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A Promise Made (Promise #2)

Page 19

by Anissa Garcia

  “That was Agnes! She was horrible, and she made her look like Pippi Longstocking,” I laughed, remembering when seven-year-old Ally jumped into my arms wailing after school. Logan, a boy in her class, tugged her braids all day and said she looked like the orphan girl with carrot hair. I thought it was a sweet Gilbert Blythe Anne of Green Gables moment, but Ally still held a grudge.

  “I will forever loathe Logan Williams.” She stuffed noodles in her mouth and shook her head. Poor girl needed to eat. She was starving. I needed to make sure to give her some extra money for food. “They called me Pippi til high school when I dyed my hair platinum blonde.”

  She had nobody to help her when I took off, and high school was braved on her own. She did well enough and earned good grades, but she never felt like she fit in. I didn’t blame her. She wasn’t like anyone else I’d ever known. Ally was her own individual. Spunky, hip, cool, but never trying to be. She just was.

  “And now pink?” Josh asked, reaching for a strand of her long layered hair.

  She nodded proudly. “Yep. I think I’ll try red next. But not like Marla’s soft red. I’m thinking like candy apple red.”

  That was my sister. Daring and bold.

  My stomach was full, and I saw the way Ally and Josh were interacting and I felt happy—for the first time in a long time things felt like they were going right.

  Ally cleared her throat. “So, Josh, tell me about where you grew up. What’s your family like?”

  I nervously crossed my hands together and chewed on my lip wondering what he would tell her. Would he ignore things all together or give me a tiny glimpse into his past life that I knew very little about? He scratched his neck for a slight second and then spoke deliberately. “I grew up in East Sheen. No siblings.”

  Ally waited for more, but when he didn’t talk again, she pressed. “Your parents? Are they still there? What’s East Sheen like? I’ve never been to England.”

  “It’s a suburb of London. Raised middle class. My mum was a housewife and passed when I was eighteen.” He gathered our empty plates together but refused to look up.

  Ally innocently continued, “And what did your Dad do?”

  “He’s not in the picture,” he said softly. He lifted from his chair and took the dishes to the sink where he flicked the faucet on and began to wash them.

  Ally’s perfectly arched brows lifted as she leaned toward me. “Did I say something wrong?”

  I gave an apprehensive smile, wondering if I would ever know why it was difficult for him to go there. “No, Ally. He just doesn’t want to talk about it. I don’t even know yet.”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. We both paused a moment and ogled him as he rinsed each dish and set them aside. She exhaled and grabbed her wine glass, downing the contents. “Marla, as your sister, I have to say this…” I held my breath ready for her to lecture me about him. “You done good, girl.”

  I stifled my laugh to not bother the hunky beefcake in my kitchen. “He’s quite beautiful, isn’t he?”

  “Oh, honey, beautiful doesn’t cover it. He’s strong, he’s complex, and he’s an alpha with a mysterious past. What more could you want?”

  All of him. I thought it and shushed it away. There were still things I didn’t know, and I couldn’t trust him fully unless he trusted me. “He’s a good guy,” I dismissed her gloating expression.

  Ally clutched my hand in hers. “I like him for you, Marla. I know that face of yours. You’re scared, but don’t be.” She glanced at him again as he grabbed the overflowing trash and left to the backyard. I was relieved because he knew we were talking about him. Ally continued, “He’s sweet. Give him time.”

  “Time for what? We don’t have much time. He doesn’t live here.”

  She gave an exasperated sigh. “It doesn’t matter. Give him time to confide in you. And you, my big sister, need someone who will take care of you for a change.”

  “I take care of myself,” I shot back instantly.

  “He knows that,” Ally tilted her chin toward the back door, “but allow him to feel like he can. That’s the biggest compliment you can give a guy like him.”

  My sister had been through so many crappy relationships, I wondered if I could even take her seriously. “This coming from a woman who just lost all her money to a bass player.”

  “I’m a hopeless romantic.” She shrugged. “I know the advice, but it doesn’t mean I always take it. I will say to go with your gut. Do what’s right for you, but don’t make decisions out of your fears. You deserve to feel safe and cared for, Marla.”

