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A Promise Made (Promise #2)

Page 24

by Anissa Garcia

  Grace wasn’t paying attention. Instead her mouth quivered as her eyes latched onto mine. “You got married?” Her voice was quiet as tears filled up. “You eloped?”

  The whole table fell silent. I nodded and shrugged. “I did.”

  We had never been the type of women to dwell over a wedding. I didn’t think she’d care how or when I ever got married. Perhaps I was wrong and she had wanted to be a part of it. Before I could feel any remorse, a smile grew over her and she leapt up, embracing me. “That’s amazing!” she exclaimed. Chatter continued as Grace parted and whispered, “That’s exactly the way I’d want to do it.”

  “Where did you guys go?” Evan asked. It didn’t get past me that he was particularly curious about honeymoon spots. Any day now it was going to happen—I was waiting for him to approach me to ask about a ring for Grace. I still wondered why she was hesitant about it all.

  Josh began, “We flew to Vegas, got hitched there, and then Tahiti for a week of—”

  “Don’t wanna hear it,” Zach shook his head.

  “Relaxation, Zachary. Get your foul mind out of the gutter, you wanker,” Josh reacted. He heartily ate tortilla chips, dipping them into the queso. He’d gained a little weight since starting to date me, but I didn’t mind in the slightest.

  “But a lot of hot sex too,” I deadpanned.

  Zach grimaced, “Thanks for that.”

  “We were supposed to go on a girl’s trip to Tahiti, dang it,” Jaime called out.

  I followed Josh’s lead and dug into the tortilla chips. “We still can. I’ll never get enough of that place.”

  “I might as well own Hank. I’m the only single dude left,” Zach said dolefully as he fed Hank a chip.

  Josh grumbled, pointing at him, “I don’t care how lonely you are, you do not get my dog.”

  I laughed, “Nice try, Zach.” He had fallen in love with Hank, just like the rest of us. I had thought about introducing my sister to Zach, but they just wouldn’t have been compatible. Besides, she went back to San Francisco and her ex had been caught. Most of her money had been retrieved and she was on her way to starting her school training.

  “What about work, Marla?” Grace asked, stirring the ice in her drink.

  I shrugged, “Not sure yet. I’m still on leave, but Josh goes to Atlanta with Evan in August, so I’ll need to keep busy here. I’m looking into options.”

  Zach piped up. “I could always use some help with strategies for the new restaurant. I’m getting things organized now, but it’s only a matter of time.”

  “We’ll definitely look into that.” I nodded, knowing I’d help him out regardless. He’d been putting so much time and energy into it, and I wanted to see him succeed.

  “Plus, I want to open a gym here,” Josh announced. “I’ll be renting my house and work space out in L.A. I want to make Austin my new home.”

  Evan’s face fell. “Are you quitting on me?”

  Josh chuckled. “No, mate. I’ll travel to where you need me.”

  All seemed right as we shared our adventure. The waitress came to take the table’s orders, and I sat back, studying everyone. These people that I cared for beyond measure were here for me, and they would always be. They were the ones who brought significance to my life. I felt Josh’s hand slip into mine. I had never known happiness like this existed. He stared at me, seeing everything through my eyes as he spoke tenderly, “They’re happy. We’re happy.”

  “We are,” I whispered as he brushed his mouth over mine. “I love you.”

  “I will tell you I love you a billion times for the rest of our lives, Mrs. McKenzie.”

  “There you go saying the perfect thing again,” I chuckled as he nuzzled my neck. He hadn’t just told me he loved me though, he proved it by showing me. I knew that the new promise made—the one where we vowed to spend our lives together—would be one he would never break.

  People promise things all the time. It’s become second nature to spout out the words I Promise… Words hold meaning, contain power. They can be used for good—to lift someone up when needed, or they can be used for evil—to knock someone down. Nothing is more powerful than that of words. So why did so many people make promises? More importantly, why were so few able to deliver? I wish I could say I was the type to keep promises. But I broke them. The most recent one would cost me, and I was afraid more than anything over the ramifications of my actions…

  Look for Zach’s story in A Promise Broken out in 2017.


  A Promise Kept

  A Promise Ignited (Short Story)

  A Promise Made


  A Promise Broken

  A Promise Forever (Novella)

  I can’t begin to express how thankful I am to everyone who has helped me on the journey. Dad, Mom, Gina, David and Elliot, I love you guys so much. Thank you for all you do for me. My extended family, thank you for buying my first book and not feeling too weird reading my sexy scenes…or if you did feel weird, thanks for not mentioning it to me.

  Marla, you helped me through this thing from beginning, and I hope to have you there to the end. Thanks for supporting me, for letting me pick your brain about the Catholic faith, and for putting up with all my I don’t get it questions. I love my Golden Girls (Laura, Jaime & Carrie), thank you for your friendship. Melissa Rheinlander and Danielle Sanchez—your vast knowledge, determination, dedication, and open hearts have allowed me to learn so much from both of you—thank you. All my friends who have bought the book, given me such kind words, and have been there for me no matter what—you mean the world to me.

  So many authors, bloggers, readers have been wonderful to me. Erin Noelle, thank you for taking on my stories and editing them! I promise to get that em dash down eventually… and the commas. Natasha Tomic, Vilma Gonzalez, Kylie McDermott, Heather White, Nadine Winningham (also my amazing blurb writer), Jill Sava, Shannon Hunt, Jillian Greenfield Stein, Jennifer Watson, you ladies are amazing. J. Kenner, K.L. Grayson, Tee Swan, A.L. Jackson, Katana Collins, Kelly Elliott, Audrey Carlan, Rachel Van Dyken, Kennedy Ryan, KP Simmon, Regina Wamba, RE Hunter, Kristy Bromberg…Gosh, you women are just the epitome of beauty, grace and talent.

  Finding a career I loved was the thing I prayed for the most (besides a miracle to eat whatever I want without gaining weight—I’m still waiting on that one, God). There were times I cried myself to sleep wondering what direction my life would take, questioning whether I’d ever find something I love doing. I can say that I’ve been led to it, and I have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. God has blessed me with an overabundance of love to help me along the way, and all the glory goes to Him.

  Anissa Garcia earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Speech Communications and English. She held an array of jobs including Public Relations Manager for Barnes & Noble Booksellers. Wanting a change of pace, she attended The American Academy of Dramatic Arts, and trained full-time in theatre for two years. After working in Hollywood as an actress and casting assistant, she relocated to Austin, Texas and began writing freelance for Cosmopolitan and other publications. When not writing stories, watching movies, or drinking a latte, she loves to daydream about romantic fictional men.










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