise. So can she please stay with us? Please? I promise she’ll behave.”

  “Well…” Specca hesitantly said, herself and the others exchanging worried looks.

  “I guess… if you really think she can behave herself…” Doku slowly said.

  “And Pip does like her… I think…” Alyssa reluctantly added.

  “Daniel?” Falla asked, with everyone turning to him. “What do you think?”

  “I already told her before she needs to behave if she’s going to stay with us,” Daniel said, watching Felucia closely as the wraith was muttering to herself with a dull glare aimed at Pip. “Felucia? Are you still going to work on your attitude and conduct yourself in a proper manner with us from now on?”

  “If I wasn’t do you think this fairy would still be alive right now?” Felucia retorted through bared teeth at him. “Yes, I’ll do my best to make Cindy happy, so don’t fucking push me anymore at the moment because this tiny girl is seriously testing my nerves!”

  “Alright then,” Daniel decided, eyeing over the three maids around him. “If those are your answers then so be it. Won’t the others be surprised to find that we now have three maids living with us when they return?”

  Sheal hopped with joy from hearing that while Rolian quickly skittered over to Cindy and handed her Snapper, the arachne smiling weakly at the girl before she started rubbing the bite marks she had on her arms with an irritated grumble. Felucia shuddered while doing her best to remain still as Pip continued to sleep and kiss her breasts with loving care during her dream. Daniel chuckled at seeing the sand wraith reluctantly allowing Pip to nestle herself in her cleavage, his attention then turning to a few elven rangers who carefully approached them.

bsp; “Excuse us,” one timidly said. “We don’t mean to interrupt… whatever it is you’re doing right now, but…”

  “What was that you said earlier?” another curiously asked. “Something about bringing peace between our races?”

  “What exactly did you mean by that?” a third wondered. “Please, tell us, what has brought you here?”

  “I suppose an explanation is an order,” Daniel conceded with a smirk. “Truth be told, we didn’t come here just to help you escape The Sisterhood. We’ve actually been meaning to visit your people for quite some time to speak with you about something very important. Something I’ve been meaning to talk with you about for a very long time now.”

  The elves exchanged inquisitive looks with one another as Daniel gazed at the surrounding community of elven women and children, all staring in awe at their renowned heroes as well as speaking in hushed tones about the strange declaration Daniel had made earlier.

  “Something that is not only in the greatest interest for all of your people and race, but also many others as well, including my own.”


  “YOU ARE SUCH A STUPID HUMAN!” Minos roared for the umpteenth time that night, the snarling minotaur walking with a heavy stride with her large glowing battle-axe resting over one shoulder and Saffron sitting on the other with her earmuffs on and hands held over them.


  “Oh my god, will you please shut up already?” Mika groaned, covering her ears just as the girls around her were doing. “I get it, I’m the worst human on the face of Eden, alright? I’m as bad as the Dark Queen herself. Just shut up, would you? This ringing in my ears is never going to go away at this rate!”


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