  Perhaps I did, but I wasn’t sure Josh was up for whatever was happening between us. My gut told me that this was so much bigger than I could have imagined. My heart told me I wanted him forever. My brain told me it wouldn’t last. I needed more from him. I needed his heart, and if he wasn’t willing to give it, I would never be able to give mine in return.

  I stood outside on Marla’s patio and gazed at the night sky. The clouds were thin, the moon was full, and the stars were abundant. Even in a large city like Austin, the fact that it could all be seen was something I didn’t take for granted. Los Angeles certainly didn’t have views like this. Neither had London. I liked it here. I could see myself living here.

  I hadn’t expected to meet Marla’s sister. I gave the two women time to themselves because I knew they were discussing me as soon as I left the table. My attitude was shit, but I wasn’t about to talk about my family issues with someone who was probably judging whether I was good enough to deserve her sister. I should’ve said something, anything, rather than nothing, but I detested talking about my family. The past was in the past, and there was no need to drudge it up.

  I clutched the pendant hanging off my neck and breathed the Our Father. I prayed for the continued strength to live each day and make it count, to be an example, and to show compassion to others.

  Deep in thought, I jerked at the feel of a hand on my back. I turned to see concerned bourbon colored eyes lit up by the moon, and she was my breath of fresh air. I sucked in her scent, and she said nothing. Instead her body moved closer, her arms wrapped around me and her head rested near my heart. I embraced her and I felt understood.

  “I’m sorry, love. I needed a moment.” I kissed her forehead lightly.

  She gazed up at me with a sweet smile. “It’s okay. Do you want more time on your own?”

  I fixedly said no. “Is your sister still here?”

  “Ally’s staying with a friend tonight. She left already.”

  I thought about the reason she visited. Marla hadn’t mentioned it, neither had her sister, but I knew. “How much money are you giving her?”

  Marla’s eyes peered down at our feet. “All I have.”

  I sighed and cupped her face in my hands. “Your savings?”

  She shrugged and dismissed it, but I knew it wasn’t easy for her. She had that cushion for a reason. Whatever plans she had for that money were foiled. “She’s family.” She paused. “She likes you.”

  “Does she?” That lifted my spirits, knowing that her sister approved. “I thought she’d hate me the way a certain redhead did when we first met.”

  “I didn’t hate you. I just didn’t like you.” Marla chuckled and stood on her toes to reach my lips, giving me a sweet kiss.

  “Now you do.”

  “Oh, no. Now I just despise you,” she said kissing me again as my arms curled around her. “Just…” she repeated the gesture and whimpered, “…can’t stand…”

  My tongue stopped her from saying anymore. I kissed her firmly, my heart pounding as I tried to convey how much I adored her. It would never be enough. I parted, our foreheads resting against each other. “I promise I’ll tell you everything, my love. Will you please be patient with me?”

  I saw hesitation in her, as if she was afraid we didn’t have the luxury of time. She grabbed my hand and our fingers entwined. I kissed her knuckles gently. “Okay.”

  My heart was flooded, I c
ouldn’t hold back as I closed my eyes and whispered, “I love you.”

  Her body tensed, and her breathing stopped, however, her heart beat as quickly as mine. My hands kept her in place, despite her attempt to pull away. Her mouth opened but no words formed. She cleared her throat. “Josh…” she said with bated breath, “I don’t know if I believe in love anymore. Not that kind, anyway.”

  I gave her a tender smile. “It’s okay,” I said softly, letting my hand caress her face. “I’ll help you believe in it again.”

  I don’t know if I believe in love? I was a moron. How could I say that to him? He was proving himself to be a worthy guy. But, love? Wasn’t it too soon? We only stayed in the backyard for a moment and made our way inside, putting dishes away and clearing up for the evening.

