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Page 11

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  Her wild blonde hair curled around my fingers as I caught hold of her neck and angled her mouth exactly how I wanted it.

  She tried to move closer, but the stupid fuckin’ stool that was still between us kept her from doing so.

  In a burst of movement, I picked her up and twirled her so that her ass landed on the counter. Seconds after that, I had the stool kicked half across the room.

  Tater the invader roared in surprise at the sound and took off out his cat door.

  I, on the other hand, used her new position to my advantage and pressed myself into her deeper.

  I was tall enough that my hips notched in between her splayed thighs like they were meant to be there.

  The only thing I wished was that her thighs were naked, and that she had no panties on.

  Instead, she was wearing restrictive jeans that kept me—and likely her—from feeling what I wanted to feel. Her hot, silky skin.

  But that would come with time.

  For now, I was exploring her mouth, feeling how soft she felt in my arms.

  And right.

  Goddamn, did she feel so right.

  “This has been brewing for over twelve years,” I said as I pulled back to look at her. “Say it now, and I’ll back off. But if you let me get as far as I want to get, things are going to go differently than you’re expecting.”

  She licked her lips, her eyes going from my mouth, to my eyes, then down to where my bare cock was pressed against her jeans.

  “I don’t have any condoms,” she said softly. “I’m on birth control, but…”

  She knew where this was going just as well as I did.

  “I’m clean,” I promised. “I haven’t been with anybody since before I was deployed.”

  Her eyes went hot and huge.

  “Nobody?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “Nobody.”

  “I…” She blew out a breath. “I tried. Once. I tried to be intimate with someone after we… but it didn’t feel right. I stopped before he could even get my bra off.”

  Anger at someone else touching her was all-consuming.

  I narrowed my eyes, my body a hard, taut line of some emotion I wasn’t quite sure of, and I leaned in.

  “You want to know why it didn’t work?” I asked carefully, smoothing my finger along the line of her collarbone and sweeping her hair over her shoulder as I did.

  “Why?” she asked breathlessly, her breath now coming in shallow pants.

  I ran my finger down the length of her torso, my finger passing over a turgid nipple before continuing on to come to a rest at the hem of her shirt.

  “Because you’re mine,” I confirmed. “You’re mine, and I’m yours, and neither one of us really has any say in it.”

  Her breath caught and held as I pushed the hem of her shirt up with one finger, then allowed just the tip to drag along her baby soft skin.

  She let out a delicious shiver.

  “The only reason that I got that far was because I pretended he was you,” she whispered softly. “Every time his hand touched my skin, I would jolt in surprise. But then I closed my eyes, thought of you and your hands, and it was okay.”

  “It was okay until he got to your bare skin, and you realized that nobody will ever be me,” I said as I pushed her shirt up over her torso.

  I was right.

  She wasn’t wearing a bra.

  She was wearing nothing.

  Her breasts were unbound and beautiful, and the moment that I caught my first look at them, I knew that I would never be able to look at another set of tits and not compare them to the perfection that was now in front of me.

  “Goddamn,” I groaned, leaning forward to cup the weight of her breasts in my hands.

  Her hands went to my face, and she pulled me closer, letting me know exactly what she wanted.

  I bent down and licked one of the tips, allowing my tongue to slowly circle her peak while bringing my other hand up to circle the other tip with a rough finger.

  “Your hands are rough,” she breathed, shivering at the feel of my calluses on such sensitive skin.

  “Working man hands, baby,” I teased between licks and kisses. “You’ll have to get used to it.”

  And she would. Because the only hands, working or otherwise, that would be on her body at all were going to be mine.

  She shivered when I switched to the other breast, her hands going into my hair as she dug her fingers in and tugged.

  The delicious pull of pain had me biting down lightly on her nipple, causing her to cry out in surprise.

  “Be nice,” I ordered.

  “Sorry.” Her voice quivered. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to.”

  She didn’t.

  But I liked it anyway.

  “Trick,” she breathed.

  I pulled back, replacing my mouth with my hand, and stared into her eyes.

  They were glazed with need, and I liked that fucking look on her. I liked it a whole fucking lot.

  “Yeah, baby?” I asked.

  She licked her lips.

  “I don’t need any condoms if you don’t.” she reiterated.

  In answer, I pushed her back down onto the counter and started working on her jeans.

  She went back onto her elbows, her eyes really wide, and stared at me with surprise.

  I grinned at the look of confusion and lust in her eyes, and then slowly took her pants off, coming to a frustrated halt when I got to her shoe and walking boot.

  “Chucks?” I grumbled as I started to untie her shoelace.

  “Yeah, they’re the most comfortable to wear with the boot,” she explained. “Thicker sole. It feels more even I guess.”

  I took the shoe off and tossed it somewhere behind me.

  The boot went next, which I placed on the counter next to her.

  Slowly, I took her pants off the rest of the way, letting gravity do the work once they cleared both ankles.

  I ran my finger over her still bruised foot and said, “This still looks really bad.”

  She placed her good foot onto the counter and shifted herself closer, letting me know without words that I better get to work.

