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My Perfect Fit: A M/m Age Play Romance (Pieces Book 2)

Page 2

by M. A. Innes

  “Sucks to be you.”



  “That took forever.” That might have come out whinier than I’d meant it to, but I wasn’t going to apologize. We’d spent about an hour picking up little pieces of pottery and if I never saw another one, it would be too soon.

  “Hopefully we got them all.” Mad frowned, looking at the grocery bag half-full of broken gnome. “I thought there would have been more.”

  “I think we did as good a job as we could. It should rain later in the week so maybe that will make some of them easier to see?”

  He looked confused. “Why?”

  “Um, like how mom would mop the floor to get the little pieces of glass?” It didn’t sound reasonable now that I’d said it out loud. “I don’t know.”

  Shrugging, he walked over and threw the bag away. “At least your neighbor wasn’t too upset.”

  That made me smile. “He wasn’t too upset. His wife’s probably going to go nuts.”

  That had Mad cracking up. They were new neighbors who’d moved in about a year ago. I’d only met them a few times. He was great—an older guy who evidently hated all the little things his wife had decorated the lawn with. He actually thanked us and offered us a beer.

  He’d said he would run interference with his wife and try to keep her from going apeshit over it. Fingers crossed because I didn’t need two women going nuts on me. Mom was going to be bad enough. What was even worse was that Mad saw what an idiot I was.

  That brought me back around to my punishment.

  I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. Confused…that was how I felt. Every time I thought about it, my cock would jerk in my shorts. I knew Mad could tell how aroused it got me. Then I thought about not getting to come for almost a week—and that made me hot too, for some reason. Just the idea that I’d given him permission to punish me over stuff like this got me aroused.

  Okay, maybe I wasn’t confused…I was just surprisingly turned on about it and thought it was probably odd.

  Was a punishment supposed to turn me on? I mean, I didn’t like that I’d broken the gnome. I also didn’t like that I’d disappointed Maddox but overall, when I didn’t think about it too much, it was erotic. He thought it was interesting too, so I shouldn’t worry too much.

  Daddy thought it was really interesting.

  He’d been hard since he explained my punishment. Not that I could blame him. He’d found his inner Dom and was turning out to be seriously into control. He had to be in hog heaven. It was weird that I liked making him happy even though I wasn’t going to get to come, right?

  I pushed the worry to the back of my brain and tried not to focus on it. I wasn’t going to feel bad for what turned me on. I’d gotten over most of it years ago, but every time I discovered something new with Maddox, those old doubts crept back in. They weren’t going to ruin what we had.

  I wouldn’t let them.

  “So, I seem to remember something about a surprise?” I tried for casual but it came out flirty. So much for subtle.

  “I might have said something about that. Do you think you earned it?” He cocked his eyebrow up and gave me a look that weakened my knees.

  “Yes?” That shouldn’t have been a question. Not if I wanted a treat. I tried again. “Yes. I picked up the pieces, and I went over to apologize.” That had to count for something.

  “I guess you did, B.” He started walking over to me and he was definitely harder than he’d been a few minutes ago. Not that I was watching that closely. Once he was standing right in front of me, I got the sweetest kiss. Was that my surprise?

  Not that I’d complain but still, I’d hoped for more.

  He laughed. “That’s not it, B.”


  I got another kiss but now I wanted to know what he’d been thinking of. I’d been obsessing about it the whole time we were cleaning up. I tried for sweet and cute. “What’s my surprise?”

  He pulled me tightly to his chest and shook his head but he didn’t complain. “Well, since we’re both very dirty, I thought we’d get a shower. It will be hours until your mother’s home, so we have the house to ourselves.”

  I stood there for a few seconds looking at him with my mouth open. We hadn’t done anything like that yet. Not that I hadn’t thought about it but we’d been experimenting with a new schedule and showers didn’t line up for us anymore. Not without it looking weird and noticeable.

  Just thinking about the new bedtime schedule had my cock jerking in my briefs and suddenly the shower seemed like a fabulous idea.