  Hank was anxious for a walk so Josh took him while I got ready for bed. He loved me. What did that mean exactly? The preconceived notions of love I had were unhealthy. I wasn’t sure I knew what love meant or what it felt like. All I knew to this point was that what Josh and I had was different from anything else I experienced before. The sex was great. We were compatible in a lot of ways. Did that amount to love? I thought I loved someone before and they changed. So what did it all mean?

  Instead of putting on the ice cream pajamas Josh claimed he liked, I looked for my fancy champagne colored sheer chemise with delicate lace. My heart was happy with the Nordstrom sale from a month ago. I’m sure he wouldn’t even know how much this luxurious item was worth. Most men didn’t.

  Scuffling paws and feet entered the house and I heard him serve Hank his water and talk to him. It was cute how much he adored that animal. I walked to the living room only to see Josh putting my shoes in the closet. I leaned against the doorframe to my bedroom and waited for him to look at me.

  “I don’t want Hank to get them.” He shrugged as he kept his head down to the task at hand. Hank sat on the couch and grumbled, knowing his chew toys were being taken away.

  “Good call,” I said waiting for him.

  “Good call? You’re agreeing with me? Where’s Red, and what did you do with her?”

  “When it comes to my shoes, safety is key,” I laughed as he closed the closet door and turned, doing a double take. His eyes traveled from my face to my feet and back.

  “You’re beautiful.” He headed toward me, his stride quick, his eyes blazing. His tone and touch, however, were gentle. “I can’t believe you’re mine.” He kissed my neck, and I sighed against him, letting my arms wrap around his shoulders.

  “We’d better head to the room, I don’t want Hank to see,” I chuckled as the dutiful boxer stared at us with his head tilted, his dark black eyes wondering what the two of us were doing.

  “Hank? Stay,” he pointed, and pulled me inside my room. He sat on the edge of the bed as I stood in front of him. His hands reached for my waist and pulled me closer. His palms flattened out over my body and they moved gently, feeling the silky fabric.

  “This is lovely,” he whispered, then looked up at me as my hands played in his hair. “But I want you naked.” He put his palms on the bed and leaned back. “Take it off slowly, love. Let me look at you.”

  I stepped back and stood before him, his eyes darkened as he awaited every movement with anticipation. My hands reached for the hem, and I slowly hiked the material up my thighs. I teased a moment and he shifted uncomfortably, his breath ragged as he watched. I finally lifted the material over my head and let my hair flow around me as I dropped the chemise to the floor.

  “God, I need you,” he slurred, gazing on me as if he was punch-drunk.

  I straddled him. There was something sensual about being completely naked on top of a fully-clothed man, but with Josh, it was powerful. His fingertips dug into my hips as he held onto me and took my mouth to his. I could feel his erection as he pressed against me, and he groaned as his tongue tasted mine. I couldn’t wait to have him inside me, so I shoved him down on the bed and helped him strip off his clothing.

  He chuckled against my eager mouth and slowed the kiss, his hands cupping the back of my head as he rolled us over. He braced his arms to my sides to raise himself up. His stinging blue eyes turned gentle. “I don’t want to go fast.”

  I reached up, touching his lips with my fingers, trying to memorize every single line and curve of his beautiful face. His gaze never leaving mine, our foreheads touched, and he positioned himself at my entrance. Gently, gradually, he claimed my body, owning my soul. I was completely filled by him, and my mouth let out a whimper at the satisfying sensation.

  His body on mine, his hands moving my hips to the rhythm of his, I was soaring and never felt more wanted than in this moment. “Look at me,” he demanded huskily.

  My body trembled as he took his sweet time moving inside me with intensity. Our eyes remained locked on each other as he pushed, and whatever this connection of ours was, it harvested electrical energy like lightning ready to strike. This feeling of being treasured was so out of the ordinary, the feeling of safety so alien, I wasn’t sure it could be real, but I never felt more vulnerable to another human being. He was cracking my heart open, locking himself inside and throwing away the key.

  “Keep your eyes open, Marla,” he whispered against my mouth. My heart was racing out of control as his grip tightened around me, his gaze still fiercely fixed on mine.