  “Hurry up, Trick,” she mewled. “I’ve been waiting for this for a really long time.”

  I leaned down and skimmed my mouth up the inside of her splayed thigh, keeping her bad foot hooked lightly over my forearm to keep myself from getting too rough with it.

  “I’ve been waiting a really long time, too,” I admitted as I skimmed over her pubic bone to ghost my lips down the other inner thigh. “And I have a long list of things that I want to do to you before we get to the good stuff.”

  The good stuff being my cock finding a way inside of her and staying a while.

  “Well,” she hissed when I bit the fleshy fat on her thigh. “I’ve been thinking a lot, too. And I think you should stick your penis inside of me already and take the edge off. Next time we can go slow.”

  “Maybe I want you on edge,” I teased as I skimmed my nose down the lips of her sex. “Maybe I want you panting and hot, sweating and needy. Maybe I want you to scream my name a couple times as orgasms overtake you before I do anything more.”

  “Maybe I can make you lose control?” she countered. “Maybe the feel of my hot pussy surrounding your cock will be too much of a temptation.”

  I growled at her use of ‘cock.’

  “The first time will probably hurt,” I told her. “I want to get you nice and wet before that.”

  She laughed at me, hooking her leg around my neck and pulling my mouth down toward her pussy.

  I allowed this because ultimately that was exactly where I wanted to be.

  “I’ve had plenty of vibrators that have come before you, darling,” she countered. “And all of them have been decent sized. Unless you’re just packing a monster, I think I’ll be okay.”

  The thought of her getting herself off with a decent-sized vibrator was enough to make my cock jerk against the drawer it was pressed agains

  I wasn’t packing a monster.

  My cock was decent sized. She’d feel the stretch, but she wouldn’t feel any pain.

  Grinning at that thought, I decided that a change of plans was needed.

  Yanking her hips farther down the counter, she lost her elbow hold and went down flat onto my counter.

  She gasped, and I used that moment to spear my tongue into her pussy, testing her readiness.

  She was soaked.

  The sweet elixir on my tongue tasted like heaven, and I wanted to bury myself in it.

  I wanted to lick every single drop up and swallow her whole.

  “Fuck,” I groaned as I pulled away.

  “What?” she asked.

  In answer, I tugged her just a little bit farther, until her ass was balanced precariously on the edge, and then slowly started to saw my cock back and forth between the folds of her pussy.

  She hissed out a breath, her eyes opening wide.

  She went back up onto her elbows to watch and groaned as my cock became more and more coated with her essence.

  “That’s so hot,” she breathed.

  It was hot.

  She was hot.

  Her pussy was smoldering.

  My cock felt like it was on fire.

  She reached down to touch it, and her fingers accidentally bumped the tip on an upward stroke, notching it at her entrance.

  My momentum shoved me a half an inch inside before I’d even realized what was happening.

  We both froze, her hand covering where we were connected, and my cock head burning in surprise.

  “Holy hell,” she sighed as she twitched. “I didn’t mean to do that. I just wanted to feel you.”

  I pushed even deeper, burying myself inside of her another inch. “Well, how do I feel?”

  Her eyes were wide and bright as she stared into my gaze.

  “Like everything I ever thought you’d feel like,” she admitted hoarsely.

  I didn’t have words.

  All I could do was grunt out my feelings because words escaped me.

  “Oh, fuck,” she breathed. “If there was one thing that I’ve dreamed of these last twelve years, it was this second right here. The moment that I would get you inside of me.”

  There were honestly quite a few things that I’d dreamed about over the years.

  The way her mouth would look wrapped around my cock. The way she would taste—something in which I’d had a very small experience with—but I knew for a fact that that particular dream was severely underrated. Then there’d been the way that her cunt would feel wrapped around my cock.

  That one was nothing like the real thing, either.

  The real thing and my daydreamed visions couldn’t even compare.

  Tight. Hot. Wet. Silky. There were words and dreams, and then there were experiences and feelings.

  What I was feeling and experiencing right at that moment in time, as the base of my cock finally kissed the end of her, was something that I would remember for the rest of my life.

  “Sweet baby Jesus,” she cried out when I bottomed out and then swiftly retreated. “Please, please, please.”

  I didn’t know what she was pleading with me for, but I was too busy trying to calm my dick to focus overly much on what she was saying and doing.

  Which, I might should’ve paid more attention because I hadn’t expected her to sit up. And I sure the fuck hadn’t expected her to grab my head and slam her mouth down onto mine.

  It was then that I knew the meaning of losing control.

  I’d only thought that I knew what that meant. What that felt like.

  But the moment her mouth met mine, and I slid deeper into her, I realized that there was no way I could’ve realized how out of control I was when it came to the girl I was inside until she was squeezing me to death with her pussy.

  My eyes shot open, and I couldn’t stop myself from gathering her closer, pulling her off the counter completely, and turning to find the closest solid surface.

  She moaned into my mouth as the movement of my body across the kitchen floor caused her to bounce slightly on my cock.