  Oh, he was waiting for a response. “Um…okay…yes…shower…”

  That damn wicked grin split his face, and I could feel his cock rubbing against mine. “Let’s go upstairs then.”

  Taking my hand, he led me through the house and up the stairs. I kept trying to picture what would happen but sifting through fantasies and books to reality was hard. By the time we got to my bathroom I was going in circles.

  He must have guessed that I was getting to the point where I needed him to take charge because he didn’t even pause before he started stripping me down. I’d managed reasonable responses downstairs that I was actually proud of myself for, so if he had to help now, that was fine.

  I shivered when his fingers traced circular paths down my chest toward my shorts. The sensation had my nipples getting hard and I knew he’d noticed when he took a detour around my belly button to go back up and tweak my nipples.

  “No fair.” It came out breathless and I had to fight to keep my eyes open.

  “Very fair. I like touching you, and I’m not the one who’s being punished.” Then he pinched them and made this sexy rumbling sound when I moaned.

  I wasn’t certain about his logic with the whole punishment thing. I also wasn’t sure enough about how I felt to complain. It might take me a few days to figure out what I thought. Lots of practice to see how I liked it.

  “Yes, Daddy. I’m sorry.”

  “That’s much better.” He went back to teasing my nipples mercilessly.

  I wanted to beg for more but I wasn’t sure if that was a good idea. Probably a really bad idea. “Please. I need…I need…please…”

  Damn it. Couldn’t help myself.

  He leaned down and gave one nipple a little lick then he grinned and took the tip between his teeth and pulled a little. Moaning would have been more manly, but I might have squeaked. I loved it when he touched them; it was like they were connected right to my dick. And God, the dirty talk he could come up with. Talking about how sensitive my nipples were and how they were so sexy.

  He said he was going to make me come one day just by playing with my…tits.

  The word made me squirm but he loved how embarrassed it made me. I hadn’t managed to say it out loud—it sounded wrong…but not like bad wrong. Just…I don’t know. I was trying to see how it sounded in my head before I called them that when we were naked. I was still on the fence.

  Just when I got to the point where I was ready to jump him, he eased off my…my tits—see, I could do it—and went back down to unbutton my shorts. I shouldn’t have been relieved.

  “I’m going to play with your sweet tits more, Baby. Just don’t want to make you come.”

  Stupid dirty book.

  I should have taken that one off the app before I gave him my phone. Stupid sexy tattoo artist and his sexy dirty talk. Stupid sexy sub who loves those humiliating little nicknames. Stupid college guy who can’t remember which books he shouldn’t encourage his Daddy to read.

  Sliding my shorts off, he ran his hands over my ass and up my back as he pulled me in for a kiss. He kissed differently almost every time depending on his emotions.






  I could feel the emotions radiating off him, and I loved soaking them in. It filled something up inside of me to feel his love, not just hear him say it.
  “God, B, you’re so sexy.” His voice came out deep and growly when he pulled away, eyes exploring my naked body. “Let’s get you all cleaned up.” Another kiss. “Just can’t get enough of you.”

  My brain was completely broken by the time he turned the water on and started getting naked. Stepping closer, I helped tug his shirt off and tossed it down onto the floor. If I weren’t so turned on, I probably would have been too shy to do it. Luckily, I was still too horny to even think.

  “Let me help. Please, Daddy?”

  I let my hands roam over his chest, not quite as bold as he’d been but it was still incredible to watch his body respond to my touch. Skimming over his nipples, I loved how he leaned into my touch and demanded more. His muscles tightened and low moans escaped.

  “Again, B. Do you want to make Daddy happy? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?”

  Was I?

  “Yes, Daddy.” Staying hard and needy while he got off sounded…interesting.

  “Finish getting me naked then, B. The shower’s all ready and I can’t wait to clean my dirty boy.”