  “Josh,” I whimpered as he thrust at just the right angle, brushing his body perfectly over my spot. It built up quickly, and his hips pumped faster, harder, making me tremor against him, jolting in movements that warned me that I was about to fall off the cliff.

  “You’re almost there.” How was it he knew my reactions so well? But he did, and he knew exactly what would set me off as he pressed against me and moaned in my ear. “Let go, love.”

  Those words stirred me to detonation, and my inner muscles tugged on him, drawing him in deeper. My fingers dug into his shoulders as I cried out, my body clenching around his driving hips. He gained speed and then stiffened and jerked against me, groaning my name as he nuzzled my neck. I felt his release, our slick skin against each other, the throbbing and pulsing of his body still sending shockwaves to mine. It was the hardest either of us had ever come with one another, and it was perfect.

  “We didn’t use protection,” I breathed out, stroking the base of his neck. Was that seriously all I could say after the most amazing round of sex I’d ever had? Yes, because I never had done that in my life. I never had unprotected sex. The sensation was amazing.

  He tenderly pulled out of me and caught his breath as he tucked my body against his. “You’re on the pill.”

  I propped my head up and stared in wonder. “How do you know?”

  He laughed and leaned up to kiss me. “They’re in your toothbrush drawer.”

  “Nosy bugger.” I pushed his shoulder but he only tugged me closer to him as I rested my head over his heart. My fingers scrolled over his tattoos. “It’s still not very safe, Josh. There are risks.”

  “Have you been tested?”


  “Me too.” He kissed my forehead. “I would never put you in a dangerous position, you know that.”

  I chewed my lip in worry. “But, what if I got, you know...I don’t want to get…” I couldn’t even utter the words that scared me.

  “Pregnant?” He smiled widely, focusing on me. I nodded my head as he laughed. “Well, if it happened, I wouldn’t be disappointed.” I didn’t say anything. I don’t think I could as I processed his words. “I told you once, and I’ll tell you until you believe it.” His mouth curved to a smile. “I love you.”

  I shivered as I leaned my head back down on his chest saying nothing. Tell him. Just tell him. Why couldn’t I say it? My fingers traced over his lily tattoo and cross. There were many to go over, but those stood out to me most. They were my favorite. “Why did you get a lily tattoo?”

  His fingertips grazed my skin softly. “Well, it symbolizes the Virgin Mary. But it also symbolizes
the soul of a departed one restoring their innocence after death.”

  “That has to do with your mom?”

  He put his hand over mine, squeezing it gently, pulling it up to his lips and kissing my palm. “It’s in the past, love.”

  He closed off every time I brought her up. “What was she like?”



  “My parents are so in love they forgot they had us.” I figured I might as well open up since he wasn’t going to. “They travel the world making all this money for themselves and other people. Ally and I got in the way. I don’t think they ever even wanted kids.”

  His hand ran through my hair, “Do you?”

  “Want kids?” I was surprised he was asking me. I don’t think any man ever had before. He nodded and I shrugged. “Someday.”

  “Good,” he sighed. “I do too. For now though, we do have one child to worry about.”

  I looked at him in confusion as he moved away from me and slid on his boxer briefs. That gave me leave to head to the bathroom. I put my expensive chemise on as he opened the door and let Hank in. “You want the dog in here?” I asked.

  “I don’t want him sleeping alone.” He bent low and stroked Hank’s fur. “Just think of it like having to share a room with kids.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Fine, but bring in a pillow for him. He’s not sleeping on the bed.”

  “She’ll eventually let you on, pal,” he whispered, kissing Hank’s forehead.

  Josh and I took a quick shower and hopped into bed set for sleep. He pulled me beside him and Hank let out a small huff. “Don’t worry, Hank, I love you too.”

  I chuckled as he pressed his lips behind my ear. He was so sweet to a pet, I could only imagine how he would be with children. The flash of a boy and girl with his eyes and my hair ran through my mind and a tingling in my belly made me nervous. I pushed the thought away. “You spoil that dog.”

  “I spoil those I love. Now get some rest, because tomorrow morning I’m giving you at least three orgasms before you head to work.”


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