  In the short time that I’d tried to find control, she’d completely lost hers, and then stolen mine right out from under me as well.

  Her back hit the flimsy wall with a thud, and I heard things groan that didn’t come from either one of us.

  We didn’t stop, though.

  In fact, what we did do was ramp up the kissing. The touching. The fucking.

  Soon I was pounding inside of her like my life depended on it, and she was holding onto me so tight with both of her feet that I had a feeling she might need to see the doctor tomorrow to make sure we didn’t break it any more than it had been originally.

  Her heel was digging into the road rash at my back, and the bend of her elbow and her knee was digging into the stitches of my arm so hard that I could feel the blood slicking between our skin.

  But she didn’t mutter a sound of complaint about the discomfort, and neither did I.

  Mostly because I couldn’t.


  Didn’t fucking wanna.

  Instead, I gave her exactly what I’d held back all those years ago in that darkened hallway. Gave her the old man that wanted her, and the new man that had formed in the aftermath of that night.

  The dark and the light.

  The hope and the hopelessness.

  I gave it all to her and didn’t once stop until she was coming so hard that I knew I’d popped a few stitches.

  “Oh, fuck!” she cried out.

  There was a knock at the door, but we both ignored it as I came inside of her.

  I filled her with everything that was in me, and then fucked her some more until we got sloppy.

  She didn’t care, and neither did I.

  Not until I heard yelling from the other side of the door.

  “I don’t know what the feck you’re doing, boyo!” the old bartender I’d hired a week ago said. “But you may want to stop. The entire bar’s shaking, and we’ve already lost the best bottle of scotch you owned.”

  With that I came to a standstill and looked deep into Swayze’s eyes.

  “Why would you be affecting anything down there?” she asked breathlessly.

  I licked my lips and looked at the ‘wall’ that I was on.

  It wasn’t a wall at all. It was a pillar. One that looked suspiciously like the one that ran down the length of the back of the bar.

  I pulled away from it carefully and then walked with her to the bathroom where I turned on the faucets.

  It was only when the entire thing was steaming once again that I put her down and looked into her eyes.

  “Don’t put any more weight on that foot,” I ordered.

  She looked down and saw all the blood on my arm.

  “Your arm!” she cried out in surprise.

  I looked at it.

  No stitches were broken, but one was definitely threatening to.

  I lifted it up high so it wouldn’t get wet.

  “How’s your foot?” I asked curiously.

  She blinked. “Fine, why?”

  “Because you were digging your heels so hard into my ass that I have a feeling you might’ve re-injured it.”

  Then she looked me dead in the eye and said two words.

  “Worth it.”


  Never ask a woman that’s drinking wine straight from the bottle how she’s doing.

  -Life Hack


  “Seriously,” I grumbled as I sat on the ground in the area between my office door and the landing that led upstairs toward my own quarters. “This really shouldn’t be this fucking hard.”

  I glanced at the wheels that I’d been trying to get on for the last half an hour, and then at the star-like base that looked as if it should be easy to slip the suckers right in, but wasn’t.

  Not even freakin’ close.

  What was worse, I didn’t wa
nt to force it.

  What if I forced it and broke that little fucker off in the little hole thing that it was meant to be in?

  Then I’d have just spent almost four hundred dollars on an office chair that would be a useless pile of junk.


  The weirdest yowling howl-like bark came from outside, and I couldn’t stop the jolt of my body as I whipped around and stared at the steel door that separated the outside from the inside.

  Then a vicious snarl had me standing up so fast that my half-finished chair knocked against the wall behind me.

  I hurried out of the back room, bypassing my apartment stairs for the door that would lead me outside into the alley.

  The moment I got the door unlocked, I looked out into the alley to find… Ignacia.

  It took me a long moment to realize what was going on, but when my eyes finally settled on the dog she had with her, along with a cat—Tater—in his mouth, I saw red.

  “Oh my God!” I cried out in surprise. “Tell him to let him go, Ignacia!”

  Ignacia looked up as if she was just now seeing what was really happening.

  She gave a half-hearted tug at the pitiful excuse for a leash—it was one of those long extendable leashes that people liked to use on walking trails to allow their dogs to go farther. The kinds that always tripped me up because it was inevitable that people wouldn’t get them reeled in time for me to pass.

  The cat, Tater, I could tell was really banged up already.

  And when the dog gave a vicious shake of his head, causing the cat to flop like it was already dead, I came unstuck from my door.

  “No, Giant. Let the stupid ass cat go.” Ignacia gave another small tug on the lead.

  Whirling around, I ran back inside for the thing that I used to take on my runs before I’d gotten my little concealed carry piece.

  Running back out with it in my hand, I walked straight up to the dog and tapped the button twice.

  I didn’t touch him with the prongs yet, but the moment he heard the sound, he whirled around and barked, startled.

  The cat fell limply from his mouth, and I bent down and scooped the dead weight up with my shaking free hand.

  The dog lunged at me, and I tapped the button again.

  “Swear to God, Ignacia,” I growled as I looked at the dog. “If he even pretends to come at me again, I’m going to fuckin’ drop him.”


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