  There was no hiding how much my dick liked that statement. The fact that I blushed so hot my face hurt probably didn’t help either. Damn dirty talk. Now my fingers were shaking as I pushed his shorts down over his thick erection. Thank God, he wasn’t wearing pants with buttons on them. I would never have made my fingers work enough to get him naked.

  Watching his erect cock bounce up with precum dripping down it was hypnotizing.

  “Don’t do that. It’s too tempting.” His thumb swept across my lips.

  I wanted him to do it again so I could lick his fingers. Just the image of sucking on his fingers again had my brain fried. “What?”

  “Lick your lips and stare at my cock like it’s an ice cream cone.” He let his finger slide across my mouth again then leaned in to kiss me. “Too tempting.”

  He pulled me close. This time I could feel his cock sliding against mine, sending sparks shooting through me. Needy little sounds might have escaped but I was going to ignore them. Mad didn’t.

  “You make the sexiest little noises, B. I love it.” He started kissing down my neck, licking and biting. “Come on. Shower time.” A quick smack to my ass had my whole body tingling. It was all I could do not to beg for another. Some stuff still embarrassed me, but not that. I’d wanted to be spanked for too long to let nerves get in the way. This time, I just didn’t think I’d get what I wanted.

  The whole punishment thing and all.

  The water was hot and the water pressure amazing. Nothing like the dorms. It was one of the best things about being home. Well, that and now being able to shower with Mad. Feeling his body rub against mine as the water beat down was incredible. Wet and hot, it made my skin tingle and the fine hairs on his body felt like little fingers caressing me all over.

  I leaned my forehead against his shoulder and let everything drain away. I thought it was perfect until his hands started rubbing body wash over my back. Now it was perfect. The silky feel of the water and soap had never felt this sensual before.

  Goosebumps broke out over my skin. I couldn’t help but arch back and press my ass into his hands when they grabbed my cheeks. I groaned. When his fingers brushed against my asshole, I thought I’d die—those feathery touches cleaning something so intimate.

  I couldn’t decide if it felt too personal. I mean, it was personal, but it gave me the same kind of feeling as when we’d played with my diapers. I wasn’t sure why it gave me such an emotional response, but I hid my face against his neck.

  “Shh, Daddy’s taking care of his boy. I’m going to get you all clean.” His voice was tender but dripping with sex.

  He must have decided that I needed the cleanest ass in history. He took his time working the lather over my cheeks and hole, caressing and generally making me crazy. When one of his fingers slipped inside of me I couldn’t help the whimpers and begging sounds that flooded out. I’d have been mortified if I wasn’t so turned on.

  “Got to make my baby nice and clean. Yes, just like that. Help Daddy get you all clean.”

  It wasn’t until he mentioned it that I realized I was fucking myself on his finger. My hips had a mind of their own; I couldn’t seem to stop. It felt so incredible. It wasn’t just one thing either. The water, his hands, the feel of his naked body up against mine, being held…it was perfect.

  When he decided my ass was either clean enough, or that I was probably going to come, he turned me around in his arms and pulled me back against his chest. “Now for your front.”

  I wasn’t going to survive.

  The body wash made the torment to my…tits even better…or worse; I couldn’t decide. They were too slippery to tug on now but the way he flicked them with his fingers and ran his nails over the tips made me crazy. By the time he got to my cock, I thought I was going to explode with one touch.

  “I’m…Daddy…I’m too close.” I had to tell him—no matter how mortifying it was. He had to know how turned on I was.

  “I know, B, but you’re going to be good and not come. I know it’s difficult, but you’ve been such a good boy.” One hand gripped the base of my cock tightly and the other came down to wash me. It was heaven and hell.

  The firm grip on my cock kept me from orgasming, but it was so incredible that I wanted it to go on forever. My eyes drifted closed and I started to shake but I wasn’t going to come. I was going to be good for my daddy.

  “Daddy. Oh, please.” I don’t know what I was asking for. I knew he wasn’t going to let me find release.

  “Almost clean. Just behave for me for a few more minutes.” His finger ran up and down my cock, making me crazy. Then his hand went down to clean around my balls. I’d thought I couldn’t get any harder.…I was wrong.

  Finally, he stopped cleaning me and left his hand where it was, still wrapped snugly around the base of my cock. “All clean. Can you stand for me? I need to wash your legs, B.”

  I had to stand on my own?

  I wasn’t sure I could. Opening my eyes seemed like too much work, much less moving away from him. It took me longer than I wanted to admit but finally, I was able to balance in the shower while he kneeled down behind me.

  “If I let go of your special place, Baby, are you going to be good and not come?”

  There was no way I could be good if he kept saying dirty things like that.

  “Yes, I can.” I’d behave, even if it gave me a heart attack.

  His fingers cautiously moved away from my dick. I let out a sigh of relief when I didn’t come. I was still right on the edge but as long as he didn’t do anything else like finger me, or touch my cock, or my tits…okay, that was a long list…but as long as he didn’t do anything hot then I’d be fine.

  Washing my legs wasn’t as nerve-wracking as washing other things had been. Knowing that he was kneeling by my ass kept me too anxious to get more turned on. I kept expecting some kind of touch or lick or bite or…bad train of thought. When he stood up and helped rinse me off, I was more functional and less spacey.

  He gave me a sweet little kiss. This time he kept his body far enough away that he didn’t rub up against me. “All clean. Did you want to wash me, or is it too much?”

  I grabbed the body wash before I could overthink it. I wasn’t going to let a little fear stop me from touching him. As he watched me snatch up the soap, he grinned. Then he leaned back against the wall of the shower, spreading his legs as far apart as he could in the small space. I needed a bigger shower.

  He didn’t say anything as I soaped up his chest and shoulders. I teased his nipples for a few minutes. But I had a better target in mind before the water got too cold, so I didn’t let myself get distracted for long. He was making these little sexy noises by the time I worked my way down to his cock.

  Leaking and hard, red, and throbbing, he was beautiful.

  Lathering up more soap, I took his length in my hands and started washing him. I kept a slow, delibera
te pace. I didn’t want to get him too turned on too fast, but I also wanted to make sure he was clean. I knew where I wanted his dick to go after I washed it so I wanted it nice and ready.

  Pushing that thought aside, I tried to focus on what I was doing right then—pleasing Daddy. I’d read enough shower scenes to know how this could go. I wasn’t going to do anything to make him think I wasn’t ready for this.

  After thoroughly washing his shaft I let my hands wander down to clean around his balls and taint. Daddy moaned and spread his legs a little wider for me. I loved the way he didn’t just accept my exploration, he encouraged it.

  “Get Daddy very clean, B.” His voice was getting deeper and I could hear his arousal in each breathy word. I felt a surge of pleasure knowing I’d done that to him. Doing my best to turn my brain off, I braced one hand on his thigh to help me keep my balance. Then I leaned in to nuzzle my face next to his cock. I let the fingers of the other hand wander even further back over his soft skin toward the sensitive ring of muscles.

  Did he really want me to wash him everywhere?

  “Keep going.” His voice was deep and growly. I knew how much he wanted my touch; the evidence was right in front of me. Still, the idea was…overwhelming. I liked it when he did it to me, not that I could tell him that, but I didn’t want to hurt him—or screw it up somehow.

  Okay, I was overthinking this. He wanted me to play with his ass, not like do brain surgery or something.

  Pushing my fingers back even more, I watched him shiver as I softly ran one finger over his tight pucker. I traced slow, lazy circles around his hole, feeling him clench and watching the pleasure roll through him.

  “More?” This wasn’t something I wanted to guess about. I needed some clear directions here because I thought I knew what he was telling me, but I wasn’t going to assume. ASS-ume…I was such a dork.

  “Yes, B. You know what I want.” He gave me this look like he was going to go into extensive detail if he had to tell me again. My heart—and cock—couldn’t take that. So I wasn’t going to push my luck.


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